New Delhi Declaration Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:45 AM

On July 4, 2023, leaders of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held a meeting of the Council of Heads of State via video and issued the following declaration:

The world is undergoing unprecedented transformation and transformation, entering a new era of technological development, and it is necessary to enhance the effectiveness of the global system. The trend of multipolarity in the world is strengthening, interdependence among countries is deepening, and the process of digitization is accelerating. At the same time, various challenges and threats are more complex, dangerous, and destructive, with existing conflicts intensifying and new ones emerging one after another.

The global technological and digital divide is widening, the financial market continues to be turbulent, investment shrinks, the supply chain is unstable, protectionism is rising, and other international trade barriers are increasing. Global climate change and the COVID-19 epidemic have exacerbated the instability and uncertainty of the world economy, posing new challenges to economic growth, social welfare, food and energy security, and the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Therefore, new comprehensive measures need to be taken to promote more just and effective international cooperation.

Member countries have similar or identical positions on current international and regional issues, reaffirming their commitment to recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equality, common ground, indivisibility, comprehensiveness, cooperation, sustainable security, cultural and cultural diversity as the basis, and leveraging the central coordinating role of the United Nations to build a more representative, just and democratic multipolar world order through equal and mutually beneficial cooperation among countries.

The member states reiterate that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) does not target other countries and international organizations, and will engage in extensive cooperation with other countries and international organizations based on mutual interests and a common position in solving regional and global issues, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and the SCO Charter, as well as international legal norms.

Based on the principles of the SCO Charter, member states oppose the solution of international and regional issues through groupization, ideologization, and confrontational thinking, and adhere to the coordinated response to traditional and non-traditional security threats and challenges. Taking into account the opinions of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, all parties reaffirm the important practical significance of jointly promoting the construction of a new type of international relations with mutual respect, fairness and justice, cooperation and win-win, and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Member states advocate respecting the right of people of all countries to choose their own political, economic, and social development paths, emphasizing that the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, equality and mutual benefit, non-interference in internal affairs, and non use or threat of use of force are the foundation for the sustainable development of international relations. All parties reiterated that differences and disputes between countries should be resolved peacefully through dialogue and consultation.

Member countries are willing to further strengthen policy communication, security cooperation, smooth trade, financial integration, and people to people communication, jointly build a peaceful, secure, prosperous, and clean world, and achieve harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

Member countries believe that it is important for the international community to take joint measures to cooperate in combating terrorism, separatism, and extremism, and attach great importance to resisting the spread of religious intolerance, violent nationalism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, fascism, and chauvinism.

Member states reaffirm their commitment to peace, common development, and equal relations based on the principles of mutual respect and good neighborly friendship. They will continue to engage in constructive dialogue of mutual trust, deepen efficient and multi-disciplinary cooperation, and make every effort to ensure the security, stability, and sustainable development of the SCO region.

Member countries believe that Central Asia is the "core area" of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and support the efforts of regional countries to ensure peace and prosperity, achieve sustainable development, and establish a space of good neighborly friendship and mutual trust.

Member states reaffirm their determination to combat terrorism, separatism, and extremism, continue to take active measures to eradicate the soil that breeds terrorism, cut off channels for terrorist financing, combat the recruitment and cross-border movement of terrorist personnel, curb extremism, youth radicalization, and the spread of terrorist ideas, and eradicate hidden terrorists and their hideouts.

Member states point out that it is not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of combating terrorism and extremism, and firmly oppose the use of terrorist, extremist, and radical organizations for personal gain.

Member countries believe that it is crucial for the international community to work together to prevent attempts to recruit young people to participate in terrorist, separatist, and extremist activities.

The member states have noted the effective work of the anti-terrorism agencies in the SCO region in promoting cooperation among the competent departments of member states in combating terrorism, separatism, and extremism, as well as in implementing the cooperation plan in the aforementioned areas from 2022 to 2024. They emphasize the importance of adopting common measures to enhance the potential for practical cooperation in these areas.

Member states will strive to establish a unified list of terrorist, separatist, and extremist organizations that are prohibited from activities within their borders on the basis of consensus, in accordance with their own laws, to form common principles and positions.

Member states emphasize that the United Nations plays a crucial role in addressing the threat of information space, advocating for the construction of a secure, just, and open information space based on respect for sovereignty and non-interference in the domestic affairs of others.

Member States believe that it is very important to ensure that all countries enjoy equal rights in managing the Internet and have network sovereignty.

Member countries firmly oppose the militarization of information and communication technology, support the development of universal rules, principles, and norms for responsible national behavior in this field, and welcome the launch of a comprehensive international convention under the leadership of the United Nations to combat the use of information and communication technology for criminal purposes. All parties will continue to cooperate within the framework of relevant negotiation mechanisms at the United Nations and other international platforms.

Member States express concern about the growing production, trafficking, and abuse of drugs, as well as the serious threat posed by the use of funds derived from illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs to finance terrorism. All parties emphasized the importance of forming a common and balanced position on combating illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs and their precursors, and pointed out the importance of implementing international conventions and other relevant legal documents in the field of drug control.

Member states point out that the illegal trafficking and abuse of narcotic drugs for non-medical purposes pose a serious threat to international and regional security and stability, sustainable national economic development, people's health and well-being, and the exercise of basic human rights and freedoms. All parties emphasized the importance of working together to combat illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs and conducting extensive cooperation in this field. They will continue to implement the "2018 to 2023 SCO Member States Anti Drug Strategy" and its implementation action plan.

Member states are willing to continue regular joint drug control actions and support active drug control cooperation with other relevant countries, regions, and international organizations.

As a member state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) that is a party to the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, it advocates adhering to the provisions of the treaty, comprehensively and balanced promoting the implementation of the treaty's various purposes and principles, consolidating the global nuclear non-proliferation system, advancing the process of nuclear disarmament, and promoting equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Member states reiterate that unilateral and unrestricted strengthening of the global anti missile system by individual countries or groups of countries will endanger international security and stability. Member countries believe that seeking their own security at the cost of sacrificing the security of other countries is unacceptable.

Member countries support addressing global and regional security threats and challenges through political and diplomatic means on a multilateral basis, strengthen coordination and cooperation, actively promote multilateral arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation processes, including efforts within the framework of the Geneva Conference on Disarmament.

Member countries support the prevention of the weaponization of outer space and believe that strict adherence to the current legal system for the peaceful use of outer space is crucial. Emphasize the need to sign international instruments with mandatory legal effect, enhance transparency, and provide strong guarantees for preventing an arms race in outer space and deploying weapons in outer space first.

Member states particularly point out the significant importance of the Biological Weapons Convention as one of the important pillars of the global security system, and emphasize the need to abide by the Convention and adopt protocols containing effective verification mechanisms. All parties oppose the establishment of any mechanism that duplicates the functions of the convention, including those related to the functions of the United Nations Security Council.

Member States call on all parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention to fully implement the Convention and make it an effective legal instrument in the fields of disarmament and non-proliferation. All parties emphasize the importance of destroying all declared inventory of chemical weapons as soon as possible, reiterating their support for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, bridging internal disagreements through consultative decision-making, ensuring the integrity of the organization, and effectively carrying out its work in accordance with the Convention.

Member states believe that the Protocol to the Central Asian Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty, which will enter into force as soon as possible for all parties, will make an important contribution to maintaining regional security and consolidating the global nuclear non-proliferation system.

Member states believe that continuing to implement the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue is crucial, and in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2231, they call on all parties to strictly fulfill their obligations and ensure the complete and effective implementation of the agreement.

Member countries believe that resolving the Afghanistan issue as soon as possible is one of the most important factors in maintaining and consolidating security and stability in the SCO region. All parties support Afghanistan to become an independent, neutral, unified, democratic, and peaceful country, eliminating terrorism, war, and drugs.

Member countries believe that it is crucial to establish an inclusive government in Afghanistan, with representatives of all ethnic, religious, and political forces in Afghan society.

Member countries emphasize the importance of the friendly treatment and practical assistance provided to Afghan refugees by countries in the region and neighboring Afghanistan over the years, and believe that the efforts made by the international community to assist refugees in returning to their homeland in a dignified, safe, and sustainable manner are crucial.

Considering the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, member countries support the continued adoption of effective measures to provide assistance to the Afghan people.

Member countries call for improving the efficiency of the World Trade Organization as a key platform for discussing major international trade issues and formulating multilateral trade rules, emphasizing the need for inclusive reform of the World Trade Organization as soon as possible, promoting its own development to adapt to the current economic situation, and effectively fulfilling its functions of supervision, negotiation, and dispute resolution.

Member countries reaffirm the importance of continuing to improve the global economic governance system, and will continue to uphold and consolidate an open, transparent, just, inclusive, and non discriminatory multilateral trading system based on the principles and rules of the World Trade Organization, promote the development of an open world economy, ensure fair market access, oppose unilateral protectionist actions that undermine the multilateral trading system, threaten the world economy, and trade restrictions that violate World Trade Organization principles. Member states emphasize that the implementation of unilateral economic sanctions that have not been recognized by the United Nations Security Council has adverse effects on other countries and international economic relations.

The Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan reaffirmed their support for the "the Belt and Road" initiative proposed by the People's Republic of China, and affirmed the efforts of all parties to jointly implement the "the Belt and Road" initiative, including the efforts to promote the docking of the "the Belt and Road" construction with the construction of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Member countries support the implementation of the roadmap for expanding their domestic currency settlement shares.

Member states will expand and deepen cooperation, promote sustainable economic and social development in the SCO region, enhance people's well-being, and improve their living standards.

Member countries believe that implementing the SCO Economic Development Strategy to 2030 and other joint plans and projects, promoting digital economy and technological innovation, constructing and renovating existing international road and railway transportation lines, creating multimodal transportation corridors and logistics centers, deepening cooperation in finance and investment, maintaining energy and food security, stable and diversified supply chain security, and strengthening cooperation in priority directions such as industrial and local exchanges, is of great significance.

Member countries will continue to strengthen cooperation in areas such as technology, education, culture, health, epidemic prevention, emergency response, tourism, sports, and cultural exchanges through women, youth, civil diplomacy institutions, cultural centers, and mass media.

Member states pointed out the importance of cooperation in areas such as environmental protection, ecological security, climate change response, development of special nature reserves, and ecotourism, and agreed to declare 2024 as the "SCO Ecological Year".

The member states emphasize the historic significance of the Islamic Republic of Iran joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a full member state. All parties believe that signing a memorandum on the obligations of the Republic of Belarus to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is of great significance.

The member states highly evaluate the achievements made by the Republic of India during its rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization from 2022 to 2023, believing that these achievements will further strengthen the organization and promote all-round mutually beneficial cooperation among member states.

The next rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will be held by the Republic of Kazakhstan. The next meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO member states will be held in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2024.

Prime Minister Modi of the Republic of India

Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

the People's Republic of China President Xi Jinping

President of the Kyrgyz Republic Zapalov

Islamic Republic of Pakistan Prime Minister Shabaz

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

Rahmon, President of the Republic of Tajikistan

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev

July 4, 2023

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Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee: The focus of Henan's "summer harvest" has shifted to agricultural machinery in the northern region of Henan Province. | Support | Science | Organization | Province | Northern Henan | Summer Harvest | Rush Harvest
Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee: The focus of Henan's "summer harvest" has shifted to agricultural machinery in the northern region of Henan Province. | Support | Science | Organization | Province | Northern Henan | Summer Harvest | Rush Harvest

Currently, the highly anticipated summer harvest work in Henan has shifted its focus to the northern region of Henan. According to the Henan Daily client, on June 4th, Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee, presided over a special video scheduling meeting on the "Three Summers" work in the province, listened to the situation report, analyzed and judged the situation, and arranged and deployed the next steps of work. Governor Wang Kai made specific arrangements. On the evening of May 31, 2023, in Xiafutou Village, Xuliang Town, Boai County, Jiaozuo, Henan Province, villagers braved light rain in the wheat fields to harvest wheat. Visual China Map Lou Yangsheng pointed out that the current summer harvest battle in the province has entered the decisive stage. Doing a good job in summer harvest in northern Henan Province is related to the summer grain yield and seed safety. We should focus on seizing opportunities and make every effort to organize the wheat harvesting work in the northern Henan region, minimize losses, and protect the interests of farmers to the greatest extent possible. Accurate forecasting is essential

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On June 4th, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming, and Zhang Lu all safely and smoothly exited the spacecraft, and the Shenzhou-15 manned flight mission was a complete success. What innovative technologies are there to safeguard the return journey of Shenzhou 15 in this mission? On June 4th, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Lian Zhen photographed that "the sky and the ground" ensure the high-precision return of spacecraft. For the Shenzhou series spacecraft, the return and re-entry GNC technology is directly related to the life safety of astronauts. Taking the success of this return mission as a symbol, China has comprehensively upgraded its GNC system since the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft, which features autonomous rapid rendezvous and docking, autonomous adaptive prediction and re-entry return guidance, and has completed a comprehensive update and replacement

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At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale

On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【