Confidence in building an international science and technology innovation center is stronger, and the General Secretary’s important speech triggered a warm response from Shanghai’s science and technology workers

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 04:40 AM

In May 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during an inspection in Shanghai: “Shanghai must strive to be at the forefront of the country and the world in promoting scientific and technological innovation and implementing innovation-driven development strategies, and accelerate its march towards a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence. "Shanghai's development positioning has expanded from "four centers" to "five centers."

The words are still in my ears. On the afternoon of November 28, Xi Jinping came to Zhangjiang Science City in Pudong New Area during his inspection in Shanghai and visited the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition. He used the video clip to understand the overall situation of scientific and technological innovation in Shanghai, walked into the exhibition hall to observe in detail the display of scientific and technological innovation achievements in basic research, artificial intelligence, biomedicine and other fields, and had cordial exchanges with representatives of scientific researchers. Xi Jinping pointed out that promoting Chinese-style modernization is inseparable from the strategic support of science and technology, education, and talents. Shanghai must be a good leader in this regard and accelerate its progress towards a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence. Efforts should be made to cultivate a large number of cutting-edge talents with a sense of mission and create good conditions for them to display their talents.

The General Secretary’s important speech aroused enthusiastic responses from the vast number of scientific and technological workers in Shanghai. Everyone expressed that they have further enhanced their confidence and motivation to promote the construction of Shanghai as an international science and technology innovation center and accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance.

[Fully understand and give full play to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation]

"2024 is the tenth anniversary of the construction of the Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center. On the occasion of this critical node, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Shanghai to inspect the progress of the construction of the International Science and Technology Innovation Center, which profoundly demonstrated the General Secretary's great importance and earnestness for the development of Shanghai's science and technology innovation. It also fully releases an important signal that the Party Central Committee insists on taking scientific and technological innovation as the support and guidance of high-quality development and promoting the realization of Chinese-style modernization through scientific and technological modernization," said Xu Feng, Secretary of the Municipal Science and Technology Party Committee.

Accelerating the construction of the "five centers" is an important mission assigned to Shanghai by the Party Central Committee. Xu Feng said that facing the future, the Municipal Science and Technology Party Committee should further improve its position, fully understand and give full play to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation, and vigorously promote the construction of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center.

Specifically, the first is to continue to strengthen the party’s overall leadership over scientific and technological work. Give full play to the role of the party committee in "guiding the direction, managing the overall situation, and promoting implementation", strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, highlight the agglomeration advantages of Shanghai's "large courtyards and large institutes", make good use of the "national team" and "main force"; focus on the three leading industries Accelerate the promotion of key core technology research in the field, continue to deepen basic research, follow the laws of scientific research and innovate scientific research organization methods, and continuously strengthen the function of scientific and technological innovation as a source. Adhere to the concept of "big party building leads and serves big technology" and promote the deep integration of party building and technological innovation business. The second is to strive to create a good innovation ecosystem full of vitality. Adhere to full-chain innovation, strengthen the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, rely on the construction of high-quality incubators to promote the two-way docking of scientific and technological innovation and capital, expand diversified social investment channels, and accelerate the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain. Continue to deepen the reform of science and technology systems and mechanisms, strengthen the accuracy, systematicness and continuity of policy and system design, further "decentralize and relax" around the evaluation of scientific and technological talents and the transformation of innovation achievements, and vigorously stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation. The third is to accelerate the construction of a high-level scientific and technological talent team. Focusing on the goal of creating a high-level talent highland, adhering to the principles of "educating talents for the party" and "educating talents for the country", focusing on those who have the "greatest country" in mind, strengthening the ideological guidance of scientific and technological talents, strengthening the sense of mission and responsibility of talents; actively exploring the use of personalized talent introduction Talent initiatives, deepen the "attracting talents through talents" model, and strive to cultivate more strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders and other cutting-edge talents. Focus on the cultivation of young scientific and technological talents and establish a scientific and technological talent training system covering all aspects of talent growth.

Luo Dajin, director of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, listened to the General Secretary’s important speech at the scene. “I deeply feel the General Secretary’s scientific and technological sentiments and feel that the General Secretary’s expectations for Shanghai’s scientific and technological innovation are consistent. I am deeply inspired and excited.”

Luo Dajin said that the majority of scientific and technological workers must have an irresistible sense of urgency and an unstoppable sense of responsibility, adhere to the main line of strengthening the source function of scientific and technological innovation, adhere to the concept of whole-process and whole-chain innovation, and accelerate the construction of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center. We must make every effort to cultivate and strengthen strategic scientific and technological capabilities. The service ensures the high-quality construction and operation of national laboratories; strengthens support and guarantee for national scientific research institutions and high-level research universities, promotes the integration of industry, academia and research, and promotes the emergence of original achievements; vigorously cultivates leading scientific and technological enterprises and plays a leading role. It is necessary to accelerate the high-quality development of basic research. Deepen the forward-looking, strategic, systematic and stimulating layout, improve the layout of major science and technology in basic frontiers and cross-cutting fields; deepen the construction of "basic research pioneer areas", implement long-term stable support and long-term evaluation, and support outstanding young scientists to carry out high-value, High-risk research; expand the "Explorer Plan" to further guide companies to increase investment in basic research and form diversified investments. We must actively seize the commanding heights of the strategic frontier. Focus on the three leading industries of integrated circuits, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence, accelerate the research on key core technologies, promote the development of strategic emerging industries, and strengthen the forward-looking layout of future industries; accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and smooth the two-way link between basic research and industrial applications. Promote the deep integration of technological innovation and industrial innovation. It is necessary to cultivate and expand the team of high-level scientific and technological talents. Strengthen the cultivation of strategic scientific and technological talents and outstanding young talents, accelerate the introduction of high-level overseas talents; deepen the reform of talent development systems and mechanisms to stimulate innovation power and vitality. We must vigorously create a globally competitive innovation ecosystem. Accelerate the construction of a number of high-quality incubators to promote the growth of outstanding technology enterprises; strengthen technological financial support and improve risk-sharing mechanisms; accelerate the construction of the Yangtze River Delta science and technology innovation community, strengthen the linkage of scientific and technological forces and advantageous resources, vigorously promote cross-regional collaborative innovation, and more Serve the Yangtze River Economic Belt well and radiate across the country.

[Continuously producing influential and iconic results]

"Produce more original and leading high-quality scientific and technological achievements, create a large number of cutting-edge talents with a sense of mission, let the light of scientific innovation illuminate Shanghai's high-quality development path, and help Shanghai accelerate its transformation into a globally influential science and technology As the innovation center moves forward, we have an unshirkable responsibility and mission," said Zhao Dongyuan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and dean of the School of Chemistry and Materials of Fudan University.

Zhao Dongyuan said that colleges and universities are gathering places for talents. In terms of talent training, we must adhere to our own job of teaching and educating people, constantly tap into the potential of the school as a "reservoir" for innovative talents, create a leading, original, open and inclusive innovation ecosystem, and introduce a group of people with unconventional thinking The established formula is to "pursue the truth regardless of gains and losses", abandon utilitarianism, have the courage to explore, and dare to venture into the "no man's land" of top talents, helping them to explore, climb and break through to the depths of the universe, the pinnacle of science, and the boundless wisdom.

Universities are also the source of scientific and technological innovation. In terms of scientific research and innovation, we must pay more attention to the cultivation of original innovation capabilities, accelerate the acquisition of key core technologies, strengthen the in-depth integration of industry, academia and research, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and continue to produce influential and iconic results. Strengthen basic research under the new paradigm, break traditional limitations and barriers, conduct in-depth cross-integration, explore poor theories, study good problems and important propositions, and truly enhance the ability to innovate.

Zhao Dongyuan said: "As a university teacher and a scientific researcher, I will contribute my own efforts to building an innovative city and cultivating innovative talents with a sense of urgency that I cannot afford to wait, slow down, or sit still."

"General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should accelerate our progress towards a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence. This makes us deeply feel that we have a great mission and responsibility." Ding Lei, director of the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that he expressed his views on "technological innovation" In order to lead the way, strengthen research on key core technologies and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries”, I was particularly touched by the specific requirements. This provides a fundamental basis for Shanghai Institute of Technology to focus on basic research at the forefront of scientific and technological development, conduct in-depth implementation of institutionalized and systematic key technology research, and promote the upgrading of scientific and technological innovation industry capabilities.

Starting in 2020, the Shanghai Institute of Technology has actively promoted the reorganization of national key laboratories. In 2022 and 2023, two national key laboratories were successively approved and started construction. In the second half of this year, it applied for approval of the Shanghai Key Laboratory. Strengthening basic research through the construction of these innovation units will enable Shanghai Institute of Technology to have a better source of motivation in the practice of scientific and technological innovation that serves the national strategy. At the same time, it has promoted the construction of a high-level talent highland by attracting several foreigners to join the basic research of infrared technology and cultivating young scientists through the introduction of talents from overseas.

"Currently, we are based in Hongkou District and Jiading District, accelerating high-level technology supply for the upstream of the technology industry, and building a technology incubation and transformation platform with Hongkou District. At the same time, we provide technological output of optoelectronic technology to local research centers in many places in the Yangtze River Delta , to promote industrial development. In the future, we are confident that we will focus on the commanding heights of science and technology to implement research, optimize scientific and technological innovation links, produce important scientific and technological innovation results that represent China’s strength, and contribute our strength and wisdom to Shanghai’s construction of an international science and technology innovation center.” Ray said.

At the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Exhibition, Gu Jie, chairman and CEO of Fourier Intelligence, showed the general secretary GR-1, a universal humanoid robot developed by the company, to the general secretary. "I demonstrated the upper limbs and walking movements of this robot. The General Secretary looked at it carefully and asked me what future uses humanoid robots have. I and other scientific researchers also listened to the General Secretary's important speech at the scene. He said that we should focus on creating A large number of cutting-edge talents with a sense of mission have created good conditions for them to display their talents. We were all inspired and inspired after hearing this,” Gu Jie was filled with excitement as he recounted the scene.

He said that the company's R&D team should actively implement the spirit of the General Secretary's speech, devote itself to technological innovation with a sense of mission, and speed up research on the key core technologies of universal humanoid robots. At the same time, by opening the software and hardware interfaces of the robot body, it will work with partners to create humanoid robots. The industrial ecosystem will be implemented as soon as possible in scenarios such as elderly care, industrial manufacturing, and hospitality, helping my country seize the commanding heights of technology and industry in the next wave of artificial intelligence, "embodied intelligence."

Fu Daxu, president of the Shanghai Institute of Biomedical Technology, also listened to the general secretary’s speech. He said that the biopharmaceutical industry is a strategic emerging industry related to people's health and national security. The General Secretary is very concerned about the scientific and technological innovation and industrial development of Shanghai biomedicine, and requires the innovation of biomedicine to meet the people's health needs. "As biomedicine Technological innovation workers, we must be brave in the spirit of time and technology innovation, strive to develop innovative drugs and high-end medical devices that are usable, useful and affordable for the common people, and contribute to people’s lives and health.”

“We must insist on taking scientific and technological innovation as the guide, and strive to be a doer in promoting innovation culture and cultivating innovative ecology.” Huang Lihong, director of the Shanghai Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, said that the Shanghai Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center has always been adhering to the principle of “incubating technology enterprises and cultivating emerging industries.” The original mission is to focus on the new trends and new needs of innovation and development throughout the life cycle of enterprise growth, accelerate the construction and development of high-quality incubators, build a full-chain innovation and entrepreneurship service system that connects technology, talent, finance, policy and industry, and help create a more dynamic "We must keep up with the development trend of global scientific and technological innovation, continue to innovate, and incubate and cultivate new technologies and industries in the future."

As a national technical factor market, the Shanghai Technology Exchange is an important platform for the allocation of national factor resources. It improves total factor productivity by promoting the transformation of high-quality scientific and technological achievements. The current cumulative technology transaction amount is 25.2 billion yuan. Yan Mingfeng, President of Shanghai Technology Exchange, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection in Shanghai pointed out the direction for technology trading and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. We will accelerate the construction of a national intellectual property and scientific and technological achievements property rights trading institution, give full play to the platform role of the exchange in implementing the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements, serving scientific and technological innovation entities, building a technology and capital docking system, and building a regional scientific and technological innovation ecology, and strive to complete The tasks assigned by the Municipal Party Committee to determine the rights of results, valuation systems, trading networks, and rule configuration systems for science and technology innovation finance are based on "science and technology innovation industry" to actively provide technology for the "accelerating the cultivation of world-class high-end industrial clusters" requested by the General Secretary elements.

Confidence in building an international science and technology innovation center is stronger, and the General Secretary’s important speech triggered a warm response from Shanghai’s science and technology workers
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