The world

Just these six words!, The Essence of National Security in the United States
Just these six words!, The Essence of National Security in the United States

For a period of time, the United States has frequently hyped up the "China threat" under the guise of "national security". Recently, there have been repeated attacks on China's newly revised Anti Espionage Law, playing the role of distorting black and white and creating a groundless threat to US national security, fully exposing the selfish, hegemonic, and hypocritical nature of US national security. Selfishness: adhering to the principle of "America first" and "absolute security", the US government can force Japan to sign the "Plaza Accord" in order to compete for the market for domestic enterprises, arrest French Alstom executives for "long arm jurisdiction", and impose high tariffs on other countries, including allies and partners; It is also possible to continuously launch war machines for the benefit of the domestic military industrial complex, incite regional conflicts and crises in other countries, seize the opportunity to sell weapons, and reap the dividends of war. by

Continuous rotation is the norm. Sample survey of the working hours of top three doctors: at least 10 hours of surgery per day | Chen Yu | scientific research | telling | hospitals | finance | doctors | hours
Continuous rotation is the norm. Sample survey of the working hours of top three doctors: at least 10 hours of surgery per day | Chen Yu | scientific research | telling | hospitals | finance | doctors | hours

Recently, it was reported online that a hospital has issued a notice to implement a 40 hour workweek based on feedback and rectification requirements from special work inspections, and to cancel weekend overtime pay and staggered subsidies. The source of this news is unknown, but it has sparked a heated response online. A doctor netizen said, "Cancel overtime pay? How come I've never seen overtime pay before?" Another person said, "I work 80 hours a week now, I don't know when I can halve my work?" Several doctors interviewed by First Financial reporters said that the 40 hour workweek sounds like a "fantasy", and their basic weekly working hours are usually between 60-80 hours, which is often the norm. Moreover, many large medical institutions in Shanghai do not have the concept of "overtime pay", and some doctors from top tier hospitals in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces

Who is responsible for the accident?, Shared electric vehicle without helmet safety | Company | Electric vehicle
Who is responsible for the accident?, Shared electric vehicle without helmet safety | Company | Electric vehicle

Currently, shared electric bicycles provide convenience for people's travel and have become a popular choice for short distance travel. According to the law, driving and riding an electric vehicle requires wearing a safety helmet. Who should be held responsible when consumers rent shared electric vehicles without helmets for use and accidentally get injured? Xiao Liu rented a shared electric vehicle from Company A on a certain online platform. During cycling, Xiao Liu suffered a scalp tear due to a vehicle overturning and was taken to the hospital for treatment. Xiao Liu believes that the shared electric vehicle he rented was not equipped with a safety helmet, not registered and registered, and did not meet national standards. The network platform company and Company A were at fault in this accident and should be liable for compensation for their losses. Xiao Liu sued to the People's Court of Huishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, demanding compensation for medical and nutritional expenses from the two companies mentioned above

At least 5 deaths, serious! A violent house explosion in the United States | officials | houses
At least 5 deaths, serious! A violent house explosion in the United States | officials | houses

A house explosion occurred in Pennsylvania, USA, resulting in at least 5 deaths. Pennsylvania local officials said on the 13th that a house explosion occurred in the town of Plum near Pittsburgh, the second largest city in the state, on the 12th, causing at least 5 deaths and 3 injuries. The local police said in a statement that at around 10:23 am on the 12th, police officers rushed to the scene upon receiving the alarm. At least three houses were damaged in the explosion, and more than ten houses were affected. The head of the Pram Police Department said at a press conference on the 13th that the five deceased included four adults and one teenager. Local officials said that among the three injured individuals who were taken to the hospital, two were in stable condition and were allowed to be discharged, while one was seriously injured and hospitalized for treatment. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation. The relevant authorities have temporarily cut off access to the affected area for safety reasons

UK expert: Artificial intelligence can steal passwords through keyboard sounds | Durham University | Keyboard | Password
UK expert: Artificial intelligence can steal passwords through keyboard sounds | Durham University | Keyboard | Password

Reference News recently published an article on The Times website titled "Artificial Intelligence can steal passwords by listening to the sound of your keyboard." The summary of the report is as follows: Experts from Durham University, Surrey University, and Royal Holloway College London pressed each of the 36 keys on an Apple MacBook Pro laptop keyboard 25 times and recorded the sound. Then, this information is input into the artificial intelligence program, so that the latter can recognize the sound pattern of each key. Then, they placed an iPhone 17 centimeters away from the same Apple laptop to record someone typing. They successfully inferred the typing content with an accuracy of 95%. When they use Zoom conference software for recording, the accuracy is improved

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Strictly Control the "Top Leaders" of Secondary Units Group Companies | Enterprises | Top Leaders
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Strictly Control the "Top Leaders" of Secondary Units Group Companies | Enterprises | Top Leaders

"Even today, I still regret it." In the detention center of the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, a man dressed in gray and nearing sixty years old burst into tears. He was Shen Gang, former full-time director of China Datang Group Jiangsu Power Generation Co., Ltd. and Anhui Power Generation Co., Ltd. From a technician in the workshop of Xiahuayuan Power Plant to the "top leader" of several second and third level enterprises under China Datang Group, Shen Gang eventually became a detained object in the interrogation room. Shen Gang regretted, "I don't want anyone to repeat this life ending." Previously, China Datang's disciplinary inspection and supervision team received reports of Shen Gang accepting bribes from suppliers and conducted preliminary verification of relevant problem clues. In November 2022, Shen Gang was subjected to disciplinary review by the China Datang Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group and investigation by the Jilin Provincial Supervision Commission on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. After investigation, Shen Gang will not be able to accept it unless he is unable to do so

How to return the right of choice to consumers?, APP "Automatic Renewal" has sparked heated discussions on renewal | Members | APP
How to return the right of choice to consumers?, APP "Automatic Renewal" has sparked heated discussions on renewal | Members | APP

Economic observation: Consumers should be given the right to choose whether to renew their apps as soon as possible. Last week, CCTV Finance Channel named multiple apps as having "automatic renewal" issues, which sparked heated public opinion. The so-called APP automatic renewal, in simple terms, refers to consumers who originally wanted to only open a membership for one month but were automatically charged the next month, or simply wanted to experience a membership service at a low price for two days but were automatically charged one month's membership fee by the platform after experiencing it. During this process, some apps not only do not provide significant prompts, but also intentionally display key information such as automatic renewal in small font or font fading, misleading consumers. From the perspective of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, consumers have the right to independently choose goods or services, so the choice of whether to renew an APP is in the hands of consumers. The issue of automatic renewal involves

Review on the front page of Learning Times: Defending the Roots of Grain Production | Farmland Protection System | Grain | Defending | Roots | Local | Farmland Protection | Farmland
Review on the front page of Learning Times: Defending the Roots of Grain Production | Farmland Protection System | Grain | Defending | Roots | Local | Farmland Protection | Farmland

The Eight Policies of Hong Fan, with food as the top priority, have always been the top priority of our party's governance. Solving the problem of food for over 1.4 billion people has always been a top priority. Farmland is the most precious resource, and if we cannot maintain this lifeline, we cannot maintain food security. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Trump responded by being asked if he was attempting to overturn the 2020 US election results. He was also asked if he was charged, answered, overturned, attempted, or elected in the United States
Trump responded by being asked if he was attempting to overturn the 2020 US election results. He was also asked if he was charged, answered, overturned, attempted, or elected in the United States

According to Newsweek on the 12th, former US President Trump gave a vague six word answer to reporters about whether to attempt to overturn the 2020 election results while taking a walk around the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. When the reporter asked him, "Have you ever planned to overturn the 2020 election results?" Trump replied, "You know the answer," and turned around to look straight away. In the afternoon, a political journalist from a local newspaper shared this video on social media platforms. On January 6, 2021 local time, supporters of Trump stormed into the US Capitol building in an attempt to block the certification process for the 2020 US election results. Trump has consistently denied losing the election and was charged by the US Department of Justice in August 2023 on four federal charges in this case

Research has shown that walking 3967 steps per day can reduce the increased risk of death caused by all diseases
Research has shown that walking 3967 steps per day can reduce the increased risk of death caused by all diseases

According to a study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology on August 9th, an international research team found that walking only 2337 steps per day can reduce the risk of death from heart and vascular diseases, and walking 3967 steps per day can reduce the risk of death from all diseases. Scientists have collected 17 related studies and analyzed data from 226889 people, finding that the more you walk, the greater the benefits to your health. Taking an additional 500 steps per day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality by 7%. Taking an extra 1000 steps every day reduces the risk of death from all diseases by 15%. Research has found that even if people walk up to 20000 steps a day, the health benefits continue to increase, and no upper limit has been found yet. There is also strong evidence to suggest that a sedentary lifestyle may lead to an increase in cardiovascular disease and lifespan

Another black hand on the Chinese people, this group of foreign terrorists has bad news | Bull playing the piano | Chinese people | black hands
Another black hand on the Chinese people, this group of foreign terrorists has bad news | Bull playing the piano | Chinese people | black hands

Reprinted from the WeChat official account Niu Pianqin, the author Niu Pianqin. The bad news is that these foreign terrorists have suddenly targeted the Chinese again; The good news is that although the bulletproof glass on the car windows has been cracked, the Chinese people are safe and sound. The incident happened on the morning of August 13th, in our friendly neighboring country Pakistan, at the familiar port of Gwadar. The scene was very dangerous. According to media reports, the target of terrorist attacks is a convoy of Chinese engineers escorting us. The convoy includes 3 SUVs and 1 van, with a total of 23 Chinese personnel on board. Fortunately, it is a bulletproof vehicle. In the fierce exchange of fire, the van was shot by terrorists, and the bulletproof glass also showed dense cracks. It is reported that an explosion occurred at the scene. Casualty situation? Terrorists claim that there are 4 Chinese and 9 Pakistani nationals

What is the impact? Several sets of data are explained clearly, Wuchang rice is affected by the disaster. Wuchang City | Rice | Data
What is the impact? Several sets of data are explained clearly, Wuchang rice is affected by the disaster. Wuchang City | Rice | Data

In recent days, Wuchang City in Heilongjiang Province has experienced continuous heavy rainfall and severe flooding disasters. Wuchang City is an important commodity grain production base in the country. Has Wuchang rice been severely affected by the disaster, and how much will it affect everyone's livelihood? According to local data released on the 10th, preliminary statistics show that the rice planting area in Wuchang City is about 2.5 million mu, with over 1 million mu affected to varying degrees. According to staff from the Agricultural Technology Center of Wuchang City, the flooded land this year is mainly concentrated along several major rivers, and a large area of rice is still growing normally. Flooded plots also have varying degrees of damage: some are severely affected, soaking for a long time, and may go out of production; Some rice leaves and ears are soaked in floods, causing sediment to settle and affecting pollination; Some waters have a shorter soaking time, which has a smaller impact on yield. It is understood that this time

Please keep your promise, rural targeted medical students are prevented from defaulting? Gansu Provincial Health Commission: Repeatedly preaching policy requirements | Policy | Rural | Compliance | Training | Gansu Province | Breach of contract | Medical
Please keep your promise, rural targeted medical students are prevented from defaulting? Gansu Provincial Health Commission: Repeatedly preaching policy requirements | Policy | Rural | Compliance | Training | Gansu Province | Breach of contract | Medical

"My child has been admitted to the Medical Master's program and has agreed to assume breach of contract liability in accordance with the requirements of targeted medical student performance management. Our parents will repay the full amount of breach of contract liability on our behalf, but relevant departments have clearly prevented the breach. Recently, two messages have appeared on the leadership message board of People's Daily, reflecting the issue of breach of contract by rural targeted medical students in Gansu Province.". The Gansu Provincial Health Commission later replied that it has repeatedly conveyed national policy requirements and objectives to representatives of students who intend to breach the contract, and has also repeatedly guided and persuaded them to clarify the practical significance of compliance. Recently, the Provincial Health Commission has actively coordinated with relevant departments at the provincial level, as well as the human resources and social security, health and other departments at the city and county levels, focusing on addressing issues such as employment placement and compliance management for targeted medical students. Please advise and guide the child to follow the relevant national policies and comply with the agreement signed by both parties

We have finished talking to the Nigerian military! Voice of the delegation - Leader | Niger | Military
We have finished talking to the Nigerian military! Voice of the delegation - Leader | Niger | Military

According to Reuters, Nigerian Islamic religious leaders who visited Niger stated on August 13th that they had held talks with Nigerian military leaders who were open to resolving their standoff with the Economic Community of West African States through diplomatic means. In addition, the Russian Sputnik News Agency reported on August 13 that the Nigerian military leader and the chairman of the National Committee for the Defence of the Motherland, Abdulrahman Chiani, met with the delegation of Nigerian religious leaders. According to reports, Ali Ramin Zene, spokesperson for the Niger military government, revealed on the 13th that Chiani stated during the meeting that the sanctions imposed on Niger need to be lifted. Zene said that Chiani requested the visiting Nigerian religious leaders to state that the sanctions imposed on Niger are inhumane and unacceptable. Zene also emphasized that the new government of Niger

Multiple companies have issued risk warnings, with 12 pharmaceutical stocks rising more than 20% in a week against the trend. Medical | Science and Technology | Risk
Multiple companies have issued risk warnings, with 12 pharmaceutical stocks rising more than 20% in a week against the trend. Medical | Science and Technology | Risk

Introduction: Against the backdrop of anti-corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical stock market has gone through consolidation and strengthened against the trend. In the past week, the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen below the 3200 point integer mark, with a cumulative decline of 3.01%. However, in the context of anti-corruption measures in the pharmaceutical industry, some pharmaceutical stocks have risen against the trend. According to statistics from First Financial, out of the 506 companies in the Wind healthcare sector, 197 companies rose, 25 saw a limit up last week, 12 saw a rise of over 20%, and the highest was Keyuan Pharmaceutical, which saw a weekly increase of over 98%. In terms of trading activity, the average weekly turnover rate of 25 companies exceeds 10%, among which Jin Kai Sheng Ke and Hong Kong Tong Medical, which have just landed on the ChiNext board, have both had an average weekly turnover rate of over 50%. But there are also companies that have experienced a deep decline, including five companies including Pinyin

The State Administration for Financial Regulation has issued a document on improving financial services for flood prevention, disaster relief, and post disaster reconstruction | Finance | Disaster Relief
The State Administration for Financial Regulation has issued a document on improving financial services for flood prevention, disaster relief, and post disaster reconstruction | Finance | Disaster Relief

In order to efficiently assist in flood prevention, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction work, assist disaster affected people and enterprises in restoring production and life as soon as possible, and increase financial support for post disaster reconstruction, the State Administration of Financial Supervision recently issued a notice on doing a good job in flood prevention, disaster relief, and post disaster reconstruction financial services. The Notice focuses on the task objectives of financial support for flood prevention, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction, and proposes work requirements from improving ideological awareness, actively playing the role of bank and insurance funds, strengthening credit support for key targets, and ensuring smooth financial basic services——Focusing closely on the disaster stricken people and enterprises

866 cases of state-owned assets and enterprises were investigated and dealt with within six months, and Guizhou Province collaborated to punish corruption in state-owned enterprises. Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision | dispatched | system | state-owned enterprises | enterprises | state-owned | problems | supervision
866 cases of state-owned assets and enterprises were investigated and dealt with within six months, and Guizhou Province collaborated to punish corruption in state-owned enterprises. Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision | dispatched | system | state-owned enterprises | enterprises | state-owned | problems | supervision

"Zhu Shengxiu, former Party Secretary, Chairman, and General Manager of Guizhou Hotel Group Co., Ltd., is undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation; Wu Jing, Party Committee Member, Trade Union Chairman, and Employee Director of Guizhou Tourism Investment Holding Co., Ltd., is undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation..." Recently, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision released multiple news reports of state-owned enterprise leaders being reviewed and investigated, sending a strong signal that the punishment of corruption in state-owned enterprises will not be relaxed for a moment and will be strict to the end. The Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision is closely monitoring key areas such as power concentration, capital intensity, and resource enrichment in state-owned enterprises. It focuses on key links such as major project implementation, mergers and acquisitions, overseas investment, and state-owned enterprise reform, and promptly organizes elite forces to seriously investigate and punish corruption issues such as relying on enterprises to eat enterprises, setting up rent-seeking facilities, abusing power, and bending the law for personal gain, in order to build a strong barrier against corruption and change. In the first half of this year, the province had a total of

The secret is... the daughter of a cold dish vendor is admitted to Tsinghua University! 705 points in the college entrance examination, Wu Minlu | daughter | Tsinghua University
The secret is... the daughter of a cold dish vendor is admitted to Tsinghua University! 705 points in the college entrance examination, Wu Minlu | daughter | Tsinghua University

"In celebration of their daughter's admission to their ideal university, anyone who buys side dishes will receive an 8.8% discount for only three days." In June of this year, a discount notice was hung up at a cold vegetable stall in Shuguang Vegetable Market, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. It has attracted a lot of attention from netizens. According to the news from "Ideal University" Tsinghua University, their daughter Wu Minlu scored 705 points in the high school entrance examination and was admitted to study social sciences at Tsinghua University. "You are responsible for studying well. Leave the rest to us." Due to the busy work of her parents, Wu Minlu grew up with her grandmother. Although she is a farmer, her grandmother always leaves the best for Wu Minlu and tells her to study hard. The promotion to junior high school is an important turning point in Wu Minlu's learning career. Wu Dad remembers her daughter very well. When I was admitted to a private junior high school, I heard that tuition fees cost over 10000 yuan per semester. A sensible daughter is afraid that her family will bear the burden

Medical anti-corruption investigation: 4 retirees were investigated;. Chen Taochang | Medicine | Retirement
Medical anti-corruption investigation: 4 retirees were investigated;. Chen Taochang | Medicine | Retirement

Since mid July, regulatory authorities have expressed their determination to combat medical corruption three times in a row, and the domestic pharmaceutical anti-corruption storm has once again escalated. According to statistics from Upstream News, as of August 12th, at least 176 hospital deans and secretaries have been investigated nationwide this year. In this list of fallen secretaries and deans as of August 12, 2023, Upstream News noted that at least 4 of them are retirees. They are: Cao Lisheng, former Secretary of the Party Committee of the First People's Hospital of Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province; Lin Shaodong, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of the People's Hospital of Shanwei City, Guangdong Province; Kuang Mingzi, former director of Dongguan People's Hospital and former vice chairman of Dongguan Political Consultative Conference; Feng Weizhu, former Party Secretary and President of Qingyuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Guangdong Province. In addition, there are several retired secretaries and deans who are close to retirement

Related to the El Ni ñ o phenomenon, over 160 ships are queuing up in a long line and blocking the ship again! Depth near the mouth of Panama Canal | Panama Canal Authority | El Ni ñ o
Related to the El Ni ñ o phenomenon, over 160 ships are queuing up in a long line and blocking the ship again! Depth near the mouth of Panama Canal | Panama Canal Authority | El Ni ñ o

Due to the ongoing drought, the Panama Canal Authority has recently introduced more travel restrictions, including temporary restrictions on the number of applications for new reserved passage. The new travel restrictions will continue until at least the 21st of this month. It is reported that the Panama Canal Authority announced the newly introduced traffic restrictions to canal users on the 8th of this month. The new measures stipulate that in the old canal locks used for the passage of smaller ships, the daily booking limit for vessels will be reduced from 16 to 14, allowing for the passage of vessels without prior booking. The number of appointments for the largest ship lock remains unchanged. The Canal Management Bureau stated that this measure is aimed at alleviating canal congestion. It is understood that as of the 10th of this month, there are 161 cargo ships queuing up near the mouth of the Panama Canal, far exceeding the usual situation of about 90 cargo ships queuing up during the rainy season. The total length of the Panama Canal is approximately

The involved amount is 500 million yuan!, Shaanxi Police: Capturing 45 Women including Female Anchor Guo | Guo | Involved in the Case
The involved amount is 500 million yuan!, Shaanxi Police: Capturing 45 Women including Female Anchor Guo | Guo | Involved in the Case

The Economic Investigation Brigade of Chengcheng County Public Security Bureau in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, discovered through multiple days of observation that a Weinan woman named Guo had been doing online live streaming in Xi'an for a long time. The police immediately launched an investigation around Guo because the items she sold online involved cigarettes. Through a survey of Guo's monthly sales volume, it was found that her online and offline activities involve Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo, and other places. After the case was filed, the public security organs at the two levels of Chengcheng County in Weinan City quickly established a 209 special team, which successively mobilized more than 200 police officers to form multiple arrest teams and rushed to various parts of the country for arrest. As of August 2023, police officers have been organized five times to conduct arrests in multiple parts of the country. The police went to 19 cities in 13 provinces to arrest 45 suspect and 21 were arrested. Through interrogation, the criminal gang exploited false identities,

What signals do the two "best of the years" transmit?, Announcement of the Ministry of Finance on the Situation: Accounting Firm | Accountant | Announcement
What signals do the two "best of the years" transmit?, Announcement of the Ministry of Finance on the Situation: Accounting Firm | Accountant | Announcement

Recently, the Ministry of Finance conducted supervision and inspection on accounting firms registered for securities service business. The announcement stated that "the number of inspection units is the highest in history" and "the punishment intensity is the highest in history". The two "historical highs" are quite eye-catching, conveying a clear signal that the regulatory authorities maintain a high-pressure situation of "strict supervision and zero tolerance" towards accounting and auditing violations. Screenshot of official website. The certified public accountant industry is the gatekeeper of the market economy, playing an important role in maintaining market economic order and protecting public investment interests. However, it is not uncommon for some accounting firms and accountants to engage in illegal and irregular practices in the industry, and they are inevitably responsible for many financial fraud cases. The typical cases in this announcement exposed a series of behaviors, such as failure to maintain a proper professional skepticism attitude, failure to effectively implement necessary audit procedures, and failure to

Hebei Telecom Suddenly Doubles Fees? Official customer service responds to Telecom | Netizens | Customer service
Hebei Telecom Suddenly Doubles Fees? Official customer service responds to Telecom | Netizens | Customer service

A large number of netizens on Weibo have reported that Hebei Telecom suddenly deducted fees during the early hours of August 14th, mostly deducting the bimonthly fees of the user's monthly package. The double deduction behavior caused some users to owe fees and shut down. China Telecom customer service responded to this in their Weibo comment section. In the latest comment section of the official Weibo account of China Telecom's customer service, multiple netizens questioned why Hebei Telecom suddenly deducted double the phone bill overnight, and asked when it could refund the extra deducted phone bill. China Telecom responded by saying, "Dear user, due to a system upgrade, some users in the province have abnormal phone bill balances displayed. The staff is urgently handling this issue and it will not affect normal use. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused to you." In some responses, China Telecom customer service also requested netizens to send a private message

Anti corruption in the healthcare industry: transparency may be a good "prescription" leadership | company | healthcare
Anti corruption in the healthcare industry: transparency may be a good "prescription" leadership | company | healthcare

Recently, there have been two news reports flashing across the screen. Firstly, the anti-corruption efforts in the pharmaceutical industry have led to the downfall of many hospital leaders; Secondly, Liu, Senior Vice President of Wanda Group, was taken away by the public security organs or related to internal anti-corruption efforts. The two things share common characteristics, such as being involved in commercial bribery or corruption, and being considered illegal in behavior; Another reason is to attract attention due to being reported or investigated. Strictly speaking, neither of these incidents can be considered news, because as early as 2013, some executives of the well-known multinational pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline Investment Co., Ltd. were investigated in accordance with the law, the company was fined a huge amount, and relevant personnel were held criminally responsible, which also attracted widespread media attention at that time; And Wang Jianlin, the founder of Wanda Group, mentioned the company's anti-corruption practices in his 2014 autobiography "Wanda Philosophy". Data shows that for many consecutive years

It's really not fake, it's easy to be misdiagnosed! Zhejiang women feel dizzy and nauseated when they do housework. incidence rate: Ms. Gao Qin | Otolithiasis | Housework
It's really not fake, it's easy to be misdiagnosed! Zhejiang women feel dizzy and nauseated when they do housework. incidence rate: Ms. Gao Qin | Otolithiasis | Housework

Since the beginning of this year, Ms. Qin from Ningbo, Zhejiang has contracted a strange disease: she suddenly feels dizzy and nauseous, especially frequently while drying clothes and squatting to clean the floor. Although it can be scary during the attack, taking a short rest will help. Her family teased her if she was avoiding household chores. In fact, Ms. Qin is not slacking off, but the small stone in her ear has "gotten lost". Ms. Qin has been suffering from this strange disease for several months since she started doing household chores. One day, while doing household chores, she suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. But strangely, this symptom only lasts for a few seconds and quickly disappears automatically. Afterwards, this situation occurred from time to time. Ms. Qin carefully recalled that her dizziness was concentrated in her actions such as lifting her head to dry clothes and wiping the floor

Hubei Province reported 4 cases of false accusation and malicious reporting | Reporting | False accusation and framing | Provincial Public Security Department | Reporting | False accusation and framing
Hubei Province reported 4 cases of false accusation and malicious reporting | Reporting | False accusation and framing | Provincial Public Security Department | Reporting | False accusation and framing

Since the beginning of this year, disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels in Hubei Province have adhered to the principle of balancing rectification and rectification, with a clear stance of taking responsibility for those in charge, supporting those in charge, and showing their swords to those who falsely accuse. They have investigated and dealt with a number of cases of false accusations, framing, and malicious reporting, effectively maintaining a good order of petitioning and reporting, protecting the enthusiasm of party members and cadres to work and start businesses, and playing a positive role in continuously creating a clean and upright political environment. On August 14th, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported four typical cases. 1. Tan Mouzhai, a resident of Dazhiping Community, Dazhiping Town, Badong County, Enshi Prefecture, and Tan Mouyuan, a resident of Lvcongpo Community, Lvcongpo Town, falsely accused and framed the issue. Since September 2019, Tan Mouzhai and Tan Mouyuan, due to their personal unreasonable demands not being met, fabricated the issue of the former Party Secretary of Dazhiping Town inviting investment to a certain company, damaging natural forests, decorating luxurious office spaces, and other issues. They have repeatedly contacted relevant functions

Development of "Contributing More Youth Strength to African China Friendship" | China | Youth
Development of "Contributing More Youth Strength to African China Friendship" | China | Youth

On November 17, 2021, passengers queued up at Nairobi Station on the Kenya Mombasa Railway to check their tickets and board the train. Xinhua News Agency reporter Dong Jianghui took a photo of the Sakai photovoltaic power station booster station located in Binbo City, Central African Republic. Luo Yu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, photographed Wu Dekai visiting the CPC History Exhibition Hall in Beijing on April 18, 2023. On April 23, 2023, our reporter Bao Han took a group photo with African youth representatives at Qingdao Port in Shandong Province. On April 21, 2023, provided by the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Lu Wa Jia Sana experienced Chinese tea art in Daolang Town, Tai'an, Shandong. Reporter Chen Shangwen from this newspaper took a photo of a 66 kilometer road built by a Chinese company along Lake Kivu in the western province of Rwanda. China Road and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd. Respect and cooperate with each other in providing drawings

The China Europe freight train adds vitality to economic and trade, ensuring stable and smooth operation between China and Europe
The China Europe freight train adds vitality to economic and trade, ensuring stable and smooth operation between China and Europe

Drawing: Zhang Danfeng shows a China Europe freight train departing from the Lianyungang Railway marshalling yard in Jiangsu. On July 29th at 10:18 am, the X8020 China Europe freight train, loaded with 110 TEUs of exported goods, departed from the Yiwu West Railway Station and headed to Madrid, Spain, marking the launch of the 10000th China Europe freight train in China this year. From the camel caravan to the steel camel caravan, the roaring and shuttling China Europe freight trains continue to depict the vitality of the ancient Eurasian continent. Since the beginning of this year, the total number of China Europe freight trains has exceeded 10000, sending 1.083 million TEUs of goods, a year-on-year increase of 27%, with both quantity and quality improving. The Political Bureau meeting of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held on July 24th emphasized the need to ensure the stability and smooth operation of the China Europe freight train. What has been the progress of various regions and departments since the beginning of this year? What are the next steps to be taken

"Chinese enterprises are trustworthy partners" Kenya | Project | Enterprises
"Chinese enterprises are trustworthy partners" Kenya | Project | Enterprises

Driving southeast from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, for about 3 hours, we arrived at the intersection of the Asi River and the Swak River. The multi-purpose water conservancy development project in Swak, undertaken by China Energy Engineering Gezhouba Group, is in full swing. On the construction site, various construction vehicles come and go, creating a busy scene. Excavator Victoria M ü telleri drove a yellow excavator through the rugged construction site. "I like operating this giant machine because it makes my world a better place. The Swack project will change the lives of millions of people, and I love this job." Tang Yaya, General Manager of China Energy Construction Gezhouba Group Kenya Branch, told reporters that the Swack project started in March 2018 and is one of Kenya's flagship projects to achieve the "Four Development Goals". It is also Kenya's collection of water supply, irrigation, and

The whole process of people's democracy in China is full of vitality (international forum, understand China, understand the CPC) Democracy | People | International
The whole process of people's democracy in China is full of vitality (international forum, understand China, understand the CPC) Democracy | People | International

People's democracy in the whole process of China is a democracy that conforms to the laws of socialist construction and the reality of China. It reflects the concept that development is for the people, development depends on the people, and development achievements are shared by the people. The CPC has always adhered to the development thought of taking the people as the center, and has constantly improved the system procedures and participation practices that can fully reflect the people's will. The reason why people's democracy in China has vibrant vitality throughout the entire process is that it was explored in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is a democracy that conforms to the laws of socialist construction and China's actual situation, reflecting the concept of development for the people, development relying on the people, and development achievements shared by the people. Throughout the entire process of people's democracy in China, we adhere to the status of the people as the main body. Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people manage state affairs through various channels and forms according to law,