Today's data selection: The number of short dramas during the Spring Festival exceeded 800 million; the number of newborns in many hospitals increased significantly

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 21:58 PM

On the evening of February 22, 2024, the Nanjing Municipal Education Bureau issued the "Emergency Notice on the Adjustment of Holidays for Primary and Secondary Schools in the City". According to the low temperature report and orange warning for road icing issued by the Nanjing Meteorological Observatory, it is expected that most streets in the city will have icy roads within 24 hours, which will have a serious impact on traffic. In order to do a good job in safety precautions, it has been decided after research that all primary and secondary schools and secondary vocational schools in the city will have a day off on February 23, and the curriculum will be adjusted to February 25.

During this year’s Spring Festival, whether you are scrolling through Douyin or Weibo, you can see short dramas such as "My Dearest", "Mr. Li, You Got the Wrong Wife", "I Was a Stepmother in the 1980s", etc. .

According to public reports, Wang Yunxiao, a short drama producer in the industry, revealed in an article that the drama "I Became a Stepmother in the 1980s" only took 10 days to film, and 80,000 yuan was invested in the later period. However, after it became popular, the recharge reached 20 million yuan in a single day. . In addition, as of now, the show’s topic views on Douyin have exceeded 400 million, and the number of likes for a single episode has exceeded 1.5 million.

According to incomplete statistics from 21 Reporters, currently, more than 10 listed companies have laid out the short drama business. At present, almost all companies that hold Internet literary IP, such as Chinese Online, Zhangyue Technology, and Guomai Culture, have entered the short drama industry. In addition, many listed companies such as Perfect World, Tianwei Video, Haikan Co., Ltd., Zhewen Pictures, Ciwen Media, and Yinsai Group are exploring the short drama business.

Each province has recently disclosed its latest fiscal data for 2023. Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Shandong, Beijing, Sichuan, Henan, Hebei and Anhui rank among the top ten in the country in terms of local general public budget revenue.

Recently, the Guangdong Securities Research Institute published the article "Changes in Fiscal Revenue Rankings of China's Provinces from 1978 to 2023", which explains the changes in the scale of general public budget revenue in 31 provinces in recent decades and the reasons. Judging from the data since 1952, among the general public budget revenue rankings, the top ten rankings have changed significantly.

Luo Zhiheng, chief economist of Guangdong Securities, believes that local fiscal revenue depends on the economic scale and fiscal system of each place. At the same time, our country has experienced changes from a planned economy to a market economy, from agriculture to industrialization and urbanization, and from a highly centralized fiscal system with unified revenue and expenditure to a tax-sharing system. This series of institutional changes has also directly affected changes in the scale of fiscal revenue in various places.

Recently, hospitals in many places have released data on newborns during the Spring Festival.

Judging from the released data, the number of newborns in many hospitals has increased significantly this year.

According to the Wuxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital, a total of 216 "dragon babies" were born at the Wuxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital, including 105 boys, 111 girls and 8 sets of twins. The number of newborns increased by about 20% compared with last year.

According to Bengbu media reports, Tian Ling, director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Bengbu Third Hospital, said that as early as the Year of the Rabbit in the Lunar Calendar, the number of expectant parents planning to conceive "dragon sons and dragon girls" has increased significantly.

Chinese people have a special preference for the "dragon" zodiac sign. In the last Year of the Dragon, 2012, there was a small peak of births. During the Spring Festival holiday last year, a total of 109 babies were born in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital, and the number has increased significantly this year. "During the Spring Festival, we delivered a total of 138 dragon babies. On average, more than a dozen newborns were born every day, and most of them were natural births."

News released by the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine on February 18: "During the Spring Festival holiday, 232 lovely 'dragon babies' were born safely in our Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine! Among them, the Xixian hospital successfully gave birth There were 201 cases, and 31 cases were successfully delivered in Qindu Hospital, an increase of 71.9% compared with 135 cases in 2023.”

In addition, according to public reports, there are some places where the number of newborns or card establishments has increased significantly since this year.

According to Ban Yuetan, in 2022, there will be more than 2,100 new law firms across the country; there will be 500 law firms with more than 100 lawyers, an increase of more than 20%. Behind the structural "saturation", the pressure on lawyers to practice is increasing, especially for some young and middle-aged lawyers at the base of the pyramid and practitioners who enter the legal team across industries. The director of a law firm who once served as vice president of the Guizhou Lawyers Association said that preliminary estimates may indicate that 50% of lawyers may live on the subsistence line. In the past, the agency fees for cases that exceeded 10,000 yuan have now been reduced to 1,000 to 2,000 yuan. .

Today's data selection: The number of short dramas during the Spring Festival exceeded 800 million; the number of newborns in many hospitals increased significantly
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Today's data selection: 3,758 funds have suffered losses in the past three years; international shipping prices have soared

A number of colleges and universities have initiated the withdrawal of on-campus institutions and transferred them to various places, vigorously canceling the recruitment of overheated majors. On January 3, 2024, Max released the "China-World Higher Education Trends Report", sorting out the changing trends of China's higher education in recent years, and Inspiring practices from global universities. The "Report" pointed out that in order to "load and simplify operations", many universities have initiated the "withdrawal", "merger" and "transfer" of on-campus institutions. According to incomplete statistics, from 2022 to 2023, "double first-class" universities such as Northwestern Polytechnical University, Nanjing University, and Beijing University of Chemical Technology, as well as local universities such as Shandong Youth University of Political Science and Guilin University of Technology, have launched internal institutional reforms and adjustments. In terms of discipline and professional construction, a number of universities have intensively promoted the reform of the academic department system and adjusted the internal discipline governance structure. In 2023, at least 14 universities will

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The minimum down payment for commercial loans for first homes in Sanya City has been reduced to 25%. The official website of the Hainan Branch of the People's Bank of China issued an announcement on the 17th. After studying the market interest rate pricing self-discipline mechanism of Hainan Province, it will moderately adjust Sanya City's differentiated housing credit policy: starting from October 18 For households registered in Hainan Province, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for the first house will be adjusted to 25%, and the minimum down payment ratio for commercial loans for the second house will be adjusted to 35%. The announcement clarified that in order to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in Sanya City, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the Sanya Municipal Government and in conjunction with the real estate market situation in Sanya City, when households registered in Hainan Province take loans to purchase commercial housing in Sanya, the lower limit of the commercial loan interest rate policy for second homes will be adjusted to no. Lower than the market quoted interest rate for loans with corresponding term plus 30 basis points

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But it may not necessarily replicate the path of the "demographic dividend", as India's population surpasses China's | dividend | population
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According to the United Nations forecast, the population of India has already reached or even surpassed that of China. In 2022, India's total economic output has surpassed that of the UK, becoming the world's fifth largest economy. Can India, which has become the world's most populous country, leverage its scale advantage to replicate economic miracles like China in the future? What is the "demographic dividend" window period? According to the definition of economics, "demographic dividend" refers to the economic growth effect that accompanies the increase in the proportion of labor force in the total population. The demographic dividend often occurs during a period of population transition when fertility rates are just beginning to decline. When the proportion of children, especially the elderly, decreases, and the proportion of young and middle-aged labor force is less than 50%, it means that the opportunity window period may have arrived. In recent years, the number and proportion of elderly people in India have slowly increased, with those aged 15 and above