Today's data selection: Beijing's air quality has reached severe pollution; 5 knowledge points for the elderly to prevent and treat respiratory diseases

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 05:02 AM

As of 20:00, Beijing's air quality has fallen into the fifth level of severe pollution. The primary pollutant is PM10, with an average concentration of more than 200 micrograms/cubic meter.

Why does sand and dust weather occur in December? The reporter learned from the meteorological department that due to less precipitation, higher temperatures, loose surface soil, and strong winds brought by cold air in the upper reaches, widespread sand and dust weather occurred in the upper reaches. The dusty weather in Beijing is affected by the upstream.

According to the latest forecast, as the regional wind turns southerly, dust transport from the southern part of the region will still affect Beijing tonight, and PM10 concentrations will rise significantly again.

There will still be dusty weather in Beijing during the day tomorrow, so you need to pay attention to protection during outdoor activities. Judging from the air quality forecast, Beijing will have unfavorable diffusion conditions in the next two days, and the overall air quality will reach mild to moderate pollution levels.

Overseas institutions have made net purchases of Chinese bonds for nine consecutive months

Recently, foreign institutions have been net buyers of Chinese bonds for nine consecutive months. Since 2023, the cumulative net purchases have reached nearly 1 trillion yuan. In October, foreign net purchases have exceeded 200 billion yuan; since the third quarter, foreign institutions have held bonds The volume has maintained rapid growth, with an increase of nearly 40 billion yuan in October and an expected increase of 250 billion yuan in November. It is understood that since the beginning of this year, China's economy has continued to recover, especially since the third quarter, a series of policy effects have gradually emerged. Correspondingly, the investment value and risk-avoiding properties of RMB bonds have become more prominent, and the Chinese bond market has shown strong investment attractiveness.

How can the elderly prevent and treat respiratory diseases? You may be able to use these knowledge points!

① The elderly are more likely to develop severe symptoms after infection. If they have high fever, chest tightness, palpitation, obvious lack of energy, eating disorders, lethargy, unsteady gait, etc., they need to seek medical treatment in time. ②Some elderly people have atypical symptoms and should pay more attention to observation. ③Vaccination can reduce the risk of respiratory tract infection and the development of severe illness after infection. ④ Try to avoid going to crowded public places as much as possible, wear a mask and maintain hand hygiene when going out. ⑤After infection, eat light, easy-to-digest food and pay attention to supplement high-quality protein.

December 7 will usher in the "heavy snow" solar term, and with it comes cold air. This week, two waves of cold air will affect many places in the north one after another, causing temperature fluctuations. Especially in the Northeast, the temperature fluctuations will be very large. For example, the temperature in Harbin will rise and fall sharply in the next six days. This Sunday, the temperature will hit a new low in the second half of this year. The temperature throughout the day will be less than -15℃. Please pay attention to keeping warm.

Russia earns $11 billion more from oil this year

According to CCTV News, on December 6, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, and began a working visit to the United Arab Emirates. During his visit, Putin will focus on negotiating with the UAE on international and regional affairs such as energy cooperation, bilateral relations, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

When meeting with visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin, UAE President Mohammed said that the UAE is Russia's largest trading partner in the Gulf region, and the two countries have jointly participated in a number of multilateral international cooperation framework mechanisms.

Putin said that relations between Russia and the United Arab Emirates have reached a high level, and cooperation between the two countries in the economic and industrial fields has made significant progress. Putin also said that he would discuss regional hotspot issues and the progress of the Ukraine crisis with the UAE.

According to Red Star News, since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the "OPEC" mechanism in which Russia participates has been operating well, and the production reduction agreement has ensured the firmness of oil prices.

Prior to this, Western countries not only wanted to prevent Russia from obtaining excessive profits from oil exports, but also met the demand for oil from developed countries, so they set a ceiling price for Russian oil of US$60 per barrel. However, analysis by international organizations pointed out that Russia's actual average export price is about US$72 per barrel. Based on this, Russia's oil export revenue this year is estimated to be US$11 billion higher than the upper limit "allowed" by the West.

Today's data selection: Beijing's air quality has reached severe pollution; 5 knowledge points for the elderly to prevent and treat respiratory diseases
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Today's data selection: Many provinces refute rumors of implementing seniority retirement; Shenzhen's second-hand housing is changing from a seller's market to a buyer's market

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Lao Zhang stepped on his bicycle and put his wife and daughter's complaints behind him. He was holding a fire in his heart and rode faster and faster, fearing that if he did not have time to take the path to "smuggle" to work in the factory, he would have to leave the city at home because of the epidemic to help take care of his grandson. After being stopped by the police on the road, he took out his work certificate and willingly carried his clothes into the dormitory of the factory. He got up at a fixed time every day, ate breakfast, and then began to work as soon as he brushed the bowl. "You let me stay at home, I feel uncomfortable". Lao Zhang, currently 61 years old, is still active in the workplace with his ability of mechanical drawing. There are not a few elderly people like him who expect to return to the workplace after retirement. In 1999, the United Nations put forward the slogan "Building a society for all ages"; 24 years later

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Under high-frequency data, the living radius of economic residents in June slightly rebounded. From June to June, the daily average subway passenger volume in the top ten cities in China was 56.66 million, a slight increase of 0.8% compared to the average in May. The weekly data are 5516, 5574, 5666, 5366, and 62.34 million people respectively. Except for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the overall trend is gradually increasing, and it is more obvious in the fourth week. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out that the number of cases began to increase in late April and entered a low-level wave like epidemic trend after mid May. On June 30th, real estate sales in the city continued to be weak, but did not decline unilaterally. The monthly daily transaction area is 416000 cubic meters, slightly lower than the daily average transactions of 426000 and 428000 cubic meters from April to May. Among them, weekly data were recorded with 48,36,38,34,640000 cubic meters, respectively. In the last week