Has it ultimately become a coastal scenic spot?, The Minhang River is basically connected along the line! What kind of golden idea did the residents propose? | Shentang | Scenic Area

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 17:17 PM

Watching the crowds on the Dianpu River trail, Wang Beiqing, who lived near Chunshentang, was somewhat envious.

Originally, the construction speed of fitness trails and pocket parks in Minhang District has been accelerating in recent years, bringing tangible benefits to the surrounding residents. However, Wang Beiqing found that the Chunshentang Trail at her doorstep has been built for many years. Although it houses multiple public green spaces, there are still multiple breakpoints, and people running and cycling can only keep turning back, which is very unpleasant. Moreover, there is a lack of road lights on the existing trail, and at night, the lighting relies only on surrounding roads, communities, and other lights, resulting in dim lighting and certain safety hazards. "Can we quickly renovate and improve it?"

Wang Beiqing's suggestion has received high attention from the Minhang District People's Government. In August of this year, the nearly one-year Chunshentang Trail Connection Project was completed. The greenway extends 9.3 kilometers along the north side of Chunshentang, especially for residents living near the subway station who do not need to take a big circle. Through this trail, they can directly reach the Chunshenlu Station on Line 5. It is a comprehensive passage that integrates leisurely walking, fitness and exercise, and fast transportation.

Has it ultimately become a coastal scenic spot?, The Minhang River is basically connected along the line! What kind of golden idea did the residents propose? | Shentang | Scenic Area

Multi party negotiation, opening up green spaces

As one of the main rivers in Minhang District, Chunshentang has always received high attention. According to the Minhang District Water Bureau, a comprehensive renovation of the Chunshentang River was carried out in 2005, and flood control walkways and hydrophilic platforms were also set up in the eligible sections of the bank; In 2015, improvements and renovations were also carried out on shore greening and waterfront platforms around residential communities such as Chunshen Greenland, Vanke, and Shanghai Chuncheng. However, due to the excavated dock of the airport connecting line occupying a part of the flood control channel, the "connection" was put on hold. However, according to the relevant engineering scheme design, the construction area does not involve the waterfront walkway, so the renovation of the waterfront walkway was first put on the agenda.

However, there are numerous difficulties in connecting the coastline. According to the relevant person in charge of the Minhang District Greening and Urban Appearance Bureau, the development and construction of the Chunshentang waterfront community started earlier, and many developers even included the coastal green space in the community. "It's not easy to open the gate of the green space," said the person in charge. They led the district water bureau, transportation commission, planning and resource bureau, as well as the Meilong Town, Xinzhuang Town, and Xinzhuang Industrial Park involved along the line, and held coordination meetings multiple times. Finally, they clarified the main concerns of the residents and resolved them one by one. Some residents in the community are concerned that there may be safety hazards when the gate is opened. Therefore, we have added monitoring and lighting facilities throughout the entire area to improve the safety and comfort of residents using the walkway. In addition, if conditions permit, smart doors have been opened in the riverside communities for residents to enter and exit, and the passageway has been closed for specific periods of time for residents to pass through, ensuring their safety.

Has it ultimately become a coastal scenic spot?, The Minhang River is basically connected along the line! What kind of golden idea did the residents propose? | Shentang | Scenic Area

Coordination meetings have dispelled the doubts of residents and also connected the green spaces distributed in dots along the banks of Chunshentang. Since then, the 18 residential communities along the coast, as well as a large number of factory and park employees, have all had green shared spaces. When the reporter was conducting an on-site interview, two teachers from the summer daycare class were leading more than ten children into the green space through the gate of Pu'er Road, walking towards the newly built children's playground area on one side. "Many parents also bring their children here, making it much more convenient to walk their children," the teacher said.

△ Children's playground.

The children in the summer daycare class are walking towards the children's play area.

Has it ultimately become a coastal scenic spot?, The Minhang River is basically connected along the line! What kind of golden idea did the residents propose? | Shentang | Scenic Area

From landscape enhancement to functional enhancement

The happiness at the doorstep is crucial, and the greenway construction project has also received many "golden ideas" from residents. The reporter learned from the Minhang District People's Suggestion Collection Office that the entire project actively listened to people's suggestions in the early stage and middle stage of construction, with nearly a hundred pieces, and supplemented and improved the construction of the "ecological corridor" in details. Combining the residents' "golden ideas", functional departments have also incorporated clever ideas: the parks, green spaces, and greenways along the Chunshen Pond have cultural and historical design elements. The entire greenway is built based on the three key words of history, modernity, and future, and a long scroll of poetry and painting slowly unfolds along the Chunshen Pond. The relevant person in charge of the Minhang District Greening and Urban Appearance Bureau said, "Living along the river, walking along the water, and leaving the best scenery to the people."

There is also a change worth noting. Among nearly a hundred people's suggestions, in addition to landscape improvement, residents have higher requirements for functional services, which is also a major highlight of the Chunshentang Trail construction project. The children's playground that the reporter saw was added because residents of Lihua Garden community claimed that there were insufficient children's playground facilities. In addition, there are also basketball courts, small hydrophilic platforms, etc. along the line to meet the needs of different residents. At the same time, the trail also takes into account the needs of long-distance walking crowds, providing basic stopping points, drinking water facilities, public toilets, signage, etc., and continuously optimizes the details. "Of course, we cannot guarantee that every suggestion from the people will be implemented. We can only try to integrate everyone's voices and add different functions in the corresponding areas of the greenway flow according to the actual situation." The person in charge said.

Has it ultimately become a coastal scenic spot?, The Minhang River is basically connected along the line! What kind of golden idea did the residents propose? | Shentang | Scenic Area

At 10am, a lot of people gathered in the leisure area.

"The people's suggestions actually correspond to the expectations of the citizens for a better life." Chen Gang, director of the Minhang District Petition Office and the People's Suggestions Collection Office, said that he will continue to carry out suggestions collection for the daily affairs that concern the citizens, and transform good suggestions from the masses into good measures and policies as soon as possible, and into effective practices for urban development.

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