Is cat and dog food poisoned by a needle? Will you encounter indiscriminate poisoning when buying snacks? This is how the news that has been debunked has fermented:

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:59 AM

Recently, the backstage of the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform has received many questions from fans. Is the news spread online that "cat and dog food express delivery was poisoned by a needle" true? Some fans asked: "It was first rumored that 'cat and dog food was poisoned', and now it is rumored that 'snacks purchased online will be indiscriminately poisoned'?" Some fans said that the above news is not true, but The news is getting wider and wider, and we hope to clarify it as soon as possible to avoid causing panic.

An investigation by the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform found that as of press time, the initial news that "cat and dog food express delivery was poisoned by a needle" has been refuted; major express delivery companies also stated that they have not found any cases of poisoning in express delivery recently; and there has been no report to local police or officials. Similar cases. However, some self-media wantonly exaggerated, causing rumors such as "pet food delivery to be poisoned" or even "online snacks to be poisoned" to ferment and spread.

If there are holes in the packaging, does it mean it was poisoned? No official announcement

Traceability found that "cat and dog food express delivery was poisoned" originated from a video circulated online around October 20. From the video, it can be seen that the pet food packaging bags received by consumers have small holes in them. At that time, fierce dog bite incidents were very popular, and some netizens believed that this was someone poisoning pet food express delivery through syringe injection in order to retaliate against pet owners.

However, the pet food merchant involved quickly refuted the rumor and said that the small hole was actually caused by damage to the outer packaging of the express delivery. He also introduced the causes and consequences of the video posted online: the product in the video was shipped on October 13, and the consumer on October 15 After receiving the goods, I found that the package was damaged, so I took a video of the package and sent it to the group to inquire about the reason. This video was posted online, edited and interpreted as "poisoning". In fact, consumers have returned the products and merchants have said they will replace the packaging.

However, the news that "pet food is poisoned by needles" did not disappear because of the merchants' refutation of the rumors, but instead intensified.

One reason is that more consumers report finding small holes in the pet food they receive and are worried about being poisoned. What's going on with these little holes?

Customer service staff of major express delivery companies such as SF Express, "Sitong Yida", and Jitu said that they have not recently received complaints from consumers that express delivery has been poisoned, and the company has not discovered any related incidents.

A manager of an express delivery company said that the possibility of "poisoning" in the express delivery link is quite small, because transfer sites such as large warehouses and sorting warehouses are "uninvited" and have strict access control systems and monitoring records. If the express delivery is handled privately, it is a serious disciplinary issue. Not only will the party be punished within the company, but the case will also be reported to the regulatory authorities or law enforcement authorities depending on the nature of the incident.

"However, in the terminal delivery process, there is a possibility that the express delivery will be handled privately, such as subcontracting, theft, loss, etc. If a consumer complaint is received, a thorough investigation will be carried out from the terminal delivery person to the outlet to the transfer station. "The person admitted that there were management loopholes in Terminal Express, but he emphasized that "no poisoning has been discovered recently."

A front-line courier told the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform that there are many reasons for small holes in express delivery. During the delivery process, express delivery will pass through various transmission and transportation equipment, and there will also be squeezing and friction between different express delivery products, which may cause holes in packaging boxes or bags.

The person in charge of the food production company also reminded that some food packaging itself has holes, and some are for venting and releasing the gas in the packaging, which can prevent the products from being broken due to the extrusion of the contained gas during transportation. Others are to prevent children from using the packaging bags as toys and causing suffocation. These are normal packaging designs.

He suggested that consumers should purchase goods online from regular channels and pay attention to the integrity of the packaging after receiving the goods. If the outer packaging is intact but the inner packaging is damaged, they can contact the merchant directly to negotiate.

The Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform also noticed that although many netizens expressed through videos or texts that they had received pet food with holes in the packaging, few reported it to the police or sent the relevant food for inspection. Some netizens therefore questioned the authenticity of some videos showing holes in express packages. As of press time, no public security agency has publicly stated that it has received relevant reports or cases.

The further spread of the rumor that "pet food express delivery was poisoned" has a lot to do with some self-media's "looking at pictures and talking" and fanning the flames.

The Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform noticed that some self-media ignored the fact that the merchants had clarified the incident, but started from the assumption that "if the pet food express delivery was poisoned", saying that "legal professionals pointed out that poisoning will bear criminal responsibility" and "called for supervision "Departments should strengthen supervision" and so on, using a seemingly objective and neutral attitude to create the illusion that "poisoning incidents do exist" and mislead the public.

Some self-media narrated related events in a shocking tone, interpreting the normal reply of the pet food company involved to explain the incident as "shocking the entire network" to gain attention.

Some self-media outlets contradicted themselves. On the one hand, they admitted in their interpretation that “it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of information transmitted online”, but on the other hand, they used various reasons to explain why no one called the police or sent for inspection after discovering holes in the packaging.

What’s even more outrageous is that some self-media began to shoot videos such as “Pet owners are worried about their pets being poisoned, so they eat cat and dog food to test for poison”, or fabricated videos such as “Pets were poisoned after smelling the powder in the express delivery” or “Poisoned dog food was reported to the police station” "Waiting for new rumors. Such videos and rumors have spread and fermented, causing more misunderstandings and new rumors such as "Snacks purchased online will be poisoned indiscriminately".

All the above show that many self-media do not really care for animals, but use animals as tools to attract traffic, gain eyeballs, and create anxiety. In this regard, it is necessary for communication platforms to review online posts and short videos on related topics, strictly investigate content with ulterior motives and create anxiety, and avoid spreading rumors and disrupting public order.

Of course, in the face of rumors that "pet food express delivery is poisoned", there is still room for improvement.

The Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform noticed that many pet food companies have changed their express packaging, stating that they will remove product category and brand information on the packaging and use thicker packaging. For other merchants, it is also necessary to check their own packaging methods to better adapt to the e-commerce transportation environment, avoid packaging damage, and reduce consumer misunderstandings.

In view of the problems that may arise in the express delivery process, such as damage to the outer packaging, packaging changes, theft, and loss, express delivery companies must start from the source, improve management methods, and block risk points in the express delivery process.

In addition, for consumers, if they really find a problematic package, it is recommended to seek help from the police to find out the truth.

Is cat and dog food poisoned by a needle? Will you encounter indiscriminate poisoning when buying snacks? This is how the news that has been debunked has fermented:
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