What did Wagner do in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East? What kind of military and commercial network has been established? Military and Commercial Networks | Wagner

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:49 AM

After the Wagner incident subsided, the future and trends of this mercenary organization received global attention. What actions has Wagner taken in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East? What kind of military and commercial network has been established? On the 29th, Reuters published an article summarizing Wagner's international business.

Military and commercial tentacles

Reuters reported that after Russia launched a special military operation against Ukraine last year, Wagner was sent to the Ukrainian battlefield. As of December last year, Wagner played a central role in the battle for Bachmut. Wagner founder Prigoren attributed Russia's military achievements in Bachmut to himself, while criticizing the leadership of the regular army and the Ministry of Defense.

After the Wagner incident, with the mediation of Belarusian President Lukashenko, Prigoren arrived in Belarus on the 27th. Russian President Putin has made arrangements for the whereabouts of Wagner personnel: they can sign contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense or other law enforcement agencies, return to their families and friends, and even go to Belarus. Russian media previously reported that Wagner will establish a military base near Osipovich in the southeast of Minsk. Satellite images show that there seem to be new buildings there, and Wagner's facilities may be being rapidly constructed.

Reuters pointed out that Wagner personnel are active in the Middle East, Africa and other places. Russia officially began military operations in Syria in 2015 to support President Bashar al Assad. Russia deploys air forces at the Khmeim Air Force Base in Syria and uses military contractors such as Wagner to carry out some ground operations and security tasks.

In Syria, Wagner is also responsible for the safety of the Homs al Shaher oilfield. Western officials claim that Wagner owns Evro Polis, which earns 25% of its profits from several oil fields. At the same time, the Hmeim Air Force Base has become a key hub for Wagner's global logistics operations, serving as a gateway between Russia and Middle Eastern countries, as well as a transit point into Africa via the Libyan Air Force Base.

Wagner entered Libya in 2019. The United Nations sanctions monitor stated in 2020 that Wagner deployed approximately 1200 personnel locally. In addition to recruiting Syrians, Wagner also collaborates with foreign fighters from Sudan, Chad, and other regions. Researchers say that Wagner personnel are sometimes deployed near major local oil fields because Wagner has commercial interests in Libya, including energy production.

Wagner's tentacles also extended towards the Central African Republic. Despite its abundant mineral resources, the Central African Republic is one of the poorest countries in the world. Russian mercenaries, including Wagner personnel, intervened on the government's side in 2018 to quell the civil war that had been raging since 2012. Analysts say Wagner has obtained logging rights and control of gold mines in the Central African Republic. This week, the United States sanctioned several companies involved in illegal gold trading to fund Wagner, including one from the Central African Republic.

How to go next

After the Wagner incident was quelled, the organization's movements and future sparked multiple speculations.

The Russian magazine "Experts" quoted Belarusian sources as saying that Belarus will design a military establishment for Wagner with 2600 officers and soldiers, which is a regiment.

Ivashov, the director of the Russian Institute of Geopolitical Studies, stated that although Wagner's establishment in Belarus has been reduced, it will still play a deterrent role in the border areas with NATO. In addition, Wagner will also play an active role in maintaining security in the Kaliningrad direction in Belarus.

Some public opinion believes that the Wagner incident may bring uncertainty to its presence in Africa. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with Russian television today that the Wagner incident will not affect Russia's relations with relevant African countries. Wagner Group will continue its operations in Mali and the Central African Republic, with Wagner employees serving as instructors there. "Of course, this work will continue.".

According to Dilani Simon, a senior analyst at the International Crisis Organization, Wagner's presence and role in African countries vary. But there are three commonalities: these countries are all long-term unstable; Both are countries with abundant natural resources; Anti Western sentiment is rising at the political, social, and media levels. These factors provide Wagner with a foothold.

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