The world

Being blacklisted!, Zhong Mouqiang was detained for 5 days and was enforcing the law by engraving characters on the Badaling Great Wall | Scenic Area | Badaling Great Wall
Being blacklisted!, Zhong Mouqiang was detained for 5 days and was enforcing the law by engraving characters on the Badaling Great Wall | Scenic Area | Badaling Great Wall

According to @ Badaling Great Wall, at around 16:00 on June 11th, tourists discovered a man carving characters on the city wall while visiting the Badaling Great Wall, and posted a video on Sina Weibo. After the incident, the Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area immediately initiated law enforcement procedures and reported the case to relevant law enforcement departments. After investigation, it was found that the person who engraved the character "Zhong Mouqiang" went to Badaling for sightseeing at around 7:00 pm on June 11th. He traveled between North 7 and North 8 and used a key to engrave the name "Zhong Mouqiang" on the inside of the city wall. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments, the perpetrator of the carving shall be punished with administrative detention for 5 days and a fine of 200 yuan. In addition, according to the "Punishment Measures for the Destruction of Cultural Relics in the Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area", this person will be included in the "blacklist" of uncivilized tourism. The 12 level scenic spots in Yanqing District will implement joint punishment and refuse to receive the person who carried out the carving.

The Biden administration is urging: place an order, Modi has not yet arrived at the Indian government | drone | place an order
The Biden administration is urging: place an order, Modi has not yet arrived at the Indian government | drone | place an order

Reuters reported on the 13th, citing sources familiar with the matter, that the Biden administration is urging the Indian government to make up its mind to purchase the US made MQ-9B "Sea Guard" drone in order to finalize the relevant transaction during the visit of Indian leaders to the United States. According to a Reuters report, the Indian government has long expressed interest in purchasing large armed drones such as the "Sea Guard" from the United States, but has been hindered by "bureaucratic obstacles" and has not been able to finalize this arms deal, which can reach a total of $2 billion to $3 billion. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to arrive in the US capital Washington on the 22nd to meet with US President Joseph Biden at the White House. According to insiders, the Pentagon and the White House have requested the Indian government to "showcase" its progress in advancing drone trading, hoping to finalize the contract during Modi's visit to the United States. According to reports

Taking an important step in the right direction, he arrived in China to visit China | Palestine | in the right direction
Taking an important step in the right direction, he arrived in China to visit China | Palestine | in the right direction

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is on a state visit to China. When foreign media reported on this visit, they coincidentally placed it in the context of the recent major changes in the Middle East to interpret. In the Middle East and the resolution of the tide, China has played a crucial role, while the former political "broker", the United States, is becoming increasingly "unpopular". The Spanish daily newspaper website reported on June 13th that with the visit of Palestinian President Abbas to China, China's role as a global peacemaker and its footprint in the Middle East have been highlighted. According to reports, after successfully mediating reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran and striving to create peace prospects for Ukraine, Beijing is determined to play a role in peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine. In this context, Abbas visited. The report states that China's interests in the Middle East are diverse. in

The Russian transport plane has been confiscated Purpose | Canada | Transport Aircraft
The Russian transport plane has been confiscated Purpose | Canada | Transport Aircraft

According to TASS, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova said on the 13th that Canada's seizure of the Russian An-124 transport plane detained in Toronto will have the most serious consequences for bilateral relations, and Russia reserves the right to take retaliatory measures. According to the report, a spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's announcement of the procedure for confiscating the aircraft, stating that "Russia has warned that the actual implementation of this decision will have the most serious consequences for Russia Canada relations. Due to Ottawa's negligence, the relationship between the two countries is on the brink of rupture. Canada is attempting to cover up the illegal purpose of this shameful act through judicial procedures, which may not even make it appear legal on the surface. We reserve the right to take retaliatory measures in accordance with the principle of reciprocity," Zakharova emphasized, as Canadian authorities have taken retaliatory measures against the Russian Volga Dnieper

China's "white oil" reserves have greatly increased! Development | New Energy | China
China's "white oil" reserves have greatly increased! Development | New Energy | China

According to statistics from the Ministry of Natural Resources, China's lithium ore reserves increased by 57% year-on-year in 2022, which is good news for China's lithium resource supply security, green and low-carbon transformation, and the development of new energy vehicles. On the 14th, the Ministry of Natural Resources released a national mineral resource reserve statistics for 2022, showing that out of 163 mineral resources with confirmed reserves in China, nearly 40% of reserves have increased. The reserves of strategic emerging minerals such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel increased by 57%, 14.5%, and 3% year-on-year, respectively, and the proven reserves of lithium mines increased significantly. Bo Zhiping, Director of the Mineral Resources Protection and Supervision Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said at a regular press conference that lithium is known as a green energy metal and "white oil", widely used in energy storage, chemical industry, medicine, metallurgy, electronics industry and other fields. With the global trend of green and low-carbon development

Leading a team to conduct a two-day research in Anhui, this deputy national level leader is at risk | safety | leadership
Leading a team to conduct a two-day research in Anhui, this deputy national level leader is at risk | safety | leadership

From June 13th to 14th, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Xian Hui, led a research team to Anhui to conduct a special research on "coordinating development and security, preventing and resolving major economic and financial risks". Anhui Provincial Party Secretary Han Jun and Governor Wang Qingxian met with the research team in Hefei. Tang Liangzhi, Chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, accompanied the research. During their stay in Anhui, the research team visited Bengbu and Hefei cities to conduct on-site investigations in industrial parks, local banks, investment and financing companies, financial service platforms, and other areas. They also held discussions and exchanges with relevant provincial and municipal units to listen to opinions and suggestions. Xian Hui affirmed the achievements made by Anhui Province in preventing and resolving major economic and financial risks.

Hainan Maritime Safety Administration issues China's first foreign captain competency certificate to recognize visas. China | Certificate | Recognition | Visa | Maritime Safety Administration | Training | Hainan | Crew
Hainan Maritime Safety Administration issues China's first foreign captain competency certificate to recognize visas. China | Certificate | Recognition | Visa | Maritime Safety Administration | Training | Hainan | Crew

Haikou, June 14th (China News Agency) - On June 14th, the Hainan Maritime Safety Administration issued China's first foreign captain competency certificate recognition visa to a Chinese crew member holding a foreign captain competency certificate. It is reported that the crew members applying for recognition visas have already held a Singapore Captain's Certificate of Competency. Singapore has signed a mutual recognition agreement for seafarer competency certificates with China. According to international conventions and current regulations in China, crew members holding management level crew competency certificates issued by countries that have signed a crew certificate mutual recognition agreement with China, including the captain, first mate, chief engineer, and chief engineer, who serve on Chinese vessels, shall obtain a foreign crew competency certificate recognition visa issued by the maritime management agency. Crew members need to participate in corresponding training and pass the assessment of the maritime management agency before applying for visa recognition. To ensure the issuance of this recognized visa

Do you doubt yourself or actively defend your rights?, Finding a job to do a test and being diagnosed with intellectual disability | Intelligence | Work
Do you doubt yourself or actively defend your rights?, Finding a job to do a test and being diagnosed with intellectual disability | Intelligence | Work

I originally only wanted to find a job quietly, but was diagnosed with mental retardation by my employer - this is a strange experience that a netizen has recently encountered. According to this netizen's sharing, he was asked to take an IQ test during his job search for a certain company. After taking 20 minutes to answer the test questions, the result showed that he had "insufficient intelligence" and his job was rejected. This experience has resonated with many netizens and made the topic # Finding a job diagnosed with mental retardation # trending. Under this topic, many netizens have revealed that they have also taken various tests such as intelligence and psychology in job hunting. The test questions are diverse and unpredictable. More than one netizen said that they were also asked to complete a set of test questions within 20 minutes when applying for a job. However, they were so confused that they didn't look at the time and were still preparing to calculate on paper before it ended. Integrating the emotions shared by multiple netizens

Please understand these knowledge!, About Monkeypox Clinical | Lymph Nodes | Knowledge
Please understand these knowledge!, About Monkeypox Clinical | Lymph Nodes | Knowledge

Recently, Beijing and Guangzhou have successively detected cases of monkeypox virus infection through monitoring. So, is monkeypox serious? What are the clinical manifestations? What are the sources of infection? How effective is the treatment? Can it heal on its own? Let's learn together! Monkeypox is a zoonotic viral disease caused by monkeypox virus infection, clinically characterized by fever, rash, and enlarged lymph nodes. The main source of infection is rodents infected with monkeypox virus. Primates can also become sources of infection after infection. The virus invades the human body through mucous membranes and damaged skin. People are mainly infected through contact with the exudate, blood, and other bodily fluids of infected animals, or by being bitten or scratched by infected animals. The transmission between people is mainly through close contact, and can also be transmitted through droplets. It is also possible to come into contact with items contaminated with viruses

The rescued woman thanked the delivery guy Peng Qinglin, saying, "I didn't expect him to snatch me back from the hands of the King of Hell..."
The rescued woman thanked the delivery guy Peng Qinglin, saying, "I didn't expect him to snatch me back from the hands of the King of Hell..."

Last night, Peng Qinglin, a delivery man who jumped into the river to save people, told reporters that he felt a lot of pain in his waist when he came up. Later, he insisted on finishing the delivery order and planned to go to the hospital this morning to see him. This morning, doctors from Xinhua Hospital discovered a compression fracture of Xiaopeng's thoracic vertebrae, which requires hospitalization and observation. How is the situation of the rescued woman after coming out of the water yesterday? How dangerous was the situation at the scene of rescuing people at that time? The reporter further visited to understand. Rescued woman: Unexpectedly, he snatched me back from the hands of the King of Hell. After a doctor's examination, the rescued woman's body was found to be in no serious condition. "I really never thought anyone would jump down and save me," said the rescued woman. She is 29 years old and from Guangdong. She didn't come to Hangzhou for long. Because she felt the pressure of life was high and couldn't bear it, she searched online for Jianghe Bridge, hoping to find the highest bridge and jump off it. It was all done“

Commentator of Qiushi Net: Put Strengthening Theoretical Learning Through Theme Education Always Thought | Xi Jinping | Education
Commentator of Qiushi Net: Put Strengthening Theoretical Learning Through Theme Education Always Thought | Xi Jinping | Education

A nation cannot stand at the peak of the times without theoretical thinking for a moment; A political party cannot bear the historical responsibility of governing and revitalizing the country without the guidance of scientific theory.

Countdown to a hundred days! 40 major projects have been confirmed for the Hangzhou Asian Games, and a spark collection ceremony will be held tomorrow. Hangzhou | Reporter | Asian Games
Countdown to a hundred days! 40 major projects have been confirmed for the Hangzhou Asian Games, and a spark collection ceremony will be held tomorrow. Hangzhou | Reporter | Asian Games

This morning, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the preparations for the Hangzhou Asian Games and the Asian Para Games, and answered questions from reporters. How many events are there in this Asian Games? How many Chinese athletes are participating in the competition? What you want to know is all here ↓ Tomorrow, with a countdown of 100 days, a spark collection ceremony will be held. The Hangzhou Asian Games will open on September 23rd. Tomorrow is the 100 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, and a torch collection ceremony for the Asian Games will be held in the world cultural heritage site of Liangzhu Ancient City. Tomorrow, Asian Games medals and Asian Games songs will also be released. Details>>The first in the history of the Asian Games! You can also be a "torchbearer". The "Intelligent Asian Games One Stop" platform for the Hangzhou Asian Games was officially launched in 2021. The Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee used this platform to launch the first Asian Games digital torchbearer and digital torch, which global users can connect with

A Blueprint: Theory | Economy | Blueprint
A Blueprint: Theory | Economy | Blueprint

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the total economic output of Fujian has exceeded 4 trillion yuan in a row

【 Li Xiang China · Youth Learning Class 】 Micro video | Plan and develop from the perspective of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature | Thought | Youth
【 Li Xiang China · Youth Learning Class 】 Micro video | Plan and develop from the perspective of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature | Thought | Youth

We must firmly establish and practice the concept that green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets, and plan for development from the perspective of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature——

The Historical Dialectics of the Development of Chinese Culture over a Century: The Chinese Nation | China | Dialectics
The Historical Dialectics of the Development of Chinese Culture over a Century: The Chinese Nation | China | Dialectics

"First, the premise of 'combination' is mutual agreement. Marxism and Chinese excellent traditional culture have different sources, but there is a high degree of agreement with each other. Mutual agreement can be organically combined. Second, the result of 'combination' is mutual achievement, creating a new cultural life body with organic unity, making Marxism become China's, Chinese excellent traditional culture become modern, and the new culture formed through 'combination' become a cultural form of Chinese path to modernization." People of the CPC not only deeply realize that only by combining the basic principles of Marxism with Chinese excellent traditional culture, can we correctly answer the important questions raised by the times and practice

The Inner Mechanism of the Continuous Development of Chinese Civilization and the Spiritual Charm of "Eternal and Present" | Chinese Civilization | Eternal and Present
The Inner Mechanism of the Continuous Development of Chinese Civilization and the Spiritual Charm of "Eternal and Present" | Chinese Civilization | Eternal and Present

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "The continuity of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines that the Chinese nation will inevitably follow its own path. If we do not understand China from its long-standing historical continuity, it is impossible to understand ancient China, nor modern China, let alone future China." Chinese civilization is the only type of civilization that has never stopped flowing. It can be described as a model of continuous civilization in the world, with strong integration, internalization, continuity and cohesion. Feng Youlan's Inscription on the Monument of the National Southwest Associated University said, "Although it is new but not ancient, Greece and Rome have ancient but not present. However, our country is old and old, and the so-called 'Although Zhou is an old state, its life is revamed." Hegel examines and compares the Ganges basin and the Indus in the Philosophy of History

[Li Xiang China] Building a New Era for the Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization | Culture | The Chinese Nation
[Li Xiang China] Building a New Era for the Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization | Culture | The Chinese Nation

On June 2, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the symposium on cultural heritage and development and delivered an important speech. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that continuing to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era. As a history and archaeologist and educator, I am inspiring to read, inspiring to listen, and flying to learn. We must resolutely follow the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, continue the historical context, cultivate the feelings of the family and the country, shoulder the cultural mission, and strive to cultivate new people in the era of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Continued historical context, firm cultural self-confidence On January 2, 2019, when the Chinese Academy of History was established, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a letter of congratulations, emphasizing the persistence and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and more

Promoting the Inheritance and Development of Chinese Civilization from a Historical Perspective | China | Chinese Civilization
Promoting the Inheritance and Development of Chinese Civilization from a Historical Perspective | China | Chinese Civilization

This important speech accurately grasps the essence of Chinese civilization, profoundly reveals the historical and cultural foundation of the formation of Chinese civilization, points out the basic direction of combining excellent traditional Chinese culture with the basic principles of Marxism, realizing creative transformation and innovative development. It examines and explores the past, present, and future of Chinese civilization in a broad and far-reaching historical perspective that runs through ancient and modern times, reveals the laws and development trends of Chinese civilization, and vividly reflects the traditional Chinese historical thinking of "understanding the changes of ancient and modern" and "learning from the past to the present". It is the application of historical thinking perspectives and methods

【 Li Xiang China 】 Building a Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation through Adherence to Righteousness and Innovation | Era | The Chinese Nation
【 Li Xiang China 】 Building a Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation through Adherence to Righteousness and Innovation | Era | The Chinese Nation

On June 2, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the symposium on cultural heritage and development. This is a far-reaching Marxist programmatic document. It is a comprehensive summary and deepening of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of expositions on cultural construction since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and clearly puts forward the new cultural mission of the new era. In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We must adhere to integrity and innovation, and continue the historical context and compose the contemporary chapter with the integrity and vigor of integrity and innovation." The speech shines with the "Chinese wisdom" of keeping the integrity and innovation, keeping the integrity of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and creating a new era of Marxism in China. Find the law, keep the right path, and seek innovation, and continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation in the process of keeping the right and innovation. Keep the excellent traditional Chinese culture

【 Li Xiang China 】 The "Ten Million Project" Promotes High Quality Development in Rural Areas and Gradually Achieves Common Prosperity General Secretary | Rural | Region
【 Li Xiang China 】 The "Ten Million Project" Promotes High Quality Development in Rural Areas and Gradually Achieves Common Prosperity General Secretary | Rural | Region

Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang has continuously deepened the "Ten Million Project", promoting the organic integration of beautiful ecology, beautiful economy, and a better life, gradually iterating and upgrading to "Thousand Village Boutique, Ten Thousand Village Beauty" and "Thousand Village Future, Ten Thousand Village Common Prosperity", forming a vivid situation with Zhejiang characteristics, national influence, and keeping up with the times. The "Ten Million Project" is aimed at promoting high-quality development in rural areas and achieving common goals during the period of rapid urbanization in Zhejiang Province

【 Li Xiang China · Youth Learning Class 】 Micro video | Investigation and research are the source of true knowledge and insightful insights | Fundamentals | Youth
【 Li Xiang China · Youth Learning Class 】 Micro video | Investigation and research are the source of true knowledge and insightful insights | Fundamentals | Youth

In this issue, we must vigorously promote a pragmatic approach, focus on investigation and research, and put in effort in investigating the situation, providing practical solutions, and seeking practical results. We must ensure that our work is solid, our foundation is solid, and our steps are solid. We must make significant and substantial progress in avoiding formalism and bureaucracy. Taking this theme education as an opportunity, we will promote investigation and research——just

Youth Ideological and Political Courses·Passing on the original intention of "continuing the historical context and composing contemporary chapters" Xi Jinping | Confidence | History
Youth Ideological and Political Courses·Passing on the original intention of "continuing the historical context and composing contemporary chapters" Xi Jinping | Confidence | History

General Secretary Xi Jinping twice mentioned "firming the 'Four Confidences'" in his speech at the educational work conference on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The "Four Self-confidences" are an important content of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and a powerful driving force for the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. On June 2, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development that "we must strengthen cultural self-confidence", "inherit and develop China's excellent traditional culture", "continue the historical context and compose contemporary chapters". We can feel that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s original intention of attaching great importance to cultural confidence and cultural inheritance remains consistent whether he is in charge of local affairs or governing the country.

These reasons have a significant impact, with "985 graduates taking the initiative to delay their graduation" appearing on the hot search for job applicants | having a great opportunity |
These reasons have a significant impact, with "985 graduates taking the initiative to delay their graduation" appearing on the hot search for job applicants | having a great opportunity |

On June 14th, the topic # A group of 985 graduates choose to voluntarily postpone graduation # made it to the hot search. It's another graduation season, and some students have made another choice - to delay graduation. According to Beijing Youth Daily, some graduate students choose to postpone their studies in order to find better jobs as fresh graduates; Some undergraduate students choose to postpone their graduation due to preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, and even voluntarily fail the course. Among the respondents, even the school where the student attends adopts a credit system for graduation, and if the credits are sufficient, they must graduate. In his senior year, even a classmate intentionally dropped a practical course in his major, and he eventually succeeded in postponing it by one point. My classmate said, "I don't care what others think of me. Accepting myself is the most important thing." "As long as I don't waste time, one year more or less, it won't have a big impact." 73

Starting time for discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea, visit Japan in July! The Japanese Prime Minister will make the final decision, it's settled! He started Grossy Time
Starting time for discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea, visit Japan in July! The Japanese Prime Minister will make the final decision, it's settled! He started Grossy Time

According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association yesterday, regarding the plan to discharge contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mr. Grossy, plans to visit Japan in early July. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will make a final decision on the start time of the discharge after holding talks with Mr. Grossy. According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association yesterday, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Grossy, plans to visit Japan in early July and is currently coordinating the schedule. In response to the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan, an expert group from the International Atomic Energy Agency has visited Japan multiple times since February last year to investigate. The last visit before the discharge was completed earlier this month, and a comprehensive assessment report is expected to be released soon. According to sources from the Japanese government, Grossy's visit to Japan will be in person

Talking about the Great Lie the United States Lies Against Cuba from the Rumors of "Spy Facilities"
Talking about the Great Lie the United States Lies Against Cuba from the Rumors of "Spy Facilities"

US media and government officials recently falsely accused China of building so-called "spy facilities" in Cuba and "monitoring" communication in the southeastern United States. The US authorities have spread a series of questionable and contradictory information around this false accusation. On the 12th, Cuban Foreign Minister Rodriguez issued a statement stating that the United States has once again fabricated lies about Cuba, indicating that the country is carrying out a new round of "spreading rumors" against Cuba. The initiator of false news is The Wall Street Journal. The newspaper reported on the 8th that China and Cuba have reached a "secret agreement" to build so-called "surveillance facilities" in Cuba, which is only 160 kilometers away from the southern state of Florida in the United States. Subsequently, the White House and the Department of Defense stated that the relevant information was not accurate; The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that this report is "completely..."

Will he be pardoned if he is guilty?, Trump's "Confidential Documents Gate" will be swiftly tried by the President | Trump | Trial
Will he be pardoned if he is guilty?, Trump's "Confidential Documents Gate" will be swiftly tried by the President | Trump | Trial

Author | First Finance Sun Zhuo On Tuesday night local time, former U.S. President Trump delivered a speech at his Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey urging the special prosecutor to drop the charges against him. Trump insisted that he was innocent. Yes, and said he has the right to keep the documents found at Sea Lake Manor. "I'm not someone who thinks I'm above the law, I'm someone who follows the law." In his speech, Trump said, "I have every right to have these documents. The decision to separate personal data from presidential records is made by the president and is at the president's discretion." Trump also explained that many people asked him why he kept the boxes. "Because these boxes are filled with a lot of personal belongings, clothes, shoes, all kinds of things." Trump said, "Check all the boxes

Becoming the world's highest garbage dump, the south slope of Mount Everest | garbage | garbage dump
Becoming the world's highest garbage dump, the south slope of Mount Everest | garbage | garbage dump

The world's highest mountain, Mount Everest, is suffering from the pain of garbage pollution. Starting from March this year, the Nepalese army dispatched three mountaineering teams to clean up the high mountains. Up to now, up to 35 tons of waste have been cleared from Mount Everest and three other peaks, with two guides killed and six soldiers injured. How to protect the environment of Mount Everest and clean up human waste on the mountain has become a difficult problem. Garbage on Mount Everest 01 The climbers left a lot of garbage because Nepal is located on the south slope of Mount Everest, on the mountainside, with better terrain, on the sunny side and better weather. Unlike the perennial glaciers on the shady side of the north slope of Xizang in China, it is dangerous and difficult to climb. Therefore, climbers all over the world basically start from Nepal. According to reports, since humans first climbed Mount Everest in 1953, over the past few decades, Mount Everest has experienced an increasing number of challenges

Will the United States also provide depleted uranium bombs? US government | depleted uranium bomb | US
Will the United States also provide depleted uranium bombs? US government | depleted uranium bomb | US

On June 13th, local time, US media reported that the US government planned to approve the provision of depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine. On the same day, Russian President Putin spoke out about the West's provision of depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine. Following Britain, the US also plans to provide depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine. The Wall Street Journal reported on June 13th, citing a senior US government official, that there are no "major obstacles" to approving the provision of depleted uranium bombs, and the US government has been discussing this matter for several weeks. Earlier this year, the United States had decided to provide Ukraine with the Abrams main battle tank, and depleted uranium ammunition was one of the supporting ammunition for this type of tank. The Pentagon believes that this type of ammunition will be "very effective" against Russian tanks. If the relevant decision is officially approved, the United States will become the second country, after the United Kingdom, to transport depleted uranium to Ukraine