Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:14 PM

Recently, scammers impersonating tenants to defraud landlords have occurred frequently across the country. After the landlord posted rental information online, scammers impersonated tenants to contact the landlord and added social accounts, using high returns as bait to guide the landlord to participate in false online investments and cheat money. This method is known as the new type of "pig killing plate".

Where is the new "pig killing plate"? Why do landlords trust tenants? The Shanghai debunking platform has contacted some parties involved in this trap, and they have personally reminded the public not to trust "high-quality tenants", let alone "insider information" and "stable high returns".

Is there any insider information about the company reimbursing rent and making money?

Shanghai landlord Ms. Wang posted rental information on a certain homestay platform. In just two months of summer vacation, she met two "high-quality tenants", but found that their purpose seemed to be not to rent a house, but to induce investment, and their methods were very similar.

Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

At first, a tenant named "Zhang" contacted her and expressed their willingness to rent a house.

From Zhang's self introduction, it can be seen that he is definitely a "high-quality tenant": he claims to work for a certain network technology company and is on a business trip with several colleagues at a well-known securities firm in another city. After work, the team of nine people will come to Shanghai for team building, including Zhang's mother and daughter. So, he wants to rent Ms. Wang's entire property.

In order to prove his identity, Mr. Zhang showed Ms. Wang a picture of his ID card through the Internet, added Ms. Wang's private WeChat with enterprise WeChat, and later brought together enterprise WeChat, Mr. Zhang's private WeChat, and Ms. Wang's WeChat. Afterwards, Zhang began to contact Ms. Wang through his personal WeChat account.

In addition to communicating rental information, Zhang used WeChat to socialize and get close to Ms. Wang, and sent her photos of his fitness. On the fourth day, Zhang asked Ms. Wang to download an app called "Ping An Securities International" and conduct investment operations with Zhang's account number. The reason is that although Zhang has insider information, he needs to avoid suspicion and is not convenient to operate on his own. To prove his sincerity, he informed Ms. Wang of her account and password, and immediately transferred nearly 50000 yuan into her account after Ms. Wang downloaded and logged into the app.

Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

However, Ms. Wang is a financial industry practitioner and according to industry regulations, she cannot operate transactions on behalf of others, so she refused Zhang's request. After discovering that Ms. Wang did not invest, "high-quality tenant" Zhang immediately changed his face and blacklisted Ms. Wang.

In the "Ping An Securities International" app, the account name is Zhang, but the entry account name has been changed to Jin.

Not long after, netizens who claimed to be "Li" also consulted Ms. Wang about rental matters through the homestay platform. Li claimed that he works for a certain information company and is currently on a business trip at a branch of a well-known securities firm. In order to prove his identity, Li also added Ms. Wang's personal WeChat account through the enterprise WeChat account and sent her ID card, work license, life photos, and a company "expense application form", showing that the company will bear his rent.

The ID cards, work licenses, and company expense application forms sent by Li to Ms. Wang were actually forged or stolen.

Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

Li claimed that his job was responsible for the backend data maintenance of securities firms, but when Ms. Wang asked him what computer languages he could write, Li answered "Chinese" without answering the question. Ms. Wang concluded that Li's self introduction also had some moisture, and her way of self verification was very similar to Zhang's, so she no longer communicated with him.

Ms. Wang asked Li what language he could write, and his answer was Chinese.

Did the same "high-quality tenants" actually appear in Guangzhou?

The performance of Zhang and Li is similar and unreasonable. Ms. Wang began to doubt their "quality tenant" identity. Through social platform search, she found that the experience of Ms. Xia, the landlord of Guangzhou, was almost the same as her own, and even there was something strange about the "quality tenant" with different names but identical work units, work card photos, and personal experiences.

Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

Ms. Xia introduced that after releasing her rental information, Lan, who claimed to be a senior executive of a certain information technology company, contacted her. Lan said that he has taken on an outsourcing project from a well-known securities firm, so he has a rental demand. When self identifying, Lan also sent a photo of his work permit; In order to further win the trust of Ms. Xia, he took the initiative to introduce his personal situation and sent photos of his life, including a divorced woman and a love for fitness.

Surprisingly, the work card photo given to Ms. Xia by Lan is exactly the same as that given to Ms. Wang by Zhang.

Image above: A photo of the work permit sent by Zhang to Ms. Wang; Below is a photo of the work permit sent by Mr. Lan to Ms. Xia.

Ms. Xia's subsequent experience was similar to Ms. Wang's: on the fifth day of communication with Mr. Lan, he requested Ms. Xia to download the "Ping An Securities International" app, log in with his account, and invest on his behalf, citing the discovery of a loophole in the securities firm's backend.

Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

Ms. Wang and Ms. Xia received different links from scammers, but when clicked, they both opened a webpage called "Ping An Securities International".

Ms. Xia refused to cooperate, and Mr. Lan continued to use large returns as bait to lure Ms. Xia into investing. After discovering that Ms. Xia persisted in refusing, Lan blacklisted her.

After Ms. Wang and Ms. Xia refused to participate in online investment, they were both blacklisted by scammers.

It can be seen that Ms. Wang and Ms. Xia avoided the fake tenant's "pig killing plate" because they were alert and not tempted. However, according to police reports, many landlords have fallen into fraud traps. According to reports, some landlords have invested over 17 million yuan.

Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

Revealing the "pig killing plate" trick for landlords

The reporter sorted out similar cases and found that there are roughly the following tricks for the landlord's "pig killing plate":

The first step is for the scammer to package themselves as "high-quality tenants".

Firstly, most of them have a good professional background and claim to be executives in high paying industries such as IT companies and financial institutions. They consult on renting under the pretext of business trips, expatriates, and team building, and the rent is reimbursed by the company, making landlords mistakenly think they have encountered "high-quality tenants".

Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

Secondly, use enterprise WeChat, work cards, and other self certification methods. When these tenants contact the landlord, they usually first use Enterprise WeChat to add the landlord's social account to gain the landlord's trust, and then switch to their own private account, because the stolen Enterprise WeChat account may be reported or recovered by the owner.

Once again, get close to the landlord. When communicating with landlords, especially female landlords, fraudsters not only consult about rental matters, but also use various language to get close to landlords: seeking warmth and comfort, highlighting the character of fitness self-discipline, claiming to be divorced and taking care of children to sell tragedy and gain sympathy, etc., in order to help landlords take off their guard. Some scammers may even pay a deposit of several hundred yuan first to gain the trust of the landlord.

The second step is to disclose insider information about one's investment and induce the landlord to follow suit.

During conversations with landlords, scammers may use various means to imply or indicate that they have investment channels, insider information in fields such as futures and gold, or discover so-called "system vulnerabilities due to work reasons, which can help them make a big profit." However, due to identity restrictions, landlords need to invest on their behalf.

Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

At the same time, scammers send false investment website links to landlords. In order to express "sincerity", they will first ask the landlord to log in to their account, guide the landlord to operate, and let the landlord personally experience the process of making money. Then, taking advantage of the heat, lure the landlord to transfer money to a fake website.

The subsequent tactics are similar to various telecom scams: first, let the landlord make a small profit, then make the landlord lose all or cannot withdraw money after increasing investment, and finally blackmail the landlord and run away missing.

The internal pages of the fake investment platform "Ping An Securities International" app and website.

In fact, scammers are not very clever in their methods. The photos they send to landlords, such as work permits, ID cards, daily life photos, business reimbursement documents, and corporate WeChat accounts, are all forged or stolen. Previously, artists with stolen images have spoken online, calling on the public to be vigilant and not fall into the trap of using stolen images to build "pig killing plates".

Shanghai landlord's oral statement: encountered two "pig killing plates" within two months

The fraudsters stole photos of multiple male artists in order to get close to their landlords.

For landlords, do not trust "high-quality tenants" lightly. In communication and exchange, asking a few more questions can expose the deceit of the scammer.

Moreover, the most important thing in preventing fraud is not to be greedy. Remember that any online investment and financial management that claims "insider information" or "stable high returns" is considered fraud. Do not trust investment and wealth management apps downloaded through informal channels, and do not click on investment and wealth management websites with suspicious origins.

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