Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, Chen Liaoyu... The Liberation Daily cultural forum meets with you

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 02:39 AM

Art lights up life, culture nourishes the soul, and the city becomes more charming. The closing series of events of the 22nd China Shanghai International Arts Festival 2023 - the 78th Cultural Forum of Liberation Daily will be held at the Shanghai Grand Theater on November 19.

Five guests, including Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, and Chen Liaoyu, will gather together to talk about the theme of "Art Empowers the Global City of Humanities", in order to further build the "Shanghai Culture" brand and create a "Shanghai sample" that is culturally confident and self-reliant. ”, contributing wisdom to building the best practice of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts.

He Jie, chief news anchor and broadcasting director of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, served as guest host.

Xi Meijuan, film and television drama performing artist, vice chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. She has created unforgettable artistic images in drama stages, movies, and TV series. She said that the rigorous attitude of literary and artistic workers towards creation and the ability to pursue truth, goodness and beauty in the complexity of human nature are all perspectives and attitudes that establish the cultural temperament of a city. At this cultural forum, she will talk about the intrinsic connection between literary and artistic innovation and urban culture from the perspective of an artistic creator.

Yu Long, music director of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. Long Yu has been committed to promoting Chinese musicians and composers to the international stage for many years and leading the in-depth development of China's classical music industry. He was called "the most influential figure on the Chinese music map" by the New York Times. He will start from the development and changes of Western classical music in China and talk about how to promote the integration and development of classical music and contemporary culture.

Zhang Jun is the principal of the Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theater Academy. He has been practicing for more than 30 years and has starred in many major dramas such as "The Peony Pavilion", "The Palace of Eternal Life", "Moonlight Night on the Spring River", and "I, Hamlet", and is known as the "Prince of Kunqu Opera". He will share his thoughts with everyone on how to innovate and inherit the art of traditional Chinese opera.

Ji Pingping, deputy director of the Shanghai Opera House and a national first-class actor, won the first place in the female solo dance group of the youth group of the 9th Paris International Ballet Competition in France, the Protagonist Award at the 21st Shanghai Magnolia Drama and Performing Arts Awards, and the 2011 Shanghai Artist of the Year. Honorable Mention etc. Ji Pingping will talk about how to use Western art as a carrier to show the charm of Chinese culture with Chinese characteristics, embodying the Chinese spirit, and containing Chinese wisdom.

Chen Liaoyu, chief director of "Chinese Tales" and associate professor at Beijing Film Academy. In 2023, the animated short series "Chinese Stories" grafted traditional aesthetics with animation technology, allowing the audience to appreciate the connotation and charm of Chinese culture. Chen Liaoyu will express his opinions on how technological innovation in the animation and video industry will be combined with traditional art in the future to create "Chinese romance".

This event is hosted by Jiefang Daily and China Shanghai International Art Festival Organizing Committee Office, and hosted by China Shanghai International Art Festival Center and Jiefang Daily Cultural Communication Center.

The Jiefang Daily Cultural Forum with "culture as the soul" has been successfully held for 77 times so far. More than 300 Chinese and foreign high-end people have expressed their insights here. The cultural forum has become a cultural brand with widespread influence in Shanghai and even the country.

Shangguan News will broadcast the event live.

Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, Chen Liaoyu... The Liberation Daily cultural forum meets with you
Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, Chen Liaoyu... The Liberation Daily cultural forum meets with you
Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, Chen Liaoyu... The Liberation Daily cultural forum meets with you

Art lights up life, culture nourishes the soul, and the city becomes more charming. The closing series of events of the 22nd China Shanghai International Arts Festival 2023 - the 78th Cultural Forum of Liberation Daily will be held at the Shanghai Grand Theater on November 19. Five guests, including Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, and Chen Liaoyu, will gather together to talk about the theme of "Art Empowers the Global City of Humanities", in order to further build the "Shanghai Culture" brand and create a "Shanghai sample" that is culturally confident and self-reliant. ”, contributing wisdom to building the best practice of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts. He Jie, chief news anchor and broadcasting director of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, served as guest host. Xi Meijuan, film and television drama performing artist, vice chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. She has created unforgettable artistic images in drama stages, movies, and TV series. She said that literary and artistic workers

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