High Interview·The Master’s Back | 125th Anniversary of Feng Zikai’s Birth: The Power of Warming People’s Hearts

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 21:15 PM

Before him, no one in China painted like this; after him, although there were many imitators, no one reached his height. He draws cartoons, but rarely satirizes them. Instead, he uses just a few strokes to depict everything in the world. Therefore, he is known as "the artist most like an artist in modern China."

He is Feng Zikai. Since childhood, he has been surrounded by tenderness, which comes from his parents and family, from his mentor Li Shutong, and from many friends and comrades. And he views all things with tenderness and compassion, and what he writes are poetic life scenes. Looking at his paintings brings tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart.

Feng Zikai once said, "It was an accident that he entered a normal school, it was an accident that he studied painting, and it was an accident that he reached his current career." The key point among many accidents was that he met his teacher Li Shutong at Zhejiang First Normal School, which made him not only He received education in painting, calligraphy, and music, and also benefited a lot from how to conduct himself in the world.

Feng Zikai praised Li Shutong as "a very human-like person" who was respectful to his teacher and even tried his best to imitate his teacher's behavior. For example, if the teacher wears common clothes, he also wears common clothes; the teacher often meditates silently, but he rarely talks; the teacher sleeps when the sun sets in the mountains, and he also goes to bed early. Friends joked that Feng Zikai had become the shadow of Master Hong Yi.

As a literary and artistic master, Feng Zikai firmly believes that to do well in art, you must first be a good person. He believes that human life can be divided into three levels: the first level is material life, the second level is spiritual life, and the third level is soul life. He was ashamed of his weak legs and could not follow Master Hongyi up to the third floor. He could only stay on the second floor first, but he often climbed up the escalator with all his strength and looked at the third floor. The "look" he mentioned, in the eyes of his granddaughter Feng Nanying, means cultivating love, loving people and things.

Now when people recall this old man, they will think of his childlike innocence. Feng Zikai once said: "My heart is occupied by four things, the gods and stars in the sky, art and children in the world." There is a child who has not grown up living in his heart, allowing him to remain a child until he is old. Such innocence and enthusiasm.

People will also think of his sincerity. As long as he hears "Farewell" written by his teacher Li Shutong, he will be silent and thoughtful, and his eyes will always fill with tears. He told stories to the children, sometimes sobbing uncontrollably. Watching the movies "The Party's Daughter" and "Eternal Life in Fire", he will burst into tears.

People will think more of his paintings. The famous work "After the People Have Gone, the Crescent Moon and the Sky Are Like Water", a bright moon, a table, two chairs, several teacups and teapots vividly express the mood of friends after they get together. His paintings are full of warm charm, and they also make people suddenly realize that beautiful things are hidden in daily life and can be discovered as long as you are willing.

No matter how time passes, the name Feng Zikai will never fade away. People will often think of him, just like he said about his teacher Li Shutong, remembering that "a very human-like person" once came.

Feng Zikai: Born in November 1898, he was born in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province. His original name was Fengrun and his legal name was Yingxing. He had high attainments in the fields of painting, literature, translation, music and calligraphy. He once served as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, chairman of the Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Artists Association, and president of the Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy. He died in Shanghai in September 1975.

Feng Nanying: Born in Shanghai in 1959, the eldest daughter of Feng Zikai's eldest son, Feng Huazhan, grew up under her grandfather's knees. Graduated from Fudan University and later went abroad for further study and received a master's degree. He is the author of "Reminiscences of Grandfather Feng Zikai - Past Events in Changle Village" and so on.

Wang Jiaming: Born in Qingdao, Shandong in 1953, he has served as the chief editor of Shandong Pictorial Publishing House, deputy general manager and deputy chief editor of Sanlian Bookstore, party secretary and president of People's Fine Arts Publishing House, and is the author of "The Shadow of the Indus - The Biography of Feng Zikai" "wait.

Chen Xing: Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang in 1957, he is a senior professor at Hangzhou Normal University, director of Hongyi Master Feng Zikai Research Center, and the author of "Research on Feng Zikai Comics" and so on.

Gao Yuan: When mentioning Feng Zikai, many people will think of Changle Village. He lived at No. 93, Shaanxi South Road, Shanghai, a quiet residential area in the middle of the bustle, for 21 years until his death in 1975. Is he satisfied with Changle Village?

Feng Nanying: My grandparents, called father-in-law and mother-in-law in Shimen dialect of our hometown, were born in turbulent times and moved around throughout their lives. After arriving in Shanghai in 1949, they never left again. I first lived on Xibaoxing Road, and later moved to Fuzhou Road, but there were no sanitary facilities, which was very inconvenient. In 1954, my father-in-law took a fancy to this three-story house in Changle Village and used several gold bars to prop it up. My father-in-law was very satisfied and felt that the space was enough.

There is a small indoor balcony on the second floor, with a trapezoidal protrusion in the middle and windows on three sides. This is my father-in-law's study. The sun shines brightly during the day, and you can see the stars and the moon at night. He named the study "Sun and Moon Tower" and chanted the sentence "The sun and the moon grow longer in the Sun and Moon Tower." It was here until the end of his life. The place where I have lived the longest.

Feng Nanying: My sister Yiqing and I have been connected to No. 93 Changle Village since we were born. Because his father, Feng Huazhan, taught in the Foreign Languages ​​Department of Fudan University, he and his mother used to live in the faculty dormitory. After my mother became pregnant with me, my father-in-law was worried about the medical conditions in the suburbs and asked my parents to live in Changle Village to wait for the birth.

Our names were both given by our father-in-law. I was born in June when the south wind blows slowly. My father-in-law wanted me to be as smart as my father, so I named me Nan Ying. My sister was born on the eve of the Spring Festival. My father-in-law said that spring was already expected and longed for, so I was named Nan Ying. Italian youth. Shortly after I was born, I moved back to Fudan with my parents. When I was one year old, my nanny suddenly left. My parents were busy at work, so they had to send me to my parents-in-law.

Gao Yuan: In your memory, what kind of living habits did your grandfather have?

Feng Nanying: His life is very regular. He goes to bed around 7:30 every night, gets up before dawn at 4 in the morning, swallows a small bag of rhubarb prepared the night before, and then starts working attentively. My father-in-law likes to work in the morning. He says he feels energetic in the morning, but he is afraid that he will have nothing to do.

My sister and I were very curious about how he worked in the morning. Once he got up before dawn. Changle Village was completely silent. My father-in-law spread out white rice paper in the Riyue Building. He first used carbon wood strips to make a rough draft, and then briefly conceived the layout. I painted with brushes and watercolor pens in ten minutes. I put it aside to dry and then painted the next one. He didn't stop working until the sun shone into the room and the alley became noisy.

At this time, the aunt will bring breakfast, usually salty soy milk and flatbread and fried dough sticks. Afterwards, my father-in-law read a book or smoked a cigarette and looked out the window, lost in thought. He drinks a lot. Except for tea in the morning, he drinks wine instead of tea the rest of the time. The small plate usually contains dried tofu or peanuts, as well as some seasonal products, such as new broad beans, winter bamboo shoots, and water chestnuts. He likes to drink Shaoxing rice wine most, and occasionally drinks other wines.

When we had free time, my father-in-law would tell us stories. Sometimes he would draw pictures while telling us, and then he would clump them together and throw them into the wastebasket. Thinking about it now, I feel it is a pity to throw away those small paintings.

Gao Yuan: What is the relationship between you and your grandfather?

Feng Nanying: I first arrived in Changle Village when I was one year old. My father-in-law took care of me for a few months and then wrote "Nanying's Visit". The page is full of deep love: "Looking at her innocent face , my mood will quickly return to my childhood more than sixty years ago, and I will taste the original taste of life. This is the deepest happiness that only Nan Ying can give me now."

A few months later, my parents picked me up to return home, and my father-in-law was very reluctant to leave. He wrote: "From now on, Nan Ying, who is full of vitality, is no longer in the family. I have to live in loneliness, as Du Fu said." My parents often take me there. Changle Village, but every time I left, my father-in-law never thought about food and drinks. Later, my parents had no choice but to send me to Changle Village to live permanently.

Because my father-in-law and mother-in-law were old, and the old nanny Aunt Ying'e was also old, my parents hired another nanny to look after me. Although I have aunts, my father-in-law is the one I love the most. No. 93 Changle Village was my childhood paradise, always full of laughter.

Feng Zikai, Xu Limin and his wife with their eldest son Feng Huazhan and eldest daughter-in-law Qi Zhirong

Gao Yuan: Feng Zikai traveled to many places in his life. In addition to the "Riyue Tower" in Changle Village, Shanghai, he is also famous for the Yuanyuan Hall in his hometown of Shimen Bay. Yuanyuan Hall was built by him. Why?

Wang Jiaming: His mother bought a piece of land behind the old house of the Feng family in the early years, but the family's dyeing shop and thin fields were only enough to make ends meet and they were unable to build a house. After Feng Zikai got married, the children were born very closely, and he dragged his family around in other places without much leftover. When he was 30 years old, he returned home to stay with his mother. The old house that had nurtured three generations of the Feng family had declined. By this time, he had become famous and his income was gradually increasing. The idea of ​​building a house came from his mother's heart.

Yuanyuan Hall was built in Shimenwan, a small ancient town. Feng Zikai did not wear a suit for it. The structure was simple and bright in Chinese style. He also painted Chinese furniture patterns by himself and had the carpenters build it. After it was completed in the spring of 1933, it became Feng Zikai's "Peach Blossom Land". His daily life can be summarized in eight words: drinking, reading, writing and painting.

Gao Yuan: How did such a fairy-like life get interrupted later?

Wang Jiaming: Feng Zikai lived leisurely in Yuanyuan Hall for nearly five years. In the autumn of 1937, the Japanese army had launched a war of aggression against China. At that time, Feng Zikai was drawing "The Comic History of Japan's Invasion of China". He wanted to draw all the atrocities committed by the Japanese army. , one page of pictures and one page of instructions, so that future generations can remember it.

At noon that day, ten members of the Feng family were having lunch when they suddenly heard the sound of an airplane and saw a reconnaissance plane flying in a circle over the town. Not long after, the sound of planes was heard again, followed closely by bombing and strafing. In this bombing, more than 30 people were killed in the town and countless others were injured.

At that time, Yuanyuan Hall was the tallest building in Shimen Bay. Feng Zikai was worried about becoming the target of the next round of bombings, so he took his family to escape to a neighboring village that night. Afterwards, they fled all the way to the west. On the way, news came that Yuanyuan Hall had been destroyed by the war. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Feng Zikai returned to his hometown and saw ruins and thatched huts, with no trace of Yuanyuan Hall.

Gao Yuan: What position does Yuanyuan Hall occupy in Feng Zikai’s heart?

Wang Jiaming: It can be said that it is very heavy. First of all, the origin of this name is closely related to Master Hongyi. In 1926, the Master traveled through Shanghai, and Feng Zikai asked the Master to name his Shanghai residence. The master asked him to write his favorite words on many small square papers, roll them into paper balls and scatter them in front of the statue of Sakyamuni. Then he took out two at random, opened them and saw that they were all "destined", so he immediately asked the master to write them. A banner, framed and hung on the wall. Later, when a new house in his hometown was built, the name continued to be used, but the original character was smaller. He asked Mr. Ma Yifu to inscribe a large "Yuanyuan Hall" and hung it in the middle of the house.

On the other hand, the few years he lived in Yuanyuan Hall were a relatively stable stage in Feng Zikai's life, and it was also a fruitful period for his career. This house did not exist for a long time, but its role in Feng Zikai's mind, life, art, and literature is indescribable. After Yuanyuan Hall was destroyed by the war, Feng Zikai mourned it many times and wrote a series of articles, such as "Information of the Spirit of Yuanyuan Hall in Heaven", "Ci Yuanyuan Hall", "Return to My Yuanyuan Hall", etc.

In September 1985, Yuanyuan Hall was rebuilt on its original site in Shimen Bay. Everything still followed the old system. The plaque hanging high in the main hall was still written by Mr. Ma Yifu. Feng Zikai once said when his house was destroyed: "You will be resurrected soon, and we will be reunited soon, a more glorious reunion!" Yuanyuan Hall is back, but its owner has passed away, and only his works are still circulating in the world. , which is the continuation of the artist’s life.

Gao Yuan: The name Feng Zikai has always been associated with Li Shutong. How did they become connected?

Wang Jiaming: Feng Zikai was born in Shimen Bay in northern Zhejiang. When he was a child, he went to a private school, which was later changed to a primary school. His father died young, and his mother followed the advice of a relative who was the principal of a high school and asked him to take the exam in Hangzhou. He passed the Zhejiang University in one fell swoop. Provincial First Normal School.

At that time, Feng Zikai was a timid, honest, sentimental country boy who was very uncomfortable with the new environment. But I have great respect for one teacher, Li Shutong, who teaches music and drawing classes. This Mr. Li is different in class. He always sits on the podium early. When the bell rings, he stands up, bows deeply to the students, and starts teaching.

At first, some naughty students read other books or spit on the ground, thinking that Mr. Li didn't see it. But when class is over, Mr. Li will solemnly say in a very light but serious tone that so-and-so will go out later. After all the students had gone out, Mr. Li said in the same tone, don't do this next time in class, and bowed slightly after speaking. This serious atmosphere has a special deterrent effect. Most of the students who were criticized turned red in the face and would never dare to do it again in the future.

Gao Yuan: Li Shutong is unique in teaching music and painting classes so seriously. How could such an unsmiling teacher win the hearts of his students?

Wang Jiaming: Li Shutong has a major characteristic: he is extremely serious and serious in everything he does. For students, this is a special charm. Moreover, he is knowledgeable. Although he only teaches music and pictures, in the minds of students, he is more proficient in Chinese, English, history, etc. than full-time teachers. He is also good at calligraphy and epigraphy, so he is the most authoritative teacher in the school.

Li Shutong's influence on students is also reflected in beyond academic knowledge. Once, a student's belongings in the dormitory were stolen and could not be recovered. As the school warden, Xia Chuzun was very distressed. Li Shutong suggested that he issue a notice saying that if the thief does not surrender within three days, he will be proven guilty. As the dormitory master, if you cannot win the trust of the students, you will commit suicide. This will impress the thief and make him surrender.

Anyone who knows Li Shutong knows that he is definitely not joking with Mr. Xia. There is something very serious and noble in this suggestion.

Gao Yuan: In Li Shutong’s eyes, is Feng Zikai a good student?

Wang Jiaming: Li Shutong first taught music, and soon Feng Zikai’s painting class was also taught by him. He taught drawing without using textbooks, but asked everyone to draw plaster statues. Feng Zikai used to like to look at the things in front of him when he had nothing to do, such as white clouds in the sky, moss marks on the wall, utensils on the table, other people's faces, etc. He always felt that the lines and light and shade of these things had complex textures. Unexpectedly, now I can actually study specifically. He was quickly smitten by the incident and gradually alienated himself from his main subject.

One night, Feng Zikai went to see Li Shutong for something. When he was leaving, Mr. Li solemnly said: "Your painting has improved very quickly. I have never seen such rapid progress among the students I teach." This compliment. words, it played a vital role for a 17-year-old boy.

Decades later, Feng Zikai recalled that conversation and said: "These few words of Mr. Li determined my life. This night must be a critical moment in my life, because from this night on I Make up your mind, concentrate on studying painting, dedicate your life to art, and never change your mind.”

Gao Yuan: It can be said that without Li Shutong, there would be no cartoonist Feng Zikai. But Li Shutong's influence on Feng Zikai was not limited to painting?

Wang Jiaming: In school, Feng Zikai studied painting and music with Mr. Li. He also studied Japanese with Mr. Li after school, because most of the theories and materials of Western painting at that time were introduced from Japan. The relationship between teachers and students became closer and closer, allowing Feng Zikai to understand Li Shutong more comprehensively.

Li Shutong was indeed Feng Zikai's artistic mentor, but his greater influence was on the spiritual level. During the winter vacation of that year, Li Shutong went to Hupao Temple to fast for three weeks. After returning to school, he began to become a vegetarian. In the spring of 1918, he converted to Buddhism, nicknamed "Hongyi". In the summer of the same year, he laid down his teaching duties and officially became a monk at Hupao Temple.

Before becoming a monk, Li Shutong gave away things around him to many people. Feng Zikai got books on art and all the photos of Li Shutong when he was a layman. Feng Zikai treasured these photos for many years, but were later destroyed by war. Fortunately, he has copied and published them. When Li Shutong became Master Hongyi, their superficial teacher-student relationship ended, but in the spiritual world, Li Shutong had always been Feng Zikai's mentor.

Gao Yuan: What is the key to the spiritual impact?

Wang Jiaming: When Li Shutong became a monk, Feng Zikai had just turned 20, and Buddhism had not had much influence on him. But how to be a human being and why people come to this world, Li Shutong had a huge influence on Feng Zikai.

Feng Zikai has been confused about time and space since he was a child. He sympathizes with the insignificance of life, hates the battles in the world, and seeks the purity and tranquility of his soul. Compared with the teacher, his temperament is weak and more dependent. He sought the ability to stand on his own in society and the pillar of his soul. Li Shutong pointed out the direction for both of these things, namely art and personality.

It can be said that Li Shutong appeared when young Feng Zikai needed a mentor. He was the person who provided him with sweet springs and food when Feng Zikai was mentally hungry and thirsty for knowledge. This is a living person who has always been a mentor. Live in Feng Zikai's heart.

Gao Yuan: Just like his teacher Li Shutong, Feng Zikai is also a rare artistic all-rounder. But when later generations mention him, the first thing they think of is his comics. How much influence did Li Shutong have on him in this regard?

Chen Xing: Feng Zikai loved painting since he was a child, but before meeting Li Shutong, he only knew how to copy. Inspired by Li Shutong, his mind was influenced by art, which has dominated his creation ever since.

Like his teacher, Feng Zikai views all sentient and ruthless things in the world with a fraternal and profound heart. He believes that the world seen by artists is equal, and the artist's heart should give sincere sympathy to all things in the world. In this sense, Li Shutong was the inspirer of his artistic soul.

Gao Yuan: Besides Li Shutong, who else has Feng Zikai been influenced by in comics?

Chen Xing: There is a Japanese cartoonist Yumeji Takehisa who had a profound influence on Feng Zikai’s painting style. In the impression of Japanese people at that time, Takehisa Yumeji was most famous for his "paintings of beautiful women". But what made Feng Zikai fall in love at first sight was his early comics, which were characterized by a blend of Eastern and Western painting techniques and rich poetic taste.

Takehisa Mengji's comics are not known for their satire and comedy, but explore the deep and serious taste of life, which Feng Zikai calls silent poetry. In terms of painting style, Takehisa Mengji liked to write inscriptions with novel ideas, and many of the characters in his paintings did not have eyes, which inspired Feng Zikai.

In fact, Feng Zikai didn't know much about Zhujiu Meng Er at that time, but what made him admire him so much was that his artistic mood and aesthetic taste were very similar. What Feng Zikai admires the most is the concise expression techniques and meaningful poetic interest of Takeku Mengji's comics, which are the source of his artistic inspiration.

It must be pointed out that Feng Zikai later conducted in-depth research on Japanese comics, and the influence of other Japanese cartoonists on him cannot be ignored, such as Hong'er Otani, Kitazawa Lotte, Okamoto Ippei, Ogawa Yuqian, etc.

Gao Yuan: In 1924, Feng Zikai published his famous work "After the People Are Dispersed, the Crescent Moon and the Sky Are Like Water". Many people think that this is the first cartoon he published, so they say that he "reached his peak when he debuted." Is this true?

Chen Xing: In the winter of 1921, Feng Zikai returned from studying in Japan, and in the early summer of the next year he went to teach at Chunhui Middle School in Baima Lake, Shangyu. During a school council meeting, he drew pictures of the tired postures of his colleagues and posted them on the back of his door to enjoy alone. He felt quite amused and began to paint diligently.

His cartoons were published one after another in the school magazine "Chunhui", which was earlier than "After the People Dispersed, the Crescent Moon and the Sky Are Like Water". The latter was published in the journal "Our July" co-organized by Zhu Ziqing, Yu Pingbo and others, and immediately attracted the attention of many readers. One of them was Zheng Zhenduo, who began to ask Feng Zikai for paintings, and published it in "Literature" edited by himself. Weekly", it was placed in a very conspicuous position, and the column name was "Zikai Comics".

At the end of 1925, Literary Weekly published the comic collection "Zikai Comics", and Feng Zikai embarked on the road to take off as an artist.

The famous work "After the people disperse, the crescent moon and the sky are like water"

Gao Yuan: Many people say that Feng Zikai is the originator of modern Chinese comics. Before him, there were no comics in China. Is there any basis for this?

Chen Xing: We must first look at the origin of the word "comic". "Cartoons" were found in Chao Yidao's writings in the Northern Song Dynasty, and later in Hong Mai's writings, but they all referred to a kind of bird. The word "cartoon" was also used in the Qing Dynasty, but it did not refer to the type of painting, but meant "drawing at will".

Many scholars, including my early works, believe that the starting point for "cartoon" to refer to a type of painting in China was when Zheng Zhenduo labeled Feng Zikai's paintings "Zikai comics". Even Feng Zikai himself said, "The word "manga" was indeed used in my paintings, but it was not my own calling, but someone else's choice."

Later, after research, it was found that the paintings published in Shanghai's "Alarm Daily" as early as 1904 were titled "Current Affairs Comics". Later, "Republic of China Daily" also published "Fangsheng Comics", but those works had little social impact. It was not until the appearance of "Zikai Comics" that the term "comics" became popular.

It is unscientific to say that Feng Zikai is the originator of Chinese comics. First of all, in terms of the appearance of the name "comic", it existed before; in terms of this kind of painting, paintings with the nature of comics existed in ancient times, and his teacher Li Shutong not only advocated comics, but also created comics, but Li Shutong called it "Caricature". However, there is no doubt about Feng Zikai’s special status in the history of modern Chinese comics.

Gao Yuan: There are different opinions on the artistic characteristics of Feng Zikai’s comics. Some say that the big is seen in the small, while others say that there are lingering implications. How do you think the most appropriate summary is?

Chen Xing: As long as he sees and feels things, Feng Zikai can paint paintings full of interest in life. In my opinion, his greatest uniqueness in comics is his "unexpected and unexpected".

Most of his cartoon characters have no eyes, and some even lack ears, noses and mouths. This can of course be said to be influenced by Takehisa Mengji, but more importantly, this is the artistic view that Feng Zikai believes in. For example, in his painting "Music Class at Village School", the children in the painting have only one mouth and no other facial features. However, readers with a little artistic imagination will realize that this is children singing loudly. There must be an innocent and lively look in his eyes.

Feng Zikai once said, "The intention of painting comes first. As long as you have the intention, the brush may not be missed. Sometimes the brush is too late and it becomes a burden." He painted the face without drawing details, thinking that this was enough. If he painted all the facial features, it would be more useful. There is no room for imagination for the viewer, which weakens the appeal.

In fact, the saying "what you realize is unexpected but unexpected" has long existed in ancient China. Feng Zikai's painting concepts are deeply influenced by traditional art theory. Therefore, he said, "The most valuable thing is to use a few strokes to create the first main impression."

Gao Yuan: Feng Zikai is a combination of calligraphy and painting. To study his paintings, we must study his calligraphy. How should we evaluate his calligraphy achievements?

Chen Xing: Feng Zikai is a painter and a calligrapher. His paintings are unique in their own way, and his calligraphy is also unique, originating from the Northern Wei Dynasty and Jianji Zhangcao. They are stretched and well-organized, giving people sincere joy. This aspect was deeply influenced by Li Shutong. Under the guidance of his teacher, he carefully copied "Zhang Menglong Monument", "Twelve Products of Longmen", "Wei Qi Statue", etc. Feng Zikai valued calligraphy very much and considered it the highest art.

The overall layout and content of Feng Zikai's comics, without the cooperation of the book of paintings, would never have achieved the achievements that are now recognized by everyone. His comics and calligraphy are like twin brothers who fell to the ground at the same time and grew up together.

Gao Yuan: After Feng Zikai, many people imitated his paintings, but few got the essence of them. What is the reason?

Chen Xing: Over the years, many people have indeed imitated his painting style. Generally speaking, there are two situations: one is liking it from the bottom of the heart, and the other is selling fake Zikai comics for money. But most people can only scratch the surface of it. First of all, it is easy to imitate paintings, but it is difficult to imitate calligraphy. More importantly, Feng Zikai's artistic achievements are a comprehensive reflection of his character and knowledge, which is even more difficult to learn. His colleague Zhu Guangqian of Baima Lake once said that Feng Zikai was completely true to himself and had no sophistication at all.

Feng Zikai's comic skills are Western, and his artistic conception is traditional Chinese. He is good at using a brush to draw very concise sketches on paper. It is like facing a kind-hearted and wise elder, listening to him without reservation or scruple. How can people not be attracted by the words that come from the bottom of their hearts?

Gao Yuan: Feng Zikai drew countless paintings throughout his life and published nearly 50 comic books during his lifetime. Among them, the 6-volume "Picture Collection of Nursing Students" can be said to have been painted for a lifetime, which is particularly special. What kind of emotions does this series carry?

Wang Jiaming: Throughout his life, Feng Zikai followed Li Shutong in both art and belief. In 1927, Feng Zikai officially converted to Buddhism from Master Hongyi and took the Buddhist name "Yingxing". After his conversion, he and his teacher worked together to plan the "Picture Collection of Nursing Life" to persuade people to cherish life and give up murderous intentions. The teacher composed the poems and text and painted the pictures himself.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, Feng Zikai explained many times that he did not mean to protect all animals and plants when he painted the "Picture Collection of Protecting Life". Otherwise, you cannot even drink boiled water because there are countless microorganisms in the water. If you boil them, wouldn't they all be destroyed? Boiled to death? His purpose is to persuade people to get rid of cruelty and cultivate compassion, and then use this heart to deal with others. Therefore, "Those who protect lives also protect their hearts."

Gao Yuan: Later, the series "Painting Collection of Nursing Students" became a lifelong agreement between their teachers and students.

Wang Jiaming: In 1939, when Master Hongyi was 60 years old, Feng Zikai painted 60 "Paintings for Protecting Students" while on the way to escape, and sent them to Fujian, asking the master to write poems. This is the "Collection of Paintings for Protecting Students". The master wrote back and said: "When the dead man is seventy years old, he invites a benevolent person to paint the third series of seventy pictures of life-saving paintings. When he is eighty years old, he paints the fourth series of eighty pictures. When he is ninety years old, he paints the fifth series. There are ninety paintings in total. When I was a hundred years old, I made the sixth collection, which is a total of one hundred paintings.

At that time, the Japanese invaders were brutal, and Feng Zikai could not predict his life or death. He was very frightened by this important trust, and wrote back: "I will definitely obey the promise of Shishou." Unexpectedly, Master Hongyi passed away in Quanzhou three years later. When he received the news, Feng Zikai was packing his bags in Zunyi and preparing to move to Chongqing. He sat quietly for dozens of minutes and vowed to make 100 statues of teachers in addition to completing nursing paintings.

Gao Yuan: When was this agreement finally completed?

Feng Nanying: After Master Hongyi passed away, no matter the times or the changes, my father-in-law has always kept this promise deep in his heart and worked hard according to the promise made back then.

By the early 1970s, "Picture Collection of Nursing Students" had been published in 5 volumes, and only the last volume was missing to fulfill the promise. It was during the "Cultural Revolution" and coupled with old age and frailty, my father-in-law was worried about whether he could complete the sixth volume. I remember that he told us at that time that we must do things thoroughly. As the ancients said, "If you build a mountain with nine steps, you will fall short by one step." It means that even if there is only one dustpan of soil missing from building a high mountain, it will be unsuccessful. So he rushed to draw pictures of nursing students every morning and completed the 100 pictures in the last volume ahead of schedule.

This was the last effort he made in his lifetime. In 1979, on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Master Hongyi, the album was published in Hong Kong. Although his life was not promised and his father-in-law could not see it with his own eyes, he faithfully fulfilled his unforgettable promise to his mentor.

Gao Yuan: Although he converted to Buddhism with Master Hongyi very early, he never became a monk. What is the reason?

Feng Nanying: My father-in-law’s belief in Buddhism is about the tenets of Buddhism, not about the form. He even hates the form. My father-in-law once explained to us the difference between a monk and a layman. He said that a layman practices at home and does not have to abandon his family. He also said that he does not recite Buddhist scriptures, is not a vegetarian, and cannot live without wine. Strictly speaking, he can only count as half. layman.

Gao Yuan: What is your grandfather’s attitude towards vegetarianism or not?

Feng Nanying: My father-in-law has not liked to eat meat since he was a child, and his diet is basically vegetarian. However, when he is a guest, he is afraid of causing trouble to others, so he also eats meat and side dishes. My sister Feng Yiqing is like him. My father-in-law never asked or encouraged his family to be vegetarian. He emphasized to us many times that the ultimate goal of being vegetarian and not killing animals is to cultivate a benevolent heart. He believed that those who have a heart to protect living beings will definitely be kind to others.

In his later years, my father-in-law no longer cared about the difference between meat and vegetables. He loved eating crabs when he was young because his father had this hobby. Later, after I converted, my father-in-law stopped eating crabs for a while. One time on the train, a passenger accidentally spilled my father-in-law's milk. He insisted on paying for the two crabs he brought with him. My father-in-law tried his best to refuse, so he had to take them home. Put the crabs in the pond in the garden and check them out every day.

But later he had a new understanding. He once said, "I think being vegetarian and eating meat is really a trivial matter and has nothing to do with the big picture." I don't know exactly when my father-in-law started quitting. During the days when I lived with him, eating crabs was always my father-in-law's choice. Hobby.

Gao Yuan: In his opinion, vegetarianism is just a formality, and the most important thing is to have a compassionate heart?

Feng Nanying: My father-in-law’s compassion and care for students are not limited to formalities. He mainly focuses on cultivating his own mind. But there are some bottom lines that he insists on not breaking through. He once told us that the refined lamb leather is soft and delicate, and the coat is white and white. It is beautiful and warm, but the source is very cruel. No matter how good the clothes are, he will not touch them.

My father-in-law said that Master Hongyi came to our house after he became a monk. My father-in-law asked him to sit on a wicker chair. He shook the wicker chair gently and then slowly sat down. Later, I saw that he behaved like this every time, and my father-in-law asked me why. Master Hongyi said that there may be small insects lurking in the gaps between the rattan chairs. If you sit down suddenly, they will be crushed to death, so shake it first and then sit down slowly to let them escape. My father-in-law was very moved by this and said that this was true compassion.

Gao Yuan: Can we say that after middle age, Feng Zikai has gradually become detached?

Feng Nanying: That’s true, so he always treats his friend’s death calmly. He does not panic or cry, but he remembers his old friends by recalling the past, and we can feel the sadness deep in his heart. During the "Cultural Revolution", when he heard the news that Lao She committed suicide by throwing himself into a lake, his father-in-law said calmly: "Just die." Afterwards, he repeatedly talked about his interactions with Lao She in Chongqing during the Anti-Japanese War and the past events of painting and writing for Lao She. It can be seen that he deeply regrets leaving his old friend.

My father-in-law, also known as Fengren and nicknamed Ciyu, is a truly benevolent and philanthropic person. He has a broad heart of benevolence. He sets an example and promotes the way of benevolence, calling on the public to love and care for people and all living things in the world.

"Whether old friends are coming tonight or not, I will teach people to set up all the shadows of the phoenix trees"

Gao Yuan: Where is your grandfather's love for you and your sister mainly reflected?

Feng Nanying: My father-in-law cares about us very much. The most important thing is his words and deeds. He first asked us to work seriously and be meticulous in everything big or small. He asked us to help him cut large pieces of rice paper, and taught us to cut the edges of the paper straight, but we often cut it as if it had been gnawed by dogs. My father-in-law laughed at us because we cut "flowers in thousands of countries". This is Shimen proverb, that is It means it's not neat, and then help us trim the edges of the paper neatly.

My father-in-law wanted us to be prepared to endure hardships and stand hard work since we were young. When we were eating when we were young, our father-in-law would often say to us while eating green vegetable roots: "If you bite the vegetable roots, everything will come true." He said that a person must endure hardships and stand hard work, and be able to adapt to poverty. days, so that no matter what you do in the future, you will be successful.

He also asked us to develop curiosity and independent thinking, and ask more questions about why. Once my father-in-law asked us, people often use "picturesque" to describe beautiful scenery, and "lifelike" to praise good paintings. Which is better, the painting or the real scene? He always patiently inspires us to think and not to follow blindly.

Gao Yuan: Your grandfather is a second-generation relative to you. Is he also so kind to other family members?

Feng Nanying: My father-in-law and mother-in-law were in a typical old-style arranged marriage, and they met only after the wedding night. My mother-in-law's family is a well-known and scholarly family, while my father-in-law's family is barely making ends meet, but my mother-in-law is not arrogant at all. My father-in-law is a good, responsible husband and father, so my mother-in-law feels that all her efforts are worth it.

Although my father is the eldest son, he is the fourth among his brothers and sisters, preceded by his sisters. Shortly after he was born, his father-in-law published his famous work "After the People Are Dispersed, the Crescent Moon and Sky Are Like Water". This was a turning point in his career, and his family situation gradually improved from then on. Dad grew up in a warm environment and developed a loyal, honest and generous character.

Dad was the object of his father-in-law's care when he was a child. When he was a teenager, he received the father-in-law's court training. On top of the family relationship, he added the teacher-student relationship. As an adult, he added a close friendship. Just like what the father-in-law said in the article "Children", "I think the most natural and reasonable relationship between people in the world is that of friends."

Gao Yuan: Anyone who has seen Feng Zikai’s paintings can feel that he has a warm heart. What is your grandfather's attitude toward people outside of his family?

Feng Nanying: My father-in-law’s warmth is not limited to family members. Aunt Ying’e, who has been a long-term helper in our house, was brought from Shimenwan by my father-in-law and mother-in-law. My father-in-law regards her as one of his own family members and often praises her delicious cooking. Aunt Ying'e has high blood pressure, and her father-in-law wants her to take a nap every day. He can do things he can do without bothering Aunt Ying'e.

One day Aunt Ying'e got up early to buy groceries and suddenly suffered a stroke and died. My father-in-law and mother-in-law were very sad. She had no children, so the funeral was organized by my family. My father-in-law rented half a hall at the Longhua Funeral Home for her. In addition to our family, relatives and friends, we also invited Aunt Ying'e's sister and her whole family. My father-in-law said that Aunt Ying'e has taken care of us for many years, and this is a little reward.

Gao Yuan: As a painter and calligrapher, my grandfather was often asked for paintings and calligraphy. Would he get bored of these people?

Feng Nanying: My father-in-law has always treated people sincerely. Regardless of whether he knew me or not, or whether he was introduced by a friend, as long as he liked his works, he would always respond to his requests. He was hit during the "Cultural Revolution" and his home was deserted for several years. Later, his "problem" was about to be solved, and there were more visitors. We sisters are responsible for serving tea and water, and my father-in-law often draws and writes to meet the requirements of the guests.

My father-in-law was always tolerant of visitors and would sometimes make humorous comments. There was a guest who was always looking for something to talk about. He really had nothing to say, so he just sat there and watched his father-in-law blowing smoke rings. He always stayed to eat, and after he was full, he took his father-in-law's paintings and calligraphy back home. As soon as he left, my father-in-law said to us with a smile: "The bad ass is finally gone." But the next time he came back, my father-in-law still greeted us with a smile.

Gao Yuan: How does he treat animals if he does this to humans?

Feng Nanying: He likes to raise cats, and there are several photos taken with cats. In the photo, my father-in-law is writing and painting, and the cat is squatting peacefully on his shoulder, and even sitting on his head wearing a felt hat. He had several cats, including a white cat named "White Elephant" and a yellow cat named "Uncle Cat." The one that impressed me most deeply when I was a child was the big black and white lion cat Ami, with its white head and neck. The hair is like a lion's mane.

One of my father-in-law's paintings once included the "uncle cat" in the painting. During the "Cultural Revolution", he was accused of being an insinuation and was brutally criticized. But my father-in-law's love for cats has never diminished. He said that after playing with cats for a while, he will forget all his troubles. He also said that although his body is old, his mind is still the same as when he was a child. For this reason, he is willing to be an "old child".

Gao Yuan: In September 1975, my grandfather passed away due to illness. Did he pass away suddenly?

Feng Nanying: It should be said that it was sudden and not unexpected. That summer was extremely hot and muggy, and my father-in-law had a fever that wouldn't go away for several weeks. At first, it was just a cold symptom. Gradually, he found that he had difficulty picking up vegetables and writing. Later, he couldn't lift his right arm and couldn't move his right shoulder.

On September 14, we sisters went to Huashan Hospital to visit our father-in-law as usual. He spoke clearly and was in much better spirits. We felt a little more relaxed. Unexpectedly, it was a comeback. The next day we came home from school for lunch and heard the news that our father-in-law had passed away. We burst into tears.

Life is a journey full of joys and sorrows. My father-in-law’s life was full of ups and downs, and he experienced many separations and deaths. But he always insisted on thinking positively and being optimistic. Even in the most difficult days, his father-in-law did not give up his love for life and pursuit of art. My father-in-law has always taught us to be good people, be humble and polite, respect others, trust others, and be trusted by others. Because only by being a good person and associating with good people can life be wrapped in warmth.

"Remembering Grandfather Feng Zikai - Past Events in Changle Village" written by Feng Nanying and Feng Yiqing

Gao Yuan: My grandfather’s person and works are always full of heart-warming power. How did he get this power?

Feng Nanying: This unique strength comes from family, teachers, experience, thinking, and belief.

In November 1898, the birth of my father-in-law was a great joy for the Feng family. He was the first boy in the family. The whole family takes good care of him and lives in full love. His father taught him how to read and write, and also taught him how to taste wine, recite poems and admire the moon. After his father passed away, his mother insisted that he receive a good education and gradually developed the gentle, elegant, calm and kind temperament unique to literati.

After going to school, he was fortunate enough to be loved and cultivated by teachers such as Li Shutong and Xia Chuzun. They not only taught him knowledge, but also taught him the principles of dealing with others. In particular, Mr. Li Shutong had a profound influence on him and was his father-in-law's lifelong mentor. This environment created my grandfather's warmth and compassion, allowing him to always look at everyone and everything with a compassionate heart.

My father-in-law was deeply influenced by Buddhism's "four elements are empty", but he loved this colorful and prosperous world. He is unwilling to be lonely and cares about all things. He is never pessimistic and world-weary, and he is not willing to live the life of the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha. His comics and essays are always observed with the purest eyes and experienced with the purest heart.

Until the end of his life, he still maintained a pure and transparent childlike innocence, looking for the warmth of life as always. As descendants of my father-in-law, we all feel that this is the charm of his works, and also the charm of his personality.

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