What did you get? Yu Yuan, Tan Tian | The United States "hits China" | Features | The United States

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:34 PM

Since the beginning of this year, the United States has shown a prominent feature in its strategy towards China: hitting the nail on the head.

From the "balloon" farce at the beginning of the year, to the meticulously crafted defense minister's "closed door" two weeks ago, and finally to the intensive release of news of his visit to China last week, the United States exerted pressure and sanctions, pretending to be a victim while pretending to be aggrieved, and has been writing a plot of "being proactive but not enthusiastic about China".

Faced with the confrontation with the United States, Chinese people inevitably have emotions, giving rise to the idea of not seeing each other at all, and even have questions. What is the use of reasoning with the United States?

This kind of mood is completely understandable, but we should further think about what is the most effective way to deal with habitual offenders?

During this period, the United States has confidently talked to China about "communication", which has attracted a lot of attention and filled its tone.

The latest trend is that the anonymous US official revealed that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit China this week.

Four months ago, because of a "balloon" posturing, it was Antony Blinken who never came.

Due to the "balloon" incident, communication between the US State Department and China has been hindered, making diplomatic work difficult to carry out. The highest official in charge of Chinese affairs, Hua Ziqiang, announced his resignation at the end of June. His immediate superior, Deputy Secretary of State Sherman, also made the same decision.

At that time, "Wandering Earth 2" was being released, and netizens mocked it, saying that "wandering balloons" made America feel uneasy. Even a bit chaotic and chaotic.

The performance went too far and ruined my job.

Now, the United States has once again released the message of communication, and we need to see whether it is "turning around" or "difficult to change its nature".

Just after the news of the visit to China was released, American media published a sensational article claiming that China would build electronic monitoring stations to monitor US military bases, and compared this matter to the Cold War standoff.

On June 7, the spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry responded to Antony Blinken's visit to China with only one sentence: "I have no information to provide about the problems you mentioned." If we communicate sincerely, we will naturally not refuse. If we have to touch porcelain, we will wait and see the changes.

As we often say, it depends on what you say and what you do.

Rome was not frozen in a day. It is no accident that Antony Blinken acted, and he is not the only "playwright" in the United States.

The US Defense Minister Austin is also very dramatic.

At the Shangri La Dialogue, Austin crossed several seats and took the initiative to shake hands with the Chinese Defense Minister. The next day, he also claimed that shaking hands did not represent sincere communication. He drove a warship to China's doorstep and filmed a video of a Chinese warship cutting across a US ship, rendering China a "threat" to Asia Pacific security.

The fact is, China's disposal is completely in accordance with the law and regulations.

At its essence, we can see clearly:

Every time they say they are going to meet, the United States is eager to do something for China, creating a false impression of urgent communication between the United States and repeatedly probing and provoking China's bottom line principles.

The performances of these American politicians are not as simple as earning applause.

What the United States wants is to invite the emperor into the jar, wait to add fuel and vinegar to any extreme reaction from China, label China as "irresponsible" and "undermining global security", and then resort to means to make China swallow the bitter fruit of core interests being infringed upon, and end up complaining all over. China has made it very clear to the United States that they do not have the qualifications or strength to do so.

As the saying goes, "those who have the greatest can also have the smallest.".

The relationship between China and the United States, China sees the overall situation. To see or not to see is to safeguard national interests.

Faced with the troublemaking United States, our stance is firm: it is impossible to suppress and contain China while saying we want to meet.

Talking and doing not only fail to solve the problem, but also have the opposite effect.

To hit porcelain, it requires a grip and "flow".

Who would you most like to play for in the American drama "Enchanting Porcelain"? It is China's neighboring countries.

Two weeks ago, after performing a scene of shaking hands with the Chinese side, Austin then faced Asia Pacific countries and repeated the "China threat", claiming to strengthen military deployment in the Asia Pacific region and protect allies from "threats and oppression".

Ironically, perhaps knowing it was annoying, the title of Austin's speech on the US Department of Defense website secretly changed from "US Leadership in the Indo Pacific Region" to "Common Vision in the Indo Pacific Region.".

No matter how much it is concealed, the United States has already become a routine to use military means as a top priority to intervene in the surrounding areas and challenge China. But history also tells us that such a route will not succeed.

In 2012, the United States officially proposed the "Asia Pacific Rebalance" strategy, which was proposed by the then US Secretary of Defense; The location is also the Xianghui. As a result, in 2017, former Assistant Secretary of State Dong Yunshang directly announced the official end of the "Asia Pacific Rebalance" strategy.

Five years of ups and downs, broken halberds and sinking sands. Using military tactics to touch porcelain, hastily ending the scene. The United States should learn from history and learn some lessons.

What was the United States doing in those 5 years?

By coercing neighboring countries to participate in military exercises and other means, China was hit and the region became chaotic. The South China Sea dispute and the Diaoyu Islands issue are the pitfalls left by the United States during this period. With the public support and direct direction of the United States, there has even been a so-called South China Sea arbitration case between China and the Philippines.

Ironically, when the arbitration results were approaching in 2016, former Philippine President Aquino III stepped down. The newly appointed Duterte is a wise person. As soon as he took office, he said the South China Sea arbitration was useless and quickly visited China. The following year, he visited China again.

On his first visit to China, Duterte said it was time to say goodbye to the United States. Before his second visit to China, he said that the "the Belt and Road" initiative would benefit the Filipino people.

When American warships began to sail frequently to the South China Sea to make trouble and meet China, China put forward the "the Belt and Road" initiative to the surrounding world.

China has always been talking about sharing development opportunities in China and the Asia Pacific region. This statement is clearly not understood by the United States.

In 2016, during the Philippine President's visit to China, China jumped to become the Philippines' largest trading partner for the first time. During that visit to China, the Philippines not only stated that it would not allow third parties to intervene in the South China Sea, but also signed 13 cooperation agreements with China in one go.

In 2017, the year when the "Asia Pacific Rebalance" strategy was completely defeated, the trade volume between China and ASEAN exceeded 500 billion US dollars, an increase of 13.8% from the previous year. This growth rate exceeded the average growth rate of China's foreign trade and was the fastest among China's top three trading partners.

The United States has brought crisis to the Asia Pacific region in order to compete with China, while China has always emphasized development when facing the Asia Pacific region.

Asia has a glorious past, and there are three of the four ancient civilizations in Asia. But in the process of industrialization and modernization, Asia has suffered several losses and even suffered humiliation.

It is precisely because of this common history that China and neighboring countries can best understand each other's pursuit of development.

Looking back on those days, knowing the possible assassination plans of hostile forces, Chinese representatives resolutely boarded the "Princess Kashmir" and participated in the Bandung Conference with a sense of belief that they would return to death. Today, China and neighboring countries are hedging provocations with a stronger belief in development.

Peripheral diplomacy has always been the top priority of China's diplomacy. The hard truth of development has always been our common language.

As early as 10 years ago, the Asia Pacific region was the region with the fastest economic growth in the world. Behind the development principles, each and every one of us has personally shared and felt the feedback.

Since the beginning of this year, the United States has had a somewhat vicious atmosphere around China.

It is also promoting NATO's eastward expansion to Japan, requiring Southeast Asian countries to open new military bases, and encouraging the "US Japan Philippines" and "US Philippines Australia" security alliances.

This has resulted in greater marginalization.

As an Asian president said a few days ago, if a country turns to China for help today, don't be surprised, because the world needs a lot of things that the US and the West can no longer provide.

What has China been talking about when the United States collides with porcelain?

When the United States returned to Asia with a gunpowder filled "Asia Pacific Rebalance" strategy, China said that the Pacific is the ocean of peace and cooperation.

When the United States ignites fires in the South China Sea and East China Sea, threatening China, China is saying that outside of its territory, China has no military bases or troops stationed in Asia.

When the United States insists on provoking trouble in the surrounding areas to create chaos and confront China, China repeatedly says that the sky is high and birds fly, the sea is wide and fish leap, and the vast Pacific Ocean has enough space to accommodate the two major powers of China and the United States.

China did not choose to stop and compete with the United States on the spot when it collided with China. The way China interacts with neighboring countries has not fundamentally shifted due to US provocation.

The reasoning repeatedly spoken by the Chinese side reflects the mainstream perception advocated by China in the Asia Pacific region - to hedge external provocations with common development.

How to "develop"?

Just as the United States was provoking with all its might, the ASEAN initiated Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement completed its effective procedures for all 15 members as scheduled two weeks ago. Correspondingly, China has maintained its position as the largest trading partner of ASEAN for 13 consecutive years.

In fact, the United States, which is passionate about military confrontation, seems to have understood China's principles in the past two years. It is no longer just engaging in military aggression, but also contributing to the economy by proposing an Indo Pacific economic framework. But after a year of talking, there are still many differences. The reason is that the United States did not understand the other two words:


The key word for American economic decision-making is "exclusivity". China has reminded that some former politicians in the United States have started to regret not listening to China's advice. Last month, John Thornton, one of the designers of the first phase of the China US economic and trade agreement, revealed a message to the public for the first time.

In that year, Kerry, the former US Secretary of State who worked with Thornton to cultivate Sino US relations, said that he had received an invitation from China to "jointly build the the Belt and Road". Kerry was very interested in it, but because of the opposition of the US Treasury Department, it failed to take shape. Kerry later said that his failure to accept the "the Belt and Road" initiative was his "biggest political opportunity missed in his life".

No one in the United States understands the truth that China talks about every day: finding a way to get along with China is beneficial to China, beneficial to the United States, and beneficial to the world.

In fact, at the same time as China launched the "the Belt and Road" initiative, China invited the United States to join the newly established AIIB. But the United States not only refuses to join itself, but also prevents other countries from joining.

The sun and moon have different lights, and day and night have their own preferences. The opportunity for development is not for giving and domination, but for everyone to share. This is a significant cognitive gap between China and the United States regarding the development concept.

The United States is putting in a lot of effort to stifle the development opportunities of others, while China is thinking about sharing development opportunities.

When the destiny of development is truly intertwined, the heart will get closer and not be swayed by one thing or disturbed by one word.

This is why China always adheres to the principle of development when facing challenges.

The strength of a moment depends on strength, and the victory or defeat of a thousand years depends on reason.

Asian affairs should be led by Asians themselves, but it cannot be denied that the United States still has some influence in the region.

When we inevitably face setbacks, the ultimate result is not the gains or losses of one event, one city, one pool.

The time of the United States is in front of us, and the time of China is in the future.

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