Why has it caused a flood of negative reviews?, The "Cowherd and Weaver Girl" with a cost of 7.15 million yuan | Cowherd and Weaver Girl | Lushan County, Henan Province

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 04:27 AM

Although the Qixi Festival was chosen to be unveiled on the same day, the "Cowherd and Weaver Girl" sculpture in Lushan County, Henan Province, which cost up to 7.15 million yuan, did not bring good luck. Instead, it caused a lot of trouble. After it became popular on the Internet because it was "expensive and ugly", a series of questions, such as the qualification of the winning company, the true cost of the sculpture, the construction approval and bidding process, and the copyright of the sculpture works, were followed closely and deeply by the media, and a series of questions in public opinion were also waiting for the local authorities to answer.

Faced with public criticism, the local attitude in Lushan County is very unfriendly. A media reporter was brutally insulted and hung up the phone by the staff during an interview with the Housing and Construction Bureau of the county. The county government office staff who were interviewed answered the reporter's questions one after another with 6 "I don't know" and 1 "I'm not sure.". A "internet celebrity" tour guide posted a video review on the internet, but quickly received an anonymous email requesting deletion and threatening the personal safety of his son

Locals feel that public opinion supervision has added a lot of trouble to themselves. The highly focused media, the influx of journalists, the overwhelming criticism, and the damage to local image and reputation have all put immense pressure and anxiety on relevant parties. Moreover, under the pressure of public opinion, the decision-making process for the project, whether there are any tricks in the bidding process, and whether there are any flaws in the copyright of the work cannot be avoided.

In the face of this situation, some people have come up with the strategy of "extinguishing fires through public opinion". Set obstacles for media interviews, verbally scold journalists, and make them understand difficulties and retreat. Or keep your mouth shut and shake your head without knowing, making it difficult for the report to start. For the criticism voices on the internet, they delete posts, control reviews, and even trace the source to threaten the poster to actively silence them. I thought that with such a move, the public opinion had calmed down and the matter was safely cleared.

However, the public opinion scene has long been filled with lessons from previous experiences. In the context of the internet and information age, when it comes to public opinion events that are highly concerned and sensitive to the public, they cannot be concealed, dragged down, or suppressed. Concealing, shifting blame, and perfunctory actions often lead to more secondary public opinion and generate greater criticism. In this regard, the "6.1" food safety incident at Jiangxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College can be said to have taught profound lessons. Faced with widespread questioning from public opinion, relevant parties not only pressured the students involved to change their tune, but also brought out regulatory agencies to endorse the "duck neck" theory. This self deceptive attitude towards handling not only fails to quell public opinion, but also makes the fire of public opinion burn stronger and stronger.

The attitude towards public opinion actually reflects the attitude towards responsibility and the view of political achievements. When a job causes a public opinion storm, most of the time we cannot blame the media for causing trouble. The true root cause of public opinion turmoil ultimately lies in the problems and omissions in the work itself. The sculpture of "Cowherd and Weaver Girl" has attracted a lot of negative reviews, and the fundamental reason is not media coverage. Imagine if the work style of the relevant departments is thrifty and pragmatic, then flashy image projects and performance projects will not be blindly implemented. If the bidding process of the project is scientific and standardized, and the qualification review is rigorous and rigorous, it will be difficult to win the bid for the "expensive and ugly" engineering scheme, and it will be even more difficult for companies suspected of leather bags and works suspected of plagiarism to be shortlisted. If so, where did the public opinion turmoil come from?

It should be affirmed that after days of chaos and confusion, the local investigation and handling of the incident are returning to the right track. On the late night of August 29th, Lushan County announced the establishment of a joint investigation team, which dismissed the Party Secretary and Director of the County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, imposed a major disciplinary action on the staff of the County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau for their inappropriate speech, conducted a comprehensive review of project design, engineering cost, bidding process and other issues of social concern, and sincerely apologized to media friends. Subsequently, on August 31st, Pingdingshan City issued a notice stating that regarding the love themed sculpture of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl in Lushan County, which was of great concern to the general public, the Pingdingshan Municipal Party Committee and Government have established a joint investigation team composed of departments such as housing and construction, finance, audit, discipline inspection and supervision commission to carry out in-depth and comprehensive investigation and review work. The investigation results will be promptly disclosed to the public. We look forward to receiving satisfactory answers from society regarding the relevant situation, issues, and responsibilities under the investigation and review of the joint investigation team. We also hope that the positive and negative experiences and lessons learned in the response and handling of this incident can be learned and reflected upon by more places.

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