Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:32 PM

On June 15th, according to Hainan Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China recently approved Comrade Shen Danyang as the Deputy Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee.

This is the new Deputy Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, who has been vacant for 8 months. According to public reports, Xu Qifang, the former full-time deputy secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, took office in Beijing in October last year and was appointed as the deputy minister of the Central Organization Department. Later, he also served as the director of the National Civil Service Bureau.

Shen Danyang

Judging from the current situation in various provinces, except for the "one principal and multiple deputy" in the two autonomous regions of Xinjiang and Tibet, the party committees of other provinces have implemented a "one principal and two deputy" secretary configuration pattern, that is, one provincial party committee secretary and two provincial party committees. Deputy Secretary. Among the two deputy secretaries of the provincial party committee, one serves as the chief executive of the provincial government at the same time, and the other is a full-time deputy secretary. The full-time deputy secretary is the highest deputy in a provincial position and is often referred to as the "first deputy".

The configuration pattern of "one chief and two deputy" secretaries can be traced back to 2004. In September 2004, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that in order to build leadership teams at all levels into strong leadership collectives, it is necessary to "reduce the number of deputy secretaries of local party committees, implement division of labor and responsibility among standing committee members, and fully play the role of collective leadership.".

In order to implement the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to reduce deputy officials, most local party committees in China established a leadership structure of "one leader and two deputy officials" during the centralized election of party committees at all levels starting in 2006.

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

In December 2015, the central government issued the newly revised Regulations on the Work of Local Committees of the CPC, which officially defined the leadership structure model of local party committees as "one original and two deputy": Article 8 pointed out that the local party committees have one secretary and two deputy secretaries. If the number of deputy secretaries needs to be appropriately increased in individual ethnic autonomous areas, it shall be decided by the central party committee or approved by the provincial party committee according to the spirit of the central committee.

The new regulations also clarify the responsibilities of the full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee: Article 11 states that the deputy secretary of the Party Committee who serves as the main official of the government shall preside over the comprehensive work of the government and organize the activities of the government's Party group. The deputy secretary of the party committee who does not hold government positions mainly assists the secretary in carrying out party building work, and can also coordinate and be responsible for other aspects of work as needed.

Who are the current full-time deputy secretaries of the provincial party committee?

According to the statistics of Bai Lu Zhou Zhizheng, currently among the 31 provinces, 13 provinces including Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, and Ningxia are temporarily vacant due to a series of personnel adjustments. The remaining 18 provinces are equipped with full-time deputy secretaries of provincial party committees.

The other 16 provinces outside Xinjiang and Xizang have an organizational structure of "one leader and two deputies".

The 20 full-time deputy secretaries of provincial party committees in 18 provinces are as follows:

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Beijing: Liu Wei

Shanxi Province: Shang Liguang

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Yang Weidong

Heilongjiang Province: Wang Zhijun

Jiangsu Province: Deng Xiuming

Anhui Province: Cheng Lihua

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Fujian Province: Luodongchuan

Jiangxi Province: Wu Zhongqiong

Shandong Province: Lu Zhiyuan

Henan Province: Zhou Ji

Hubei Province: Zhuge Yujie

Guangdong Province: Meng Fanli

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Hainan Province: Shen Danyang

Chongqing City: Li Mingqing

Guizhou Province: Shi Guanghui

Yunnan Province: Shi Yugang

Xizang Autonomous Region: Solemn, Chen Yongqi

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: Zhang Chunlin, He Zhongyou

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Liu Wei

Among the 20 individuals mentioned above, Liu Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Zhuge Yujie, Deputy Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, and Meng Fanli, Deputy Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, were already the "first deputy" before being transferred to their current positions: Liu Wei was previously the Deputy Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee; Zhuge Yujie was previously the Deputy Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee; Meng Fanli was previously the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Wang Zhijun, Deputy Secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, and Cheng Lihua, Deputy Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, were full-time deputy secretaries parachuted from national ministries and commissions. Wang Zhijun was a former member and deputy minister of the Party Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Cheng Lihua was a former deputy minister and party member of the Ministry of Finance.

Wang Zhijun

It is worth mentioning that Wang Zhijun was once a member of the Central Propaganda Corps. Wang Zhijun was born in September 1965 in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. Before being transferred to a local government, he had long served in central and national ministries. He had worked in the National Development and Reform Commission, the Central Finance Office, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In 2019, he served as a member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

At the end of 2020, Wang Zhijun, then Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology, went to Ningxia as a member of the Central Propaganda Team to give a lecture on learning and implementing the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. According to CCTV, the Central Propaganda Team has high standards and authority, with all members being provincial and ministerial level leaders, as well as six members of the Political Bureau.

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Most of the other full-time deputy secretaries previously served as provincial party committee standing committee members and also held important positions in the provincial party committee and government: Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Political and Legal Affairs Committee, Minister of the Organization Department, Minister of the Propaganda Department, Secretary of the Provincial District Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Minister of the Provincial Government, and so on.

At present, among the 20 full-time deputy secretaries of provincial party committees, 5 are members of the Central Committee. They are: Liu Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Wang Zhijun, Deputy Secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, Cheng Lihua, Deputy Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, Lu Zhiyuan, Deputy Secretary of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee, Meng Fanli, Deputy Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee; Another 9 people are central alternate members.

Provincial Party Committee full-time deputy secretaries who specialize in multiple roles

It is worth noting that in the actual operation process, the full-time deputy secretaries of provincial party committees are not "specialized", and most of them have multiple identities and hold various important positions.

Bai Luzhou Zhizheng noticed that among the 20 full-time deputy secretaries of provincial party committees in 18 provinces, 16 of them also hold other positions, including the following eight categories: principal of provincial party schools, secretary of provincial political consultative conference party groups, secretary of provincial party committees political and legal committees, secretary of provincial important city party committees, secretary of provincial party committees education work committees, and executive vice chairmen of provincial governments.

Among them, there are also several who belong to the category of "one specialist, multiple part-time", that is, they concurrently hold two or more positions among the above-mentioned positions.

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Let's take a look at the three most common part-time jobs together.

Li Mingqing

There are six vice secretaries of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Liu Wei, who also serve as the principal of the provincial-level Party School; Wang Zhijun, Deputy Secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee; Cheng Lihua, Deputy Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee; Li Mingqing, Deputy Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee; Shi Yugang, Deputy Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee; The Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Xizang Autonomous Region is solemn.

The newly revised Regulations on the Work of Local Committees of the CPC clarifies the duty of the full-time deputy secretary of the party committee to "grasp the work of party building", and the duty of concurrently serving as the president of the party school of the provincial party committee can be described as "professional counterpart" to the duties to be performed by the full-time deputy secretaries.


Among the above six, solemnly and concurrently served as the Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Xizang Autonomous Region CPPCC. The Chairman of the Xizang Autonomous Region CPPCC is Pabala Grelanger, who is also the Vice Chairman of the National CPPCC and the only deputy state leader among the 31 provincial CPPCC chairmen.

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Zhang Chunlin

Wang Zhijun also served as Secretary of the Education Working Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee. In addition to Wang Zhijun, Zhang Chunlin, deputy secretary of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee, also serves as secretary of the Autonomous Region Education Working Committee.

Yang Weidong

There are three secretaries of the Provincial Party Committee Political and Legal Affairs Committee: Yang Weidong, Deputy Secretary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee; Zhou Ji, Deputy Secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee; Shi Guanghui, Deputy Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee.

Lu Zhiyuan

There are also four people who concurrently serve as the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of important provincial cities: Lu Zhiyuan, Deputy Secretary of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, also serves as the Secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee; Meng Fanli, Deputy Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, also serves as Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee; He Zhongyou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, concurrently serves as Secretary of the Urumqi Municipal Party Committee; Wu Zhongqiong, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, also serves as Secretary of the Ganzhou Municipal Party Committee.

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Meng Fanli

It can be noted that Dalian, Qingdao, and Shenzhen are all planned cities, Urumqi is the capital city, and Ganzhou is a famous revolutionary old area in China, which is the main body and core area of the former Central Soviet Area. The previous three city party secretaries of Ganzhou were all highly appointed and were concurrently held by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee or the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. In addition, Wu Zhongqiong also serves as the first vice president of China Jinggangshan Cadre College.

China Jinggangshan Cadre College is a central directly affiliated public institution approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council with full funding from the national finance. It is directly managed by the Central Organization Department and assisted by the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, and implements a leadership system of the Academic Affairs Committee. The dean of the college is concurrently held by Chen Xi, the president of the Central Party School.

Luo Dongchuan

At the beginning of this year, Deng Xiuming, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and Luo Dongchuan, Deputy Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, stepped down from their previous positions as Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee's Political and Legal Affairs Committee. In addition to Deng Xiuming and Luo Dongchuan, currently Deputy Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee Shang Liguang and Deputy Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee Zhuge Yujie are also full-time Deputy Secretaries of the Provincial Party Committee.

Chen Yongqi

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Chen Yongqi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Xizang Autonomous Region, has a special part-time job. He also serves as the executive vice chairman of the autonomous region.

Due to his recent appointment as the Deputy Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, Shen Danyang has not yet stepped down from his previous position as Executive Vice Governor of the Hainan Provincial Government.

The youngest full-time deputy secretary of the provincial party committee

Most of the 20 full-time deputy secretaries of provincial party committees are from the "65th generation", including 12 people, and 6 are from the "60th generation". Zhuge Yujie, deputy secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, and Shi Guanghui, deputy secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, are the only two "70s generation". The youngest one is Zhuge Yujie, born in May 1971. He was the first provincial-level deputy secretary of a party committee born in the 1970s in China.

Zhuge Yujie

By reviewing the resumes of Zhuge Yujie and Shi Guanghui, it is not difficult to find that there are many similarities in their career paths. They are all senior engineers and have worked in enterprises for a long time before entering politics, with experience in both government and enterprise work.

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Zhuge Yujie is from Shanghai and has worked for 18 years at Shanghai Port Engineering Company, Yangshan Tongsheng Port Construction Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tongsheng Investment Co., Ltd., and Shanghai International Port Group; Shi Guanghui was born in January 1970. He is from Fuyang, Anhui. He has been working at Shanghai Municipal Second Company and Shanghai Municipal Engineering Construction Development Co., Ltd. for 11 years since 1991.

Shi Guanghui

In addition, they all worked in Shanghai for a long time before being transferred to other provinces and had previously served as the "top leaders" of the party and government in the jurisdiction of Shanghai. Zhuge Yujie worked in Shanghai for 30 years. In 2013, he was transferred from the Deputy Secretary and President of the Party Committee of Shanghai International Port Group to the Deputy Secretary and District Mayor of Yangpu District, and later served as the District Secretary. When serving as the Secretary of the Yangpu District Committee, Zhuge Yujie was the youngest district and county "leader" in Shanghai at that time. Shi Guanghui studied and worked in Shanghai for 31 years, serving as the Secretary of the Fengxian District Committee and District Mayor.

In addition, they are all alternate members of the 20th Central Committee. There are also some differences. Zhuge Yujie was transferred from the position of Deputy Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee to the position of Deputy Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, while Shi Guanghui was transferred to the position of Standing Committee Member and Political and Legal Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee during his tenure as Deputy Mayor of Shanghai in 2018. He was first listed as a Standing Committee Member of the Provincial Party Committee and later promoted to Deputy Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee in 2022.

Two women share a common characteristic

Cheng Lihua

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Cheng Lihua, Deputy Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, and Wu Zhongqiong, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, are rare female cadres among the current full-time deputy secretaries of the Provincial Party Committee.

They have all had work experience in State Council departments. The difference is that Cheng Lihua worked at the local level in his early years, then transferred to the Ministry of Finance, and then transferred to the local level from the Ministry of Finance. Before Wu Zhongqiong was transferred to the local government, she worked for a long time in central enterprises and national bureaus.

Cheng Lihua is from Gushi, Henan. She was born in April 1965 and has been working in the financial field for a long time since graduating from the Industrial Accounting major in the Accounting Department of Liaoning University of Finance and Economics in 1984. In 2013, she was promoted to the position of Deputy Governor of Qinghai Province as Director of the Finance Department and Party Secretary. In 2017, she was transferred to the position of Standing Committee Member and Secretary of the Education Working Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee. In 2018, he entered Beijing and was transferred to the position of Deputy Minister of Finance. After working at the Ministry of Finance for 3 years, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee in 2021. Cheng Lihua was an alternate member of the 19th Central Committee and a member of the 20th Central Committee.

Wu Zhongqiong

Wu Zhongqiong was born in September 1964 in Wuhan, Hubei. She comes from the aviation industry and is a senior engineer. After graduating with a master's degree in Aerospace Systems Engineering and Management Engineering from Beihang University in 1988, he worked for a long time at China International Engineering Consulting Corporation, the former National Defense Science and Technology Industry Commission, and the National Defense Science and Technology Industry Bureau. In 2010, he was transferred as the Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Liaoning Province while serving as the Chief Engineer of the State Administration of Science and Technology for National Defense. Later, Lu continued to serve as the Director of the Department of Science and Technology, the Mayor of Anshan City, and the Director of the Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission. In 2018, he was promoted to the position of Deputy Governor of Jiangxi Province across provinces, and later joined the Standing Committee and concurrently served as the Secretary of the Ganzhou Municipal Party Committee. In 2021, he was promoted to the position of Deputy Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and continued to serve as the Secretary of.

The cradle of ministerial level leadership positions

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

As the "first deputy", the full-time deputy secretary of the provincial party committee is often regarded as the "cradle" of provincial and ministerial level leading cadres.

In addition to being transferred to other provinces as full-time deputy secretaries and deputy positions in central departments, the destinations of full-time deputy secretaries of the provincial party committee generally include promotion to provincial governor, provincial party secretary, chairman of the provincial political consultative conference, and official positions in central departments.

Looking at the resumes of several full-time deputy secretaries of provincial party committees before, the path to promotion is clearly visible.

Hu Yuting, former deputy secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and former secretary of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee, and Liu Xiaoming, former deputy secretary of the Guangxi Autonomous Region Party Committee, were respectively elected as governors of Jilin and Hainan provinces last month.

At the provincial two sessions in January this year, Li Rongcan, former deputy secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, and Zhu Guoxian, former deputy secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, were respectively promoted across provinces to the positions of Chairman of the Hainan and Jilin Provincial Political Consultative Conference. Chen Yong, former deputy secretary of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee, and Lian Yimin, former deputy secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, were promoted to the positions of Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and entered the main ranks.

Move forward a bit further. After the 20th National Congress, Jin Xiangjun, former deputy secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, was promoted to the position of governor of Shanxi Province across provinces. Zhao Gang, former deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and former secretary of the Yan'an Municipal Party Committee, was promoted to the position of Governor of Shaanxi Province.

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

Before the 20th National Congress, in June 2022, Luo Wen, former Deputy Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and former Executive Vice Governor of the Provincial Government, was transferred to the position of Director and Party Secretary of the State Administration for Market Regulation. The following month, Qian Bai, former deputy secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, was transferred to the position of deputy secretary-general of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, and was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection at the 20th National Congress. Recently, he was promoted to the position of secretary-general of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission and entered the main department.

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