More than 200 Hong Kong university students come to Shanghai as "workers": to tell their family and friends the real Shanghai. University students | Hong Kong | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:06 AM

This is the largest scale of Hong Kong university students coming to Shanghai for internships in recent years. From early June to the end of July, more than 200 Hong Kong university students came to Shanghai, spending more than 50 days learning about the city, experiencing the workplace here, and then thinking about their future. In the interview, these "post-2000s" told reporters that Hong Kong is backed by the mainland and facing the world. Seizing this advantage, Hong Kong youth will have a larger stage of life and more choices.

The picture shows Zhang Erhua, the mentor of Dacheng Law Firm, guiding Zheng Zhonghong.

Internship: From nervousness to going to work with expectations

With a shy smile, wearing a straight white shirt and black pants, I walked into the 24th floor of the Lujiazui Global Financial Center. Starting from the 4th of last month, 19-year-old Hong Kong University freshman Zheng Zhonghong began his internship at Dacheng Law Firm.

"The legal systems in mainland China and Hong Kong are different, and the languages, text formats, and databases used on both sides are also different. It is necessary to gradually familiarize oneself with them. In order to help him quickly get started, the law firm has developed a simplified to difficult internship plan for this business administration and law major student - starting from searching English materials, gradually involving Chinese business, and then trying legal document writing.".

In Shanghai, Zheng Zhonghong was first exposed to the legislative process in mainland China. As a third-party legal advisor, lawyers from Dacheng Law Firm went to a certain district in June to conduct research on the revision of the Shanghai Construction Waste Treatment Management Regulations and listen to opinions from the government and enterprises. Although Zheng Zhonghong, who had just arrived, may not have understood the reasons for the legislation and the positions of various parties, he was infected by the atmosphere on site. "Everyone sat together and had a heated discussion, sometimes their voices getting louder and louder. Each participant would clarify their own viewpoint."

More than 200 Hong Kong university students come to Shanghai as "workers": to tell their family and friends the real Shanghai. University students | Hong Kong | Shanghai

Zheng Zhonghong candidly stated that private law firms, as independent third parties participating in the legislative process, are not commonly seen in Hong Kong. This form provides more opportunities for people to speak up. "The different legal systems in the two regions are objective, but the spirit of the law and the systematic thinking ability required by legal professionals should be interconnected.".

While improving their abilities, Hong Kong students are also quietly experiencing the workplace culture in Shanghai. "To be honest, when I first arrived, I was already prepared to have no friends for two months." When I first arrived at Mu's Architectural Design Co., Ltd. earlier last month, Wu Ziying, a senior student at the Business School of the Metropolitan University of Hong Kong, was a bit nervous. A week later, she fell in love with the international style here. The company is located near Nanfeng City, with towering buildings and well-equipped living facilities. The company not only has mainland Chinese, Hong Kong, and Taiwanese people, but also Singaporeans, Thai, Italian, and others. When discussing work, there is a seamless transition between Mandarin, English, and Cantonese.

"People from different backgrounds and professions can come together to see problems from different perspectives." Wu Ziying's internship position is called "Office Space Planning". She once worked on an interior design project for a German company headquarters in Shanghai. "Employees who understand German culture must have a better understanding of what customers need.". After visiting clients to understand the collection requirements, Wu Ziying also needs to brainstorm with colleagues from the design team, mechanical and electrical team, and technology team. Some colleagues are good at spatial actuary, while others are good at concept application. Let's talk to each other and gradually incorporate design concepts into the drawings.

"I was a bit nervous starting my internship, but now I will come to work with expectations." Wu Ziying found that Shanghai is not only internationalized like Hong Kong, but also has many development opportunities. "Although it's hard, the joy is greater. Interning in Shanghai is actually quite cool."

The picture shows Tang Pinheng communicating with children in Hong Kong.

Life: Searching for the feeling of being a Shanghainese

More than 200 Hong Kong university students come to Shanghai as "workers": to tell their family and friends the real Shanghai. University students | Hong Kong | Shanghai

This is the second time Tang Pinheng, a senior student in the History Department of Hong Kong Baptist University, has come to Shanghai. Last September, he came to the History Department of Fudan University as an exchange student and experienced the culture of mainland universities. During this period, he became an intern at the Purple Jing Youth Development Center, a Shanghai Hong Kong exchange club, and accompanied more than 20 Hong Kong primary and secondary school students to participate in the "Looking Forward to Summer Camp" activity.

"Shanghai and Hong Kong are quite similar in terms of life, but the convenience of life in Hong Kong seems to be slightly inferior to here." Tang Pinheng's viewpoint represents the understanding of most Hong Kong students. For example, in Hong Kong, taxis are almost the only option for taking a taxi, but in Shanghai, there are various taxi apps available; There are not many food delivery platforms in Hong Kong, and the prices have increased significantly, while the abundant dishes on the Shanghai platform make Hong Kong residents exclaim happiness.

In fact, compared to convenience in life, for these local Hong Kong youth, what they care more about is the "atmosphere" of a city, and then judge whether they can and are willing to integrate into it.

Zheng Zhonghong recalled that on his first day at the law firm, he felt a bit like an alien. My colleagues in Shanghai couldn't understand their accents, pace, and memes when speaking. Even though I really wanted to chat with everyone, I didn't know how to speak up.

To his surprise, after work that day, his colleagues invited him to have dinner together. We sat around and chatted, discovering many similarities between us. For example, young people from both places are very competitive, even a bit curly; For example, when talking about Hong Kong star Sheh Shih man, he said that he had watched Sheh's "The Apostle Walker", and his colleagues in mainland China immediately mentioned "Yanxi Strategy"; For example, for university majors with weaker specialization, Mandarin is called "the oil of all things", and Cantonese also has a similar colloquial term, called "water bubble"... In the process of chatting, the distance between young people is gradually brought closer.

Of course, there are also areas that make Hong Kong students uncomfortable. In Hong Kong, there is a clear distinction between public and private communication - using company communication software, work phone numbers, and work email for public communication, and using WhatsApp for private communication. In mainland China, everything is entrusted to WeChat, and public and private matters cannot be separated.

More than 200 Hong Kong university students come to Shanghai as "workers": to tell their family and friends the real Shanghai. University students | Hong Kong | Shanghai

On weekends, aside from work, Wu Ziying will go to sweep the streets. This is a habit she developed in Hong Kong. Walking on Hong Kong Island, you can see both Chinese style Tang style stone houses and European style Western style clubs. "Shanghai and Hong Kong are very similar in this regard, with buildings that blend Eastern and Western cultures and are both revitalized and utilized." Standing on the 8th Lane of the current trend, she would think of the Hong Kong Coliseum. The former is the Shikumen Alley, while the latter is the Hong Kong Central Police Station. Both revitalized while preserving their original appearance, not only allowing traditional culture to be inherited, but also becoming a resting place for citizens and tourists.

On the evening of July 1st, Wu Ziying went to Jinchao Lane 8 to participate in the celebration of the 26th anniversary of Hong Kong's return. Using the architecture of Shikumen as the "canvas", accompanied by the rhythm of music, iconic Hong Kong attractions such as Victoria Bay, Taiping Peak, and Chinese and Western architecture are projected onto it one by one. "At that moment, I was a bit dazed and forgot whether it was in Shanghai or Hong Kong.".

Although she has traveled to Shanghai before, Wu Ziying admitted that when tourists and working professionals have different perspectives, the latter can better find the feeling of being a Shanghainese. As an outsider, she particularly likes the sense of propriety of Shanghai people. "When I am with them, I can choose to be 'outside', but when I 'want to enter', Shanghai friends will not reject me, but will open their arms to welcome me.".

The picture shows Wu Ziying.

Teaching teacher: also a teacher, friend, and family member

More than 200 Hong Kong university students live in Shanghai, with numerous units silently contributing behind them. Overseas networking associations at the city and city levels, as well as numerous Hong Kong based social organizations in Shanghai, have participated in connecting more than 230 internship companies for Hong Kong students, covering state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign enterprises in the city. Based on the different majors of students, more than 570 internship positions have been provided, including research and development engineering, park management, legal commissioners, and marketing.

More than 200 Hong Kong university students come to Shanghai as "workers": to tell their family and friends the real Shanghai. University students | Hong Kong | Shanghai

On weekends, they also organize Hong Kong students to visit Shanghai. For example, students living in Putuo will visit the banks of Suzhou River, Qianshu in Tian'an, and the China Israel Innovation Park; Those living in Pudong will go to places such as Chuansha Ancient Town, Shanghai Planetarium, Yangshan Deepwater Port, and Commercial Aircraft Base to experience Shanghai's past, present, and future.

Also, it is the teaching teacher who accompanies Hong Kong students. After two months of interaction, they are now considered both teachers, friends, and family.

Huang Yongyi, who has been living in Shanghai for more than 10 years, is the head of the Shanghai Hong Kong exchange organization "Zijing Shaoqing". In the past two months, she often cooks soup, herbal tea, and brings some desserts for Tang Pinheng. Huang Yongyi said that these children are as old as her own children, and many of them are on their first long-distance trip away from home. She hopes that the taste of her hometown can make them no longer homesick. However, she was pleased that Hong Kong students have more adaptability than she had imagined, and even the most concerning medical problems for teachers can be solved online on their own.

Wu Ziying's mentor, Jiang Zhesheng, the Strategy Director of Mu's Architectural Design Office, comes from Taiwan and has worked in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Europe and America. Joyce is down-to-earth in her work, with a broad perspective. Her university major is business, and she also studies and lives in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Canada. In Jiang Zhesheng's view, his task is to effectively localize Wu Ziying's professional advantages and international background in Shanghai. So during this period, Taiwanese Jiang Zhesheng and Hong Kong resident Wu Ziying visited clients, inspected the site, brainstormed together, and jointly promoted the project.

The teacher told the reporter that what pleased them the most was the efforts and progress of Hong Kong students.

Zheng Zhonghong was the first Hong Kong university student taught by Zhang Erhua, the head teacher of Dacheng Law Firm. "He is particularly daring to ask." Zhang Erhua noticed that some interns would keep their questions hidden in their hearts, but he was willing to ask them repeatedly until he understood them. At the same time, when organizing the records, Zheng Zhonghong would repeatedly listen to the recording, "I wrote very carefully, and marked the Shanghai dialect content with question marks if I didn't understand it. I was very serious and down-to-earth."

More than 200 Hong Kong university students come to Shanghai as "workers": to tell their family and friends the real Shanghai. University students | Hong Kong | Shanghai

Zhang Erhua said that after two months of internship, Zheng Zhonghong has gradually gained an understanding of mainland legal texts, and deeper legal logic still needs to be gradually cultivated. "For first-year law students, he did a great job," she praised her intern.

As the internship gradually ended, Ma Dequan, Executive Vice President of the Shanghai Hong Kong Club Association, finally had some leisure time. He really enjoyed this busy period because it was a legacy - more than 20 years ago, he graduated from university and came to Shanghai for development, receiving help and care from many people in Shanghai and Hong Kong; Now, as a successful businessman, he feels responsible for worrying about the clothing, food, housing, and transportation of Hong Kong children in Shanghai.

"I hope everyone can fully and deeply experience Shanghai life through internships," Ma Dequan told young people in Hong Kong. As long as they speak objectively, they can tell their family and friends about the advantages and disadvantages of working in Shanghai. "If you consider staying in Shanghai, that would be even better.".

Future: The friendship established in Shanghai will continue

At the end of this month, the two month internship is coming to an end, and over 200 Hong Kong university students are starting a new journey.

"The sadness of separation has already begun." On July 23rd, Wu Ziying posted a message on her WeChat Moments. For over 50 days, she spent time with her colleagues in the company day and night, becoming good friends who talked about everything. "After completing my graduate studies, I will seriously consider whether to develop in Shanghai or the Greater Bay Area." She also made an agreement with Jiang Zhesheng that if Teacher Jiang comes to Hong Kong in the future, she will treat her to authentic Hong Kong style tea restaurants; If she comes to Shanghai, Teacher Jiang will treat her to coffee. "We will not cut off contact, and the friendship we have formed in Shanghai will definitely continue."

More than 200 Hong Kong university students come to Shanghai as "workers": to tell their family and friends the real Shanghai. University students | Hong Kong | Shanghai

Tang Pinheng, who is studying history, will stay in Shanghai and enter the History Department of Fudan University for graduate studies in September, under the guidance of Professor He Aiguo, focusing on the direction of Chinese modern and contemporary intellectual history. "My family prefers me to study finance, but I have been reading" Romance of the Three Kingdoms "since I was very young. Learning Chinese history is my hobby." He has set up a research plan for himself. On the one hand, he hopes to gain some knowledge in the history of Chinese thought and culture, and on the other hand, he wants to expand his knowledge by listening to courses in other humanities majors. "I really like Zhang Zai's" Four Sentences on the Horizontal Canal ", hoping to inspire myself to pursue a good life path." Tang Pinheng also told reporters that his internship experience has made him feel the friendliness of Shanghai towards overseas people. For example, in the past, overseas bank cards could not be bound to WeChat and Alipay. Now, this problem has been solved, and convenient payment really starts from entry.

Leaving the high-end office buildings in Lujiazui, Zheng Zhonghong is returning to Hong Kong University to continue his sophomore studies. Nowadays, there is increasing communication and collaboration between mainland China and Hong Kong in the field of law, and Hong Kong legal practitioners can also practice in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao through exams. Zheng Zhonghong believes that Hong Kong legal professionals can leverage their expertise in foreign-related legal affairs. Whether they choose to stay in Hong Kong or develop in the mainland, there will definitely be many opportunities for growth.

Before leaving, Zhang Erhua specifically reminded her students to intern more, experience more, and think more. "Your life is still long, whether you choose to become an AO or work in a law firm, the most important thing is to find your strengths and love. Taking the path you like will definitely enhance your sense of happiness. Keep in touch and look forward to hearing good news from you in the future."

That's right, hoping for a better future for oneself can be said to be the purpose of over 200 Hong Kong university students interning in Shanghai. During over 50 days of living in Shanghai, they felt the warmth of the city. As many Hong Kong students have said, in just two months, you may not be able to make up your mind to stay in Shanghai, but you can definitely give yourself another choice for the future.

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