Understanding "Why China" in Adhering to Integrity and Innovation

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:17 PM

A few days ago, when attending a forum on cultural inheritance and development at the Institute of Chinese History, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that if we do not understand China from the perspective of historical continuity with a long history, it is impossible to understand ancient China, nor can we understand modern China, let alone future China.

Despite strict restrictions on the number of visitors, this exhibition still attracted over 200000 visitors. At the exhibition site, the divination armor engraved with oracle bone inscriptions, the heavy and majestic Simu Xin Jiu, and the unified measurement and measurement of Shang Yang Fang Sheng - when precious cultural relics are vividly presented before us, the audience is deeply attracted by them. They stood in front of the cultural relics for a long time, unwilling to leave.

Each cultural relic carries a long and uninterrupted history of China, attracting audiences to interpret and explore. The oracle bone inscriptions unearthed from the Yin Ruins preserve the script from 3000 years ago, pushing the history of China forward for about 1000 years. The inscriptions and divination inscriptions exhibited at "Zhazi China" naturally attracted many viewers. Some children carry paper and pens, copying oracle bone inscriptions from oracle bones, guessing their meanings, and then comparing them with "reference answers". Some viewers scrutinize the craftsmanship and decorations of the Simu Xin wine while searching for its former "owner" - the life and legendary story of Fu Hao. Some viewers, facing Shang Yang Fang Sheng, marvel at the historical significance of "cars on the same track, books on the same text, and degrees on the same system".

Witnessing the faces of elderly people with white hair, young people in their prime, and innocent children with focused expressions, the author couldn't help but wonder: why are Shanghai citizens today deeply attracted by these ancient cultural relics? What force attracted them to participate in this historical and cultural treaty together? Now there seems to be an answer to this question: when facing and conversing with precious cultural relics, through the excellent historical and cultural heritage carried by them, people can understand their own nation and country, understand their past, know their future, think about the past, and look forward to the future.

In fact, excellent historical and cultural heritage has always been an important source of our national self-esteem and pride. In the context of globalization, it endows us with cultural identity and national identity, helping us stand among the nations of the world.These five prominent characteristics are closely connected, forming the overall characteristics of Chinese civilization. Among them, "continuity" and "innovation" are the spiritual characteristics of its adherence to integrity and innovation, "unity" and "inclusiveness" reflect the diverse and integrated pattern of the Chinese nation, and "peace" highlights the value concept of "neutrality, righteousness, and peace".

This statement provides us with a guide for a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of Chinese civilization. This comprehensive grasp of the characteristics of Chinese culture and the spirit of Chinese civilization also implies profound thinking and magnificent painting in creating new cultures.

Today, we need to create a new culture that belongs to our era and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation. The key lies in upholding integrity and innovation. To uphold righteousness, one must explore the origin and comprehend history, and understand the context and texture of Chinese civilization; "Innovation" means to be based on the characteristics of the current era, rooted in the local area, with a global perspective, and constantly engage in creative exploration and construction. Inheritance, development, and innovation are the necessary paths for the sustainable development and evolution of our civilization, as well as the true carrier and interpretation of cultural confidence.

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