[Li Xiang China] Building a New Era for the Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization | Culture | The Chinese Nation

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:44 PM

As a historian, archaeologist, and educator, I find reading inspiring, listening inspiring, and learning inspiring.

Continued historical context, firm cultural confidence

On January 2, 2019, when the Chinese Academy of History was established, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a letter of congratulations, emphasizing that the adherence to and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era requires a systematic study of Chinese history and culture, and in-depth thinking about history. Wisdom, towards the future. On October 17, 2021, on the occasion of the 100 anniversary of the discovery of Yangshao culture and the birth of modern Chinese archaeology, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to encourage the vast number of archaeologists to "better display the elegant demeanor of Chinese civilization and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture". On May 27, 2022, when the political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee conducted the 39th collective study on deepening the project of exploring the source of Chinese civilization, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that for Chinese traditional culture, we should persist in making the past serve the present, push through the old and bring forth the new, and inherit and carry forward the excellent elements. On June 2, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development stood at the strategic height of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the sustainable inheritance of Chinese civilization, linking history, reality and the future, and integrating China and foreign countries. It is the construction of China. Action guide for modern national civilization. We learn, think and understand, and deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on Chinese culture and civilization, which will help to further stimulate the sense of historical responsibility and cultural mission of all Chinese people to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Archaeological excavations show that after millions of years of human activities in the north and south of the river, ancient Chinese pioneers fought with nature with stones and sticks and thrived. About 10,000 years ago, we moved towards a settled culture dominated by planting, walked out of the cave and held up the pottery bowl to open the picture of farming civilization of "southern rice and northern millet. For more than 5,000 years, many people named after archaeological culture nurtured by great rivers gathered similar ancient state forms and began the political and social civilization mode of "kingship kingdom. Starting from 2070 BC, the Xia and Shang ethnic groups living in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, with Dengfeng Wangchenggang, Xinmi Xinzhai, Yuzhou Wadian, Yanshi Erlitou, Yanshi Mall, Zhengzhou Mall, Anyang Huanbei Mall and Yin Ruins as carriers, vigorously promoted the leadership of kingdom politics and formed a bronze civilization era with unique characters. In 1046 BC, "although Zhou is an old state, its life is reformed", which systematically started the great practice of shaping the Chinese ritual and music civilization. from Baoji dazhouyuan to changan fenghao two capitals to Luoyang, the eastern capital, Liulihe in Beijing, Linzi in Shandong, Linfen in Shanxi, Suizao in Hubei, Hexi corridor, Sichuan and Chongqing Bashu, to the ancient sites and tombs in the lower reaches of the lower reaches of the Yangtze river and the Bohai rim region in northeast, all of the sky, the imprint of "Wang Tu. In 770 BC, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period entered. The princes and nations on the land of China set off countless waves of reforms and reforms. The Qin people took the lead and migrated through Ganlong, Yongcheng, Liyang, Xianyang and other cities. They expanded eastward and southward many times. In 221 BC, the world was unified, forming a centralized unified road based on the county system, "cars on the same track, and books. In the long history of more than two thousand years after the Qin Dynasty, Xi'an, Luoyang, Nanjing, Kaifeng, Hangzhou, and Beijing were used as capitals to carry out exchanges and cultural exchanges with ethnic groups outside the region, composing the mighty song of the Silk Road, and creating the prosperous Tang Dynasty. The atmosphere was created in the culture of the Chinese nation in the Zhao and Song dynasties, and the civilization pattern of the vast territory and multi-ethnic integration of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is the spirit of reform and openness that makes Chinese civilization the only splendid civilization in human history that has not been interrupted for more than 5000 years.

General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that the Chinese civilization stretches for thousands of years and has its unique value system. "China has firm road self-confidence, theoretical self-confidence, and institutional self-confidence. Its essence is cultural self-confidence based on the inheritance of civilization for more than 5000 years." At the same time, it is particularly emphasized that "strengthening cultural self-confidence is a major issue related to the rise and fall of the national movement, cultural security, and the independence of the national spirit". To a certain extent, cultural self-confidence is historical pride, historical consciousness and historical introspection. The cultural relics and relics left by the ancient ancestors carry the excellent traditional cultural advantages of the materialization of the Chinese nation, which is our cultural foundation in the world cultural agitation. Looking back at history, we must be based on the present and look forward to the future. The responsibility of archaeologists is not only to be the first person responsible for the protection and inheritance of cultural relics, but also to make good use of them, carry forward them, and spread them well. We must combine the new conditions of the times, deeply grasp the root and soul of the Chinese nation, and put cultural inheritance and development in the long history of the Chinese nation. Implement the project of exploring the source of Chinese civilization comprehensively and systematically, enhance the awareness of cultural relics protection in the whole society, increase the protection of cultural heritage, and strive to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture. At the same time, we must deeply grasp the internationality and openness of cultural relics and cultural cooperation and exchange, speed up the building of international communication capacity, tell the world the stories of Chinese cultural relics and history, spread the voice of China, promote the exchange and mutual learning of human civilization, and serve the construction of national cultural soft power and the global promotion of Chinese cultural influence.

Build a firm "root and soul" and plant the feelings of family and country.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that understanding the long history of Chinese civilization and perceiving the breadth and depth of Chinese culture is inseparable from archaeology. It is necessary to implement major projects such as "Comprehensive Research on the Origin and Early Development of Chinese Civilization" and "Archaeological China", and do a good job in the research and interpretation of the origin of Chinese civilization. These important expositions clearly indicate the direction of the development of Chinese archaeology.

"Seek the elder of the wood, and you will consolidate its foundation; those who want to flow far away will dredge its source". The study of archaeology must focus on the characteristics of "five thousand years of unbroken Chinese civilization", focus on the "five characteristics" of civilization continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness and peace, constantly strengthen the historical and cultural research and platform construction at the national level, condense the direction of Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style archaeology, and improve the discipline system, academic system and discourse system of history, respond to General Secretary Xi Jinping's ardent concern for cultural undertakings and cultural prosperity, and respond to the people's expectations for a better and excellent culture in a better life.

As the hinterland of historical heritage, Henan Province has the advantage of rich historical and cultural resources because of its geographical location in the south of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Data show that there are 65519 immovable cultural relics in the province, ranking second in the country in number, including 5 world cultural heritages, 420 national key cultural relics protection units, and 1521 provincial cultural relics protection units. In the face of Henan's rich historical and cultural resources, many colleagues use the eight words "Chinese mountains and rivers, old and young civil and military" to summarize. "Zhong" is the geographical view, cultural view and historical view of "in the world", which means that the Central Plains has been playing a central role in the formation of Chinese civilization for more than five thousand years. "Zhong" is not only a key word in Henan local dialect, but also reflects the values in the Book of Rites-The Doctrine of the Mean. "State" refers to the fact that since the formation of ancient civilization, Henan has become the core cultural area of the beginning and growth of the ancient Chinese kingdom. Some scholars also advocate that the Erlitou site in Yanshi is the "earliest China". Of course, if "Yudu Yangcheng" can be proved, the earliest China should be the Wangchenggang site in Dengfeng. In the inscription of He Zun, a bronze ware discovered in Baoji, there is "Zhaizi China", which refers to the Heluo area. Since the Western Zhou period, "China" has been closely linked with the ancient cultural characteristics of Henan. "Mountain" is Songshan Mountain, which is the sacred mountain of "Song Gao Weiyue, Jun Yu Tian" in the Book of songs. It will be one of the five mountains in the future. Songshan cultural circle gave birth to the Xia and Shang dynasties, and its importance goes without saying. "River" is the Yellow River, Yin Bozi is called "Gaozu River", and "Historical Records · Fengchan Book" is called "De Shui". She is the "mother river" of the Chinese nation ". The Yellow River Basin is not only the origin of ancient Chinese agricultural civilization and the origin of national and urban civilization, but also the excellent traditional Chinese culture, including the Yellow River culture, is also the "root and soul" of the Chinese nation emphasized by General Secretary Xi Jinping ". "Wenwu, young and old" is a specific interpretation of "Chinese mountains and rivers", and it is also a representative cultural heritage of Henan. "Old" is Laozi, and "Tao Te Ching" is a household name; "Shao" is Shaolin Temple, which is famous all over the world; "Wen" is Oracle bone inscriptions, carrying the history of Yin and Shang faith; "Wu" is martial arts, and now there are successors to Taijiquan and Shaolin Wudao. These eight characters include archaeology, history, stories, inheritance, modernity, ancient and modern times, and the world. They need to be fully elaborated to achieve the goal of "walking in Henan and perceiving China.

In addition, excavating archaeological remains, studying ancient history and culture, and more importantly, constantly summarizing the various cultural representations of "Chinese mountains and rivers, old and young civil and martial arts" in various regions on the land of China, and extensively condensing the core of "national cultural identity" Values, strengthen the study of the "five characteristics" of Chinese civilization, and explore the cultural genes and spiritual "soul" of the Chinese nation with endless cultural connections ", this is the cultural mission of archaeological work and historical research. Through a thousand-year-old historical tunnel, archaeological work, through a piece of physical objects, meets the eyes of the ancestors and collides with the souls of the ancestors. The archaeology discipline of Zhengzhou University always keeps in mind the earnest instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, shoulders the historical responsibility of the new era, bases itself on the Central Plains, faces the whole country, obeys the national strategic layout, builds a first-class archaeological discipline, and effectively interprets the archaeological characteristics of Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style. Led by the discipline of archaeology, we will implement the requirements of "joint construction of ministries and provinces", closely focus on the strategic opportunities of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, and jointly build the Yellow River Archaeological Research Institute with the Provincial Bureau of Cultural relics to promote the study of the root system and origin of Chinese civilization. tell the story of the Yellow River well and fully demonstrate the mission of archaeology to the construction of national culture.

Shouldering Cultural Mission and Cultivating New People of the Times

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development clearly put forward the requirements for better shouldering the mission of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and issued a great call for building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. To build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we must deeply understand the basic connotations of the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization: continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace; we must deeply grasp the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality, The scientific conclusion that combining with the excellent traditional Chinese culture is the only way. We must use the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech to lead the inheritance and development of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, shoulder the new cultural mission of the new era, closely integrate with the construction of world-class universities, cultivate new people of the era, strengthen cultural self-confidence, assume the mission, and work hard. Work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

If the youth is prosperous, the country will be prosperous, and if the youth is strong, the country will be strong. It is necessary to actively cultivate and strengthen the archaeological team, so that more young people can love and devote themselves to the cause of archaeology, so that there will be successors and talents. It is necessary to take "establishing morality and cultivating people" as the foundation, "exploring the unknown and revealing the origin" as the goal, taking the national cultural construction as the guidance, and taking the national proposition as the starting point, to specifically study the formation and evolution of Chinese history and culture. It is necessary to reveal the core elements of the Chinese national culture from the perspective of political history and conceptual history, explore the cultural characteristics of Chinese ideology and culture, such as pragmatic innovation, inclusiveness, respect for heaven and ancestors, emphasis on blood, and pursuit of moral perfection as the highest ideal, and reveal the different periods of Chinese civilization. The process of exchange and integration with neighboring cultures, as well as the melting pot pattern of "pluralism and integration. It is necessary to build historical, archaeological and cultural research and discipline construction into an important supporting system for the cultural identity and national identity of the Chinese nation.

To cultivate world-class archaeological talents, we must follow the general secretary Xi Jinping's focus on strengthening capacity building, constantly deepen the understanding of the regularity of cultural construction, adhere to the guidance of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, vigorously strengthen the construction of historical archaeology curriculum system oriented by moral and chemical people, highlight the archaeological ideological and political courses, and educate people with history, Inherit and develop Chinese excellent traditional culture, cultivate successors to the socialist cause with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor, so that the light of modern civilization of the Chinese nation can illuminate the hearts of the people and be passed on forever.


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