"Good sir" transforms into "tycoon boss" online! He has been soliciting bribes from businessmen more than 30 times due to his insatiable desires

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:45 AM

Huang Yong, male, born in March 1969, started working in August 1990 and joined the CPC in May 2002. Formerly served as the head of the Market and Contract Supervision and Management Department of the Changshou District Administration for Industry and Commerce in Chongqing; The head of the Construction and Development Department of the Changshou Lake Scenic Area Management Committee in Changshou District, and concurrently serves as the Manager of the Engineering Management Department of Chongqing Changshou Ecological Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd; Member of the Party Committee, Director, and Deputy General Manager of Chongqing Changshou Ecological Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd.

In March 2022, Huang Yong was subjected to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Changshou District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. In July 2022, Huang Yong was expelled from the Party and from public office; His suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution, and the involved property was also transferred. In November 2022, Huang Yong was sentenced to eleven years in prison and fined 800000 yuan by the Changshou District People's Court for committing the crime of bribery.

At the beginning of his work, Huang Yong used "loyalty to the Party, hard work, courage to shoulder heavy responsibilities, and integrity" as his work standards. However, due to neglecting political learning and party spirit training, his worldview, outlook on life, and values were misaligned, gradually falling into the quagmire of desire and going further on the path of corruption. He not only tarnished the honors he had received and destroyed his happy family, but also let down the expectations of the organization, which is regrettable.

1 Frustration in work and distortion of values

"When I was a child, the whole family's goal was for me to study hard and go to college." After being examined and investigated, Huang Yong told the investigators that he knew the truth of "knowledge changes fate" from an early age, and he had always been strict with himself and was admitted to university with excellent results.

After graduating from university, Huang Yong carried the dream of building his hometown and gave up the suggestion from his university teacher to stay in the main city of Chongqing to work. He returned to his hometown and was assigned to work at the Changshou County Administration for Industry and Commerce.

With a diligent and hardworking work attitude, Huang Yong gradually emerged. Through organizational training and unremitting efforts, he gradually grew from a clerk to a middle-level cadre. Due to outstanding work, he was also awarded the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member in Chongqing for Striving for Excellence".

In 2009, Huang Yong was transferred to the Changshou Lake Scenic Area Management Committee as the head of the Construction and Development Department. After experiencing multiple job training, he was full of expectations and enthusiasm for the new position. However, he, who is eager to achieve results, always feels that he is intentionally targeting himself when his colleagues have different ideas and the organization reminds him to pay attention to work methods. Sometimes, he even mistakenly believes that the organization does not have a deep understanding of the relevant situation and is biased.

In the development process of the district level tourism project in Changshou District in 2014, Huang Yong was appointed as the specific project leader. At this moment, he rubbed his hands and prepared for a big fight. However, due to significant disagreements with colleagues at work, which affected the progress of the work, the organization adjusted his work after comprehensive consideration and no longer arranged for him to follow up on the project. Huang Yong believes that in the early stages of the project, all the "most difficult bones to gnaw on" have been completed, and they are about to enter the construction phase. At this time, they have been replaced, and they feel that their efforts have not received the recognition they deserve.

"Why bother being so tired? It's really not worth it," Huang Yong wrote about his feelings at the time.

The first crack in thought has emerged, and ideals and beliefs are gradually collapsing. Faced with setbacks, Huang Yong did not choose to reflect on himself or examine himself. Instead, he had an imbalanced and self destructive mindset, unable to properly view the relationship between the organization and individuals. He attributed his failure to be promoted and reused to colleagues exclusion and distrust from the organization. Under the siege of material suppliers, he no longer refuses to eat, drink, and have fun, and also does not refuse to receive special products, gifts, gratitude fees, and other gifts from others.

The phrase "why bother so tired" became an excuse for Huang Yong to go towards corruption and decadence. He shifted his focus to eating, drinking, and having fun, socializing and eating, playing cards and gambling, watching online live broadcasts... seemingly lively and happy, but in reality, his spirit is empty. Various negative emotions continued to accumulate, causing him to lose his direction in life.

2 spiritual emptiness, indulging in the network to meet vanity

In order to fill the spiritual emptiness, Huang Yong spent a lot of time on the virtual network, began to indulge in watching live webcasts, reward network anchors, spend money to "have fun", enjoy "pursuit", and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

By brushing gifts in the live broadcast room, Huang Yong received endless flattery from the host. He was satisfied in real life with compliments such as "Big Boss" and "Good Big Brother", and was constantly brushing his presence in the virtual world. At first, he could afford to spend tens to hundreds of yuan on gifts, but as he went on, he would receive more rewards and squander money ranging from a few hundred yuan, a few thousand yuan, or even tens of thousands of yuan. The increasing "internet addiction" gradually made him unable to make ends meet.

Huang Yong, who is known for his extravagant spending in the online world, has developed a distorted consumption mindset. He uses another way to make up for his dissatisfaction and crazily spends money online, disregarding his own economic strength. At this point, he began to satisfy his extravagant reward expenses through online loans. As the "hole" grew larger, he began to find ways to use his power for personal gain and generate money, using his power to demand property from management and service recipients.

"The reason why I have gone so far on the path of illegal crime is twofold: on the one hand, relaxing my studies has led to indifference and lack of respect for discipline and law; on the other hand, an important factor is my spiritual emptiness and eagerness to seek 'refuge'." Huang Yong self analyzed.

In November 2017, Huang Yong was promoted to the position of Deputy General Manager of Changshou Ecological Tourism Company. At that time, although he also thought about stopping at the cliff, filling the debt hole in a timely manner, and returning to the right path, he believed that the organization promoted him relatively late and the positions arranged were not good enough.

Under such psychological drive, Huang Yong no longer scrutinizes his own behavior, but instead believes that it is not important to work hard or not. At this time, the internet became his "redemption", and the reality of "dissatisfaction" further aroused Huang Yong's vanity. He urgently needed more money to "fill the facade". He completely abandoned his ideals and beliefs, eager to "monetize" his power, and repeatedly demanded bribes directly or under the guise of borrowing from management service recipients.

"These bosses all have requests from me and won't take the initiative to ask me to repay money. Even if I do, they won't ask." With such thoughts in mind, Huang Yong fabricated various reasons and directly or "under the pretext of borrowing" demanded bribes from the engineering boss who had requests from him, with a total amount of over 2.8 million yuan.

The good boatmen drown, the good riders fall, and gentlemen each take their own good for trouble. Once a moderate hobby evolves into abnormal addiction and indulgence, people will lose their direction, unknowingly cross the legal red line, open up corruption gaps, and satisfy their bad hobbies without restraint, burying their personal future and family happiness. Huang Yong is a living example.

3. wanton soliciting bribes by using power for personal gain

The "good man" at home, the "local tyrant boss" on the Internet, and Huang Yong's "double-sided" role have not been noticed.

However, the online "tycoon boss" has been repeatedly criticized in reality. He originally intended to partner with others to do business and make money, but his investments in green projects, catering and hotels all ended in failure and huge losses. "At that time, I felt like I really couldn't do anything..." Huang Yong said with a mixture of regret and regret when facing the investigators.

Unable to repay his debts, Huang Yong's corruption was exacerbated, and the online world once again became his "safe haven". He often comforts himself, "If I can't repay the debt, I won't pay it. Those bosses will still need me in the future, and I probably won't take it anymore."

With the mentality of breaking and falling, Huang Yong no longer had any worries. He takes the "benefits" sent by the business owner for granted, and even no longer "waits for rabbits", but chooses to take the initiative.

He not only indirectly borrows money from the boss who undertakes the project, but also repeatedly uses his position to provide assistance in project approval, project fund allocation, and other matters. He even dares to interfere with the project in violation of regulations, with the aim of getting others to give him benefits and gratitude fees.

In August 2018, Huang Yong requested 200000 yuan from the owner of an ecological landscaping company due to economic constraints. The owner agreed to thank Huang Yong for his care in the project and continued to maintain good relationships; In April 2019, he demanded 100000 yuan from a project owner on the grounds of urgent need for money; In June 2019, he repeatedly demanded a total of 750000 yuan from a project contractor on the grounds of repayment of outstanding debts and lack of money.

At this point, Huang Yong was not unaware that he was committing a crime, but he was overwhelmed by desire and couldn't stop the brake. He had demanded more than 30 bribes from the business owner, ranging from 20000 yuan to 200000 yuan, all of which were transferred through his own bank account without any hesitation.

"I used to see leading cadres around me being investigated and punished for taking bribes, and I have repeatedly warned myself not to make mistakes, thinking that this is an account that cannot be calculated and is not worth it no matter what." Huang Yong explained that, driven by desire, he no longer considers punishment for party discipline and national law, and his behavior has become increasingly arrogant.

Things will rot first and then insects will grow. In this way, Huang Yong abandoned the principle of party spirit, lost his reverence, and became a slave to money.

4 Become a tool and provide "care" without principle"

"Since you are a friend, you don't want to hurt me." This is 20 years ago when a friend gave Huang Yong a red envelope, he refused.

However, once a person has greed, they will lose their original perseverance. After sinking, Huang Yong became the target of a few unscrupulous merchants who were besieged and hunted. They endowed public power with "price" and formed a mutually tacit abnormal trading relationship with Huang Yong.

In April 2021, Huang Yong approached the person in charge of a construction company, Li, and asked for his help in repaying a credit card debt of 67000 yuan. Later, Li voluntarily proposed to waive the debt, claiming it as pocket money given to Huang Yong. In May of the same year, he once again demanded money from Li on the grounds of repaying debts. Li considered that Huang Yong was the leader in charge of the project, so he gave away 200000 yuan in one go.

There is no free lunch in the world, nor is there a loan that does not seek repayment. As a "consideration", Huang Yong took advantage of his position as the Deputy General Manager of Changshou Ecological Tourism Company to seek profits for unscrupulous businessmen in related engineering project changes, completion acceptance, and fund disbursement.

According to the investigators, Huang Yong was requested by the management service object to subtract the exterior decoration part of a certain bridge engineering project, and agreed to reduce the original design requirements such as "beautiful appearance, antique elegance, and distinctive features" without authorization, in order to help the project owner earn more profits from it. This kind of business is naturally cost-effective for engineering bosses, but the ecological environment of the projects involved in the project has been greatly affected. Not only that, in the selection of materials for the interior wall decoration coating of an underground garage in a certain building, according to the contract requirements, high-grade and high-quality materials should have been used, but due to Huang Yong's "subtraction", the engineering boss replaced them with "large white walls".

The reason why Huang Yong is so dedicated to "serving" is because he knows that if any boss reports or reports to the organization, all his problems will be exposed like a "domino". In order to prevent the engineering boss from feeling averse to him, he is more attentive and attentive to his work.

Using their power to give illegal merchants a green light and expand their financial resources seriously damages the business environment and hinders local development. Huang Yong has no bottom line principles and is willing to be used and corrupted by unscrupulous merchants. He generously supports the country and seeks his own interests.

After accepting the review and investigation, Huang Yong naturally understood what he had lost, but it was too late. He wrote in his confession that his annual salary income was also one to two hundred thousand yuan, and the organization had given him many honors. At this point, not only did he suffer heavy economic losses, but he also drew an unsightly symbol for himself who had worked for 32 years.

Huang Yong's Confession Record

My illegal and criminal behavior ultimately boils down to my lack of firm ideals and beliefs, lack of respect for discipline and law, deviation and wavering in my thoughts, giving up learning and ideological transformation, doubting my political beliefs that I have always adhered to, losing direction towards my life goals, distorting my outlook on life and values, leading to spiritual emptiness and being gradually encroached upon by some negative thoughts and behaviors. However, I have been unable to correct and eliminate them, and have become increasingly trapped, ultimately unable to extricate myself, and have embarked on the path of illegal and criminal behavior.

Deviating from the original intention and deviating from values. On the day I started working, listening to my mother's warning, I immediately wrote down "don't take what shouldn't be taken, don't take what shouldn't be taken, be kind, and work hard" as my motto. Once, I gave a speech on behalf of the new party members in the county at the meeting, solemnly committing to the party organization: loyalty to the party, hard work, courage to shoulder heavy responsibilities, and integrity. I will also use this sentence as my new motto. However, in practical work, I am not determined and do not seek reasons from myself when encountering problems. I am not proactive in communicating and, even though it is a problem with my own work methods, exaggerate and amplify objective factors, ultimately leading to a deviation in my values.

Mental emptiness, contaminated with bad habits. My thoughts are like my study. Although the study is getting bigger and bigger, there are fewer and fewer books. Later on, my study was basically empty and I stopped reading; Not cleaning the study, so the dust and spider webs in the study are also increasing. My thoughts are the same. If my thoughts become dusty and my mind becomes empty, I will naturally be exploited by bad thoughts and develop bad habits. The online world has become my main way of killing boredom. Being praised by others and lacking respect in real life can be found in virtual networks. As debt rises, I repeatedly reach out to friends to borrow money, even at high interest rates.

Having a lucky heart, breaking discipline and breaking the law against the wind. After several leading cadres around me were investigated and dealt with by the organization, I was able to realize soberly that they had not calculated their accounts properly. Therefore, I warned myself to do so, knowing that this is an account that should be calculated no matter what. But with the promotion of positions and the increase of power, my party spirit and legal awareness have not been enhanced. Instead, I have become more corrupt and yearn for money. Under the high-pressure anti-corruption situation, I do not stop or restrain myself. At the beginning of accepting bribes, I realized that there would be today's results, but every time I thought that as long as I did my job well, the organization would not come to investigate me for no reason, and luckily thought that the organization would not discover it, but the fact is the fact that paper cannot contain fire.

In addition to confessing my own actions, I also advise party members and cadres who know me and do not know me not to have a mentality of luck. In front of the organization, I must not wear an invisibility cloak, and if I make mistakes, I must confess to the organization in a timely manner. Be sure to take me as a lesson and a warning, always calculate the political, family, and economic accounts well, and never regret for life due to momentary greed.

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