National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:34 PM

On June 10, 2021, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting the High quality Development and Construction of Demonstration Zones for Common Prosperity in Zhejiang Province" were officially released, proposing a "two-step" development goal: "By 2025, Zhejiang Province will make significant and substantial progress in promoting high-quality development and construction of demonstration zones for common prosperity", and by 2035, Zhejiang Province will achieve greater achievements in high-quality development and basically achieve common prosperity. ".

As of June 2023, almost half of the development goal of "taking the first step" is approaching, what stage progress and landmark achievements have been made in the construction of the Zhejiang Demonstration Zone for Common Prosperity? What are the people's experiences of deep happiness and sense of gain?

The vivid answer lies at the grassroots level. From the bustling workshops of private enterprises, from the busy figures of people in the "Gongfu Workshop", from the dreams ignited by children in mountain villages, from the laughter floating in cultural auditoriums, from the comfort of camping nature, and from the comfort brought by handshake, the rich connotations of common prosperity are vividly interpreted.

"A happy life is all achieved through hard work." The cadres and masses of Zhejiang are striving to solve the universal problem of common prosperity with innovative vitality and pragmatic and efficient enterprising spirit.

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

【 Story 1: "Cloud Engine Room" of Shancun Primary School 】

Following the source of Shiliang Creek in Kecheng District, Quzhou City, after more than 10 kilometers, you can reach the Xiacun Campus of Xinhua Elementary School at the foot of Baiyun Mountain.

The primary school covers students from mountainous villages such as Kandi Village, Huangcha Village, and Paixitou Village, with a total of 122 students. In the past year, Xinhua Primary School has been upgraded to a "cloud data center". 24 computers are connected to the cloud through networking, and the system and software will be updated in a timely manner.

The innovative operating interface has sparked a strong interest in learning for fifth grade student Zeng Zimo. He is learning programming from his teacher and already knows how to design simple human-computer interaction game programs such as knowledge quizzes.

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

This rural primary school has co created a "cloud classroom" with urban primary schools, and urban and rural children have the same class. Many famous teacher classes have been settled in, such as Lv Fang, a senior engineer of the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who taught the course of "carbon neutrality".

Tong Weiqiang, the principal of Xinhua Primary School, said, "Numbers have expanded children's world and made Shancun Primary School no longer closed."

Kecheng District is one of the 26 relatively underdeveloped mountainous counties in Zhejiang Province. Since 2021, Zhejiang has developed a "one county, one policy" work plan around the high-quality development of 26 mountainous counties. 50 economically strong counties in the province have implemented paired assistance, forming a stronger collaborative force between mountains and seas.

Reducing the urban-rural gap and promoting balanced coordination are important goals for promoting common prosperity. Zhejiang continues to promote good education for young children, excellent education for learning, income for labor, good doctors for illness, health care for the elderly, livable housing, and support for the weak, so that the achievements of development can benefit more people. In the field of education, Zhejiang has successively implemented plans to enhance rural primary and secondary schools and vocational education, and promoted the integrated development of urban and rural education through methods such as "teacher rotation and exchange", "targeted assistance", and "education community". At present, the inter school difference coefficient between urban and rural compulsory education schools in Zhejiang is within 0.27, which is the lowest in the country.

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

【 Story 2: Stormwear Enterprises Open up New Markets 】

Entering Haiyou Street in Sanmen County, Taizhou City is like entering the ocean of stormtroopers. There are more than 300 active stormtrooper enterprises here, with stormtrooper production accounting for 60% of the total production in the country.

In a private assault suit enterprise located in Haiyou Street, more than 20 workers stepped on sewing machines, flipped their hands up and down, and worked tirelessly to produce a batch of assault suits; A batch of processed assault jackets are being packed and boxed in the production workshop of Zhejiang Lantu Outdoor Products Co., Ltd., located 15 kilometers away.

"The assault suit industry here has developed well, and I have lived a better life with diligence and hard work," said worker Li Xiaoqin. In recent years, she followed her son to live in the county town and found this job near her home, earning an annual income of 80000 yuan.

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

At an outdoor product company in Sanmen County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, staff are discussing the design of a sports suit. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang

The government has made great efforts to guide and cultivate this prosperous industry that affects thousands of households. In recent years, Sanmen County has established a comprehensive service park for the stormtrooper industry, collaborating with universities to carry out fabric research and design, effectively enhancing the technological content and brand value of stormtroopers.

With the continuous rise of the manufacturing industry, a group of small and medium-sized enterprise owners and individual businesses have become important groups for entrepreneurship and wealth creation. Sanmen assault suits are gradually breaking through the encirclement and opening up the market with their quality and cost-effectiveness. Last year, the county produced over 50 million pieces of assault suits, with an annual output value of 6.5 billion yuan.

Employment is the greatest livelihood for the people, and the large number of private enterprises in Zhejiang have become an important channel for people to increase their employment and income, as well as for entrepreneurship and innovation. Pan Litai, President of the Sanmen County Stormwear Industry Association, introduced that there are already 30000 practitioners in the local Stormwear industry, 90% of whom are local laborers. In addition to salary income, some highly skilled talents can also become shareholders and enjoy dividend incentives.

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

As of the end of 2022, there were 9.43 million registered business entities in Zhejiang. Among them, only 749000 new operating entities were added in Zhejiang in 2022, an increase of 14.7% compared to the previous year. In Zhejiang, the private economy contributes 67% of the province's GDP, 71.7% of taxes, 82.6% of exports, 87.5% of employment, and 92.5% of the number of enterprises.

[Story Three: A New Generation of "Digital Shepherds"]

On a summer morning, in the Huyang Smart Recycling Industrial Park in Lushan Township, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Lu Guofei, a "digital shepherd" who is over fifty years old, sat in front of the Huyang Smart Management Platform to check the dynamics of the sheep shed.

The digital large screen in the Huyang Smart Recycling Industrial Park, Lushan Township, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province displays real-time monitoring data of various types of Huyang. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yu

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

"Every sheep shed is equipped with environmental collection sensors. Once the parameters exceed the standard, the fan, roller shutter and spray deodorization system will automatically start, making the environment more suitable," said Lu Guofei.

In recent years, Lushan Township has built a shared pasture called "Co Prosperity Workshop" based on the characteristic lake sheep breeding industry, allowing farmers to participate in lake sheep breeding management, learn breeding techniques, and achieve joint income creation between the village collective and farmers.

The staff of Huyang Smart Recycling Industrial Park in Lushan Township, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province are scanning the digital chips on the ears of Huyang lambs. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yu

When Lu Guofei was young, he engaged in the boat racing business. Many years ago, an accident caused him to have a leg disability. Due to limited mobility and lack of professional skills, Lu Guofei had to stay idle at home. Two years ago, the village arranged for him to work at the "Gongfu Workshop", and he was still full of doubts.

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

"In the past, raising sheep was an individual job, and I used to worry that I wouldn't be able to handle it. But now I realize that the level of automation in breeding is getting higher and higher, which gives me confidence." Lu Guofei said, after half a month of training, he is fully capable of handling this job.

Nowadays, the 325 acre breeding area of the "Gongfu Workshop" has a stock of 45000 sheep, achieving an annual output value of over 60 million yuan. 44 low-income local farmers like Lu Guofei have an average annual income increase of over 16000 yuan per capita.

Income is the most intuitive criterion for evaluating the level of prosperity of the people. "Gongfu Workshop" is an innovative carrier in Zhejiang to help low-income groups increase their income. In the second half of 2022, multiple departments in Zhejiang Province issued guidance to explore and promote the construction of "co prosperity workshops" led by party building. They proposed to build 10000 "co prosperity workshops" within three years, achieving full coverage of 26 counties and townships in mountainous areas, and key villages for rural revitalization. At present, Zhejiang has built more than 7000 "Gongfu workshops", attracting more than 340000 people to work, including 37000 low-income farmers, with an average monthly income increase of about 2600 yuan per person.

At the "Qicai Qiaofu" Gongfu Workshop in Leishan Village, Xiwu Street, Fenghua District, Zhang Jianfeng, a representative inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage blue printed fabric printing and dyeing technique in Ningbo, demonstrated the production method of handmade jewelry to the villagers. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

Focusing on promoting "expanding the middle" and "lowering the income gap" is an important lever for Zhejiang to promote common prosperity. In 2022, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in Zhejiang Province reached 37600 yuan, ranking first in the country for 38 consecutive years. The income gap between urban and rural residents narrowed to 1.90, making it the province with the smallest income gap in the country.

[Story 4: Rich "Pocket" Rich "Brain"]

At the end of the day's work, the sky gradually darkened. In the streets and alleys of Hongxi Village, Tianning Town, Jiaxing County, Jiaxing City, conversations like "Let's go play basketball!" and "Dance together at night!" rang out, bringing people's hearts together in this village.

In order to better enrich the spiritual life of villagers and enhance the cohesion of rural society, Chen Liqin, the old branch secretary of Hongxi Village, first came up with the idea of "organizing teams and activities". She gathered a group of "mothers" with an average age of around 50 years old in the village to form a dance team, doing farm work during the day and dancing at night. Their performances frequently appeared in the village and on broader stages, becoming a "golden film" for creating a wonderful cultural life for the villagers.

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

Driven by the dance team, over the past two years, Hongxi Village has formed more than 20 cultural and sports teams. "Yue opera performances and song and dance sketches are almost performed every week in the cultural hall, and we all love to watch them." The rich and colorful cultural activities have won the praise of villager Gu Yuyu.

Hongxi Village also launched a farmer art popularization classroom, offering courses such as row dance and Yue opera, and using professional art training to sow the "seeds" of culture into the hearts of the villagers.

Promoting common prosperity in people's spiritual life is an important aspect of promoting common prosperity. Over the past two years, Zhejiang has further improved its public cultural service system, continuously meeting the diverse, multi-level, and multifaceted spiritual and cultural needs of the people. At present, Zhejiang has built over 50000 new era civilization practice centers, institutions, and rural cultural auditoriums, and innovatively created grassroots cultural matrices such as urban study rooms and community cultural homes. Rich spiritual and cultural supply has become a "standard" for people's better lives.

This is a photo taken on July 12, 2021 in Henggang Village, Yaozhuang Town, Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yu

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

【 Story 5: A Tent Supports "Ecological Prosperity" 】

"We can open restaurants, tea shops, coffee shops, and Shaobing (Baked cake in griddle) shops in the farmyard" "We can open new businesses such as hiking, mountaineering, frisbee, and paddle board"... At the "Xiaohangkeng" camp in Xiayang Village, Xiaofeng Town, Anji County, Huzhou City, village cadres carried out "brainstorming" on the development of rural camping, and "golden ideas" continued to burst out.

People are relaxing at the "Xiaohangkeng" campsite in Anji County, Huzhou City. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Mengyu

"We can freely engage in rural tourism, which is closely related to vigorously improving the living environment," said Bao Xin, Secretary of the Xiayang Village Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee.

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

A few years ago, the Panshan Road that entered the village was opened, attracting tourists to enter the village. However, there was a lack of management over the large amount of waste generated by the introduced camping, barbecue, off-road and other businesses, resulting in unsatisfactory industrial development results.

In August 2020, Bao Xin, a former corporate executive, resigned and returned to his hometown to serve as a village cadre. His first task after taking office was to repair the environment. The village cleared 57 vehicles of garbage and nearly a thousand beer bottles just around the big lawn.

The effectiveness of environmental improvement is immediate. Since 2021, the rural beauty here has repeatedly become a "clock in". Some clothing, perfume and automobile brands have come to the village to rent the "scenery" in the village to shoot location advertisements. The rent is tens of thousands of yuan a day at peak hours.

"This shows the villagers the value of protecting green mountains and waters." Under the leadership of Bao Xin, Xiayang Village collectively established a tourism development company, creating eight characteristic campsites such as "Forest" and "RV", and introducing a group of well-known outdoor camping brands.

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

A tent enriches a village. Nowadays, villagers can receive rent from the land, earn salaries at their doorstep, and receive dividends at the end of the year, making their income more diverse. In 2022, the village received a total of about 100000 tourists, and the collective operating income of the village increased from less than 150000 yuan before 2020 to 1.75 million yuan.

A good ecological environment is the most inclusive welfare for people's livelihoods. Zhejiang takes the "Ten Million Project" as the starting point and continues to increase investment in rural construction, from "demonstration and rectification of thousands of villages" to "exquisite and beautiful thousands of villages" and then to "future of thousands of villages, common prosperity of thousands of villages, and overall harmony and beauty". It continuously promotes the orderly aggregation of resource elements, population industries, and public services to towns and villages, and the basic construction of the "big garden" of overall beauty is basically completed. The modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Dwelling Map" is gradually presented.

【 Story 6: Contradictions and disputes arise on the spot 】

In the mouths of the common people in Qiaosi Street, Linping District, Hangzhou, there is a saying that goes: "To reason, go to the comprehensive governance center of the street."

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

Qiaosi Street, located in the suburbs, is home to a large number of clothing enterprises and a large floating population. Labor disputes and economic disputes often occur. To this end, the street comprehensive governance center has opened a "labor and personnel" characteristic service window, where mediators, lawyers, judges, street staff and other on-site offices work together to promote the resolution of conflicts.

Yang Jinquan, who has been engaged in grassroots mediation work for 29 years, is the "gold medalist" of the street comprehensive governance center. At the beginning of this year, Mr. Li, who is engaged in clothing production in the street, had a dispute with the ordering party. When the two sides were in a stalemate, Lao Yang learned about the situation and immediately carried out pre litigation mediation for them. The disputed power and responsibility relationship was quickly clarified. Less than 3 hours after mediation, Mr. Li successfully received the payment for the goods.

"In the past, when the masses encountered conflicts and disputes, they often 'went around and got angry', and sometimes couldn't be effectively resolved. Now, we invite the masses to the street comprehensive governance center, so that they can solve their troubles' at their doorstep '." Yang Jinquan said.

Staff at the Yuhang District Social Governance Center in Hangzhou receive feedback from the public on issues. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

Social governance is the foundation of common prosperity. Zhejiang inherits and promotes the "Fengqiao Experience" and "Pujiang Experience", and the construction of a safe and rule of law Zhejiang continues to deepen. Last year, the sense of security among the people in Zhejiang was 99.28%, ranking among the top in the country for several consecutive years. At the same time, Zhejiang has released a provincial-level "Ping An Index", creating a number of major applications such as political and legal integration, comprehensive integration, and Zhejiang police intelligent governance, comprehensively improving the performance of digital governance.

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