Outlook, Enhance Historical Consciousness, and Strive for Revival Xi Jinping

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:42 PM

◇ The CPC is good at using historical thinking that connects history, reality and future, summarizing historical experience, grasping historical laws, and has a high degree of historical consciousness and superb ability to grasp historical initiative

Enhancing historical awareness and strengthening historical confidence helps to strengthen the "four confidences", seize strategic opportunities, grasp the development trend, respond to risks and challenges, and withstand major tests

◇ Fully implement Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, grasp his world outlook and methodology, and adhere to and use the standpoints and methods that run through it. It is to continuously consolidate the ideological foundation for enhancing historical consciousness and strengthening historical self-confidence.

On June 2, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission attended the cultural heritage and development symposium in Beijing and delivered an important speech. Photo by Ju Peng/This magazine

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must thoroughly summarize the positive and negative experiences of the century-old party history, and enhance historical consciousness and grasp historical initiative in the study and application of historical wisdom." Historical consciousness is the subjective initiative of using historical thinking that runs through history, reality and the future, summing up historical experience, grasping historical laws, and mastering the initiative of historical progress.

Enhancing historical consciousness and mastering historical initiative are important codes for our party to achieve great cause. The centennial history of the CPC, which has pushed forward the cause of revolution, construction and reform, has a distinctive feature that it adheres to historical thinking, stands at the height of the practical subject of historical activities, has a profound insight into and grasp the historical mission of our party, country and nation, and firmly holds its own future and destiny with a high degree of historical initiative.

The more comprehensive the understanding of historical processes, the deeper the grasp of historical laws, the richer the historical wisdom of the Party, and the more proactive the grasp of the future.

The CPC has the deep root of high historical consciousness

This historical glory has enabled the CPC people to have a high degree of historical consciousness, and also demonstrated the superb ability of the CPC to grasp the historical initiative.

The birth of the CPC, the founding of the People's Republic of China, the implementation of reform and opening up, and the entry of socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new era are all the results of grasping historical laws, conforming to historical trends, and mastering historical initiatives, which reflect the high historical consciousness of the CPC people. History lights up the future. We should deeply understand the important thought of Marxism on grasping the historical initiative, deeply absorb the historical wisdom contained in the centennial glory of the CPC, and move towards a new journey with a grand view of history that leads the trend in conforming to the trend and creates history in grasping the laws of history.

The historical consciousness of the people of the CPC stems from the truth power of Marxism.

The historical consciousness of the CPC stems from the support and support of the people.In the historical process of revolution, construction and reform, our party has closely relied on the people, crossed over one ditch after another, and achieved one victory after another: it is the people's small cart that launched the victory miracle of the Huaihai Campaign, it is the people's small wooden boat that marked the great victory of the river crossing campaign, it is the people's "little shovel" that dug out a large oil field and threw the poor oil hat to the Pacific Ocean, it is the people's "big responsibility" that opened the historical curtain of rural reform, and it is the people's concerted efforts to build a solid defense line against the COVID-19. The great achievements of the new era are even more the result of the Party leading the people to work hard, work hard, and strive. For more than 100 years, the CPC has always been highly conscious of the historical prospect in its unremitting struggle, and has a belief in victory in completing historical tasks, because it has always received the support and support of the people. History has proven that the people are the foundation, bloodline, and source of strength of our Party. They are the most solid foundation for us to always enhance our historical consciousness and strengthen our historical confidence.

The historical consciousness of the people of the CPC stems from the great achievements made by the Party in its century long struggle.For more than 100 years, the CPC has united and led the Chinese people to create great achievements in the new democratic revolution, socialist revolution and construction, reform and opening up, and socialist modernization.We have won the largest poverty alleviation battle in human history and historically solved the problem of absolute poverty; China's economic strength has achieved a historic leap, with its total economic output accounting for 18.5% of the world economy, firmly ranking second in the world; Significant achievements have been made in key core technologies, entering the ranks of innovative countries; We have built the world's largest education system, social security system, and healthcare system, achieving a historic leap in education popularization. Basic pension insurance covers 1.05 billion people, and the participation rate in basic medical insurance remains stable at 95%.

Looking forward to the future, the CPC, which has made great historical achievements and created miracles in the world, will surely create new and greater miracles with a higher degree of historical consciousness and more firm historical confidence.

Outlook, Promotion of History and Consciousness, Fortification of Revival Journey Xi Jinping

Enhance historical awareness and strengthen historical confidence

It is an inevitable requirement for taking a good new path to the exam

Only by looking back at the road we have walked, comparing the paths of others, and looking ahead from afar, can we understand where we came from and where we are going, and many problems can be seen deeply and accurately.

Enhancing historical consciousness and strengthening historical confidence in the new era and new journey helps to strengthen the "Four Confidences". The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes firm confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture. These "four confidences" are built on a high level of historical consciousness and firm historical confidence. Only by enhancing our historical consciousness and strengthening our historical confidence, can we adhere to the unchanged path and remain steadfast in our aspirations, neither following the closed and rigid old path nor the evil path of changing our flag. We must put the development of the country and the nation on the basis of our own strength, firmly grasp the fate of China's development and progress in our own hands, and work hard to achieve the established goals with unwavering determination, and tirelessly promote the cause of the Party and the people with a clear mind of half to 90 of those who have traveled a hundred miles.

Enhancing historical awareness and strengthening historical confidence in the new era and new journey helps to seize strategic opportunities and grasp the development trend. All the struggles that the CPC has united and led the Chinese people over the past century are aimed at achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To take a new road to the exam, we must adhere to Chinese path to modernization to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the basis of long-term exploration and practice since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, and through innovative breakthroughs in theory and practice since the 18th CPC National Congress, our party has successfully promoted and expanded Chinese path to modernization. We should enhance historical consciousness, strengthen historical self-confidence, and deeply grasp the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles of Chinese path to modernization. To comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, we must be good at seizing and making good use of various strategic opportunities. Historical thinking is an important way of thinking that accurately identifies changes, adapts scientifically, actively seeks change, dares to take risks, is adept at turning danger into opportunity, and tightly seizes strategic opportunities.

Enhancing historical awareness and strengthening historical confidence in the new era and new journey helps to cope with risks and challenges, and withstand major tests.Only by enhancing historical consciousness and strengthening historical confidence can we maintain strategic composure, ensure the correct direction of China's socialist modernization construction in the midst of chaos, and promote China's economic and social development towards the established goals; To sharpen one's courage in the face of risks and challenges, accurately assess and properly respond to risks and challenges from all aspects; Only in this way can we move forward in the face of difficulties, overcome all kinds of difficulties and challenges on the way forward with all our strength, and open up a new world of career development by relying on tenacious struggle.

In the new era and new journey, we must continuously enhance our historical consciousness and enhance our historical responsibility

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieving the goal of the first century of struggle are milestones in the history of the struggle of the Communist Party of China, the history of the development of the new China and the history of the Chinese nation's civilization. At the same time, we must realize that this is only a crucial step towards the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and that we must not be complacent or stand still".

To enhance historical awareness, we need to broaden our historical perspective and study the century old history of the Communist Party of China.

The history of the Party is the most vivid and convincing textbook. By learning from history, one can know the rise and fall. Learning history is to better move towards the future. To do today's work well and shoulder a new mission, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the Party's struggle yesterday, enhance historical consciousness and grasp historical initiative through the study and application of historical experience and wisdom, study and summarize the Party's history well, and inherit and carry forward the Party's valuable experience well. We must be more conscious not to forget our original intention, keep in mind our mission, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two determinations", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards". We must always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in ideology, politics, and action. In the political baptism of honing political consciousness and honing political ability, we must continuously improve our political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution; In the process of strengthening the ideology of rooting, forging the soul, and strengthening the foundation, we will further strengthen our ideals and beliefs, and better uphold our original aspiration and fulfill our mission in the new era; To enhance the courage and strength of exploration and progress through in-depth reflection on summarizing historical experience and grasping historical laws; In the process of inheriting glorious traditions and carrying forward revolutionary spirit, we must muster the spirit and energy to embark on a new journey and forge ahead in the new era.

To enhance historical awareness, we need to establish a grand historical perspective and study the development history of Chinese civilization over 5000 years.To establish a grand historical view, we should deeply understand that the CPC is not only a party that seeks happiness for the Chinese people, but also a party that strives for the cause of human progress. It is not only a faithful believer and practitioner of Marxism, but also a faithful inheritor and promoter of China's excellent traditional culture. Socialism with Chinese characteristics did not fall from the sky. The choice of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics comes from a profound summary of history. We should understand and grasp the century long history of the Party in the context of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization history, over 500 years of world socialism history, and over 180 years of struggle history of the Chinese people since modern times. Based on this, through phenomena and details, we should grasp the main theme and mainstream essence, strengthen historical thinking, summarize historical experience, understand historical laws, clarify historical logic, grasp historical trends, and grasp historical initiative. In the new era of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is even more necessary to systematically study Chinese history and culture, deeply grasp the laws of human development history, and seek the overall situation, long-term development, and future through in-depth reflection on history.

To enhance historical consciousness, we must grasp the laws of history and adhere to the materialist view of history.Historical materialism, as an important component of Marxist philosophy, is a science about the general laws of human social development. In various historical periods of revolution, construction, and reform, our party applied historical materialism to systematically, concretely, and historically analyze the social movements and development laws of China. In the process of understanding and transforming the world, we continuously grasped and actively applied the laws, and promoted the cause of the party and the people to achieve one victory after another. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC has applied the basic principles of Marxism to China's new practice with a stronger historical consciousness and initiative, promoted China's social development with reform and opening up, promoted the innovation of Marxist theory with the innovation of practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, promoted the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, and led the great social revolution with the great self revolution of the CPC. It has overcome unprecedented risks and challenges, and promoted historical changes. History and reality have shown that only by adhering to historical materialism can we continuously elevate our understanding of the laws of socialism with Chinese characteristics to new levels and open up new horizons for the development of contemporary Chinese Marxism.

Having the guidance of Marxist scientific theory is the fundamental basis for our party to firmly believe in and grasp historical initiative. Strengthening historical confidence, enhancing historical initiative, winning advantages, and winning the future cannot be achieved without correct ideological guidance.These "three musts" are an organic and unified whole, which enables the CPC people in the new era to radiate a stronger historical consciousness and initiative.The "Five Necessary Paths" are crucial and systematic understandings that our party has drawn in long-term practice. They are a summary of historical laws related to the development of the party and the country's cause, and we must keep them in mind.

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