Specially for this matter... we went to the Shanghai Municipal Government Canteen again, after a 3-year hiatus. Food | Reporter | Canteen

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:42 AM

At present, the whole society is trying to practice the "Clean Your Plate Campaign" and put an end to the "tip of the tongue waste". All kinds of organ canteens are the key places to take the lead. How about their implementation? Is there any waste? With such questions in mind, the reporter walked into the People's Building located at 200 People's Avenue, one of the largest centralized office points of the Party and government organs in Shanghai, and explored the cafeteria here.

Have party members and cadres set an example and take the lead in frugality? Three years ago, reporters came specifically to conduct interviews. At that time, the vast majority of diners were already able to consciously practice it, and there were also a small number of people who had varying degrees of waste and needed guidance. Three years later, the reporter came to interview again with the same question. This time, the reporter found that not only was the dining staff's awareness of conservation further enhanced, but the cafeteria management was also continuously optimizing the supply methods. Both the consumption of food ingredients and the output of wet waste have significantly decreased.

The dishes are served in different sizes, and there are also "slimming versions" for the pancakes

The People's Building is the office of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. The cafeteria here is divided into three levels and serves about 2000 people for meals every day. As the number of people increases, the food consumed naturally cannot be reduced. On the other hand, if everyone could save more food per meal, the amount that the entire cafeteria could save would also be considerable.

At around 11:30 noon, the cafeteria gradually became lively, and a continuous stream of staff came to dine. On the electronic screen at the entrance of the hall, the public service advertisement of "Practice Clean Your Plate Campaign and Stop Food Waste" is playing in a rolling manner, and a notice board with the words "Cherish food and use it as needed" is also placed at the dining window.

The reporter arrived at the plate recycling area in the corner of the hall, and within one minute, 16 people came to return the plates. Almost everyone's dishes were clean and there was no food left.

"Compared to the previous two years, the phenomenon of waste has become less and less frequent, and I rarely need to remind them again. In the past, there were always some." Han Huijian, a staff member of the cafeteria, also shoulders the task of being a supervisor in recent years. If there is a serious situation of leftover food, he will give appropriate reminders to diners and ask for the reason. He admitted that although there has never been much waste in cafeteria dining, even sporadic waste is now becoming less and less common. "The staff here have a strong sense of leading by example and being thrifty and frugal."

Specially for this matter... we went to the Shanghai Municipal Government Canteen again, after a 3-year hiatus. Food | Reporter | Canteen

A more intuitive change is reflected in the amount of wet waste. Originally, around 1 ton of wet garbage was generated here every day, but now it has been reduced to around 700 kilograms, a decrease of 30%. This is closely related to the continuous deepening of garbage classification work, as well as the continuous improvement of food conservation awareness among diners and cafeteria operators.

"The shame of waste and the pride of thrift have been known to everyone since childhood, and they have been practicing it all along. It has long become a consciousness," said Zhu Cong, a young cadre from the Municipal Office Affairs Management Bureau. In recent years, with the increasing publicity efforts, the culture of practicing thrift in the cafeteria has become stronger and stronger. Everyone around them can choose according to their needs and take the initiative to eat the food they buy.

Hello, I would like a pork rib rice cake. At the pick-up window, a diner wants to order a new product recently launched by the cafeteria. "Do you need large or small portions?" "Small portions, there are too many large portions of rice cakes to eat," she replied.

Such a small portion of food supply has now become the norm. Wu Qinhao, deputy general manager of Shangqin Catering Company, the canteen operator, said that no matter what new dishes are introduced, the canteen will try to provide large and small portions for the dining staff to choose from. Even Dim sum like rice cakes and big cakes now have a "slimming version". "This method is good. In the past, when there was only a large portion, either it was left to waste, or I had to eat it hard and gain weight," said Lao Lin from the Municipal Government Office.

Batch production of vegetables for more precise supply quantity

Usually, the number of people dining in the cafeteria at noon is relatively stable, but in the evening, due to the occurrence of temporary overtime, the number of people dining often fluctuates. What should we do if we do too little, the staff don't have enough to eat, and if we do too much, we have to leave leftover food?

Wu Qinhao introduced that the cafeteria operator has launched a batch delivery mechanism, which dynamically adjusts the delivery time based on the actual number of diners on the day, making the quantity of food supply more accurate. "For example, if we estimate that there will be 100 people coming to eat, we will make a quantity of 80 people first. When we find that the food is about to bottom out, but there is still a continuous stream of people coming in, the kitchen will continue to add more food and cook more."

Specially for this matter... we went to the Shanghai Municipal Government Canteen again, after a 3-year hiatus. Food | Reporter | Canteen

This approach undoubtedly adds some trouble. "When making big pot rice, the workload is basically the same for both 50 people and 100 people at a time. However, if the amount of 100 people is divided into 2 times, the workload will double." However, in order to save food more effectively, the cafeteria has adjusted many traditional methods. In addition, the operating party will continue to conduct dynamic statistical analysis of raw material consumption in order to reasonably control the procurement quantity. According to statistics, since the provision of rice in large and small bowls, the amount of rice consumed by the cafeteria each month has decreased from about 5000 kilograms to over 4000 kilograms, saving 10% to 20%.

Wu Qinhao introduced that through the centralized procurement platform, the monthly consumption and purchase volume of dishes can be clearly seen, so as to adjust the quantity of subsequent purchases in a timely manner and avoid waste caused by too many purchases at once. "If there is too much left this month, purchase less next month.". At the same time, by analyzing the changes in the consumption of raw materials, we can also understand the preferences of diners, so as to adjust the supply variety in a targeted manner and reduce daily leftovers.

According to the municipal government affairs administration, the canteens of the municipal and district party and government offices in the city have been continuously carrying out the "Clean Your Plate Campaign" in recent years, and implementing the relevant requirements of the Anti Food Waste Law. The latest Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Guarantee of the Operation of Government Offices last year also made it clear that government agencies at all levels should strengthen the management of food saving in government cafeterias and dining in official activities such as meetings, training and receptions, oppose and stop food waste, and promote the "Clean Your Plate Campaign". Next, the Municipal Machinery Management Bureau will continue to strengthen publicity and guidance, pay attention to detail implementation, and organize the effectiveness evaluation of anti food waste work, promoting the conscious action of stopping food waste and cultivating frugal habits.

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