There were “two Confucius” in history, Xuelin Essay | Today is the birthday of Confucius

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:01 PM

September 28th is the birthday of Confucius. In history, there are "two Confucius": one is a real person who has emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and ups and downs in life; the other is Confucius who has gradually become a symbol and symbol of Chinese culture in the process of historical development.

The "two Confucius" are related to each other. Without the flesh-and-blood Confucius as a foundation, how could he gradually become a symbol and symbol of Chinese culture in the course of history? If Confucius had not become a symbol and symbol of Chinese culture, how could Confucius transcend the limitations of time and space and have a long-lasting influence on Chinese culture?

During the pre-Qin period, Confucianism and Mohism were once known as prominent schools, but Mohist thought was gradually forgotten. The reason is that "loving others without distinction" does not pay attention to people's emotional basis, which is an important reason why the Mohist concept is difficult to promote and implement.

Confucianism emphasizes that "there are differences in love", that is, individuals first love themselves and their loved ones, and then love others. This concept is consistent with the emotional differences between people, and this emotional interpretation of "benevolent people love others" is feasible.

In fact, there are some basic concepts in Confucianism that have positive significance for individuals and society. For example, Confucianism hopes that individuals will become a virtuous person and continuously shape and improve their personality; it promotes filial piety and brotherhood to ensure stable family relationships; it emphasizes living in harmony with others to contribute to social stability.

Confucius used his lifelong wisdom to continuously enrich and improve Confucianism, which involves political governance, personality cultivation, artistic cultivation, metaphysical thinking, etc., and radiates to various aspects such as individuals, others, families, and society.

In fact, before Confucius founded Confucianism, the term "Confucianism" already existed. However, before Confucius, "Confucianism" was a "little Confucian" who sold his knowledge for profit. When it comes to Confucius and his students, "Confucianism" has been promoted to "gentleman Confucianism", with the feelings of the world as the background and saving the common people as its own responsibility.

Confucius was as steady and generous as a mountain, but also had flexible wisdom. He advocated "aiming for Tao, relying on virtue, relying on benevolence, and wandering in art." From setting out on Taoism to wandering in art, Confucius' thoughts contain a yearning and expectation for a better life. In times of chaos in history, in moments of individual difficulty, strength can always be shown.

So we see that even though Su Shi was gray-haired, he could still aspire to "hold the eagle's bow like a full moon, look northwest, and shoot at the wolf"; Fan Zhongyan still shouted after the failure of the New Deal and was demoted, "worry about the world first, and then worry about it." "The world is happy and happy"... In the course of history, Confucius taught the world earnestly: to become a benevolent and wise man with feelings for the world.

As the saying goes, "The wise are happy in water, and the benevolent are happy in mountains. The wise are active, and the benevolent are still. The wise are happy, and the benevolent are long-lived." The mountain stands there, so calm and steady, just like a benevolent person, giving people a sense of weight. A benevolent person is calm and calm in his heart. He is a true man and a "gentleman" who "cannot be promiscuous with wealth, cannot be moved by poverty, and cannot be surrendered by force."

There were “two Confucius” in history, Xuelin Essay | Today is the birthday of Confucius
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