【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:12 AM

"Is Wei Yi coming to Taiwan?" On July 15th, the plane had just landed at Taipei Taoyuan Airport, and Zhou Weiyi from the School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Fudan University received a message from Lai Yuyi from Taiwan University. After receiving a positive answer, the Taiwanese student quickly replied, "Warm welcome! I didn't expect to meet again so soon!"

From July 15th to July 23rd, at the invitation of the Ma Ying jeou Cultural and Educational Foundation, 37 teachers and students from 5 universities in mainland China visited and exchanged ideas in Taiwan, including 7 teachers and students from Fudan University. For 9 days and 8 nights, Fudan teachers and students visited Taiwan Chengchi University, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan University, and Donghua University to discuss and exchange ideas with Taiwanese teachers and students. They also went to Hsinchu, Taipei, Hualien and other places to visit, and together they went on a youth date with a heart to heart connection.

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

"May young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait have more exchanges and exchanges, enhance understanding, deepen friendship, and bring their hearts closer and emotions stronger," said Fudan teachers and students who participated in this trip.

It's like meeting an old friend after a long separation

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

Zhou Weiyi and Lai Yuyi became good friends because of the Guanghua Tower appointment on April 6th this year. That day, Mr. Ma Ying jeou led more than 30 Taiwanese university students to visit and exchange ideas at Fudan University.

However, when classmates from both sides of the Taiwan Strait sit together and their conversations open, this concern becomes unnecessary.

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

As soon as Lai Yuyi sat down, he couldn't wait to share with Zhou Weiyi what he saw, heard, and tasted during his trip to the mainland. "I also told her about the attractions and delicious food in Shanghai, hoping she would have the opportunity to check in." Zhou Weiyi had a feeling that the classmates on both sides were not new acquaintances for the first time, but rather old friends who had reunited after a long separation. They naturally added WeChat.

At the scene, Zhuang Yezhao, a student from the Department of Materials Science at Fudan University, also recognized a fellow villager who was from Jiangsu. He Jialin, a law student from National Taiwan University, also had ancestral roots in Jiangsu. As a result, the distance between them quickly narrowed. "Jialin said that the development of the mainland is faster than expected, especially in the high-tech field." Zhuang Yezhao told him that the mainland has Huawei, Hisilicon, and ZTE, and Taiwan has TSMC. Both sides can work together to strive for success.

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

Looking at the "self-familiarity" between students on both sides of the strait, Ma Ying-jeou was very moved. "It is so natural for young friends to communicate and integrate, which shows that young people on both sides of the strait just lack opportunities to contact." He extended an invitation to Fudan teachers and students to visit Taiwan on the spot, "I will personally accompany you to all parts of Taiwan to experience the local conditions and customs of Taiwan. OK?"

Students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait said "good" in unison and applauded warmly.

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

Accompanying Taiwan's United Daily News reporter Lai Jinhong noticed a detail: after finishing his Fudan trip, while sitting on the return bus, Taiwanese classmates' phones began to ring non-stop. "The classmates from both places had a very happy and in-depth conversation." Seeing such a lively scene, more than one person experienced it sighed, "This is called 'one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait'."

Experience the Chinese soul of Taiwanese culture

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

To the surprise of Fudan teachers and students, they will be able to go to Taiwan for exchange in just three months, where they can experience the Chinese soul of Taiwanese culture in person.

This is Zhuang Yezhao's first time going to Baodao, but he walks on the streets of Taipei without feeling confused at all. The four main roads in the urban area are named after loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, faithfulness, and peace. The names of other roads are mostly set according to the direction of the Chinese map - the northeast area is mostly the place names of Northeast China, such as Jinzhou Street, Siping Street, Liaoning Street, etc. The southeast area is mostly the place names of coastal areas, such as Wenzhou Street, Xiamen Street, Lishui Street, etc., and there is also Taipei Xuhui Middle School, which has the same origin as Shanghai Xuhui Middle School.

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

A strong Chinese style accompanied mainland Chinese teachers and students on their trip to Taiwan. When we entered the Forbidden City of Taipei, we visited the four part exhibition of porcelain, jade, calligraphy and painting, and bronze, and saw the Dongpo flesh stone and Mao Gongding that we had long admired. "The national treasure is so vividly displayed in front of you, evoking our cultural memories of the same origin and origin," Zhou Weiyi sighed. "For a moment, it felt like traveling to the Forbidden City in Beijing."; Upon arriving at the Chinese Culture University, the main roads on campus are named after "Dayi, Daci, Da'en, and Daya". In the museum, you can see pottery and clay jars dating back four to five thousand years. The name Huagang, where the university is located, is derived from the meaning of "Beautiful China, Fengming Gaogang".

To the surprise of Fudan teachers and students, they also met Taiwanese Fudan high school graduate Zhan Yuxiang in Taipei. "We exchanged 'secret codes' on site," Zhou Weiyi recalled. "When everyone asked him what Fudan's school motto was and how to sing the first line of the school song, he answered them all." Zhan Yuxiang told mainland alumni that there is also Xianghui Hall in Fudan High School in Taiwan, which also uses the school motto of' knowledgeable and determined, eager to ask and close to think '. ". Finally, Fudan people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait sang the Fudan school anthem together.

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

On the afternoon of July 22nd, students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait made an appointment to visit Pingxi Old Street in New Taipei. Setting up sky lanterns is the most famous traditional cultural activity in the local area. Students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait wrote on the lanterns, "Tide is flat and both sides are wide" and "One family on both sides", and together they set them up in the sky.

Sincere and beautiful two-way journey

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

"I have seen you on TV news, you are our guests, welcome to Taiwan." Many Taiwanese passersby would come over to greet Fudan students wearing school uniforms.

Upon hearing that mainland students were visiting, three students from Donghua University in Hualien rushed back from Taipei overnight and prepared over 70 local characteristic "rose stones" as souvenirs for everyone. During the exchange, students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait introduced their respective academic achievements, shared their university life, and chatted freely about their future plans. After the end, students from Donghua University took the initiative to take Fudan students to the local Dongmen Night Market, where they grilled sweet potatoes, pig blood intestines, papaya milk... Taiwanese students who served as tour guides "Anli" local cuisine and told mainland students, "The authentic way to eat is to pair grilled intestines with millet wine, which is both greasy and delicious.".

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

On the afternoon of July 17th, Zhuang Yezhao, along with Peking University student and Olympic table tennis champion Ding Ning, competed with two classmates from Taiwan Chengchi University. The organizer did not arrange for mainland Chinese players to compete against Taiwanese players, but instead each side was paired with one mainland student and one Taiwanese student. "Although we formed a temporary team with our Taiwanese classmates, we had a good understanding of our cooperation and also supported and took care of each other during the game." Zhuang Yezhao noticed that Ding Ning not only demonstrated his signature move of "squatting and chopping serve" on site, but also carefully guided the receiving and serving skills of the National Chengchi University players, winning praise from teachers and students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait on stage and off stage, which also became the focus of news for many Taiwanese media that day.

The scene at the Taiwan Professional Baseball League also left a deep impression on Fudan teachers and students: during the game break, the stadium played the song "Descendants of the Dragon", and students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait listened and began to sing together, reaching a climax in the atmosphere.

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

Zhuang Yezhao smiled and said that although he didn't have much shopping time, his luggage was getting heavier and heavier, filled with sweet potatoes, pineapple pastries, tea, cultural and creative products, and university souvenirs given by Taiwanese friends. Fudan teachers and students also gave Mr. Ma Ying jeou a school name shirt, and the team leader Shen Guolin wrote "The tide is flat and the two sides are wide". The students signed their names.

This is an honest and beautiful two-way journey. When we met this spring, students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait formed a friendship; A few months later, Taiwan will reunite, and this cross strait friendship can continue. On the last day of the exchange meeting, Zhuang Yezhao met He Jialin, and Zhou Weiyi also met Lai Yuyi. After a long separation and reunion, there were endless words to talk about. At the moment of parting, Zhuang Yezhao extended an invitation to his fellow villagers, saying, "Come to Jiangsu at your convenience, and I will definitely accompany you throughout the journey." Zhou Weiyi and Lai Yuyi also agreed to keep in touch, "hoping that our friendship will never be separated like on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.".

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth
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The millennium old traditional customs in Nanzhao are rejuvenated, with "golden leaves" flourishing, and the body of mugwort picking during the Dragon Boat Festival | modern | tradition

During the Dragon Boat Festival, there has been a custom of picking mugwort in Chinese folk culture since ancient times. The "Jingchu Suishi Ji" from the Northern and Southern Dynasties period records: "On the fifth day of the fifth month, picking mugwort as a person, hanging it on the door to ward off poisonous gas." To this day, many regions still retain the custom of picking mugwort on the Dragon Boat Festival. In Nanzhao County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, a large number of people go up the mountains to pick mugwort around the Dragon Boat Festival every year. The collected mugwort leaves are made into various mugwort products by local enterprises and sold nationwide. Recently, the Aicao Culture Festival was held in Nanzhao County, and reporters visited several local traditional Chinese medicine enterprises. Here, the traditional custom of picking mugwort during the Dragon Boat Festival is being given new vitality by the thriving modern traditional Chinese medicine industry in the local area. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of Artemisia argyi has been given new vitality by the modern traditional Chinese medicine industry. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of mugwort has a long history of use in China. At the Xiaokong Mountain Site in Nanzhao County, archaeology