Can blocking high scores prevent the hype of being the top scorer in the college entrance examination? Block high scoring candidates | top scorers in the college entrance examination | scores in the college entrance examination

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:42 PM

Recently, various regions have successively announced their college entrance examination results. However, some "special" candidates are unable to find their specific scores. According to reports, several provinces and cities have taken measures to block the scores of some high scoring candidates this year. Some have blocked the top 50 candidates in the province's total scores, some have blocked the top 20 candidates, and others have also blocked the scores of the top five candidates in history and the top ten candidates in physics. Analysts point out that the main purpose of this move is to prevent speculation about "top scorers" and "high scoring candidates" in the college entrance examination.

Can blocking high scores effectively prevent the hype of being the top scorer in the college entrance examination? Some people believe that this move is effective because after being blocked, it is unclear who is the top scorer and how many points they have scored, and the hype is being fueled. But some people are skeptical about its effectiveness. They believe that some areas are only temporarily blocked, and candidates will eventually know their specific scores. A pair of tables for high ranking candidates will naturally reveal the top scorer. Some people believe that as long as the soil and climate of pursuing the "top scorer in the college entrance examination" are still there, even if it is just entering the top 20 and top 50 in the province, it is enough to make a stir.

Regarding the strict prohibition of hyping up the top scorer in the college entrance examination, relevant authorities have repeatedly issued orders. However, why is the hype still rampant? An important reason that should not be ignored is the enormous benefits inherent in hype. For schools, teaching top scorers in the college entrance examination is a direct reflection of their teaching level. With this, they can attract high-quality students and may also receive support from educational policies and teaching resources. For some local education departments, the presence of "top scorers in the college entrance examination" and the number of "high scoring candidates" are often important indicators for measuring political performance. For social training institutions, once they get involved with the top scorer in the college entrance examination, it's like obtaining a "golden signboard" and a highly convincing "live advertisement". Even for various hitchhikers and enthusiasts, the top scorer in the college entrance examination may bring unexpected benefits. Recently, a listed company congratulated a senior executive's daughter on winning the top spot on its official social media account, and also marked the company's stock code in the article. One immediate effect of this move is that the company has been hyped up by some investors as a "champion concept stock", with its stock price soaring nearly 7% in a short period of time, and its total market value rising by over 300 million yuan.

In the chorus of hyping up the top scorer in the college entrance examination, some media also play an important role. The national attention to the college entrance examination naturally attracts the attention of the top scorers, who bring huge traffic. For the sake of attracting attention and competing for traffic, the top scorer in the college entrance examination can easily become an important topic in media coverage of the exam. Some media outlets report extensively on the study, life, and family background of the "top scorer in the college entrance examination", while some video media follow up on the "top scorer in the college entrance examination" in every detail and tirelessly, even launching "quasi live broadcasts" to fuel the hype of the "top scorer in the college entrance examination".

As a hot topic of public concern, high scoring candidates can certainly report appropriately. But the media bears social responsibility and should allocate more reporting resources to issues that are more relevant to the public interest. Compared with the "top scorers in the college entrance examination" who are favored by thousands of people, a large number of middle and low score candidates may face more urgent practical difficulties, fewer choices, and more anxious emotions. They also need timely guidance and relief from the media and public opinion to help them and their families actively face and properly handle their next enrollment matters.

Ultimately, the pursuit and hype of the "top scorer in the college entrance examination" is a concentrated reflection of the "only score theory" and "only admission rate". It originates from the education model that emphasizes exam taking ability unilaterally, which in turn solidifies and exacerbates the drawbacks of exam taking education. To correct and prevent the bad trend of hyping up the "top scorer in the college entrance examination", we should prescribe the right medicine to the problem, and use a more scientific, healthy, and comprehensive educational philosophy to correct the deviation of "only score theory" and "only enrollment rate", so that education can return to the normal track of cultivating well-rounded talents from the one-sided pursuit of scores. To promote the comprehensive development of students in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, and other aspects, it is necessary to shift the one-sided pursuit of scores to the pursuit of comprehensive quality of students, and transform the competition in admission rates into competition in educational level and quality. The educational philosophy of "survival of the fittest" and focusing on cultivating top students should also be transformed to cater to all students and promote their comprehensive development. If everyone can achieve comprehensive development, become successful and mature, and pursue and hype up the bad culture of being the top scorer in the college entrance examination, then they will naturally be truly pushed to the bottom.

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