The world

Nigerian car accident! 20 fatalities truck | bus | car accident
Nigerian car accident! 20 fatalities truck | bus | car accident

According to CCTV News App, on the 9th local time, a bus truck collision occurred in Lagos Oblast, southwestern Nigeria, resulting in 20 deaths. A spokesperson for the Lagos State Department of Transportation issued a statement on the 9th, stating that a bus carrying 20 people, including the driver, suddenly lost control while driving on a road in the town of Mowo in the state that morning. The bus collided with a truck loaded with sand in front of it, resulting in the death of all passengers on the bus. The truck driver was not injured. The spokesperson said that the involved bus is suspected of speeding. He called on the public to avoid speeding and dangerous driving when driving, in order to avoid causing loss of life and property. Due to poor road conditions, overloading, and speeding, Nigeria has experienced frequent traffic accidents.

Revealing Yellen's "Extended Edition" Beijing Tour: "Two Days, Four 10 Hour Talks" China | United States | Extended Edition
Revealing Yellen's "Extended Edition" Beijing Tour: "Two Days, Four 10 Hour Talks" China | United States | Extended Edition

"The relationship between the United States and China is one of the most important relationships of our time," said US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who arrived in Beijing and repeatedly stated that the United States does not seek to decouple from China. Before leaving, Yellen took the initiative to take stock of her four-day trip at the press conference on the 9th. Apart from not mentioning that she had eaten Yunnan cuisine on the day of her arrival, she recounted all the meetings and discussions with the Chinese side during her trip to Beijing, stating that "the purpose of this trip is to establish and deepen the relationship with the new economic leadership team in Beijing. Our discussion is part of a broader collaborative effort to stabilize the relationship, reduce the risk of misunderstandings, and discuss cooperation areas.". Yellen also revealed that she had 10 hours of bilateral talks in two days. The viewpoint that "diversification" in the supply chain does not equate to decoupling, "I am working hard to spread..."

Is international oil prices on a path of rebound?, After two consecutive weeks of rising oil prices | reduced production | international
Is international oil prices on a path of rebound?, After two consecutive weeks of rising oil prices | reduced production | international

Under the interweaving of bullish and bearish factors, international oil prices have shown a fluctuating trend since the beginning of this year. On the one hand, major central banks such as the Federal Reserve have made slow progress in curbing core inflation rates, and further interest rate hikes may drag down global economic growth, thereby affecting demand for fossil fuels. On the other hand, major oil producing countries represented by Saudi Arabia have frequently taken action to promote the rebalancing of the crude oil market. On July 3rd local time, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Algeria announced further cuts in crude oil supply next month to maintain stability in the international crude oil market. After these production reduction measures were implemented, the total production reduction of the OPEC+alliance composed of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies reached about 5 million barrels per day, accounting for about 5% of global oil demand. Subsequently, Saudi Arabia comprehensively increased its sales to Asia, the United States, and Europe in August

BRICS countries will discuss expansion issues and hold their first offline meeting in three years. South Africa | Russia | Countries
BRICS countries will discuss expansion issues and hold their first offline meeting in three years. South Africa | Russia | Countries

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency, South African President Ramaphosa said on July 9 that the BRICS leaders' meeting to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in August would be a face-to-face meeting. South Africa is the rotating presidency of the BRICS countries in 2023. According to reports, in a video posted on Twitter, Ramaphosa said, "We will hold an offline summit of BRICS leaders... this meeting is not a video conference." Ramaphosa stated that BRICS leaders have not held an offline meeting in nearly three years. According to reports, the 15th meeting of BRICS leaders will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa from August 22nd to 24th. According to TASS, Ramaphosa announced that South Africa has extended invitations to all leaders of the BRICS countries. He also stated that this leadership meeting will discuss

Gansu village branch secretary expelled from the party: arranged for son to serve as deputy director of the village committee and son-in-law to serve as village clerk | suspected of | position | crime | funds | expelled from the party | violated | discipline
Gansu village branch secretary expelled from the party: arranged for son to serve as deputy director of the village committee and son-in-law to serve as village clerk | suspected of | position | crime | funds | expelled from the party | violated | discipline

According to the WeChat official account "Qingfeng Longnan", Nian Jiwen, former secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Malian Village, Chengguan Town, Lixian County, Longnan City, Gansu Province, was expelled from the Party for serious violations of discipline and laws. Recently, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Lixian County, Longnan City, conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violation of discipline and law by Nian Jiwen, former Party branch secretary and village committee director of Malian Village in Chengguan Town, Lixian County. After investigation, it was found that Nian Jiwen, as a member of the Communist Party of China, lost his sense of party spirit, had no awareness of discipline and law, was greedy for personal gain, had no bottom line, and reached out to benefit farmers and the people, seriously damaging the interests of the masses. Violating the political discipline of the Party, participating in superstitious activities, and using temporary assistance funds from civil affairs to repair temples; Violating organizational discipline, manipulating and arranging his son to serve as the deputy director of the village committee, and his son-in-law to serve as the village clerk; Violating integrity discipline and accepting gifts from contractors in violation of regulations; Violating public discipline,

Ultimately, we need to focus on practical work and oppose formalism to firmly establish the root of the correct view of political achievements | view of political achievements | formalism
Ultimately, we need to focus on practical work and oppose formalism to firmly establish the root of the correct view of political achievements | view of political achievements | formalism

Thought is the precursor of action. What kind of achievement view there is will lead to what kind of development effect. If leading cadres pursue superficial "grandeur", attract attention, seek fame, and mistake "face saving projects" and "image projects" for political achievements, it will not only be useless to the people, but also harm their wealth and hinder development. A few years ago, the former secretary of the county party committee of Dushan County, Guizhou Province, a national poverty-stricken county, blindly borrowed money and set up stalls, vigorously carrying out image and performance projects, leaving behind many abandoned buildings and stalls. In the end, the relevant cadres were severely investigated and dealt with

Story of Entering a Blog • Reasons for Choosing to Enter a Blog | Two Visions for "Entering a Blog First Show" Internationalization | Scale | Reasons
Story of Entering a Blog • Reasons for Choosing to Enter a Blog | Two Visions for "Entering a Blog First Show" Internationalization | Scale | Reasons

The 6th China International Import Expo has added a new friend - Muji. This well-known Japanese enterprise, which has gained widespread recognition in China, will participate in the CIIE for the first time this year. Why did Muji choose to participate in the CIIE this year, despite having rarely participated in exhibitions worldwide before? Chinese General Manager Kiyoshi Shimizu has explained the reason and hopes to convey two visions through the "debut of CIIE": one is to promote Chinese design to the global market, and the other is to demonstrate to the outside world the unwavering determination to take root in the Chinese market. To showcase "Chinese design" to the world, in fact, before the official decision to participate in this year's exhibition, MUJI continued to pay attention to previous CIIE exhibitions and also sent multiple teams to the exhibition site. In the view of Qingshui Zhi, the CIIE is a globally leading international "big stage" that can enable enterprises to increase industry communication opportunities

US media: Biden's "leak" triggers angry shells from conservative Americans | United States | Biden
US media: Biden's "leak" triggers angry shells from conservative Americans | United States | Biden

According to Fox News website on July 9th, US President Biden stated in a recent interview that the 155mm caliber shells in the United States are running low on ammunition, which has sparked anger and questioning from conservatives on social media. According to the report, in an interview broadcasted on the morning of the 8th, Biden defended his government's delivery of cluster ammunition to Ukraine, calling it a "transitional period" until more ammunition is produced. Biden told CNN, "This is a war related to ammunition. Their ammunition is running out, and we don't have much ammunition left. So, my final move is to take the advice of the Ministry of Defense, not permanently, but to allow this transitional period to allow us to obtain more 155mm shells for the Ukrainians." The report stated that the response on social media was confusing

Ministry of Civil Affairs: will pay attention to netizens who point out that "marriage registration must provide a household registration book" violates the freedom of marriage. ID card | provision | registration | party | issuance | Ministry of Civil Affairs | marriage | household registration book
Ministry of Civil Affairs: will pay attention to netizens who point out that "marriage registration must provide a household registration book" violates the freedom of marriage. ID card | provision | registration | party | issuance | Ministry of Civil Affairs | marriage | household registration book

According to the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, a netizen recently left a message on the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs stating that it is unreasonable to provide a household registration book for marriage registration now. Many young people often cannot obtain their household registration book due to rough interference from their parents, which goes against the principle of "marriage freedom" stipulated in the Constitution. It is recommended to revise this provision. The netizen left a message on June 27th stating that according to the Marriage Registration Regulations, Marriage Registration Work Standards, and other regulations, mainland residents should provide their own household registration book and ID card when applying for marriage registration. We think this is unreasonable. ID cards and household registration books are essentially the same, both issued by public security agencies and have the same legal effect. Why is it necessary to provide a household registration book even if an ID card is provided? You should know that many young people freely and voluntarily get married, but often cannot obtain their household registration due to their parents' rough interference in this marriage

Zhengzhou reports on the Jinshui River regulation project: The cost of hanging granite on the river is about 6.5 million yuan. The project | stone | situation
Zhengzhou reports on the Jinshui River regulation project: The cost of hanging granite on the river is about 6.5 million yuan. The project | stone | situation

Jinshui River is an urban river that runs through the main urban area of Zhengzhou. The preliminary research work of the Jinshui River Comprehensive Improvement Project was launched in June 2020, mainly to solve problems such as insufficient flood discharge capacity, outdated service facilities, and lack of ecological and service functions in the river channel. It is a comprehensive project that integrates flood discharge, ecological function restoration, and waterfront services for the livelihoods of hundreds of people. The project content and current progress: The project was approved for approval on July 19, 2021, and the entire line will commence construction in January 2023. The estimated investment for the project approval is 3.402 billion yuan, mainly including two parts: the first is comprehensive river improvement of 2.533 billion yuan, with a total length of 22 kilometers. The construction content includes improving the flood control and drainage capacity of the river, relocating the main sewage pipes and renovating the rainwater inlet, and constructing a hydrophilic walkway

Establishing a Correct Outlook on Employment (People's Current Review) Lifetime | Career | Current Review
Establishing a Correct Outlook on Employment (People's Current Review) Lifetime | Career | Current Review

Playing the role of light and heat in the places where our country and people need it the most not only leaves unforgettable memories of youth, but also brings lifelong spiritual wealth through grassroots trials. Recently, a large-scale offline job fair led by the Shanghai Municipal Department of Human Resources and Social Security set up a "career guidance area". Surprisingly, this area has the longest queue. Different students have different abilities, personality traits, and career development directions, thus often requiring personalized employment guidance services. Therefore, while taking multiple measures to expand employment opportunities, relevant departments also need to patiently and meticulously provide employment guidance services. For young people such as college graduates, it is also necessary to establish a correct employment concept, find their career positioning and direction of struggle, in order to better realize their personal value and life ideals. The employment concept is

Culture brings forth new ideas in communication (New Language) Plateau | Youth | New Language
Culture brings forth new ideas in communication (New Language) Plateau | Youth | New Language

Recently, in a theater in Yangpu, Shanghai, a new Xizang comedy performance was in full swing. The art troupe of Lazi County, Xizang Autonomous Region, thousands of kilometers away, brought this national intangible cultural heritage from the foot of Mount Everest to the shore of the East China Sea. In recent years, they have visited Shanghai several times, entering theaters, schools, and communities, bringing rich cultural experiences to local residents. This is the charm of cultural exchange. Cultural exchange requires active absorption and reference. Zhaxi Ciren, Director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Lazi County, said that every time we go out for communication, we will allow creators to see more forms of artistic creation. For example, in Shanghai, various dance forms have brought them more creative inspiration and integrated into traditional humorous performances to promote the continuous innovation of excellent traditional culture. The collision of tradition and modernity has created a new spark, and culture has evolved from various styles

The Key to the Protection and Inheritance of Intangible Cultural Heritage lies in People's (Jintai Essays) Villages | Protection | Key
The Key to the Protection and Inheritance of Intangible Cultural Heritage lies in People's (Jintai Essays) Villages | Protection | Key

Huawu Village, a Miao ethnic village in Qianxi City, Bijie, Guizhou Province, was originally named "Village under a Cliff". Due to being blocked by cliffs and cliffs, this small mountain village was once a deeply impoverished village. Under the strong promotion of targeted poverty alleviation policies, Huawu Village has not only lifted its hat out of poverty, but also strengthened its unique Miao embroidery industry. Yang Wenli, a 95 year old embroidery lady who returned to her hometown to do Miao embroidery, was sold well at the intangible cultural heritage workshop last year, which led to dozens of local embroidery ladies returning to their hometowns for employment. More and more young people are joining the intangible cultural heritage industry, which not only enhances their understanding of excellent traditional culture and expands the ways to realize their life values, but also injects a source of vitality into the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. The key to the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage lies in people. According to the Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, "intangible cultural heritage" refers to various practices and forms that are considered as their cultural heritage by various groups, groups, and sometimes individuals

[News Essay] Empowering Excellent Traditional Culture with Digital Technology Ancient Books | Culture | Technology
[News Essay] Empowering Excellent Traditional Culture with Digital Technology Ancient Books | Culture | Technology

[News Essay] Author: Xie Shuangtian's "Smart Ancient Books Platform" comprehensively presents the content of ancient books in a three-dimensional manner, satisfying readers' one-stop query, reading, and research needs through human-computer interaction; Interactive forms such as "Cloud Tour of the Great Wall" and "VR Mogao Caves" bring immersive experiences to tourists; Museums across the country are vigorously expanding their digital collections, allowing them to view rare ancient books and cultural relics anytime, anywhere without leaving their homes on mobile phones or computers. In recent years, the innovative dissemination of traditional culture driven by digital technology has brought people new aesthetic experiences and stimulated the endogenous vitality of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

【 Guangming Current Review 】 Putting patriotism into the backpack of college graduates, Wang Shuguo | President | Current Review
【 Guangming Current Review 】 Putting patriotism into the backpack of college graduates, Wang Shuguo | President | Current Review

【 Guangming Review 】 Author: Li Yuhua Recently, Wang Shuguo, the President of Xi'an Jiaotong University, received considerable attention for his speech at the undergraduate graduation ceremony. At the graduation ceremony, Principal Wang Shuguo talked about three insights in life: emotions, perseverance, and innovation. "A person's life cannot be without emotions, and the greatest emotion is patriotism." Similarly, at graduation ceremonies, the presidents of many universities such as Shandong University and South China Normal University emphasized patriotism in their speeches. Faced with young students about to leave the ivory tower, the principals regarded patriotism as a precious gift and packed it into their bags. Patriotic sentiment is an individual's sense of belonging, emotional identification, and conscious responsibility towards their country. It is a deep cultural and psychological code, a pattern and temperament of personal solidarity with the country, and loyalty to the country and the nation

The Era Value of Full Process People's Democracy
The Era Value of Full Process People's Democracy

Author: As a product of the development of human political civilization to a certain stage, Hesi Peng's democracy not only reflects the institutional form of a country, but also highlights the deep value pursuit of a country.One mark

None of them are in life-threatening condition. Our embassy in Thailand: 24 Chinese tourists who experienced a rollover accident while riding a bus must be treated and treated properly. Embassy | China | Tourism | Hospital | Tourists
None of them are in life-threatening condition. Our embassy in Thailand: 24 Chinese tourists who experienced a rollover accident while riding a bus must be treated and treated properly. Embassy | China | Tourism | Hospital | Tourists

On the afternoon of July 9th, a tourist bus carrying 24 Chinese tourists overturned on a slippery road while traveling from Luo Yong Prefecture to Pattaya. The injured passengers were urgently sent to the local hospital for treatment. As of now, two tourists have been hospitalized for treatment, while the remaining tourists have been discharged and are not in life-threatening condition. It is understood that the above-mentioned tourists are organized by multiple domestic travel agencies to travel to Thailand. After receiving a notification from the Thai police, the Chinese Embassy in Thailand immediately activated the emergency response mechanism for consular protection of Chinese citizens, urging local hospitals to fully treat the injured, urgently contacting domestic travel agencies and tourism authorities to pacify tourists, and arranging personnel to visit the hospital. The embassy will closely monitor the treatment and rehabilitation of hospitalized tourists and urge relevant parties to do a good job in aftermath work.

Focus Interview | Activate New Development Momentum Hainan | Momentum | Focus Interview
Focus Interview | Activate New Development Momentum Hainan | Momentum | Focus Interview

Guangdong, Fujian, and Hainan all belong to the southeastern coastal region of China, and are also the earliest regions in China to carry out reform and opening up. In the past, the main industries in Guangdong and Fujian were traditional manufacturing based on incoming material processing and contract manufacturing, while in Hainan, the main focus was on real estate. These former main industries have driven the rapid development of the local economy. But in recent years, due to factors such as population dividends and resource constraints, many places here have also encountered bottlenecks in economic growth. So, how do they cultivate new momentum and embark on the path of high-quality development, and what are the effects? Guangzhou Nansha is located in the geographical and geometric center of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and is an important carrier for the construction of the Greater Bay Area. This former traditional manufacturing hub is moving towards a new direction, accelerating the cultivation of high-tech industries. On June 7th, the "Lijian 1" Yao 2 carrier fire

How to early warning and prevention of frequent geological disasters? Rescue | Warning | Geological Hazards
How to early warning and prevention of frequent geological disasters? Rescue | Warning | Geological Hazards

How to assess the recent geological disaster risk situation across the country? We are about to enter the critical period of flood prevention in the seventh and eighth seasons. How to effectively warn and avoid geological disasters? Listen to the analysis of Shen Weizhi, Deputy Director of the Earthquake and Geological Disaster Rescue Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management. Shen Weizhi, Deputy Director of the Earthquake and Geological Disaster Rescue Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management: Every year, July, August, and September are the periods with the highest incidence of geological disasters in our country. According to past data statistics, 80% of geological disasters occur mainly during this period each year. Since the flood season this year, although the overall rainfall in the country has been relatively low compared to previous years, some areas in the southern part of China still have significant local rainfall. For example, a few days ago in Wanzhou, Chongqing. Moreover, the overlap of these rainfall areas is very high. After several consecutive rounds of rainfall, the hydraulic content of the mountain soil has approached saturation,

Self service stamping, AI simulation interview, and smart technology make job seeking and employment smoother for graduates | System | Technology
Self service stamping, AI simulation interview, and smart technology make job seeking and employment smoother for graduates | System | Technology

At present, the graduating class of 2023 universities have gradually left the school. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the education system should provide "continuous line" employment services for unemployed graduates who have left the school, achieving three "continuous lines", namely continuous line of job promotion, continuous line of employment services, and uninterrupted line of key assistance. During this period, universities in various regions have been continuously following up on the job search progress of the 2023 graduates who have left school but have not yet found employment. Based on their employment intentions and needs, they have actively provided services such as job expansion, job promotion, and employment guidance to help unemployed graduates find employment. At the Office of the Career Development and Employment Service Center of Zhejiang Normal University, Xu Hui, a 2023 graduate, is handling employment related procedures. Being able to find a job that she is satisfied with, Xu Hui said that the employment enhancement training camp launched by the school has been of great help to her.

[Frontline Research] Promoting Intensive Development of Industrial Parks through the Transformation of Low Efficiency Parks in Zhongshan, Guangdong | Production | Zhongshan, Guangdong
[Frontline Research] Promoting Intensive Development of Industrial Parks through the Transformation of Low Efficiency Parks in Zhongshan, Guangdong | Production | Zhongshan, Guangdong

CCTV News: Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province has opened up a new path for expanding development space for high-quality development through the renovation of inefficient industrial parks. The land area of Zhongshan City is less than 1800 square kilometers, and land resources are extremely scarce. Some early developed industrial parks occupy a large amount of land, and there are many high polluting and energy consuming enterprises in simple sheds built with single-layer zinc iron plates. In January 2022, Zhongshan made a decision to renovate the inefficient industrial park. At the beginning, villagers were worried about the difficulty in ensuring future profits, and businesses were worried about what to do with existing order production, where to relocate a large amount of production equipment, who would bear the cost of relocation and renovation, and various problems were rampant. Adhere to accuracy, reasonableness, and fairness in the relocation compensation evaluation of each plot, and adhere to the principles of "market driven, government guided, and enterprise voluntary"

The admission notice must be opened by them themselves! Netizen: I saw many trembling hands... Life | Graduate | Admission Letter
The admission notice must be opened by them themselves! Netizen: I saw many trembling hands... Life | Graduate | Admission Letter

Recently, the first admission letter of 2023 has been delivered to many prospective undergraduate and graduate students who have been recording "unboxing" videos online for many years. Their efforts have finally paid off, and they have been infected by the joy of the candidates across the screen. Who would you choose to open this joyful envelope in the first place? Grandpa reads the admission letter of his granddaughter with a smile like a child in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. Grandpa's hands tremble and he opens the admission letter of his granddaughter. After opening the package, he works hard to close his eyes and reads the words on the letter word by word. He is happy like a child. Netizens: The elderly think this is a particularly precious gift. Everyone feels happy across the screen. The wind from Peking University blows into this small county on July 2nd in Yunnan. A mother in a small county town with trembling hands opens a video of her son's admission letter

Colorful Summer Enjoyment Time Training | Coach | Time
Colorful Summer Enjoyment Time Training | Coach | Time

On July 8th, children participating in a youth summer camp underwent obstacle crossing training at a training camp in Xiaochang Township, Zunhua City, Hebei Province. Xinhua News Agency's summer vacation is approaching, and students from all over the country are spending their vacation time through a variety of activities. On July 8th, young readers were reading in a bookstore in Nanjing. On July 7th, Xinhua News Agency reported that at a sports training institution in Wuzhi County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, coaches guided students to practice running. On July 8th, a child watched bottlenose dolphins at the Colorful Guizhou City Polar Ocean World. On July 7th, Xinhua News Agency reported that in Dongpo District, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, children were learning dance at the Youth Palace Public Welfare Custody Class. On July 8th, Xinhua News Agency reported that children visited and experienced the Low Carbon Science and Technology Museum in Hangzhou, China. On July 8th, Xinhua News Agency reported that a small audience visited the animal logo at the Changzhou Museum in Jiangsu Province

The popularity of summer tourism does not decrease among tourists | peak season. July 8th | Heat
The popularity of summer tourism does not decrease among tourists | peak season. July 8th | Heat

With the arrival of summer vacation, various regions are experiencing the peak season of summer tourism. On July 9th, tourists were playing water on a beach in Rongcheng City, Shandong Province. On July 9th, tourists took photos at the Wanda Town Scenic Area in Danzhai County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province. On July 9th, tourists admire sunflowers at the Guizhou Agricultural Tourism Expo Park located in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province. On July 8th, tourists took a boat trip to Qianzhou Ancient City in Jishou City, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province. On July 9th, Xinhua News Agency reported that tourists were enjoying flowers at the Yihe Flower Scenic Area in Zunhua City, Hebei Province. On July 8th, tourists visited Qianzhou Ancient City in Jishou City, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province. On July 9th, children in Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province

Accelerating New Energy Construction in China and Enhancing Energy Security Capability at Sea | China | Security
Accelerating New Energy Construction in China and Enhancing Energy Security Capability at Sea | China | Security

CCTV News: In recent days, a large number of major new energy projects in China have been put into operation, providing more green electricity to alleviate the current electricity pressure during the peak summer season. This photovoltaic power station will be connected to the grid for power generation during the peak summer season, which will enhance the power supply guarantee capacity in North China. At the same time, in the Bohai Sea, one of China's five offshore wind power bases, an additional 500000 kilowatts of offshore wind power have been added. Over the past 10 days of operation, it has generated approximately 200 million kilowatt hours of electricity. In Urumqi, Mulei, and Delingha, Qinghai, the three "Sage Wilderness" wind and solar power bases have newly put into operation 3.05 million kilowatts of wind and photovoltaic installed capacity, which can generate 7.5 billion kilowatt hours of green electricity annually. In order to cope with the current high temperature and high electricity demand, various regions are using digital and intelligent technological means to improve the utilization efficiency of new energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaics.

The cultural performance market is hot, and China's original works are exciting compared to the same period last year | China | Market
The cultural performance market is hot, and China's original works are exciting compared to the same period last year | China | Market

CCTV News: As summer approaches, cultural relics exhibitions in various regions are rich and colorful, cultural performances are exciting, and diverse types of original Chinese literary and artistic works have made "Chinese stories" and "Chinese images" popular on stage. This summer, the Summer Capital Site Museum in Erlitou, Henan Province, relies on characteristic exhibitions to offer characteristic research courses such as archaeological excavation and pottery restoration, and receives an average of 3000 visitors per day. The "Li Ji: Exhibition of the Civilization of Rites and Music in the Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties of the Central Plains" was held on the 7th at the Liangzhu Museum in Yuhang, Zhejiang. There are over 100 important pottery and bronze ritual artifacts unearthed from archaeology, showcasing the connotation and characteristics of the traditional Chinese "state of etiquette". The 14th National Dance Exhibition, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, is currently being held to create artistic masterpieces for the people and showcase the development of dance art in China in the new era

World Weekly | Breaking European Average Temperature | Riots | Europe
World Weekly | Breaking European Average Temperature | Riots | Europe

This week's weather can be described as "hot", and research data shows that the global average temperature has been at historical highs for several consecutive days. Under the heat wave, not many people are likely willing to engage in outdoor activities, which may be one of the reasons why the ongoing street riots in France have rapidly cooled down this week. But no matter what, a broken Europe has become a fact that many Europeans have no choice but to accept. According to Reuters, on July 4th, French President Macron held a three and a half hour closed door meeting with the mayors of 302 French cities affected by the riots at the É lys é e Palace. Macron said that although the peak period of unrest has passed, France will still face tests on July 13th or 14th, which is the eve and day of France's National Day, and even in the coming months. Being shot by the police

"SCO Demonstration Zone" consolidates scientific and technological innovation forces, and "enclave talent attraction" technology | achievements | demonstration zone
"SCO Demonstration Zone" consolidates scientific and technological innovation forces, and "enclave talent attraction" technology | achievements | demonstration zone

China Shanghai Cooperation Organization Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone. Recently, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization International Investment and Trade Expo was held in Qingdao, promoting international exchanges in science, technology, economy, and culture. The picture shows a group photo of guests from Belarus and Expo volunteers. This year marks the 5th anniversary of the construction of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone located in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China. After 5 years of hard work, the "SCO Demonstration Zone" has formed a set of replicable and promotable successful experiences, and Qingdao has become a new highland for opening up to countries around the world, especially the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries. Recently, a group of central media reporters visited institutions such as "SCO Shanghai Entrepreneurship Port" and "SCO Pearl International Expo Center" located in the "SCO Demonstration Zone" to discuss the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements and scientific and technological innovation

Further Deepening and Upgrading Cooperation between China and ASEAN (International Forum) Business Opportunities | Jinhua | International
Further Deepening and Upgrading Cooperation between China and ASEAN (International Forum) Business Opportunities | Jinhua | International

On June 30th, a train carrying 26 standard boxes of export goods departed from Jinhua East Railway Station under the supervision of Jinhua Customs, and departed through Mohan Port in Yunnan, heading towards Vientiane, Laos. Hu Xiaofei's photo shows that the third round of negotiations for the 3.0 version of the China ASEAN Free Trade Area was recently held in Kunming, Yunnan. Since the signing of the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between China and ASEAN in 2002, the construction of the China ASEAN Free Trade Area has been continuously upgraded, and the degree of market openness has gradually expanded. From version 1.0 to version 3.0 of the Free Trade Zone, from building "hard connectivity" to strengthening "soft connectivity", and expanding from traditional fields to emerging digital and green fields, China ASEAN cooperation in multiple fields is further deepening and upgrading. Southeast Asian countries welcome the upgrade of China ASEAN Free Trade Area, as it is a

These three points are very important to the US side. International Sharp Review | Seeking "Mutual Benefit and Win Win" with China Yellen | Economy | China
These three points are very important to the US side. International Sharp Review | Seeking "Mutual Benefit and Win Win" with China Yellen | Economy | China

On the 9th, US Treasury Secretary Yellen ended his 4-day visit to China. In these days of meetings and talks, both China and the United States have expressed their intention to strengthen communication and cooperation. Chinese officials emphasize that generalized national security is not conducive to normal economic and trade exchanges; Yellen reiterated that the United States does not seek to decouple from the Chinese economy and promised to seek a mutually beneficial win-win situation for the US China economy. Yellen is the second senior US government official to visit China within a month. Earlier, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken paid a visit to China. From the information released by both sides, Yellen's visit has allowed both China and the United States to have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of each other's concerns, and both sides have expressed their willingness to continue dialogue. This has to some extent alleviated the concerns of the international community. Some foreign media believe that this is a "positive step". Over the past 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, economic and trade cooperation has always been the cornerstone of bilateral relations