This international seminar was held in traditional villages in Guizhou to help protect and inherit living heritage.

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 04:11 AM

In recent years, living heritage has gradually become a global issue in the field of cultural heritage, emphasizing people-centeredness and community participation. It is especially of practical significance for promoting heritage protection in developing countries and continuously improving social well-being. The concept and practice of living heritage are in line with the core concepts and concerns of China's cultural heritage undertakings, and can provide a feasible path for protecting and inheriting rural heritage, promoting urban-rural integrated development and rural revitalization. On November 26, the international seminar on "Localized Inheritance of Living Heritage" co-sponsored by Fudan University, Guizhou Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau and Shiqian County People's Government opened in Loushang Village, Shiqian County, Guizhou Province. Participants from Japan, Greece, Nearly 50 experts and scholars from Singapore and other countries attended the event.

Guizhou is the "origin" of my country's eco-museum practice, and its rich and diverse traditional villages have become one of the most representative living heritages in China. Fudan University has long been committed to Guizhou heritage practice and has long-term cooperative relations with the Guizhou Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau in the fields of rural heritage, eco-museums and other fields. This conference is the second international conference held since the establishment of the UNESCO Chair in Living Heritage and Community Development at Fudan University in May this year. The conference invites domestic and foreign experts and scholars to conduct in-depth discussions on the value connotation, local practice and development path of living heritage in the representative Chinese living heritage environment, aiming to deepen the integration of heritage research and community development and promote living heritage. Exchanges and mutual learning between China and foreign countries in the field of heritage.

At the scene, primary school students from Loushang Village explained the "National Security" cultural relics site to domestic and foreign guests, which triggered enthusiastic responses and discussions. This is also the result of the Fudan Cultural Heritage Team’s continuous community heritage education in Loushang Village over the past two or three years.

During the meeting, the “Dimeng Base of the UNESCO Chair of Living Heritage and Community Development”, the “Upstairs Base of the UNESCO Chair of Living Heritage and Community Development” and the “Fudan University Rural Heritage Teaching Practice and Rural Revitalization Education Practice Base” "Unveiling.

This international seminar was held in traditional villages in Guizhou to help protect and inherit living heritage.
Just last month, it was renamed and appeared on the stage of the National Center for the Performing Arts. This Shanghai original master play went to Tsinghua University and Beijing Dalian for three performances.
Just last month, it was renamed and appeared on the stage of the National Center for the Performing Arts. This Shanghai original master play went to Tsinghua University and Beijing Dalian for three performances.

On the occasion of the 10th National Constitution Day, on the evening of December 4th and today, Shanghai teachers and students brought the youth version of the original drama "The Stand" to Tsinghua University for two consecutive performances, which resonated with audiences of all sizes. Tomorrow, there will be a performance at Peking University. A reporter from Liberation Daily and Shangguan News learned that a month ago, the professional version of the original large-scale drama "Lei Jingtian" was renamed "Stand" and was performed at the National Center for the Performing Arts for three consecutive performances. It received good reviews and also set the stage for this youth version of the drama tour. Kick off. Students from Tsinghua University and affiliated schools watched the performance. "On National Constitution Day, it is very meaningful for us to perform again. We will always remember the oath." said Du Yongqiang, a student from Huazheng Communication College who plays Lei Jingtian. It is reported that this law-themed drama performed at Tsinghua University and Peking University was produced by East China University of Political Science and Law and was composed entirely by Huazheng students.

Looks like a bug outside? Famous teachers such as Chen Mo put more blame on parents. The family is like a dragon, and the "epidemic baby"
Looks like a bug outside? Famous teachers such as Chen Mo put more blame on parents. The family is like a dragon, and the "epidemic baby"

Have you also noticed that many children have two different looks at home and outside: at home, they are like a dragon, lively; outside, they are like a worm, timid? Some people say that this is a kind of social anxiety among the "epidemic babies" born in the past three years. Is that true? Recently, Chen Mo, an expert in child and adolescent psychological education, a special supervisor of the Psychological Counseling Center of East China Normal University, and the former secretary-general of the Basic Education Professional Committee of the Shanghai Psychological Association, attended the class at the Qibao Huangdu Neighborhood Center in Minhang. Parents share how to help their children grow up healthily, with sharp humor and to the point. Chen Mo started the class. "Children are very outgoing at home and are afraid of socializing outside?" Teacher Chen Mo reminded parents not to pay too much attention to and protect their children at home. We should make good use of "housework"

How to protect "Children's 100 Languages" from 99 being stolen? , peanut allergy and mud resistance
How to protect "Children's 100 Languages" from 99 being stolen? , peanut allergy and mud resistance

November 25, Shanghai, China. There are two Chinese-translated books that have aroused heated discussions among educators. One is "The Pampered Mind: How is "Steel" Unforged? ", and the other is "Children's One Hundred Languages ​​- Reggio Emilia Experience in the Transition Period". Kindergarten "Calligraphy". [Peanut Allergy Forms a "Paradox"] Regarding "The Pampered Mind", Professor Tong Shijun, President of NYU Shanghai, cited a data case of "Peanut Allergy" in the book: In the United States, starting in the 1990s, due to concerns about sudden peanut allergies In the early 2000s, kindergartens and other educational institutions kept away from peanuts and excluded peanuts and other peanut products; however, in the 21st century, the proportion of children allergic to peanuts in the United States increased from only 4 per 1,000 people to 1,000 people. Up to 14 people. contrary to expectations

The scale and number of participants at this Shanghai Education Expo have reached new heights, showcasing good schools at home.
The scale and number of participants at this Shanghai Education Expo have reached new heights, showcasing good schools at home.

The 20th Shanghai Education Expo 2023 has concluded recently. The latest data from the summary meeting of the 20th Shanghai Education Expo 2023 showed that during the offline exhibition from September 15 to September 17, the Education Expo attracted a total of 115,000 people to the site to participate in various displays and interactive activities. 2.26 million people "visited" this year's Shanghai Education Expo online through the Shanghai Education Expo mini program. The Shanghai Education Influence Electronic Map has been viewed more than 350,000 times, and the Shanghai Education Live Broadcast has been viewed more than 8.36 million times in total. The online exhibition, which lasted for more than a month, reached a record high in scale and attendance. The 20th Shanghai Education Expo in 2023, guided by the Shanghai Municipal Education and Health Work Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and hosted by the Shanghai Education Press and Periodicals Corporation, has the theme of "Creating a first-class urban education and building a dream of a powerful country in education".

The whole family participated in the night concert in the library, from the Shanghai Aerospace System. The second millionth audience of Qian Xuesen Library is her night concert | My Motherland | System
The whole family participated in the night concert in the library, from the Shanghai Aerospace System. The second millionth audience of Qian Xuesen Library is her night concert | My Motherland | System

Since the summer of this year, the number of visitors to the Qian Xuesen Library of Shanghai Jiao Tong University has been steadily increasing, with a daily average reception of over 2000 people in July, exceeding the historical level of the same period. On the evening of the 21st, Huang Jing, a young science and technology worker from the Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Research Institute, and her family entered the library and luckily became the second millionth visitor to the Qian Xuesen Library. That night, Huang Jing and her family signed up for the "More Night, More Beautiful - Me and My Motherland" night concert event held at Qianguan. In order to allow her family to have a better understanding of the outstanding achievements of Qian Xuesen, the founder of China's aerospace industry, before the performance, she specially arrived at the museum half an hour in advance to carefully visit the basic exhibition of "People's Scientist Qian Xuesen" inside. To her surprise, Qian Xuesen Library prepared a certificate of honor for Huang Jing's second millionth audience, as well as the Qian Library