Youth Ideological and Political Courses·Passing on the original intention of "continuing the historical context and composing contemporary chapters" Xi Jinping | Confidence | History

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:44 PM

General Secretary Xi Jinping twice mentioned "firming the 'Four Confidences'" in his speech at the educational work conference on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The "Four Self-confidences" are an important content of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and a powerful driving force for the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.

On June 2, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development that "we must strengthen cultural self-confidence", "inherit and develop China's excellent traditional culture", "continue the historical context and compose contemporary chapters". We can feel that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s original intention of attaching great importance to cultural confidence and cultural inheritance remains consistent whether he is in charge of local affairs or governing the country.

Youth Ideological and Political Courses·Passing on the original intention of "continuing the historical context and composing contemporary chapters" Xi Jinping | Confidence | History
The latest announcement from the three departments!, Related to the National Unified Market | Construction | Department
The latest announcement from the three departments!, Related to the National Unified Market | Construction | Department

On the morning of June 5th, the State Council Information Office held a routine briefing on the policies of the State Council, introducing the relevant situation of building a unified national market, with a huge amount of information. Among them, positive progress has been made in key areas of work, including the comprehensive implementation of the stock issuance and registration system reform, the comprehensive launch of pilot projects to deepen the entry of rural collective operating construction land into the market, the complete cancellation of restrictions on the relocation of second-hand cars, and the promotion of a unified national electricity market system and carbon market, as well as the construction of a unified and open transportation market. Last year, the Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a National Unified Market were issued and implemented. Over the past year since the release of the document, various regions and departments have solidly promoted the implementation and implementation of key tasks. With the joint efforts of all parties, preliminary results have been achieved in building a unified national market, social consensus has been further strengthened, and the implementation path of key tasks has been further clarified. Reviewed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission

Expanding Domestic Demand through Policy Precision Services (Reporter's Note) Industry | Economy | Domestic Demand
Expanding Domestic Demand through Policy Precision Services (Reporter's Note) Industry | Economy | Domestic Demand

Since the beginning of this year, China's economy and society have fully resumed normal operation, macroeconomic policies have been coordinated and strengthened, and the triple pressures of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakened expectations have been alleviated. Economic growth has been better than expected, market demand has gradually recovered, and economic development has shown a rebound and positive trend, achieving a good start to economic operation. The author recently conducted research in three provinces located in the eastern, central, and western regions. From workshops to fields, from numbers to actual results, I fully felt the enthusiasm of various business entities to strive for upward growth. Furthermore, the current improvement in China's economic performance is mainly restorative, with weak endogenous driving forces and insufficient demand. Economic transformation and upgrading face new obstacles, and promoting high-quality development still requires overcoming many difficulties and challenges. How to enhance the efficiency of proactive fiscal policies and better serve the current economic task of expanding domestic demand

Be careful of crayfish allergies! A hospital received over 20 cases of urticaria in one night and urgently reminded them. Actually | price | crayfish
Be careful of crayfish allergies! A hospital received over 20 cases of urticaria in one night and urgently reminded them. Actually | price | crayfish

Recently, with the significant increase in the number of crayfish on the market in Lianyungang, Jiangsu, the price of crayfish has also dropped and dropped to the lowest point, even below 10 yuan per kilogram. It is expected that the price of crayfish will continue to remain relatively low in the next half month. However, foodies should be aware that after midnight, the skin emergency department of Chengdu Second People's Hospital will receive more than ten or even twenty patients with the same food allergy, and this situation has lasted for a month. Four crayfish have been eaten, and some people almost died. Mr. Zhu, who is 24 years old, dried half of the spicy crayfish while having a late night with friends on May 27th. A few hours later, Mr. Zhu suddenly began to feel itchy and painful all over his body, covered in red rashes, and couldn't help but feel nauseous. My friend quickly sent him to the nearest city of Chengdu

One kilogram sells for 1.2 million! These drugs have been affected, and the price of natural bezoar has skyrocketed
One kilogram sells for 1.2 million! These drugs have been affected, and the price of natural bezoar has skyrocketed

Recently, natural bezoar has welcomed a "bull market". Red Star Capital Bureau has learned from multiple merchants that compared to the price of around 500000 to 600000 yuan per kilogram in 2022, its price has doubled to 1.2 million yuan per kilogram so far. "Natural bezoar itself is a scarce product, and price increases are normal," said a merchant. Amidst the price increase in the entire raw material market, high-end bovine bezoar products represented by Pian Zaihuang also recently issued price increase notices. In May this year, Pian Zihuang announced that the retail price of tablets in the domestic market had increased by about 170 yuan/tablet to 760 yuan/tablet, the highest increase in history. At the same time, some analysts suggest that the next price increase after the use of bezoar may be the Angong Niuhuang Pill, which is also made from bezoar. Red Star Capital Bureau has learned that the price increase of natural scalpers may be related to corporate hoarding, which has a long history

Expert interpretation → Restoring the most serious train collision accident in India this century, with nearly 1200 casualties in Sabang | India | Accident
Expert interpretation → Restoring the most serious train collision accident in India this century, with nearly 1200 casualties in Sabang | India | Accident

Author | China Business News Qian Xiaoyan According to the latest official data from India, a train derailment collision in the eastern Indian state of Odisha on the evening of the 2nd has killed at least 288 people and injured nearly 900 others. The accident involved two passenger trains and a freight train with about 3500 passengers on board. Judging from the number of casualties, this is the worst train collision in India this century. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the site of the incident on the afternoon of the 3rd. He said that those guilty of the accident will be severely punished. Initial investigations by the Indian side showed that the accident was most likely caused by human error. Modi also said that the accident is heartbreaking and the government will do its best to provide all necessary treatment for the injured. Secretary, Center for China and South Asia Studies, Shanghai Institute for International Studies