Is there anyone near your house?, A batch of archives in Shanghai are about to be launched as new archives | New Archives | A batch of archives in Shanghai

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:25 PM

The reporter learned from the Municipal Archives Bureau that during the 13th Five Year Plan period, a number of new archives such as Putuo, Yangpu, Minhang, Jinshan, Qingpu, Fengxian, and Chongming were successively built and put into use. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, there are also a number of modern and intelligent new archives in Shanghai that have been or will be built one after another.

The new Jing'an District Archives was completed in June 2023 and opened to the public. The new archive of Jing'an District is located at the intersection of Lingshi Road and Pingxingguan, with the design concept of "urban new landscape window". Covering an area of 7310 square meters, with a total construction area of 21200 square meters, it has 2 underground floors and 8 above ground floors. The internal design adopts a folded and nested approach, with multiple public spaces that span floors and open spaces, conveying the rich and colorful public activities inside the building to the city, breaking the urban boundaries of enclosed blocks, and allowing citizens to fully enjoy high-quality public cultural services.

Is there anyone near your house?, A batch of archives in Shanghai are about to be launched as new archives | New Archives | A batch of archives in Shanghai

The new Jiading District Archives is expected to be completed by the end of June 2023. The new building is located at the entrance of Jiading on the Shanghai Jia Expressway, covering an area of 6647 square meters with a total construction area of 24319 square meters. It has 5 floors above ground and 2 floors underground. The architectural design is based on the concept of "book", which metaphorically represents the imagery of archives and paper. The facade texture is mainly composed of vertical lines, reflecting the unique bamboo carving art of Jiading. As an urban public cultural space that integrates viewing exhibitions, studying history, listening to lectures, and cultural socializing, it will be developed into a new brand of Jiading culture and erected as a new landmark of Jiading culture.

The Huangpu District Archives Lingang Warehouse is expected to be completed in November 2023. The warehouse is located in Nicheng Town, Pudong New Area, in the Lingang New Area of Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Covering an area of 7113 square meters, with a construction area of 7403 square meters, the building has a total of 5 floors and a garden area of 7000 square meters. The main exterior wall of the warehouse adopts kiln thinning ceramic bricks with a special cultural atmosphere, and the facade is attached with different textures, reflecting the cultural attributes and historical sedimentation of the archives. Safe storage, energy conservation, environmental protection, and intelligent management are integrated into the construction of the warehouse, with an estimated storage capacity of 1.05 million rolls.

Is there anyone near your house?, A batch of archives in Shanghai are about to be launched as new archives | New Archives | A batch of archives in Shanghai

The archives warehouse in Pudong New Area is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. The newly built archive warehouse is located near the University City in Huinan Town, near the Huinan East Station of Metro Line 16, covering an area of 20193 square meters with a total construction area of 65200 square meters. The above ground part is a combination of 4-story and 10 story buildings, with an L-shaped layout. The exterior facade is inspired by classical Chinese bamboo slips and patterned seals, showcasing archival culture and historical heritage. After the project is completed and put into use, it can meet the archive entry requirements for the next 25 to 30 years under the current acceptance standards.

The new Xuhui District Archives is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. The new building is located in the Xujiahui neighborhood, covering an area of 1580 square meters with a total construction area of 5682 square meters. It has one underground floor and seven above ground floors. Highlight the "three major functions", namely livelihood service function, public cultural function, and core warehouse function. The planned new "Xuhui Memory" exhibition hall will form a positioning that is misaligned with various attractions, museums, and celebrity residences in Xujiahuiyuan, providing a comprehensive display of Xuhui's history, culture, and development and transformation.

Is there anyone near your house?, A batch of archives in Shanghai are about to be launched as new archives | New Archives | A batch of archives in Shanghai

The new Hongkou District Archives is expected to be completed by mid-2024. The new building is located in the Rainbow Bay Public Service Center, covering an area of approximately 5723 square meters. The total construction area of the new building is over 6600 square meters, ranking among the first and second underground floors of the building complex, the first and fourth floors of the north building, and the third and sixth floors of the south building. The new hall is positioned as the "hall of historical memory and the root of cultivating the soul". The exhibition hall will showcase the historical and cultural heritage and red gene inheritance of Hongkou to the audience through six major sections, including "The Origin of Hongkou", "Opening Your Eyes to See the World", and "The Land of Original Aspiration".

The new Songjiang District Archives is expected to be completed in September 2024. The new building is located in Zhongshan Street, Songjiang District, covering an area of 10223 square meters with a total construction area of 20000 square meters. 1 underground level and 4 above ground levels. The new museum is designed with the concept of "a square and circular place" and "a vast sea of literature and literature". It has been built as a public service national comprehensive archives that is "at the level of Shanghai, with Songjiang characteristics, matched with Songjiang New City, and comparable to the nine cities in the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor of the Yangtze River Delta.".

Is there anyone near your house?, A batch of archives in Shanghai are about to be launched as new archives | New Archives | A batch of archives in Shanghai

The new Changning District Archives is expected to be completed in 2024. The new building is located in the Tianshan District of Changning District, near the Loushanguan Road Station of Metro Line 2. The new building of the District Archives and the Zhoujiaqiao Community Cultural Center are combined into one architectural complex, with a building area of 8850 square meters, consisting of five floors above ground and one floor underground. The architecture is based on the concept of "storing archives and aggregating citizens", and plans to create a public service complex that integrates functions such as "urban living room, neighborhood garden, open sharing, and archive culture".

The new Baoshan District Archives is expected to be completed in January 2025. The new building is located in Yangxing Town, Baoshan District, covering an area of 13150 square meters with a total construction area of 30595 square meters. The new museum adheres to the service concept of "openness and integration", focuses on the coordination and integration of functionality and publicness, creates different levels of spatial needs, and better integrates with urban culture, making archive culture more accessible to the people. It strives to build the new museum into a "five in one" city level first-class national comprehensive archive and a new cultural landmark in Baoshan area.

Is there anyone near your house?, A batch of archives in Shanghai are about to be launched as new archives | New Archives | A batch of archives in Shanghai
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

Are you familiar with Ling Jiajia, who is actively helping young people find employment? This "internet celebrity" workplace mentor offers | platform | Ling Jiajia
Are you familiar with Ling Jiajia, who is actively helping young people find employment? This "internet celebrity" workplace mentor offers | platform | Ling Jiajia

"What should I pay attention to when communicating with interviewers?" "What should I do when encountering a strong opponent in a leaderless group interview?" "Did you ask about these details before accepting the offer?"... In the past two years, a career mentor named "Ling Jiajia" has been active on various social media platforms. ". She not only frequently shares job search skills, but also recommends a large number of high-quality positions, attracting the attention of many young people. Who is Ling Jiajia? This is the workplace mentor IP tailored by Shanghai Foreign Service for the youth group, which can also be said to be a native of Shanghai. The reason why this IP is called "Ling Jiajia" is because "Ling Jiajia" has a similar pronunciation to "neighbor sister" in Shanghai, implying that this workplace mentor is as friendly as a neighbor sister and can provide professional and thoughtful guidance for young people. Recently, the first session of Shanghai

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What does Shanghai rely on to safeguard the safety of medical insurance funds?, Over the past five years, nearly 600 million yuan of "life-saving money" has been recovered. Supervision | Inspection | Shanghai

This is an unusual meeting. According to the inspection, we found that the hospital has problems such as excessive payment, duplicate charges, non-standard charges, and providing unnecessary medical services... Recently, in the conference room on the second floor of a designated medical institution in Shanghai, dozens of representatives from the medical insurance company and the hospital sat face to face at a long table. Listening to the medical insurance staff report the examination results, the hospital leader's expression was serious and tense. Originally, the Supervision and Inspection Office of the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau was holding a daily inspection feedback meeting here. Over the past five years, it has been through such daily inspections, as well as flight inspections, special inspections, and reporting investigations, that the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau has recovered more than 550 million yuan from 11575 designated institutions that violated regulations, and more than 20 million yuan from 11696 individuals who violated regulations. In total, nearly 20 million yuan has been recovered from the medical insurance fund

Serving the Citizens, Shanghai Big Data Center: Promoting the Upgrade of City | Governance | Code Application through "Suishen Code"
Serving the Citizens, Shanghai Big Data Center: Promoting the Upgrade of City | Governance | Code Application through "Suishen Code"

Since its launch, Suishen Code has developed a large number of convenient services in fields such as medical treatment, transportation, cultural tourism, and social governance. What new applications will "Suishen Code" provide in the future? Yesterday, the first Shanghai "Suishen Code" Application Innovation Competition came to an end, with innovative talents and enterprise teams from various industries focusing on technology assistance for the elderly and disabled, smart campuses, medical health, government services, urban governance, and other fields, submitting more than 200 entries. The organizer of the competition, Shanghai Big Data Center, stated that it is currently accelerating the construction of a comprehensive urban service and governance system with "one person, one code, one enterprise, one code, one object, one code", to upgrade "Suishen Code" to a more convenient and functional "City Code". Innovative applications are expected to be implemented and promoted. In October last year, the city's big data center was listed by the city's science and technology commission and other organizations

Exchange of information and experiences related to the research on the theme education of the Party Group, Mayor Gong Zheng held a meeting of the Municipal Government Party Group to educate | Theme | Party Group
Exchange of information and experiences related to the research on the theme education of the Party Group, Mayor Gong Zheng held a meeting of the Municipal Government Party Group to educate | Theme | Party Group

Gong Zheng pointed out that we need to further deepen and implement research work, enhance the accuracy of research topics, the depth of problem sorting, the strength of problem solving, and the satisfaction of grassroots people with the results of problem solving, in order to achieve greater effectiveness in theme education. At the meeting, city leaders Wu Qing, Zhang Xiaohong, Liu Duo, Huayuan, Shu Qing, and Peng Chenlei combined their respective thematic education research and exchanged their understanding and mastery of social conditions and public opinion during the research