Served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Fang Yi, former Deputy Secretary General of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Yangtze River Delta Daily, Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee | Forum | Fang Yi

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 14:34 PM

1. Fang Yi, former Deputy Secretary General of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, has been appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee

According to the Zhejiang "Riverside Women" WeChat official account, on the morning of August 25, Fang Yi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and a member of the municipal government party group, led a team to investigate the construction of children friendly communities in colorful future communities. The above information shows that Fang Yi, former Deputy Secretary General of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, has been appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and a member of the Party Group of the Municipal Government.

On August 14th, the Organization Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee issued a pre appointment public notice for provincial management cadres. Among them: Fang Yi, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1972, in-service graduate student, member of the Communist Party of China, currently serving as the Deputy Secretary General of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, proposed to be appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Deputy Provincial City Party Committee, and proposed to be nominated as a candidate for the Deputy Provincial City Mayor.

According to his public resume, Fang Yi has been working in Hangzhou for a long time and has served as Deputy Secretary and Secretary of the Communist Youth League in Shangcheng District, Director of the Education Bureau in Shangcheng District, and Deputy District Mayor of Xiaoshan District. In December 2011, Fang Yi was appointed as the Deputy Secretary and Acting County Magistrate of Tonglu County. In February 2012, he was elected as the County Magistrate. In November 2018, he became the Secretary of Tonglu County Committee. Afterwards, he served as the Deputy Secretary General of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Office, and has recently taken up new positions.

2. The reduction rate of Jiangsu Forum activities has reached 85%

On August 25th, it was learned from the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism that recently, the Office of the Leading Group for National Cleanup and Standardization Forum Activities compiled a work briefing, which showed that after the special clean-up and rectification from April to July this year, the reduction rate of forum activities in Jiangsu reached 85%.

After sorting and investigation, a total of 1593 forum activities were held in Jiangsu Province from 2021 to 2023. According to the level of forum organizers, there are 7 at the provincial and ministerial level, 60 at the prefecture and city level, 1526 below the city level, and social organizations. According to the nature of the organization, there are 787 forums that belong to the nature of internal meetings, 376 forums that are held at once, 251 forums that are held irregularly, and 179 forums that are held periodically. There are 304 forums with the titles "China, National, Chinese, International, World, High end, Summit," etc. The phenomenon of incomplete approval procedures and pre approval processing exists to varying degrees.

Based on performance evaluation and expert argumentation, cancel all internal conference forums and one-time forums; For irregular forum activities, the organizer voluntarily cancels 189, downgrades 15 according to regulations, and adjusts 47 according to regulations; For forums held on a periodic basis, the organizer will downgrade the frequency to 7. After cleaning up and rectification, 241 forum activities are planned to be retained, including 5 provincial and ministerial level forum activities, 28 prefecture and municipal level forum activities, 102 county-level forum activities, 106 universities, social organizations, and enterprises and institutions, with a reduction rate of 85%.

3. On August 26th at 12:00, Wenzhou Rail Transit S2 Line was opened for operation

At 12:00 noon on August 26th, Wenzhou Rail Transit S2 Line officially began passenger operation. After the opening of the S2 line, it will transfer to the currently operating S1 line at the airport station and Lingkun station, greatly facilitating the travel of citizens and accelerating the development of the Oujiang New City and "Wenrui Integration". This is of great significance for expanding the urban framework and promoting economic development.

Only local players are allowed to play and foreign aid is strictly prohibited. More than 600 village basketball teams are participating, and a large-scale "village BA" in a city in Zhejiang province is starting. Local | Baishuiyang Town | Foreign Aid
Only local players are allowed to play and foreign aid is strictly prohibited. More than 600 village basketball teams are participating, and a large-scale "village BA" in a city in Zhejiang province is starting. Local | Baishuiyang Town | Foreign Aid

Recently, in Baishuiyang Town, Linhai City, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, the first Huamei Rural Basketball League in Linhai City began. In recent years, rural basketball leagues have become popular in many places such as Guizhou, and many people have imitated abbreviations such as NBA and CBA, calling them "village basketball". The special feature of Linhai's "Village BA" is that it is a basketball tournament covering the entire city, held in 19 towns, with over 600 village basketball teams participating in the competition. In recent years, football matches have brought many changes to the towns in Linhai, where the village has accumulated experience in organizing activities and driven improvements in the village's style and appearance. Baishuiyang Town hopes to use sports as a platform to promote the integration of culture and tourism and the development of related industries. The basketball atmosphere in Baishuiyang Town, the most grassroots basketball game, is very good, and each village has its own basketball court. On July 25th, the reporter arrived at Shuanglou Village at around 8 pm in the evening

Go to Tiantai Mountain to see the flowers and tall trees | branches and leaves | flowers and flowers
Go to Tiantai Mountain to see the flowers and tall trees | branches and leaves | flowers and flowers

To appreciate the cloud brocade azaleas of Tiantai Mountain, one must climb the peak of Huading. The mountain peak is 1098 meters high. Saying 'deng' is an empty finger. People nowadays are not as good as poets and Xu Xiake from the Tang Dynasty, who used their solid feet to measure step by step from the foot of the mountain to the top of the flower. Now we are driving and crowded on the asphalt lane, which is called "car boarding". We moved step by step towards Huading. It's the gradual movement of the car. One meter, a few meters, a dozen meters, and rarely more than a hundred meters are unobstructed. I envy Xu Xiake from back then. In May 1613, when he came, where were so many cars and how could there be such a crowded "difficult road"? Discovering alone, experiencing the scenery alone, marveling alone, and then writing about the Huading Cloud Brocade Rhododendron, "Qi Hua Yu Shu, Linglong Mi Wang" - Mi Wang, an endless beauty. Going to Tiantai Mountain, I was originally traveling to Mu Guoqing Temple, my friend

By what?, Ranked first in the country in terms of quantity and scale, Nanjing Customized Bus Route Passengers | Science and Technology Park | Bus Route
By what?, Ranked first in the country in terms of quantity and scale, Nanjing Customized Bus Route Passengers | Science and Technology Park | Bus Route

Starting from July 3rd, a number of "responsive bus stops" will be opened in Wujiang and Xiangcheng districts of Suzhou. If a passenger gets off the bus, they will stop, while if no passenger gets off the bus, they will drive directly past the stops to reduce travel time. Similarly, on June 14th, Nanjing Public Transport Group piloted mobile phone call "responsive public transportation" on the 486 bus route in Jiangxinzhou. Wang Zhuo, Deputy Director of the Operations and Services Department of Nanjing Public Transport Group, said that virtual stations are additional boarding points on the basis of actual operating stations on the route. They are generally set up near entrances and exits of schools, residential areas, commercial complexes, etc. When passengers call the bus on their mobile phones, they stop, and when there is no call, the virtual station does not stop. Taking the virtual station of Jinling Middle School as an example, there is only a high flow of people during the time when students go to and from school. The Changri Line does not have a station here, but the nearest station to the school is also about 1 kilometer away. When encountering rainy or snowy days

Former Vice Mayor of Hefei City, Anhui First Department level Cadre Investigated in Agriculture | Allocation | Cadre in Yangtze River Delta Daily
Former Vice Mayor of Hefei City, Anhui First Department level Cadre Investigated in Agriculture | Allocation | Cadre in Yangtze River Delta Daily

1. An Anhui first level official has been investigated, and Yang Zengquan, former deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and a first level inspector, is suspected of serious violations of the law. He is currently under investigation by the Anhui Provincial Supervision Commission. Yang Zengquan, male, born in November 1962, is from Linquan, Anhui Province. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and holds a postgraduate degree. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Engineering and a Master's degree in Management. He has served as the Deputy Manager, Deputy Director of the Technology Development Department, and Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Business Department of the Grain and Oil Feed Industry Company of the Chaohu Regional Grain Bureau, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Commission of Chaohu City at the prefecture level, Director of the Grain Bureau of Chaohu City at the prefecture level, Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Hefei City, Deputy Director of the Grain Bureau of Anhui Province, Deputy Director of the Agriculture and Rural Department of Anhui Province, and First level Inspector. Member of the 10th Anhui Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Standing Committee Member of the 11th Anhui Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Director of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee, and 12th Anhui Provincial Political Consultative Conference

But twenty or thirty years ago, many people thought it was a small city, and although Hefei was expensive, it was considered a hometown of the provincial capital | Shanghai | Hefei
But twenty or thirty years ago, many people thought it was a small city, and although Hefei was expensive, it was considered a hometown of the provincial capital | Shanghai | Hefei

I am a native of Wenzhou. I came to Shanghai during my youth and have been studying, living, and working ever since; My grandparents are from Ningbo. Before the establishment of the People's Republic of China, they came to Shanghai to study and become apprentices; On weekdays, I always say that being from Zhejiang is not wrong, even if I am half a Shanghai native. When traveling in the Jiangsu Zhejiang region, there is a high probability of climbing up with people to get to know my hometown. In recent years, the high-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has been in full swing, and Anhui has actively participated in it. There have been more business trips to Anhui and more people from Anhui have met in Shanghai. In order to quickly build closer relationships, I often say that I am from Hefei: the old courtyard of the provincial government on the middle of the Yangtze River, adjacent to Xinhua Bookstore; At the intersection of Huaihe Road Pedestrian Street, next to the courtyard of the old municipal government is the Jianghuai Grand Theater; If you go on an outing and ride your bike westward out of the moat, you can go to Dashu Mountain and Dongpu Reservoir; as for