Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:30 AM

The black crow is here again.

As it gazes at the position of the volunteer army, the volunteer army is also staring at it. This American plane was hovering at high altitude, its fuselage constantly flashing, but it did not bomb and quickly flew away.

This is on July 27, 1953 at 22:00 North Korean time, 12 hours after the signing ceremony of the ceasefire agreement. Night, long lost quiet. In the midst of silence, history has turned an important page.

Soldier Martin Russ of the US Marine First Division saw a bright moon hanging in the night sky. "It's like a Chinese lantern," he said.

In the impression of the United Nations military, the moon belongs to China. Starting from this day, China, like the bright moon hanging high in the world, can no longer be ignored for its existence.

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World


On the eve of the armistice, in the continuous paddy fields and rolling hills of Panmunjom, a building with Korean national style and cornices arch of wooden architecture stands up, waiting for the representatives of both sides who are about to sign the armistice agreement.

At the same time, several bridges across the river from Kaicheng to Panmendian have been repaired, one called the "Peace Bridge" and the other called the "Victory Bridge".

The scene of Victory Day unfolded in the newspapers.

On July 27, 1953, Liberation Daily told readers on the front page that "the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed today.". According to reports, at 10 a.m. on the same day, General Nanri, the chief representative of the North Korean delegation, and General Harrison, the chief representative of the opposing delegation, signed first, and then sent for signatures by Marshal Kim Il sung, the highest commander of the North Korean People's Army, General Peng Dehuai, the commander of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, and General Clark, the commander of the United Nations Army. The ceasefire agreement will take effect from 10pm North Korean time.

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

On July 27, 1953, the front page of Liberation Daily

The reason why the news of the ceasefire came out early is that it was not a decision made overnight. In fact, two-thirds of the time spent in the Korean War was spent in ceasefire negotiations, which is extremely rare in the history of world wars. There is a debate on how to draw the military demarcation line, while there is ongoing litigation over the issue of prisoners of war, with sharp conflicts of interest and prolonged negotiations. Sometimes when there is no new topic, both sides face smoking. After the American representative finished smoking, he reached over the "median line" and took China's "Greater China" and "Mass Production" to smoke. At the end, he casually took away the remaining cigarettes. So it went back and forth, continuing until 70 years ago today.

"On the eve of this historic day, people must maintain a higher level of vigilance to make the possibility of a ceasefire in North Korea a reality." Another report published in the Liberation Daily on the same day reminded people that although the signing of the agreement is imminent, "it would be naive to think that American militants and the Lee Seung wan group do not want to disrupt the ceasefire at the last moment.".

These concerns are not unnecessary. On the same day, Xu Niankui, the commander of the 21st Regiment of the 7th Division of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army Artillery Corps, witnessed how the enemy went "crazy": machine guns strafing aimlessly, shells occasionally hitting, planes repeatedly transporting and dropping bombs... Even one minute before the ceasefire agreement came into effect, the US military continued to bombard the positions of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, all sounds came to a sudden halt.

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

When hearing the news of the ceasefire, the 22nd Regiment of the Second Railway Division was still repairing the damaged railway on the front line of Kaicheng. Quickly, North Korean aunties ran out of their homes, hugging the volunteer soldiers and saying "Jota" and "Jota". The meaning is that the war is over, "okay" and "okay".

They also patted the shoulders of the soldiers and said, "You can go back to your home country, you will see your parents soon." As they spoke, they couldn't help but cry.

Even grass and trees know their worries. At that moment, they missed their loved ones who sacrificed themselves in the war even more.


This report, titled "We must remain more vigilant to make the ceasefire a reality," was signed by Xinhua News Agency's special correspondent Wu Min and Jiangnan. Many readers are unaware that "Wu Min" and "Jiangnan" are not two specific individuals, but rather the collective pen names of Xinhua News Agency.

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

In May 1953, Zhou Enlai told the President of Xinhua News Agency, Wu Lengxi, that foreign journalists use their own names in their reports. Can our own journalists also sign their names in their reports. We also need to cultivate our own famous journalists. At the beginning, it is advisable to use a collective pen name, as the manuscript was written by several people. Using a single name makes it easier to handle in the future.

Afterwards, the names of special correspondent "Wu Min" and "Jiangnan" began to appear continuously in Xinhua News Agency's reports, and these articles also became authoritative reports by China on the North Korean issue and ceasefire negotiations.

The main author of "Wu Min" is Shen Jiantu, the head of the news department of the negotiating delegation. He is a returned overseas Chinese and often writes in English. Young journalist Luo Kunhe, who also works in the news office, admires him for this.

Luo Kunhe only came a month before the ceasefire and specifically went to North Korea to interview the signing process of the agreement. In his early years in the military, he followed He Long in news and propaganda work, and also participated in reporting on Japan's surrender. But when he arrived at Kaicheng, located on the same meridian as Weihai and Yantai, to interview and repatriate prisoners of war, he still trembled with anger.

On the day of the ceasefire, Luo Kunhe also came to Panmunjom. Out of the sensitivity of a journalist, he specifically observed the expressions on both sides when signing. Our personnel sat upright, looking energetic and rigorous. The representatives of the 'United Nations Army' sat in their seats almost silently, without a smile on their faces... all the way to signing, all the way to getting up and walking out the door they were supposed to go... silently from beginning to end.

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

In the final battle of the Korean War - the Battle of Jincheng, volunteers planted the red flag on the 552.8 highland southwest of Jincheng

For the US side, the only consolation on this day may be William Dean's resurrection from the dead. Dean was the commander of the US 24th Division and the highest ranking general captured by the North Korean side during the war. The US and his family believed that he had already been killed in action. When discussing the issue of prisoner of war at the negotiation table, British journalist Alan Wellington deliberately revealed to an American journalist that "Dean is alive and in good health" in accordance with China's propaganda strategy. The latter immediately sent a four word urgent telegram to the United States: "Dean is alive.".

This news was quickly adopted by various newspapers and shook the American government and opposition. The photos of Dean playing chess, practicing Tai Chi, and eating with chopsticks with the guards guarding him further hurt the nerves of the American side.

At that time, people could not have imagined that the silence at the signing ceremony would cross the Pacific and forever envelop the land of the United States.

A few years after the end of the war, US Secretary of State Acheson also had to admit with discouragement, "Whether from a political or military perspective, if the world's most astute experts were to find a place where this terrible war should not have happened, then they would all agree that this place is North Korea."

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

A true dream for over seventy years. For many Americans, the Korean War has always been a black hole in their memory. American journalist David Hubberstam observed that unlike World War II or Vietnam, the second year of a ceasefire turned into a war that no one wanted to recall or understand.

Nearly 30 years after the end of this war, American country singer John Plaine wrote the following lyrics:

"David died in the Korean War, but we don't know the reason. Now everything is no longer important."


On this side of the Pacific, the course of history is completely different.

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

On the day of the ceasefire, Wei Derui, a literary and artistic soldier from the 70th Division of the 24th Army of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, and his comrades were rehearsing a multi act drama called "Growing Up in Battle". This is their first time performing a multi act drama in North Korea. Previously, such large-scale programs never appeared in performances - at that time, literary and artistic soldiers were performing for frontline soldiers in tunnels. Due to the small size of the venue and the possibility of being interrupted by enemy gunfire at any time, they could only choose forms such as solo singing, big drums, and short plays.

In 1952, between battles, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army soldiers in the tunnels sang and laughed incessantly

"Victory! Peace!" The soldiers changed into brand new military uniforms, posted slogans celebrating peace and victory at the entrance of the tunnel, and danced with the artistic soldiers. The mountains and rivers echoed with joyful laughter.

There is a saying on the Korean battlefield: "The daytime in North Korea belongs to the United Nations army, and the nighttime in North Korea belongs to the volunteer army." However, from that day on, the volunteer army can freely walk under the deep blue sky in North Korea, and Auntie is busy farming in the fields where the bullet pit still exists. The girls wear long dresses and sing and dance gracefully. The civil service team where Wei Derui was stationed did not immediately return to China. On October 1, 1953, they also celebrated China's National Day with the North Korean people.

If they happen to happen, the cultural workers may also encounter Lao She and Ba Jin in North Korea, Mei Lanfang and Cheng Yanqiu, Ma Sicong and Zhou Xiaoyan. After the end of the war, the Chinese people, mainly from the literary and artistic circles, visited North Korea for the third time as a condolence delegation. They first offer condolences to the people of North Korea and the People's Army, and then to the Chinese People's Volunteer Army whenever they go.

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

On July 28, 1953, a grand rally and parade were held in Kaesong, North Korea to celebrate the ceasefire in Korea. The picture shows the crowd participating in the conference

Before these celebrations, good news had already spread back to Shanghai from Panmunjom as quickly as possible.

On the day after the ceasefire, the front page of Liberation Daily published "The Korean Armistice Agreement was officially signed yesterday", and presented in three full pages the Korean military ceasefire agreement, the signing ceremony of the ceasefire agreement, the map of the Korean Peninsula, and so on. Due to the large scale of the matter, the layout of the newspaper was handled with great caution. The newspaper, which was supposed to go out early in the morning, was not officially released until 12:40 noon, and it was already afternoon when it arrived in the hands of readers.

On July 27, 1953, the front page of Liberation Daily

It is difficult for Shanghai citizens who have received this newspaper not to notice a prominent photo on the front page, in which well-dressed female workers are bowing their heads and busy - workers at Shanghai Kefa Pharmaceutical Factory are bottling various vitamin pills made for the "cutest people".

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

The workers at Shanghai Kefa Pharmaceutical Factory

Ordinary people living in Shanghai are cheering and celebrating this great victory, as if experiencing it firsthand. They, who are thousands of miles apart, are not spectators of this war.

"One can of pork, one heart, a thousand cans of peace." In the four months before the ceasefire, workers from the state-owned Yimin Food Factory were still working hard to refine canned pork for the volunteer army, selecting the best bone and rib meat. Moving forward, Shanghai organized a volunteer health work team and dispatched medical workers in batches to the front lines of the war to provide medical services. People from all walks of life also enthusiastically donated airplanes and cannons. By May 1952, they had donated 566 fighter jets, accounting for approximately 15.3% of the total number of donated airplanes in the country.

When these fighter jets named "Shanggang", "Jiangnan", and "Shen-9" hovered in mid air in North Korea, I wonder if they also caught the eyes of Shanghai volunteer soldiers and comforted the hearts of foreigners? Perhaps they will also encounter Shanghai drivers who participate in transportation field services and speak a few words in their hometown dialect. And more people may not have time to speak up - in two years and nine months, 1683 Shanghai children sacrificed their precious lives on the land of North Korea.

On the third day after the ceasefire, Peng Dehuai came to the forefront position where the 46th Army was stationed to inspect. His voice was deep and painful: "Two days ago, our soldiers were bravely fighting for this land, sacrificing their young lives and blood. The ceasefire has now come to an end, but they have not seen today's peace..."

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

The accompanying personnel tied a small wreath of emerald pine branches and unnamed flowers and placed it on a high ground. Peng Dehuai nodded and then bent down, adjusting the wreath to face his motherland.

On the morning of July 28, 1953, General Peng Dehuai, Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, officially signed the Korean Armistice Agreement and its temporary supplementary agreement


Wu Yunchu, a famous chemical industrialist and "master of monosodium glutamate" in Shanghai, also experienced the feeling of separation from his children. During the wave of participation in the Korean War, his only daughter, Wu Zhilian, a student at Fudan University, decided to join the military cadre school. Wu Yunchu heard that his daughter had signed up to join the military. Although he was reluctant, he still accompanied her to Shanghai Radio Station to do a program, which caused a great social response.

Later, Wu Zhilian, as a representative of military cadres, published an article in the Liberation Daily discussing her growth in the military cadres. "When I warmly shook hands with everyone, I felt a feeling beyond friendship. What is this? I experienced the feelings of comrades who love our country, love humanity, and strive for the same goal."

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

Wu Zhilian's "I Train and Grow in Military Cadre School"

Whether on the battlefield or in daily life, more and more young people are gathering their strength. At the same time, a group of North Korean youth also came to Shanghai.

On the day of the ceasefire, North Korean youth Huang Xilong was learning how to be a good mechanic at a diesel engine factory in Shanghai. In February 1953, he and his companions went to the factory for an internship, and each Korean youth was assigned a teaching instructor in the factory. A master said that he hesitated at the beginning when he received the task, but "when I thought about how the Korean people overcame difficulties and fought against American imperialism, and thought about how they were young people sent by Marshal Kim Il sung, I gathered even greater courage to overcome the difficulties.". After just one year, the North Korean apprentices he trained have reached the level of Level 4 skilled workers.

Huang Xilong has caught up with the initial stage of China's recovery of the national economy and the development of various construction projects. In 1953, China began implementing the first five-year plan for developing the national economy, entering the first year of large-scale construction. How to establish a foundation for national industrialization became a common topic in newspapers at that time.

From defending the country to domestic construction, news from these battlefields and factories has flown into the homes of ordinary people, enabling them to better understand the era they are in. After all, there are many more Shanghai citizens who can read books and newspapers than in the past - thanks to the city wide literacy campaign launched in Shanghai - from 1950 to 1966, more than 800000 Shanghai workers removed the label of "illiterate".

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

In 1952, workers from National Cotton Factory No. 6 were learning the Rapid Literacy Method

With the improvement of cultural level and the popularization of production technology, great strides have been made in economic construction and production development. On the day of the ceasefire, the front page of the Liberation Daily also introduced the planned completion of 23 main products produced by state-owned and public-private joint venture factories and mining enterprises in East China in the first half of 1953. According to reports, there was a significant increase in production, total output value, and quality in the second quarter compared to the first quarter.

This year, the first universal suffrage was fully launched in Shanghai after its liberation. For Shanghai citizens, this is naturally a major event in political life. So much so that on the day of the ceasefire, a question appeared in the "Current Affairs Test" published in the Liberation Daily: "The important condition for ensuring the successful completion of the first batch of grassroots election work is that all regions take it seriously."

Current affairs test

Isn't it also a "victory" for the people to become masters of their own country?

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World


American general Li Qiwei, who shouted "Let the blood of Red China dry", ultimately did not see this war weaken or drag down New China.

As Mao Zedong said, "Now that the Chinese people have organized themselves, it cannot be provoked. If it is provoked, it will be difficult to handle." This war has showcased the spirit of the Chinese people and fully demonstrated their tenacious character of unity, which has played a promoting role in domestic social reform and economic recovery work.

In 1958, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army completely withdrew from Korea. Before returning to China, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and the Korean People's Army held a farewell celebration.

This is an era of burning passion, "working every second to create a socialist society.". After learning of the signing of the ceasefire agreement, volunteer soldier Meng Chuanying said, "Peace has been restored, and the five-year construction plan of the motherland is more guaranteed." He instructed his brother working in Ansteel to make greater contributions to the construction of the motherland and Ansteel.

Armistice Day: China's bright moon hangs high in the world, Jiangnan | Korea | World

On the third day after the ceasefire, Chen Yili, a second year student at Shanghai Municipal Second Girls' High School, invited his classmates to watch the Soviet movie "Danniang" at the Huaihai Cinema. The story of the heroine Zhuoya in the Soviet Patriotic War deeply moved the young girls. Their generation of Shanghai women are breaking free from shackles and gaining more equal rights in employment, marriage, and other aspects. March 1953 was the month of the Shanghai Marriage Law Implementation Movement. Under widespread publicity, women have taken up the powerful weapon of marriage law to defend their legitimate rights and interests.

The Korean Peninsula welcomes the long-awaited tranquility. At this time, the land of China is flourishing and reborn.

In October 1950, Wu Xiong, the volunteer army for the Korean War, bravely and confidently crossed the Yalu River

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