Focus on the cutting-edge international biomedicine track: Type 2 diabetes living biopharmaceutical pipeline officially launched in Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Valley

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 22:16 PM

On October 8, under the witness of the Shanghai Modern Service Industry Federation’s General Health Professional Committee, the Zhangjiang Live Biopharmaceutical Research and Development Center’s Type 2 Diabetes Live Biopharmaceutical Pipeline was officially launched. Jian Danian, vice president of Shanghai Modern Service Industry Federation, said that the Federation will continue to closely follow Shanghai's modern industrial system and introduce more high-level technology enterprises to Pudong and Zhangjiang.

This is the earliest comprehensive national science center established. Over the past 30 years, 24,000 companies, more than 1,800 high-tech enterprises, and 179 foreign-funded R&D centers have "emerged" on the fertile soil of Zhangjiang Science City. At present, it has a series of national strategic overlay opportunities such as the National Science and Technology Innovation Center, Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Pudong Leading Zone, and High-level Talent Highlands.

Why does Zhangjiang focus on diabetes drug pipeline this time? What else can the biomedical industry do in Zhangjiang? Experts are hotly discussing new drug research and development and entrepreneurial ecology.

Create a “tropical rainforest” venture capital ecosystem in Zhangjiang

It is reported that the Zhangjiang Medicine Valley Platform was established in 2004. At the end of 2007, it was certified as the "National High-tech Entrepreneurship Service Center" by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and was accredited by the National Conformity Assessment Laboratory. Zhangjiang Medicine Valley relies on incubation services, with professional technical services and investment and financing services as its pillars, focusing on professional incubation and cultivation at the front end of the new drug R&D and production chain. "For more than 30 years, Zhangjiang, located in Pudong New Area, has long been the first choice for entrepreneurial students returning from overseas." Yuan Tao, chairman of Shanghai Group Co., Ltd., said that firstly, Shanghai itself is an international city; secondly, Zhangjiang has a large number of multinational companies Companies and R&D centers, with spillover effects superimposed on industrial development, naturally form an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Especially in recent years, the country has attached great importance to high-tech development, and biomedicine, artificial intelligence and integrated circuits have become Shanghai's three core industries. “Especially in the field of biomedicine, Zhangjiang is providing opportunities for small, medium and micro enterprises.

Ling Gang, chief engineer of the Pudong New Area Science and Economic Commission, said that real Chinese drug innovation began in about 2014 and has entered an acceleration period in the past ten years. "Currently, the number of innovative drugs in my country accounts for about 23.7% of the world's total. From a short-term perspective, there is no doubt that it belongs to the second largest echelon in the world." According to reports, taking Zhangjiang as an example, it focuses on drug research and development in the fields of cells, genes and other fields. , will strive to create a "tropical rainforest-style" venture capital ecosystem in terms of industry positioning, policy support, and service platforms.

He vividly likened it to the "six major canal industries" - by 2025, Pudong will cultivate six hard-core industrial clusters with a scale of "100 billion yuan", among which "innovative drugs" will be built into a 200 billion yuan industrial cluster. "In the next step, we will invest more support in areas such as talent policy and the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry."

Ge Guangbo, executive vice president of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Chief Pharmacy Consultant of Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine, mentioned that many ingredients in traditional Chinese medicinal materials are difficult to absorb into the blood. Therefore, in many cases, their clinical efficacy is achieved by regulating intestinal flora. Produce endogenous metabolism to achieve improvement. "This is a very promising direction. With the focus of multiple teams from universities, enterprises and medical institutions, we hope that through the close integration of industry, academia and research, basic research will eventually move into clinical practice and develop safe and effective new Chinese drugs."

Create a long-term pipeline platform for intestinal microbiome

The research and development of living biological drugs for type 2 diabetes launched this time is a new attempt by Zhangjiang Enterprises. Chen Weijie, chairman of Shanghai Lishan Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., said that based on the latest progress of the research team, a living biological drug targeting intestinal bacteria targeting the insulin resistance subtype of type 2 diabetes will be launched, and is planned to enter Phase 1 clinical trials in 2025. It is reported that this innovative living biological drug is expected to become the first-line drug for specific subgroups of type 2 diabetes and change the current sugar control route of type 2 diabetes. At the same time, more than 700 strains of bacteria with drug-specific characteristics will be screened and isolated by 2026, and the genetic puzzle and culture storage of new strains will be completed.

It is reported that intestinal microbiomics is a new track in international biomedical research. It breaks through the limitations of traditional biomedicine. Through deep learning of big data through cross-multiomics and artificial intelligence, it explores in multi-disciplinary integration. The boundaries of innovative biopharmaceuticals. “Especially in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, infections and metabolic diseases, live bacterial therapy has opened up a new revolution in treatment. This therapy neutralizes the inflammation and inflammation caused by pathogens by introducing beneficial microorganisms into the human flora affected by the disease. "Metabolic signals." He revealed that although the project is currently called a pipeline for type 2 diabetes, in the future, it will use this platform to enrich the bacterial library and basic research theories, and expect to eventually generate energy sources for various immune regulation disorders. New drugs.

"The Special Committee on Big Health will be built into a platform that serves enterprises, institutions, members and society, connecting the upstream and downstream industries in the field of big health, providing support for cross-border integration, and allowing more such results to truly take root." Big Health Fan Jincheng, chairman of the special committee, said.

Focus on the cutting-edge international biomedicine track: Type 2 diabetes living biopharmaceutical pipeline officially launched in Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Valley
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