Grasp the overall logic and trend of current economic and social development, and firmly establish a grand historical perspective

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 23:46 PM

So, what is the grand view of history? What is the big logic trend?

The Great Historical View is the Methodology of Marxism's Sinicization and Modernization

The ability to understand and to what extent one can comprehend the logic and trends of any social development depends on the historical perspective upheld. There are differences in historical views. The small historical perspective focuses on the details of historical development, while the large historical perspective values the grand narrative and overall trend of historical development.Here, the so-called "great history" does not refer to the size of history itself, but to the size of our perspective on history; Examining history with a broad historical perspective is the grand view of history.

The grand view of history, as a methodology, originates from the tradition of Marxism. After the rise of the European bourgeoisie, bourgeois thinkers always adhered to a small historical perspective, attributing historical motives to individual selfish behavior or the sudden occurrence of accidental events. This small historical perspective is not good at exploring simple and primitive relationships like production relations, which can easily fall into a narrow historical perspective, and naturally cannot discover the inherent contradictions of capitalism. Marxists always have an insight into the world they live in based on a grand historical perspective. Using the grand historical perspective, Marx revealed the contradictory movement between productive forces and production relations, economic foundation and superstructure, discovered the law of capitalist surplus value, and believed that it was necessary to rely on proletarian social revolution to overthrow bourgeois rule and eliminate capitalist exploitation system in order to achieve "free development for everyone".

Mao Zedong revealed the laws of social development in old China from the perspective of the grand historical view, and creatively proposed the views of the people's history and class struggle history. He pointed out that "the people, only the people, are the driving force behind the creation of world history", "class struggle... this is history, this is thousands of years of civilization history. Explaining history with this perspective is called historical materialism." Under Mao Zedong's correct view of history, our party achieved victory in the New Democratic Revolution and the Socialist Revolution.

Entering a new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction, Deng Xiaoping emphasized that "our revolutionary mentors Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong have always attached importance to specific historical conditions, and emphasized the importance of finding regularities from studying history and the current situation to guide revolution. The viewpoint of denying new historical conditions is to cut off history, detach from reality, and engage in metaphysics, which is in violation of dialectics.". Under the guidance of such a Marxist historical perspective, Deng Xiaoping revealed that "liberating productive forces, developing productive forces, eliminating exploitation, eliminating polarization, and ultimately achieving common prosperity" is the essence of socialism. He proposed the theory of Marxist sinicization and modernization, such as the development of market economy under socialist conditions, and gradually formed and developed Deng Xiaoping Theory.

"Two overall situations" are the major logical trends of the new era and new journey

Based on what kind of historical perspective, judgments will be made based on what kind of logic and trends. Only by adhering to a grand historical perspective can we discover the overall logical trend of social development. To be more precise, the "big" view of history refers to a "broader perspective" and "longer-term vision.". "A broader perspective" refers to the spatial category, focusing on China and the world. "A longer-term perspective" refers to the time domain, which involves reviewing the past, focusing on the present, and looking forward to the future. A broader perspective and a longer-term perspective should also be integrated within the overall framework of systematic thinking. The grand view of history is not just a cross of one horizontal and one vertical, but a systematic view of history interwoven with countless horizontal and vertical elements. It is necessary to compare and examine the history and culture of different countries and ethnic groups in order to explore their laws and test the truth through constantly developing communication practices, ultimately transforming the world.

Only based on the Marxist concept of great history can we discover the true trend of great logic and possess the power of truth. The CPC people often look at and insight into the great logical trend of China's social development from the perspective of great history at key historical nodes, and use it to guide China's revolution, construction, reform and opening up practice.

During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, Mao Zedong, based on the concept of great history, pointed out that China was a "semi colonial and semi feudal society", and based on this "overall and most essential law", determined the revolutionary task of anti imperialism and anti feudalism.

In the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction, Deng Xiaoping applied the concept of great history to summarize the laws that China is currently in and will continue to be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time, and creatively proposed the strategic idea of accelerating development in coastal areas before assisting the development of the central and western regions.

The "two overall situations" refer to the major logical trends faced by the economic and social development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era under the accelerated promotion and transformation of economic globalization.

Firmly establish a grand historical perspective and comprehensively and profoundly grasp the "two overall situations"

Firstly, it is necessary to take the "two overall situations" as the starting point for planning work, and grasp the key tasks of promoting high-quality development and building a new development pattern in the new era.

Secondly, we must adhere to the "two combinations" and promote the sinicization and modernization of Marxism.In the new era and new journey, "two combinations" remain the greatest tool for coordinating the "two overall situations".

Finally, recognizing the dynamic evolution of the "two major situations" in the grand historical perspective, understanding the interdependence and deep interaction of the "two major situations", and promoting the unprecedented great changes in the world towards the direction of benefiting all humanity in the strategic context of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As the largest socialist country and developing country in the new era, China is on the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and is comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. With the enhancement of comprehensive national strength and the elevation of international status, China actively participates in the global governance process, committed to shaping a new global economic and social governance system characterized by multi-party win-win, and contributing Chinese wisdom, solutions, and strength to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and the creation of new forms of human civilization. In this process, the "two major situations" deeply interact and develop in synergy, creating both a beautiful China and a beautiful world.

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