The prime ministers of the two countries do not support each other, depth | putting new wine in old bottles? Biden invites Pacific Island countries to hold summit again China | Strategy | Pacific Island countries hold summit

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:04 PM

A year later, the United States launched a new round of diplomatic offensive against Pacific island countries. According to the White House, starting from September 25, US President Biden will host the second summit with leaders of Pacific Island countries at the White House.

Since hosting its first summit at the end of September last year and launching the Pacific Island Countries Partnership Strategy, the United States has extended its "strategic tentacles" locally, not only opening multiple embassies but also signing a series of funding and security agreements.

Some comments say that the relationship between the two parties seems to be entering a "honeymoon period." But how long can America’s enthusiasm last? How much can the Biden administration deliver on its aid promises? When can it truly respond to the real needs of Pacific island countries for survival and development?

From the map, the South Pacific region is located at the transportation hub connecting Asia and North and South America in the southwest Pacific. It consists of three major archipelagos: Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. During the Cold War, this region was an important area where the United States and its allies actively carried out activities to curb the expansion of the Soviet Union. However, since the 1960s and 1970s, as local countries successively gained independence from Western colonialism, the United States has handed over important regional responsibilities to Australia and New Zealand, and has paid little attention to this region.

This summit is the second gathering of leaders of the United States and Pacific island countries, and it is also another major move by the United States to layout the South Pacific region. According to US disclosures, the two-day meeting schedule is very full.

On the morning of the 25th local time, Biden will welcome leaders from various countries to visit and have lunch at the White House. Subsequently, John Kerry, the US special presidential envoy for climate issues, will meet with leaders of various countries to focus on climate change and other issues. That evening, Secretary of State Blinken and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield will have dinner with leaders at the State Department.

On the 26th, Kerry and USAID Administrator Power will receive leaders of various countries and conduct climate negotiations with people from the philanthropic community. U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen will host a roundtable meeting with leaders and business people from various countries. In addition, leaders of various countries also plan to meet with members of the U.S. Congress.

A year later, Biden did not return to the South Pacific region as scheduled. Why did he summon the leaders of various countries to the White House for a meeting again?

"The United States is hosting another summit to continue its recent posture and momentum of increasing strategic investment in the South Pacific region. It is also a way to make up for Biden's failure to visit Papua New Guinea in May." Zhou Fangyin, deputy director of the Guangdong Institute of International Strategy, pointed out , in recent decades, the South Pacific region has long been ignored by the United States. In recent years, as China has increased cooperation with island countries, the United States is worried that this momentum will spread and affect its hegemony there. Therefore, it began to increase its attention to the region, strengthen security cooperation with local areas, and sign some exclusive agreements to prevent the rise of China's influence.

Chen Hong, executive director of the Asia-Pacific Research Center at East China Normal University, pointed out that Biden’s absence from the summit originally scheduled to be held in Papua New Guinea in May and convening leaders of various countries to attend a meeting in Washington itself reflects the arrogance of the United States as a hegemonic country and the Lack of respect and blind use of Pacific Island countries.

"The United States has tried its best to promote the 'Indo-Pacific Strategy' in recent years, trying to contain and obstruct China's peaceful development. In Washington's anti-China chessboard, the South Pacific region is regarded as an important strategic fulcrum in the southern hemisphere." Chen Hong said that between China and local countries In the context of increasingly deepening mutually beneficial cooperation, the United States has shown "strategic anxiety" and has changed its attitude of neglecting or even ignoring the region. While stepping up its efforts to win over China, it has slandered and undermined China's friendly cooperation in the region. At the same time, it has also increased its influence in the region. The purpose of the intensity of militarization is nothing more than to allow island countries to serve as pawns on its anti-China strategic chessboard. This is the long-term and sinister strategic intention of the United States.

Although it is a score, there are still some differences between this meeting and last year's first summit.

In terms of name, last year’s “U.S.-Pacific Island Countries Summit” will be changed to the “U.S.-Pacific Island Countries Forum Summit.” It is said that this move is intended to highlight that the United States is integrating its local diplomatic efforts around the "Pacific Islands Forum", an intergovernmental body.

On the topic, during last year’s summit, the United States released the first-ever Pacific Island Countries Partnership Strategy, which regarded strengthening bilateral relations as a diplomatic priority of the current administration. This year, the United States plans to reaffirm its commitment to regional priorities and deepen cooperation in addressing the climate crisis, promoting economic growth, and combating illegal fishing.

The two scholars pointed out that the United States is trying to "put new wine in old bottles" and has issues of greater concern in the fields of politics, security, infrastructure, etc., but overall, it is lackluster.

On the political front, it is said that the United States will announce diplomatic recognition of two Pacific island countries.

"This move is symbolic, but not of great importance." Zhou Fangyin pointed out that because these two countries are not members of the United Nations, they do not have voting rights in the United Nations. Since last year, the United States has indeed been actively advancing some diplomatic formalities. However, there has been little substantial progress.

In terms of security, Chen Hong pointed out that the so-called cooperation in "combating illegal fishing" may be one of the concerns of the United States.

"In recent years, the United States has used the banner of ecological protection to promote progress in this area with South Pacific island countries. The real purpose is to attack China's marine industry." Chen Hong said that some time ago, the United States sought to cooperate with several South Pacific island countries. Signing an agreement that allows the U.S. Coast Guard to participate in local law enforcement is itself a violation of local national sovereignty. This time, the United States may hype this topic again and further win over some countries for so-called cooperation.

At the same time, the United States is negotiating with the Marshall Islands to renew the Agreement of Free Association, which may become another highlight of security cooperation. The agreement will expire on the 30th of this month. Prior to this, the United States had renewed relevant agreements with Micronesia and Palau.

The two scholars pointed out that the Agreement of Free Association is exclusive, and its signatories are key targets of the United States' operations in the South Pacific. The United States not only retains defense responsibilities for the above-mentioned countries, maintains a military presence there, but also enjoys the exclusive use of large strategic areas in the Pacific to strengthen its influence.

In terms of infrastructure, the United States has promised to provide new funds, including improving Internet connections through undersea cables.

"The United States was very motivated last year, vigorously promoting the 'Indo-Pacific Economic Framework', 'Blue Pacific Partnership' and other initiatives, and promised large amounts of aid to island countries. However, the aid funds have not been implemented so far, and it is difficult to come up with too much new things this year. ." Zhou Fangyin pointed out.

What is more subtle is that not all South Pacific island countries will come to support the high-profile annual summit held by the United States.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare, who stood next to Biden in a photo at last year's summit, will not attend this year. According to Solomon Islands government officials, Sogavare needs to return to parliament to deal with a large number of matters. Prior to this, the Prime Minister of Vanuatu had stated that he would not attend this meeting due to domestic political issues.

In response, the White House bluntly expressed "disappointment" on the 23rd. Some commentators said that Sogavare's decision to absent himself caused a setback to the summit hosted by Biden.

In fact, it is not surprising that some island countries are showing signs of waning. The effectiveness of the U.S. diplomatic offensive in the South Pacific region remains a question.

On the one hand, it is no secret that the U.S.’s investment is “big with thunder but small with rain”. Although the United States has opened embassies in the Solomon Islands, Tonga and other places, established a USAID office in Fiji, and signed a new defense cooperation agreement with Papua New Guinea, Washington has rarely provided infrastructure funds and expanded assistance to island countries. progress. The more than $810 million in aid promised by the White House last year has yet to be approved by Congress.

On the other hand, the United States’ local concerns are diametrically opposed to the real needs of South Pacific island countries. The United States is preoccupied with strategic competition among major powers, but South Pacific island countries are most concerned about specific actions in areas such as climate change and post-epidemic economic recovery. They hope that the United States can provide practical help in disaster reduction, poverty reduction, infrastructure construction and other aspects. They are wary and worried about the United States provoking local confrontation and increasing militarization.

"The United States wants to put 'new wine in old bottles', but the bottle itself has not really been welcomed by the South Pacific island countries." Chen Hong said that in history, the South Pacific island countries were brutally plundered and enslaved by Western colonial powers, resulting in long-term economic decline. There is no real development. Today, their main concern is aid and development. The United States and Australia do provide some one-way assistance locally, but a large part of it is used for so-called system building and capacity improvement, that is, transplanting Western political models, rather than for people's livelihood economy. It can be seen that many of the major battles in the United States are empty frames.

In contrast, Chen Hong pointed out that cooperation between China and South Pacific island countries is sustainable, mutually beneficial and win-win. China upholds the principle of "four full respects" and sincerely helps island countries achieve independent and sustainable development. Chinese companies have investment projects and economic interests in the local area, which not only benefit the local economy and people's livelihood, but also benefit from it. In addition, China has never asked the South Pacific island countries to choose sides, nor does it intend to compete with any country for influence.

Zhou Fangyin believes that the United States still has great influence in the "key countries" in the South Pacific. In the next step, it may promote cooperation in humanities fields such as education and training while attaching importance to military and security cooperation. However, the shortcomings of the United States are also obvious. It involves competing political interests among big powers and will inevitably arouse the vigilance and resentment of regional countries.

Looking to the future, the two scholars pointed out that the United States may have a certain "vision" strategically, but it makes many tactical mistakes. It underestimates the political wisdom and judgment of the people of the South Pacific island countries and believes that it can force the other party to submit through coaxing and threats. Like many other developing countries, island countries long for peace and development, hope to promote a diverse and balanced foreign policy, and do not want to become a tool for political manipulation by the United States and the West.

The prime ministers of the two countries do not support each other, depth | putting new wine in old bottles? Biden invites Pacific Island countries to hold summit again China | Strategy | Pacific Island countries hold summit
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