It has three origins with the great spirit of party building. CPC | People | Shanghai, a glorious city

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:27 AM

At the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that a hundred years ago, the pioneers of the Communist Party of China founded the Communist Party of China, and formed the spirit of adhering to the truth, adhering to ideals, practicing the original aspiration, and assuming the mission, not afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle, The great party-building spirit of being loyal to the party and living up to the people is the spiritual source of the Chinese Communist Party.

As the birthplace of the CPC, Shanghai plays an important role in the history of the founding of the Party. Throughout the centennial history of the CPC in Shanghai, Shanghai is not only the birthplace of the great spirit of party building, but also nourishes the great spirit of party building with its culture, while constantly inheriting and carrying forward the great spirit of party building.

1. as the birthplace of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai has nurtured the great spirit of party building.

The great party-building spirit is the Chinese Communist Party looking back on a century of magnificent progress. From the perspective of the grand historical view, the summary of the spiritual form embodied in the party's founding process has both a high degree of implication and a sufficient practical basis. Mao Zedong called the birth of the Communist Party of China a "groundbreaking event" and said that the site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China was the "birth bed" of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping said when looking at the site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai that this is also the spiritual home of our Chinese Communists. The formation of this spiritual home is reflected in the historical process of the Party's creation in Shanghai.

Firstly, the Party was founded in Shanghai and established the guiding principles of Marxism, thus striving for "upholding truth and ideals". The sound of the October Revolution sent us Marxism Leninism. Since then, Marxism has begun to spread widely in China and has gradually been established as the guiding ideology of the CPC. In Shanghai, Marxism was spread early and deeply, laying the foundation for advanced intellectuals in China to further spread and learn Marxism. The main founder of the Party, Chen Duxiu, and the main founder Mao Zedong, accepted Marxism through repeated comparison and analysis of various modern ideological trends. Through Marxism, they observed the world situation and reflected on the fate of the country, laying the foundation for establishing Marxism as the guiding ideology of the Party, adhering to the truth of Marxism, and promoting the sinicization of Marxism. The convening of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China formally announced the establishment of the CPC, established Marxism as the guiding ideology, and clearly defined socialism and communism as their goals. Since then, the CPC has had a sharp ideological weapon to transform the objective world and the subjective world, and CPC people have their own political soul.

Secondly, the Party was founded in Shanghai, with the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its responsibility, and launched a great revolution of "practicing the original aspiration and fulfilling the mission".The First National Congress of the Communist Party of China established Marxism as the guiding ideology, and the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China adopted the Declaration of the Second National Congress of the CPC, which put forward the minimum program of the party during the democratic revolution. The founding of the CPC opened a new path to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in terms of its guiding ideology and revolutionary program. Mao Zedong declared in "Wishing Shanghai Liberation" that Shanghai was the main base of imperialist aggression against China, and the liberation of Shanghai "indicated that the Chinese people had established the foundation of national independence.". The fate of Shanghai is actually a microcosm of modern Chinese history. The liberation of Shanghai has special significance in the cause of Chinese people's liberation, and the century long struggle of the Party after its birth in Shanghai also has special significance in the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Thirdly, the Party was founded in Shanghai with a broad and profound social foundation, reflecting the spirit of "not afraid of sacrifice and brave struggle". Firstly, after the opening of Shanghai as a port, China and the West intersected and China and the West were mixed together. While the people of Shanghai were immersed in modern Western civilization, they also deeply experienced national contradictions and class oppression, thus generating a stronger spirit of struggle and developing more diverse ways of struggle. Secondly, Shanghai is the stronghold of the Chinese working class. The workers in Shanghai have low incomes and low economic status, and have been spontaneously fighting to improve their working and living conditions for a long time. Thirdly, the convening of the First and Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai also confirms the spirit of "fearless sacrifice and heroic struggle". Despite the "one city, three governance" policy in Shanghai at that time, which was conducive to revolutionary activities, both the Beiyang government and the concession authorities regarded communism as "radicalism" and the greatest threat to society. The establishment of the Party in Shanghai was itself a mission under the dangerous wall, and the spirit of "not afraid of sacrifice and brave struggle" runs through it.

Fourthly, the Party was established in Shanghai, discussing and formulating the Party's program and constitution, demonstrating the political character of "loyalty to the Party and not betraying the people.". The people's nature is the embodiment of the progressiveness nature of the proletariat. The "First Congress" resolution states that the CPC "only protects the interests of the proletariat". The Resolution on the Constitution of the Communist Party of China passed by the Second National Congress pointed out that the CPC is a "party fighting for the proletariat". Since its founding, the CPC has focused on building itself into a centralized and unified proletarian party politically, ideologically and organizationally. Only a party formed by a group of advanced elements who are loyal to the party, the people and the cause of proletarian liberation with strict organization and discipline can completely end the fragmented situation in modern China, unite the Chinese people into a whole that works together in one boat and works together, and complete the glorious and arduous cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

2. as the highland of modern Chinese culture, Shanghai culture nourishes the great party-building spirit

The great party building spirit is the spiritual source of the Communist Party of China. As a spirit of the Communist Party of China, it must have a certain cultural carrier to characterize its historical existence. Shanghai is the birthplace of the Party, and Shanghai culture plays an important role in the formation of the great Party-building spirit. Nowadays, it is generally said that Shanghai culture has three important sources-Jiangnan culture, Shanghai style culture and red culture. We can understand the relationship between them and the great party building spirit from the following different directions.

The nourishment of the great spirit of founding the Party by Jiangnan culture can be understood from the cultural traditions of the Jiangnan region. Jiangnan has had a suitable climate and abundant resources since ancient times, and gradually flourished after the Song Dynasty. The practical rationality in traditional Chinese culture is particularly prominent in Jiangnan. This practical rationality is not only a practical attitude, but also a pragmatic, diligent and proactive spirit. Under the influence of this practical and rational spirit, advanced intellectuals in Shanghai learned and borrowed from the advanced experience of Western culture, sought solutions to the Chinese problem, and the spirit of "adhering to truth, adhering to ideals, practicing original intentions, and assuming missions" was tempered from it. At the same time, Jiangnan culture also inherits the patriotism and spirit of struggle in traditional Chinese culture. Chen Duxiu, Chen Wangdao, Yu Xiusong, and other pioneers of the founding of the Communist Party of China from Jiangnan, all have indomitable and fearless spirit of sacrifice in their personalities. Only by being so concerned about the country and the people, and being resolute and brave, can they achieve the great cause of founding the Communist Party of China.

The nourishment of the great spirit of founding the Party by the Shanghai style culture can be understood from its open, diverse, and inclusive characteristics. In April 1920, when the Far East Bureau of the Communist International asked Chen Duxiu if he could talk to Chinese intellectuals to gain a better understanding of the situation in China, Chen Duxiu immediately replied, "Mr. Wu wanted to establish extensive contact with advanced Chinese elements, and going to Shanghai was the most suitable place. This place gathered various figures from various schools and societies." Not only that, Shanghai was also the news center and printing and publishing center of the whole country at that time. Adhering to Jiangnan culture and learning from western industrial civilization, Shanghai has formed the Shanghai style culture of "embracing all rivers and embracing all", which has provided the soil for the birth of the CPC and promoted the formation of the great spirit of party building.

The nourishment of red culture to the great spirit of party building can be seen from the progressiveness and radiation of red culture. Firstly, Shanghai is the source of the red revolution in China. As a new proletarian party, in CPC, the Communist Party of China has made many pioneering explorations on behalf of the interests of the vast majority of people - the first Communist Party organization in China, the Shanghai Initiation Group, the first socialist youth league in China, the Shanghai Youth League of Socialism, the first national congress of the Party... This series of "first" events in Shanghai reflect the breeding of the great spirit of party building. Secondly, red culture is a manifestation of the culmination of Shanghai's culture. It not only sprouted and developed in Shanghai, but also has strong radiation. Progressive intellectuals from across the country gathered in Shanghai and spread the revolutionary flame to the land of China. The great spirit of building the Party is also constantly developing and promoting in the radiation of Shanghai's red culture, from source to flow.

3., as a pioneer city in the history of the party for a hundred years, has inherited and carried forward the great spirit of building the party.

Shanghai is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China and the forefront of reform and opening up, shouldering the important task entrusted by history and the times. The centennial history of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai is the vivid practice of inheriting and carrying forward the great party building spirit.

During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, Shanghai inherited the great spirit of party building. The Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in Shanghai provided more complete regulations on the content of China's democratic revolution, and made ideological and organizational preparations for the new surge of revolutionary struggle. In Shanghai, the CPC rallied democratic figures represented by Soong Ching ling, spread progressive ideas among the people in the Kuomintang controlled areas, and supported the anti Japanese struggle in the anti Japanese base areas. During the Liberation War, Shanghai opened up, consolidated, and expanded the second front of the people's revolution. The Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China effectively carried out its work in times of crisis, leading large-scale mass movements against civil war, hunger, persecution, and other struggles in major cities of the Yangtze River Basin and Southwest China's Nationalist controlled areas. On May 27, 1949, Shanghai was liberated, and 7785 martyrs sacrificed their lives in the Battle of Shanghai. They set an example for the preservation of China's largest economic center city and the liberation of the people, and for "practicing their original aspirations, fulfilling their mission, fearing no sacrifice, fighting bravely, being loyal to the Party, and not betraying the people.".

In the new era of socialist revolution and construction, as well as reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction, Shanghai continues the great spirit of building the Party. Shanghai has achieved its own development by serving the whole country and has initially established the largest comprehensive industrial base and scientific and technological base in the country. It has not only successfully developed China's first 10000 ton water press machine, which marks the level of heavy industry development, but also produced high-quality industrial products in light industries such as watches, bicycles, and sewing machines. It has also achieved a number of technological achievements such as "synthetic insulin". At the same time, it actively supports technical talents from various regions and makes due contributions to the great strides of the impoverished and populous Eastern country into socialist society. After the reform and opening up, Shanghai vigorously implemented "practical projects" and "vegetable basket projects" to meet the actual needs of the people. Especially since 1990, Shanghai has seized the historic opportunity brought by the development and opening up of Pudong, shifting from a single functional industrial city to a multifunctional city that serves as an economic center, trade center, financial center, and shipping center. It has further developed into a science and technology innovation center with global influence, playing a leading role in the development of the Yangtze River Delta and the Yangtze River Basin.

Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and Shanghai continues to promote the great spirit of party building. In accordance with the requirements of being a pioneer in reform and opening up and innovative development nationwide, and accelerating its march towards a globally influential science and technology innovation center, Shanghai has implemented national strategies such as the Free Trade Zone, the China International Import Expo, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region, the pilot registration system for the Science and Technology Innovation Board, the Lingang New Area, and building Pudong into a high-quality socialist modernization leading area. Promote the pilot work of national key reforms, form a series of replicable and promotable reform experiences, and make beneficial explorations for the restart of national reform and opening up. Implementing the important concept of "People's City, People's Building, People's City for the People", and striving to create a "Shanghai sample" of people's cities. The great spirit of founding the Party has always guided Shanghai, a glorious city, to stand at the forefront, be a pioneer, always maintain its original aspiration, and always shoulder its mission.

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