Xi Jinping's Cultural footprint: a perception of Cultural self-confidence from the Sansu Temple in the Millennium

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:15 PM

Chengdu, June 9th, Xinhua News Agency (Xinhua) - Reflection on Cultural Confidence from the Millennium Three Su Temple

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We must strengthen our cultural confidence, take on our mission, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has investigated local culture and historical sites many times from the perspective of the overall strategy for the development of the cause of the party and the state. He put forward a series of new ideas, new viewpoints and new conclusions on the self-confidence and self-improvement of Chinese culture and the sustainable development of Chinese civilization. Since June 9, Xinhua News Agency has opened the column "Xi Jinping's Cultural footprint" to record the story of General Secretary Xi Jinping's concern for and promotion of cultural construction, reflecting the vivid picture of protecting, inheriting and carrying forward Chinese excellent traditional culture in various parts of the country in the new era. gather together the majestic force of the new journey to promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"A drop of water can see the sun, and a San Su Temple can see the breadth and depth of our Chinese culture. We say that we should strengthen cultural self-confidence. China has the 'three sous'. This is an important example. " Tourists who enter the San Su Temple will first read this important speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

On June 8, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Sansu Temple in Meishan City, Sichuan Province to learn about the local protection of historical and cultural heritage.

The Sansu Temple is the former residence of the famous literary figures of the Northern Song Dynasty, Su Xun, Su Shi, and Su Zhe, known as the father and son of the Three Sus. Over thousands of years, why can a hundred acre ancient temple reflect Chinese culture? How did the wisdom of our ancestors inspire the philosophy of the new era?

Looking at the past and present, the answer is clear and firm.

We must strengthen our cultural confidence, take on our mission, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

With this cultural identity, how can we not be proud and confident

During this period, the Sansu Temple has been full of passengers since it opened at 9am.

"The traces of the eunuch are elusive and difficult to find, only winning the title of Three Heroes. The past has no history, and the future has no present. With a profound understanding of literature, it is as vast as rivers and the earth; the heavenly heart belongs to it, and even if it is subjected to countless trials and tribulations, it cannot be clear or turbid. Father and son, brothers, still share the same reputation through wind and rain." This mottled couplet silently tells the vivid life experience of the "Three Su Father and Son".

A family of three fathers and sons is unparalleled among the eight major families of the Tang and Song dynasties. This place was converted from a mansion to a temple during the Yuan Dynasty, and was destroyed by war in the late Ming Dynasty. In the fourth year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, it was imitated and rebuilt on the original site, making it the most famous celebrity temple and classical garden in Sichuan.

"Since the beginning of this year, it has been possible to make appointments for tour guides at least a week in advance. Sometimes, there are over 1000 students per day, and during the Spring Festival, there are even tens of thousands of people a day. Even team tour guides cannot be arranged." Xu Li, deputy research curator of the Sansu Temple Museum, has a firsthand feeling of the new popularity of the Sansu Temple.

Vestibule, Feast Hall, Qixian Hall, Laifengxuan. Following the footprints of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection, people wandered in the leisurely ancient temple surrounded by water on three sides, stopped in front of meaningful plaques and couplets, lamented the extraordinary talent of "three great stars" and was impressed by the honest family style of "filial piety and benevolence, being kind to others and belittling themselves."

"Family style tutoring is the most precious asset of a family and the best legacy left to future generations. It is necessary to promote the whole society to pay attention to the construction of family tutoring and family style, encourage future generations to enhance their family and national feelings, and strive to grow into talents who are useful to the country and society. " Bearing in mind the instructions made by the General Secretary during his inspection tour of the San Su Temple, Xu Li and her colleagues comprehensively sorted out all kinds of ancient books and constantly launched exhibitions and reading materials for the public.

Su Xun, who used to wander without learning when he was young, swore to read the classics and history thoroughly and teach his son Jackie Chan. Under the careful cultivation of him and his wife Cheng, the brothers Su Shi and Su Zhe achieved great success in the imperial examination and gained worldwide fame. Afterwards, the "Three Su Fathers and Sons" took the world as their own responsibility, especially Su Shi, who persisted in serving as an official and benefiting the country even though his fate was turbulent and time wore on. His literary achievements and personality spirit have been passed down through the ages.

"The Su family upholds a clean and upright family tradition and upbringing, nurturing a noble and upright spirit, which is the backbone of China." Pointing to the "Nurturing Qi" plaque hanging high in the banquet hall, Wang Jinchuan, a local Su scholar in Meishan, volunteered to explain to the occasional tourists.

During his inspection tour of the San Su Temple, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, should be innocent, be diligent and thrifty, do things cleanly, be honest in politics, take good care of themselves and their families, and cultivate the good family style of the Communists in the new era.

The ups and downs of the eunuch sea, and the repeated demotion, although Su Shi's life was full of ups and downs and constant troubles, he never gave up the joy of life... Tracing the life trajectory of a generation of literary giants, people can't help but feel countless emotions.

"To eliminate the suffering of the people is like eliminating a disease in the stomach and mind." "If I do not possess it, even if I do not take a single penny, I will not take it." "In ancient times, those who made great achievements not only had extraordinary talents, but also had the will to persevere and persevere."

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping attached great importance to the philosophy and wisdom contained in Chinese culture, and repeatedly quoted the famous words of Su Shi and other ancient sages to clarify the concept of governing the country.

"The Sansu culture has never been outdated, and the Dongpo spirit resonates with contemporary Chinese people." Recalling the successful hosting of the "Looking Back at Dongpo - Su Shi Theme Cultural Relics Exhibition", Xie Dan, Vice President of the Sichuan Museum, couldn't conceal his pride.

Despite the impact of the epidemic, the exhibition still set a record of less than 10 days of exhibition attendance, with an increase of about 10 times compared to the same period in 2021.

"Su Dongpo's life is vividly engraved in our hearts, and everyone can find the ambition, backbone, and confidence that a person, a country, and a nation should have from it."

The audience's message warmly responded to the designers of the exhibition, and also profoundly confirmed the distinct declaration made by General Secretary Xi Jinping in the new era-- the excellent Chinese traditional culture nurtured in the development of more than 5000 years of civilization. the revolutionary culture and socialist advanced culture nurtured in the great struggle between the party and the people accumulate the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation and represent the unique spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation.

Su Shi's original sentence "keep his original mind unchanged" in the preface hall of the exhibition echoes and resonates with General Secretary Xi Jinping's "never forget the original ideal and ambition" advocated in the new era. The value of the times that we carry forward today is rooted in the fertile soil of excellent Chinese traditional culture. Xie Dan said.

Adhering to cultural confidence is a more fundamental, extensive, and profound confidence, a more fundamental, profound, and enduring force. Through bricks, tiles, poems, and paintings, today's Chinese people are even more convinced that there were once people on this land who have weathered hardships but never succumbed, and have endured hardships and remained as strong as ever.

"We are cultivated by civilization in this land, and the whole party and the whole nation should admire our own culture and strengthen our cultural self-confidence." Recalling General Secretary Xi Jinping's affectionate message at the San Su Temple, Chen Zhongwen, curator of the San Su Temple Museum, had deep feelings: "the General Secretary's words evoke the cultural identity that we have deeply accumulated in our national memory. With this cultural identity, how can we not be proud?" how can we not be confident? "

With this emotional bond, cultural confidence has an inexhaustible source of strength, and governance has a more solid and reliable carrying gene

By the ancient well, which has never dried up, people devoutly hold a handful of clean water, purifying their hands and hearts; In front of the roots of the tied Danli, the unfulfilled wish of returning home as soon as the trees grow has brought tears to many people's eyes

"This kind of spiritual feeling is exactly the patriotism that our Chinese nation has revered since ancient times," said Liu Qingquan, director of the research office of the Sansu Cultural Research Institute in Meishan City and who has been engaged in the study of the Sansu family style for 10 years. "It has never been rigid preaching, but hidden in the ethical principles that have been practiced by our ancestors for generations, and ultimately imprinted in our bones and blood, becoming a philosophy of life."

This silent and tacit responsibility of inheritance is being carried by more young people. A group of "80s generation" artists from Sichuan People's Art Theatre have created the play "Su Dongpo" into a theatrical version, a cultural and tourism on-site version, and a cultural and museum integrated version.

"On one hand, there is the ultimate demand for artistry, and on the other hand, there is the popularity that the public loves. In this collision and fusion, China's excellent traditional culture is achieving creative transformation and innovative development." Producer Deng Ying said, "Some viewers have watched the national tour of the theatrical version eight times, and their recognition has further enhanced our cultural confidence."

In order to deeply integrate drama and tourism, Wei Xin, the operation manager of the cultural and tourism on-site version of "Su Dongpo", has opened a "cultural and tourism direct train" service for drama performances and visits to the Sansu Temple. A theater that was once rarely visited has since become a popular check-in destination for internet celebrities, and the audience's self promotion has formed a considerable scale of dissemination matrix.

"Children read stories, adults read life."

"Take a look at Su Dongpo and set up a beacon of life for children"

After a lightweight adaptation, the cultural and tourism on-site version of Su Dongpo connects numerous historical figures in the form of a single drama. The audience watches and learns while watching the drama, sparking a review frenzy on social media, which in turn inspires the creators.

"At first, my main focus was on studying the lines. It wasn't until more than 30 performances that I gradually realized Su Dongpo's tearful mood with a smile. This process was long and painful. I strived to capture more details and let Dongpo's spirit truly enter the hearts of the audience in a highly concentrated two hour period," said Li Dongchang, an actor at the Sichuan People's Art Theatre who played Su Shi.

"The satisfaction gained in passing on the good things left by our ancestors is cultural confidence," said Tang Zhong, the deputy director who is still dedicated to polishing the theatrical version of the play. "This is the cultural confidence that every person living on 9.6 million square kilometers of land has."

Yang Yu, the producer who introduced micro dramas to the "Looking Back at Dongpo - Su Shi Theme Cultural Relics Special Exhibition" on site, said that when you see the masses wearing Hanfu and actors blending together, you will have a strong sense of belonging. This cultural gene is a driving force for Chinese people represented by Su Dongpo to not sink, not tire of the world, and not be decadent.

Having weathered the wind and frost, it never fades, and the passage of time adds even more weight. Among the 12 "World Millennium Heroes" selected by foreign media, Su Dongpo is the only Chinese person selected.

"We should be good at absorbing the ideas and thinking of governing the country from China's excellent traditional culture, and extensively learn from all the outstanding achievements of civilization in the world. We should not be closed and rigid, still less should we take foreign things as the standard." General Secretary Xi Jinping's remarks during his inspection at the San Su Temple inspired the thinking of contemporary scholars.

During the process of sorting and compiling materials and literature, Dai Lu, an associate researcher at the School of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University, couldn't help but sigh that researchers in the international community, especially in the Western world, are particularly fond of the Sansu culture. Many contemporary scholars are studying Dongpo culture to understand Eastern civilization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the forum on cultural inheritance and development that Chinese civilization has outstanding continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness and peace, and Dongpo culture is a vivid embodiment. " Dai Lu said: "in the future, we should promote civilized exchanges and mutual learning with a more open attitude, extensively absorb the quintessence of excellent Chinese and foreign cultures, and constantly cultivate and create a new era of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics."

"This peaceful place is my hometown," Su Dongpo's timeless saying expresses the deep homesickness in the hearts of many people, and his life story carries the profound patriotism of the Chinese nation.

This kind of patriotism is recorded in words, engraved on stone tablets, and becomes an emotional bond that connects us.

It can be the love between husband and wife who are dressing up in the small pavilion window, the brotherly respect of "not only my brothers, but also virtuous friends", the neighborly friendship of "each has received their own agricultural achievements, and each year's affairs are in harmony", or the carefree and carefree spirit of "letting life go in the misty rain"... With this emotional bond, social norms have a harmonious foundation of negotiation and mutual concessions, cultural confidence has an inexhaustible source of roots, and governance has a solid and reliable carrying gene.

With this torch passed down from generation to generation, the Sansu culture will continue to radiate strong vitality and flourish in the tide of the times

Walking through the Sansu Temple, time seems to slow down in accordance with the rhythm of our ancestors.

Amidst the ripples of water, stepping into the tea house in the middle of the lake, Li Qian, an associate professor at Meishan Vocational and Technical College, sat in front of the table in plain tea attire, teaching the Song Dynasty tea ceremony to the public who came to admire her.

She first rolled the tea into powder and put it into the tea cup, then filled the cup with water, and then quickly stirred the tea powder. The snow like foam emerged, and the fragrance spread with the breeze... "When I met many people who love tea culture like myself along the way, national confidence and cultural confidence came into being." In recent years, Li Qian, who is leading the national tea art technology master studio, embarked on the road of promoting Chinese tea culture to the world. Not long ago, she promoted the English version of Chinese Tea Art at the headquarters of UNESCO.

"In China, tea often grows on barren land, but it is one of the main industries for us to achieve poverty alleviation and common prosperity. When I say this, international friends give me a thumbs up." Li Qian said, "This is the character of tea, the character of Dongpo, and the character of China's excellent traditional culture that benefits the world.".

At the five Meishan Dongpo Culture International Academic Summit held in Meishan, experts from multiple countries expressed that the respect for the Three Soviet Culture is not limited to the Chinese people, and this unique scenery full of Eastern ancient charm also belongs to the call for diverse world civilizations.

You can climb to the elegant hall or enter ordinary households. The Meishan cuisine named after the Dongpo story, the derived anime industry, and the created tourist attractions... The aesthetic and life aspirations of our ancestors have long been integrated into street talk and turned into human fireworks.

"A good year is worth remembering, especially when it's orange, yellow, and green." On the square, the children of Dongpo Elementary School jumped up with their original Dongpo poetry exercises, reciting and relaxing. In the classroom, students are exhibiting their latest Paper Cuttings works, pursuing the ideal of "learning from Chengdongpo and pursuing perfection".

"Every wall and every text on campus conveys a strong sense of poetry and antiquity. We hope that our students can become kind, optimistic, hardworking, and knowledgeable like Su Dongpo," said Du Ke, the principal of Dongpo Primary School in Meishan City.

"Traditional culture can only come to life and become popular if it is recognized, participated in, and disseminated by the public." Wang Feng, Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Meishan Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, and Tourism, said that in recent years, various forces have collaborated to promote Dongpo culture into campuses and communities. So far, 10 adult oriented training courses have been developed, including the experience of spreading skills through stone tablets and corridors, appreciating couplet art, burning incense, lighting tea, hanging paintings, and arranging flowers for literati in the Song Dynasty, and experiencing Dongpo bamboo culture.

With both the beauty of distance and a sense of familiarity, traditional culture activates ancient civilizations and ignites the torch of the soul.

"We are striving to find ways to communicate with our ancestors," said Yuan Xiao, the director of Meishan Song and Dance Theater. After nearly a year of immersive creation, the creative team has launched the dance poetry drama "Dongpo", which integrates artistic elements such as poetry, literature, painting, calligraphy, music, and opera. We believe it will bring everyone a refreshing feeling.

The documentary "Eternal Style Su Dongpo" jointly produced by Sichuan Radio and Television Station and Meishan Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department is actively exporting its copyright overseas after it became popular in mainstream media.

"Su Shi followed and explored in his footsteps one by one. His profound understanding of human suffering and his boundless love for magnificent mountains and rivers have all become a spiritual driving force for modern people." Zhang Xinyue, the producer of the documentary, said, "Perhaps it's just a slip, but we greatly admire and be devout."

At the entrance of the Sansu Temple, an ancient banyan tree and two ginkgo trees form a landscape, as if the father and son of Sansu are standing tall. Under the shade of greenery, the model poster of "Deyao Meizhou" attracts visitors to stop and gaze.

It is a guard against the past, as well as a pursuit for the future.

"We must persist in being upright and innovative, maintain the integrity and spirit of innovation, continue the historical context, and compose contemporary Chinese chapters." General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development made clear the new mission.

With this passing down tradition, the Sansu culture will continue to radiate strong vitality and flourish in the tide of the times.

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