Today's data selection: The average annual salary for recruitment in the Sora field is 443,700; Mainland tourists can get a 10% discount when buying houses in Hong Kong

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 22:41 PM

Killing like crazy! With a starting price of less than 170,000, BYD launches another new car! Why did BYD launch a "price war" at the beginning of the year? Expert interpretation

BYD Auto's official Weibo announced the launch of the new Han and Tang models on February 28, with starting prices significantly lower than those on sale.

Among them, BYD Han DM-i Honor Edition starts at 169,800 yuan, Han EV Honor Edition starts at 179,800 yuan, Tang DM-i Honor Edition starts at 179,800 yuan, and there is also the 2024 Han DM priced at 259,800 yuan. -p Ares version. Moreover, the top model of the Han EV Honor Edition will be’s first model equipped with the “Eye of God” intelligent driving system.

At the beginning of the new year, the price war between car brands has started again. On February 19, BYD officially announced that the starting prices of two new models, Qin PLUS Honor Edition and Destroyer 05 Honor Edition, are 79,800 yuan. Among them, the Qin PLUS DM-i Honor Edition is 20,000 yuan cheaper than the previous championship edition.

Professor Chen Ming, director of the Marketing Department of the School of Business Administration of South China University of Technology, said that BYD, as a leading brand in the new energy vehicle industry, took the lead in launching a price war for three reasons: First, as product innovation enters a technical bottleneck period, it relies solely on product advantages to maintain Market premiums have become increasingly difficult; secondly, as the number of market participants continues to increase, the industry needs to be reshuffled to establish a new competitive landscape; finally, as an emerging market with huge consumption potential gradually emerges, it is necessary to quickly seize the opportunity Become the key.

As the market cools down, Hong Kong has completely withdrawn the "hot tricks" in the property market. On the morning of February 28, the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Paul Chan Mo-po, announced the SAR Government’s Budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Chan Mo-po said that after careful consideration of the current overall situation, the SAR government has decided to revoke all residential property demand management measures with immediate effect. That is, all residential property transactions will no longer need to pay additional stamp duty, buyer's stamp duty and new residential stamp duty from today.

So far, after 14 years, the Hong Kong property market has ushered in the era of "zero hot tricks". "Spicy moves" refers to the common name for a series of policy measures introduced by the Hong Kong government to combat real estate speculation and curb excessive rise in housing prices. Since 2010, the Hong Kong government has successively launched a number of hot tricks for the property market. However, as the property market cooled down, in October 2023, the Hong Kong government partially adjusted the "hot tricks" and shortened the applicable period of additional stamp duty from 3 years to For two years, the rates of buyer's stamp tax and new residential stamp tax will be halved. In addition, a stamp tax "exempt first and then levied" arrangement will be provided for foreign talents buying properties.

According to information provided by Midland Real Estate, after this withdrawal, the stamp duty rate for Hong Kong locals buying houses in Hong Kong will be reduced from 7.5% to 1.5%, and the stamp duty rate for mainlanders buying houses in Hong Kong will be reduced from 15% to 100 yuan. ~ 4.25% of the transaction price. Compared with before the withdrawal of spicy food, there is a tax discount of about 10.5%, which is equivalent to a direct 10% discount.

The average annual salary for recruitment in the Sora field is 443,700 yuan

With the in-depth development of spring recruitment, the latest "Employment Insight Report on the First Week of the New Year's Work in 2024" released by Liepin Big Data Research Institute shows that the demand for talents has increased significantly in the first week of work this year.

According to the report, the electronics/semiconductor/integrated circuit and new energy industries are typical industries in terms of new productivity and are converging to form new employment highlands. Electronics/semiconductors/integrated circuits are regarded as industrial food and are high-tech industries vigorously developed by the country; under the global trend of advocating green and low-carbon development, new energy, as a sustainable, environmentally friendly, renewable and clean energy, has become an important factor in promoting economic development. The new engine requires more manpower to be involved.

In terms of cutting-edge tracks, the report shows that since the beginning of the year, the birth of Sora has brought unprecedented visual impact to people, raising AIGC's Vincent video function to a new level, and the demand for talents in this field has surged. Liepin's big data shows that its new job openings increased by 612.5% ​​compared with the first week of employment last year, and the average annual salary for recruitment is also considerable, at 443,700 yuan.

The report shows that from the functional distribution of the TOP5 AIGC-related positions, algorithm engineers and product managers rank in the top two, accounting for 18.95% and 12.63%. Algorithm engineers are key technical positions in the AIGC field, providing algorithm support for AIGC; product managers can speed up the implementation of AIGC products and improve user experience. Visual design, natural language processing, and image algorithms rank third to fifth. These three are crucial to achieving AIGC's cross-modal and multi-modal effects, and provide users with more exciting and wonderful content generation.

Experts say that if rural land is transferred, the economy can grow by 8%

Meng Xiaosu, former leader of the National Housing Reform Task Force and former chairman of China Real Estate Group, said at the 2024 Changbai Mountain Forum that China’s real estate is far from reaching its peak. He said that a large number of families with ordinary incomes need affordable housing, and a large number of wealthy people are now depositing money in banks due to lack of confidence, instead of buying a house, they are holding money to buy. In addition, when talking about rural revitalization, Meng Xiaosu said: "Many experts and I are calling for the transfer of rural land and homestead land. If it can be transferred, I think it can drive China's economy to a growth rate of more than 8% for more than 20 years."

Experts say it is sad that the film industry has 3 million people and an annual output of 66 billion

Lan Shili, chairman of the China Tourism Forum and president of China East Star Group Co., Ltd., talked about the "movie industry" at the 2024 Changbai Mountain Forum. He said that the reason why several good film and television companies can produce wonderful movies is Because there are good directors. "I said at the Beijing Film Academy not long ago that the Chinese film industry has 3 million people and an output value of 66 billion a year. This is a very sad thing." He pointed out that a movie costs 50 yuan a ticket. During the Spring Festival, Even 80-100 yuan. There are too few good movies. If you pay for 200 movie tickets to watch one or two hours, this is not watching a movie. This is "stealing money." "I think Chinese movie tickets are too expensive and outrageous now, and there is a lack of competition and good market players."

Today's data selection: The average annual salary for recruitment in the Sora field is 443,700; Mainland tourists can get a 10% discount when buying houses in Hong Kong
Today’s data selection: Yuan Universe Investment Ponzi scheme is back; Hangzhou parents heatedly discuss the cost-effectiveness of studying abroad
Today’s data selection: Yuan Universe Investment Ponzi scheme is back; Hangzhou parents heatedly discuss the cost-effectiveness of studying abroad

The scale of new home inventory in the property market has declined, and the area of ​​newly built residential buildings has been lower than the transaction area for the first time in six years. Industry research organization CRIC recently released a report stating that in 2023, the real estate market will still be in a period of deep adjustment, with the supply of new homes continuing to shrink and transactions remaining weak. As a result, the narrow-sense residential inventory in 100 cities across the country fell to its lowest point in recent years. Specifically, in January 2023, the total scale of narrow inventory in 100 typical cities across the country was 563.21 million square meters. By December, the narrow inventory area dropped to 532.31 million square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 6.2%. The so-called "inventory in a narrow sense" refers to the unsold area of ​​the commercial residential building area that has been approved for pre-sale and is available for sale. The corresponding "broad inventory" refers to the sum of the amount of houses available for sale and the amount of residential land construction in the commercial housing market. Yintong

Which of the three provinces and one city has the best hairy crabs? [Numbers on the Yangtze River Delta] Yangcheng Lake is not the boss
Which of the three provinces and one city has the best hairy crabs? [Numbers on the Yangtze River Delta] Yangcheng Lake is not the boss

Entering December, hairy crabs are still active in the market and the price is much cheaper. As the production exceeds expectations, the sales period of hairy crabs this year may extend into the Spring Festival. Everyone knows about Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, but what many people don’t know is that crabs are produced in more than a dozen places in the Yangtze River Delta, covering three provinces and one city. Here’s the question: Where’s the best crab? Hairy crab production pattern in the Yangtze River Delta In recent years, the national hairy crab production has stabilized at 700,000 to 800,000 tons. According to data from the "2023 China Fisheries Statistical Yearbook", more than 60% of it is produced in the Yangtze River Delta. Jiangsu, Hubei, and Anhui are the top three provinces with the largest crab production in the country. In 2022, the output of Jiangsu province alone will reach 374,000 tons, accounting for 45.9% of the national output. In Jiangsu, the “major crab-producing province”, there are many powerful large

Today's data selection: All first tier cities officially declare their recognition of housing but not loans; The price of Chanel's classic handbag has exceeded 80000 yuan
Today's data selection: All first tier cities officially declare their recognition of housing but not loans; The price of Chanel's classic handbag has exceeded 80000 yuan

Which group of people in first tier cities benefit from all official announcements of housing recognition but not loan recognition? On September 1st, Beijing and Shanghai officially announced their acceptance of housing and non acceptance of loans. As of now, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou have all officially declared "recognizing houses but not loans". Wang Xiaoqiang, Chief Analyst of Zhuge Data Research Center, stated that the three departments have clearly promoted the implementation of "housing recognition without loan recognition", which is beneficial for the two types of homebuyers in hot cities: one is those who have a loan house in their permanent residence and are ready to sell it for a house; One type is the group of homebuyers who have a mortgage record in other cities outside their permanent residence but do not have a house locally. Wang Xiaoqiang stated that after the implementation of the policy, these two groups will purchase houses again based on the loan interest rate for the first home, which can reduce the cost of purchasing a house. For the market, she believes that "buying a house without buying a loan" is conducive to improving the release of sexual demand

Today's data selection: 106 new confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in mainland China in June; Doctor's Reminder on the Risk of Poor Health Preservation from Sunbathing on the Back during the Three Fu Days | Case | Data
Today's data selection: 106 new confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in mainland China in June; Doctor's Reminder on the Risk of Poor Health Preservation from Sunbathing on the Back during the Three Fu Days | Case | Data

Is it necessary to be vigilant when 106 new confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in China and abroad in June? Lu Hongzhou, president of Shenzhen Third People's Hospital and director of the National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, told Interface News that the monkeypox virus enters the human body from broken skin and mucous membranes, so it spreads mainly from person to person through close contact. The reported cases are mainly transmitted through sexual behavior, especially by men who have sex with men. However, other modes of transmission, such as respiratory droplet transmission, mother-to-child vertical transmission, and indirect contact transmission of pollutants, cannot be ruled out. Lu Hongzhou believes that according to the current situation, there is a possibility of further increase in local cases in a short period of time, but even if the scale of cases expands, it will reach the peak in a short period of time and gradually decline, and the risk of a large-scale epidemic in the future is very low. Lu Hongzhou thinks

Will the summer in Shanghai this year be scorching hot after the end of the rainy season? It is said that El Ni ñ o brings high temperatures | Shanghai | El Ni ñ o
Will the summer in Shanghai this year be scorching hot after the end of the rainy season? It is said that El Ni ñ o brings high temperatures | Shanghai | El Ni ñ o

Today is another scorching day in the north, while the rainy season in Shanghai continues. According to data from the National Meteorological Administration, since June this year, a total of 183 national meteorological stations in China have experienced daily maximum temperatures exceeding monthly extremes, and 46 stations have exceeded historical extremes. For example, in Beijing, as of the 22nd, the number of days with high temperatures in June reached 7.9, the highest in history since 1961, with the highest temperature reaching 41.1 ℃. In the south, there is widespread heavy rainfall. 16 rivers in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan and other areas have experienced over alert floods. Such abnormal weather seems to be related to El Ni ñ o. The heavy rainfall continued in June this year, and the precipitation in Shanghai can be described as astonishing. According to the annual water situation reports from the Shanghai Municipal Water Bureau, as of June 25th, the average precipitation in Shanghai in June this year has reached