The General Secretary encouraged teachers and students in colleges and universities to promote the integration of education, science and technology talents, and there were many university projects at the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 04:42 AM

At the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition that General Secretary Xi Jinping visited recently, Shanghai Jiao Tong University's "deep sea, all-weather, resident floating research facility" was one of the exhibits as a major national science and technology infrastructure planning project. A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that the Deep Sea Science Facility is the world's first large-scale marine scientific research platform and will provide extreme research methods for marine science and engineering research. In this regard, Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Deep Ocean Scientific Facilities Construction Headquarters, which is intensively engaged in the construction, is very excited. All members of the command said, "We will live up to our entrustment and shoulder our mission bravely. We will build deep-sea scientific facilities with high quality through solid work, and strive to create a 'national weapon' in the marine field, so as to promote high-level self-reliance and self-reliance in marine science and technology." Contribute universities to promote high-quality development of the marine economy.” General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Shanghai that promoting Chinese-style modernization is inseparable from the strategic support of science and technology, education, and talents. Shanghai must be a good leader in this regard and accelerate its transformation to have global influence. To become a powerful scientific and technological innovation center. Scientific research workers from major universities in Shanghai have stated that scientific research work in universities is an important force in my country's scientific and technological innovation system. It is necessary to firmly grasp the "narrow nose" of self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology, further strengthen the source function of scientific and technological innovation, and assist the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center. The construction achieved a series of significant results.

“We once again feel that technological innovation supports and leads high-quality development and plays a central role in the overall development of the country.” Ding Kuiling, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, said that higher education is the first productive force in science and technology and the first in talent. An important combination point of the "trinity" of resources and innovation as the first driving force. Solving major national needs is the most effective and urgently needed entry point for universities to help improve the country's comprehensive strength. Shanghai Jiao Tong University should give full play to its advantages of gathering innovative resources, profound basic research, and wide spread of cross-platforms, aim at systematic problems in "big science" and "big projects", and carry out integrated and systematic effective research based on the school's disciplinary advantages. Organize scientific research and tackle key problems, and strive to propose original concepts, principles, and methods, open up new tracks, and break through key core technologies. Scientific and technological innovation plays a leading role. Zheng Qinghua, president of Tongji University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that as an important part of Shanghai's scientific and technological innovation strength, Tongji University resolutely implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, consciously fulfills its mission of self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology, and empowers the development of traditional disciplines with artificial intelligence New momentum, enhance the new connotation of traditional advantageous disciplines, comprehensively improve the quality of independent training of basic research talents, top innovative talents and outstanding engineering talents, continue to promote basic cutting-edge research exploration and key "stuck neck" core technology breakthroughs with a series of large-scale and new measures. Continue to promote the construction of major scientific and technological infrastructure and platforms such as the National Seabed Scientific Observation Network and the Shanghai Independent Intelligent Unmanned System Science Center, and continue to focus on infrastructure construction and urban renewal, disaster prevention and reduction, deep sea exploration, deep space exploration, green environmental protection, and information technology. , precision manufacturing, biomedicine, new materials and other fields to produce original results with world-leading levels, continue to serve the country and Shanghai’s major strategies, and contribute more to the construction of Shanghai’s global science and technology innovation center and Chinese-style modernization. At the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition, Fan Chunhai, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and dean of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, said excitedly that this was the first time he had listened to the General Secretary’s important speech at close range. The General Secretary not only fully affirmed Shanghai's leading position in scientific and technological innovation in the country, but also encouraged scientific researchers to bravely climb scientific peaks, which made people feel warm, inspired and motivated. In the eyes of Academician Fan Chunhai, innovative development and serving the country through science and education are the common aspirations of generations of scientific researchers. "In the fierce international competition, we must actively open up new fields and new tracks for development, and aim at original innovation and key technological breakthroughs." With excitement, Fan Chunhai said that he and his team should more actively participate in international high-level frontiers In the competition of science and technology, we strive for scientific research and become the world's first camp in relate

"The General Secretary's concern for the development of scientific and technological innovation and his cordial care and encouragement for scientific and technological workers have doubled our confidence. We must persist in doing scientific research and contribute to the country's scientific and technological innovation and development." Tongji University Shanghai Autonomous Intelligent Unmanned Aerial Vehicle He Bin, executive director and professor of the Center for Systems Science, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about promoting the development of the science and technology innovation center in Shanghai. As a scientific researcher, he is very excited about this. He personally feels that the party and the country attach great importance to the development of science and technology, and also I deeply feel the great responsibility. It is reported that Tongji University is building the Shanghai Independent Intelligent Unmanned System Science Center on Zhangjiang Artificial Intelligence Island. It mainly focuses on the national artificial intelligence development strategy, aims at basic scientific issues and key technologies of artificial intelligence to carry out scientific research, and cultivates the comprehensive innovative talents that the country urgently needs. , striving to break through "stuck" technical problems and actively build national strategic scientific and technological strength in artificial intelligence. Various tasks are being accelerated and important progress has been made. Professor Ma Longsheng comes from the State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy Science and Technology at East China Normal University. At the age of 83, he is still active in the front line of scientific research. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on scientific and technological innovation doubled Mr. Ma’s confidence. “As a scientist trained in New China, I dare not forget the great trust of the country and the important task of national rejuvenation. Together with the young scientists in the laboratory, I Competing with foreign cutting-edge teams in the field of precision spectroscopy,” he said, “We firmly believe that only by continuously consolidating basic research and developing core components with China’s independent intellectual property rights can we control the ‘vital gate’ of the supply chain and innovation chain. Only in the hands of the state can key technical problems be solved from the source and bottom." Academician Ding Kuiling said that universities should focus on the world's scientific and technological frontiers, condense scientific first issues, accelerate the layout of forward-looking basic research, and strengthen the independent layout capabilities and disciplines of original innovation. Intersection, to create a new technological innovation platform, "deep digging" and "intersection" are two-pronged, committed to discovering new phenomena, understanding new laws, acquiring new knowledge, establishing new theories, and producing forward-looking and disruptive original results, and strive to Build a science center and innovation hub with global influence. Liu Zhiyang, director of the Scientific Research Office of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, executive vice president of the School of Entrepreneurship, and professor of the School of Business, also said that it is necessary to target the world's technological frontiers and major national strategic needs and actively promote systematic and organized scientific research activities.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that efforts should be made to cultivate a large number of cutting-edge talents with a sense of mission and create good conditions for them to display their talents. The adaptive robot body displayed at the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Exhibition comes from Lu Cewu’s team at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the cooperative company Feixi Robot Technology. The intelligent robot system centered on force feedback is based on the world's leading self-developed force sensor and adopts a hierarchical intelligent architecture to achieve high-precision intelligent operation of the robot. As a professor at the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Lu Cewu said, "I deeply feel the importance that the General Secretary attaches to scientific and technological workers, and I am very encouraged." He said that our country's scientific research environment has strong international competitiveness and can Support young talents to devote themselves to basic research and fully realize their potential in the golden period of innovation. "I hope that I can live up to expectations in the future, continue to make new breakthroughs, continue to climb the peak in the international scientific and technological competition, and make due contributions to self-reliance and self-reliance in science and technology." Yu Changjun, deputy dean of the School of Science of Shanghai University, is also deeply excited. and encouraged, "I have a deeper understanding of the importance of technological innovation." He said that in an international city like Shanghai, technological innovation has become an indispensable direction of development. "As a university mathematics professor, we need to constantly explore new teaching methods and methods to provide students with a better educational experience." Li Shimin, a 2022 doctoral student at the School of Computer Science and Technology at Fudan University, said, "Continue to be a vanguard of national reform and opening up. , pioneer in innovation and development”, this is General Secretary Xi Jinping’s consistent requirement for Shanghai. He deeply understands that as a member of the future science and technology field, he shoulders the responsibility of promoting scientific and technological progress and achieving innovative breakthroughs. "I hope that my research can contribute to the country's scientific and technological development, and I also look forward to Shanghai playing a greater influence on the global scientific and technological innovation stage."

During his inspection in Shanghai, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the important mission of focusing on the construction of the "Five Centers" and pointed out that "we must take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, strengthen research on key core technologies, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the cultivation of world-class high-end industrial clusters, and accelerate the construction of modernization industrial system, and continue to enhance its status as an international economic center and influence in global economic governance. "Xu Tao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, said that currently, relying on the advantages of economics and finance, management science and engineering and other disciplines, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Alibaba and jointly built The Department of Digital Economics is building an interdisciplinary industry-university-research integrated subject platform and building a high-level talent training system that combines underlying technology and high-end practice. Professor Liu Zhiyang believes that we should always adhere to the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents, shape new driving forces for growth, create new engines for development, and provide strong support for the construction of an innovative country; we should also accelerate the integration of industry and education and the integration of science and education, and give full play to the role of education in industrial transformation and upgrading. Support the leading role, accelerate the formation of new productive forces, and provide more powerful science, technology, education and talent support for Chinese modernization. Vigorously promoting scientific and technological innovation requires an innovative ecosystem, strengthening the in-depth integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, spawning new industries, new formats and new models, expanding new development space, and cultivating new development momentum. Ding Kuiling believes that colleges and universities should be more organized and proactive in strengthening the connection with regional economic and social development and industry needs, explore a new organizational paradigm of deep integration of industry, academia and research, in which enterprises propose topics and colleges "reveal the results and take charge", and focus on key industries. and forward-looking, pioneering, and exploratory technical issues in the upgrading and development of emerging industries, promote mid- and long-term scientific research, and accelerate the improvement of the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system. Professor Yu Changjun believes that the government and enterprises should also strengthen cooperation to jointly promote the development of scientific and technological innovation: the government can encourage enterprises and institutions to carry out scientific and technological innovation by formulating more preferential policies and provide more support and help to enterprises; enterprises can Research and development, talent training and other aspects will play a greater role to inject more vitality and power into scientific and technological innovation. "General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech pointed out the development direction and goals for us. We will work together to create new achievements with new actions, hand in new answers, work hard, open up new prospects, and create a future."

The General Secretary encouraged teachers and students in colleges and universities to promote the integration of education, science and technology talents, and there were many university projects at the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition
Just last month, it was renamed and appeared on the stage of the National Center for the Performing Arts. This Shanghai original master play went to Tsinghua University and Beijing Dalian for three performances.
Just last month, it was renamed and appeared on the stage of the National Center for the Performing Arts. This Shanghai original master play went to Tsinghua University and Beijing Dalian for three performances.

On the occasion of the 10th National Constitution Day, on the evening of December 4th and today, Shanghai teachers and students brought the youth version of the original drama "The Stand" to Tsinghua University for two consecutive performances, which resonated with audiences of all sizes. Tomorrow, there will be a performance at Peking University. A reporter from Liberation Daily and Shangguan News learned that a month ago, the professional version of the original large-scale drama "Lei Jingtian" was renamed "Stand" and was performed at the National Center for the Performing Arts for three consecutive performances. It received good reviews and also set the stage for this youth version of the drama tour. Kick off. Students from Tsinghua University and affiliated schools watched the performance. "On National Constitution Day, it is very meaningful for us to perform again. We will always remember the oath." said Du Yongqiang, a student from Huazheng Communication College who plays Lei Jingtian. It is reported that this law-themed drama performed at Tsinghua University and Peking University was produced by East China University of Political Science and Law and was composed entirely by Huazheng students.

Looks like a bug outside? Famous teachers such as Chen Mo put more blame on parents. The family is like a dragon, and the "epidemic baby"
Looks like a bug outside? Famous teachers such as Chen Mo put more blame on parents. The family is like a dragon, and the "epidemic baby"

Have you also noticed that many children have two different looks at home and outside: at home, they are like a dragon, lively; outside, they are like a worm, timid? Some people say that this is a kind of social anxiety among the "epidemic babies" born in the past three years. Is that true? Recently, Chen Mo, an expert in child and adolescent psychological education, a special supervisor of the Psychological Counseling Center of East China Normal University, and the former secretary-general of the Basic Education Professional Committee of the Shanghai Psychological Association, attended the class at the Qibao Huangdu Neighborhood Center in Minhang. Parents share how to help their children grow up healthily, with sharp humor and to the point. Chen Mo started the class. "Children are very outgoing at home and are afraid of socializing outside?" Teacher Chen Mo reminded parents not to pay too much attention to and protect their children at home. We should make good use of "housework"

How to protect "Children's 100 Languages" from 99 being stolen? , peanut allergy and mud resistance
How to protect "Children's 100 Languages" from 99 being stolen? , peanut allergy and mud resistance

November 25, Shanghai, China. There are two Chinese-translated books that have aroused heated discussions among educators. One is "The Pampered Mind: How is "Steel" Unforged? ", and the other is "Children's One Hundred Languages ​​- Reggio Emilia Experience in the Transition Period". Kindergarten "Calligraphy". [Peanut Allergy Forms a "Paradox"] Regarding "The Pampered Mind", Professor Tong Shijun, President of NYU Shanghai, cited a data case of "Peanut Allergy" in the book: In the United States, starting in the 1990s, due to concerns about sudden peanut allergies In the early 2000s, kindergartens and other educational institutions kept away from peanuts and excluded peanuts and other peanut products; however, in the 21st century, the proportion of children allergic to peanuts in the United States increased from only 4 per 1,000 people to 1,000 people. Up to 14 people. contrary to expectations

The scale and number of participants at this Shanghai Education Expo have reached new heights, showcasing good schools at home.
The scale and number of participants at this Shanghai Education Expo have reached new heights, showcasing good schools at home.

The 20th Shanghai Education Expo 2023 has concluded recently. The latest data from the summary meeting of the 20th Shanghai Education Expo 2023 showed that during the offline exhibition from September 15 to September 17, the Education Expo attracted a total of 115,000 people to the site to participate in various displays and interactive activities. 2.26 million people "visited" this year's Shanghai Education Expo online through the Shanghai Education Expo mini program. The Shanghai Education Influence Electronic Map has been viewed more than 350,000 times, and the Shanghai Education Live Broadcast has been viewed more than 8.36 million times in total. The online exhibition, which lasted for more than a month, reached a record high in scale and attendance. The 20th Shanghai Education Expo in 2023, guided by the Shanghai Municipal Education and Health Work Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and hosted by the Shanghai Education Press and Periodicals Corporation, has the theme of "Creating a first-class urban education and building a dream of a powerful country in education".

The whole family participated in the night concert in the library, from the Shanghai Aerospace System. The second millionth audience of Qian Xuesen Library is her night concert | My Motherland | System
The whole family participated in the night concert in the library, from the Shanghai Aerospace System. The second millionth audience of Qian Xuesen Library is her night concert | My Motherland | System

Since the summer of this year, the number of visitors to the Qian Xuesen Library of Shanghai Jiao Tong University has been steadily increasing, with a daily average reception of over 2000 people in July, exceeding the historical level of the same period. On the evening of the 21st, Huang Jing, a young science and technology worker from the Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Research Institute, and her family entered the library and luckily became the second millionth visitor to the Qian Xuesen Library. That night, Huang Jing and her family signed up for the "More Night, More Beautiful - Me and My Motherland" night concert event held at Qianguan. In order to allow her family to have a better understanding of the outstanding achievements of Qian Xuesen, the founder of China's aerospace industry, before the performance, she specially arrived at the museum half an hour in advance to carefully visit the basic exhibition of "People's Scientist Qian Xuesen" inside. To her surprise, Qian Xuesen Library prepared a certificate of honor for Huang Jing's second millionth audience, as well as the Qian Library