Can the controversy be settled? , Trudeau apologizes for Nazi veteran incident|Canada|Event

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:31 PM

According to reports from CCTV News, Global Times, and Reference News, on September 27, local time, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau delivered a speech in the House of Representatives, apologizing for Canadian officials’ recent public “tribute” to a Nazi veteran. In the past few days, this controversial incident has caused an uproar in Canada and abroad, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives has resigned. Now, everyone’s attention turns to Trudeau’s political future.

"This is a mistake that is deeply embarrassing to Parliament and Canada." Trudeau said on the 27th. On behalf of everyone who "tributed" to the Ukrainian veteran Yaroslav Honka in the House of Representatives on the 22nd, he expressed deep regret, especially considering the historical background of the Nazi massacre. However, Trudeau still explained that at the time, "we didn't know the whole story."

This is the first time Trudeau has spoken out publicly in the five days since the Nazi veteran incident broke out. According to reports, the controversy originated on the 22nd of this month, when Ukrainian President Zelensky delivered a speech in the Canadian Parliament. Canadian House of Representatives Speaker Anthony Rota invited Ukrainian veteran Honka to attend.

At that time, Lotta praised the 98-year-old Honka as "a combat hero of Ukraine during World War II and a hero of Canada." Those present stood up and applauded the veteran twice.

However, the media later revealed that Honka served in a unit composed of Ukrainian volunteers during World War II. The unit was said to be loyal to Nazi Germany and had been accused of killing Polish and Jewish civilians.

This own incident immediately caused an uproar in Canada and abroad. Domestically, Karina Gould, the leading member of the ruling party in the Canadian House of Representatives, said: "This incident has brought embarrassment and shame to all MPs and Canadians..."

Canada's main opposition parties have called for Rota's resignation, and even Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly has called on him to step down.

Abroad, this incident caused dissatisfaction among Jewish communities around the world, Russia, Poland and others. The Jewish rights group "Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center" said the incident "left a stain" on the Canadian Parliament.

Russian Ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov sent a diplomatic note to Canada, asking the Canadian government to explain the incident.

In this regard, Rota has a "three-step approach". First, the Office of the Speaker of the Canadian House of Representatives explained that background checks on guests were limited to "threats to personal safety" and did not take into account "threats to reputation." Moreover, it was Hongka's son who took the initiative to "come to the door" and asked if his father could attend the event, instead of Lotta going to the other party.

But this explanation is not convincing. Stepanov believes that this matter was not due to negligence, but the inevitable result of Canada's long-term connivance of Nazi criminals to escape responsibility. Rota reportedly acknowledged that Honka is from the constituency he represents.

Seeing that the storm had not subsided, Rota took the "second step" on the 24th - publicly apologizing and expressing his willingness to take full responsibility for the oversight. However, this statement was still of no avail, and Rota took the "third step" on the 26th - taking the blame and resigning.

Meanwhile, Trudeau is trying to distance himself from the relationship. The prime minister's office said Trudeau was unaware of Rota's invitation to Honka. But photos released by Canadian media showed Trudeau was at the scene and applauding.

Opposition Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre believes Trudeau is to blame. "This is the most serious blow to Canada's diplomatic reputation yet, and it happened under Trudeau's nose," he said.

As the controversy continues to rage, calls for Trudeau to make a public statement are growing. Poilev called on Trudeau to "take responsibility and come to the House of Representatives today to apologize... because responsibility and power go hand in hand."

Although Trudeau issued an official apology on the 27th, it remains to be seen whether Canadian public opinion will buy into this. New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh and others questioned why Trudeau took so long to apologize. Opposition parties also urged Trudeau to issue a personal apology, saying the failure to adequately vet the guest's identity was a "personal failing" on the part of the prime minister.

Adding to Trudeau's headaches are diplomatic disputes. There are reports that the Polish government is seeking to extradite Honka. In this regard, Canada’s Attorney General did not give a clear answer. Given that Canada does not have an extradition treaty with Poland and Hunka's advanced age, potential extradition proceedings could be complex.

House seemingly endless rain. Public opinion has noticed that this is another controversy that Trudeau has faced recently. At present, the diplomatic turmoil between Canada and India has not yet subsided. Following the expulsion of diplomats from each other, India suspended visa operations in Canada on the 21st of this month. Meanwhile, more details are emerging about Canada's accusations that the Indian government was involved in the murder of a Canadian Sikh.

Facing many challenges, where will Trudeau's political fate go? Especially considering that Canada will usher in a new general election in October 2025 at the latest.

"Trudeau's journey as prime minister may be coming to an end." "Global Times" quoted the British "Daily Telegraph" report on the 27th. The latest polls show that Trudeau's approval rating continues to decline and is nearly 10 percentage points lower than his opponent Povalev.

Ipsos chief executive Darrell Bricker said the gap suggested the Conservatives could form a majority government if an election were held now. The reason is that Canadians are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, especially on important issues such as cost of living, housing supply and inflation.

The "Daily Telegraph" also pointed out that in the eight years since Trudeau became prime minister, he has been recognized by the domestic people for his personal charm and communication and coordination skills, but this is no longer the same as in the past.

Can the controversy be settled? , Trudeau apologizes for Nazi veteran incident|Canada|Event
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