What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:55 AM

In the northern region of Shanghai, the east-west traffic resources are not abundant, and several east-west main roads such as Caoan Highway and Hujia Expressway are relatively congested on a daily basis. At the beginning of 2020, the "Shanghai Putuo Release" brought good news, stating that a major transportation artery spanning the three administrative regions of Jiading, Putuo, and Jing'an was about to be completed and opened to traffic, which would save half of the travel time from Jiading to Jing'an. The core part of this main road is the "Jinchang Road" in the Putuo section.

According to the plan for road construction, renovation, and expansion, the Putuo section of Jinchang Road is connected to the Jiading section of Jinchang Road to the west and to the transportation road to the east. After completion, it does indeed connect to the three districts. But recently, many citizens have called the 12345 Citizen Service Hotline, claiming that Jinchang Road in Putuo District has not been completed as scheduled, and the completed section from Jianhua Road to Jingtai has also been closed and abandoned for a long time, and has yet to open for traffic. "Why is the good road blocked?" Citizens asked about the construction progress of Jinchang Road and called on the completed sections to open for traffic as soon as possible to alleviate the travel difficulties of residents in Nanxiang and Taopu in the western region.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

The fence is already overgrown with weeds

In a tweet released by Shanghai Putuo in early 2020, it was revealed that the total length of the "Jinchang Road to Jiaotong Road New Construction and Expansion Project" on the Putuo section is 11.33 kilometers, starting from the intersection of Jinchang Road and Jinying Road in the west and ending at the Pengyue Pu River on Jiaotong Road in the east. The endpoints on both sides are the boundaries of Putuo District, Jiading District, and Jing'an District. The project will be constructed in sections, with the first section of the project being the section from Jinying Road to Jingtai, with a length of 3.6 kilometers. According to the tweet, at that time, the first section had been basically completed and was expected to be opened to traffic by the end of 2020.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

Schematic diagram of Section 1 of Jinchang Road.

What is the situation with the basically completed "Section 1" now? On the morning of July 12th, under the scorching sun, the reporter set off from the intersection of Jinchang Road and Jinying Road, and looked eastward all the way. According to the reporter's understanding, in order to cooperate with the construction of Jinchang Road in the Putuo section, the western Jiading section has also been widened. Standing at the intersection of Jinchang Road and Jinying Road, you can see that this section of Jinchang Road is very wide, with a smooth road surface, mostly consisting of six lanes in both directions. Near the intersection, it has also expanded into eight lanes in both directions. There is not much traffic on the road, and the traffic conditions are good. But after only walking more than 1 kilometer to the east and crossing the Jinchang River Bridge, you can see a row of blue construction fences blocking the way from a distance. A blue circular directional sign on the roadside reminds passing vehicles that they can only go south next. Opening the mobile map, I found that the directional sign points to the north-south direction of Jianhua Road.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

Standing at the intersection of Jinchang Road and Jinying Road, you can see that this section of Jinchang Road is very wide, with a smooth road surface, mostly consisting of six lanes in both directions. Near the intersection, it has also expanded into eight lanes in both directions.

But after only walking more than 1 kilometer to the east and crossing the Jinchang River Bridge, you can see a row of blue construction fences blocking the way from a distance. A blue circular directional sign on the roadside reminds passing vehicles that they can only go south next.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

The blue fence at the intersection of Jinchang Road and Jianhua Road has a gap on the northernmost side, just enough for a car to enter and exit. Walking through the gap, there is a parking lot stretching several tens of meters on the road, with a large number of new energy vehicles neatly parked on both sides of the road. A person was moving to park and learned from him that a car rental company named "Miaoma" had borrowed this place as a temporary parking lot. The reporter noticed that despite being blocked by fences, Jinchang Road on this side has actually been repaired, with clear and complete lane lines and crosswalks on the ground, various road signs above the head, and street lights installed on both sides; The growth of roadside trees has also begun to take shape in the separation zone between motor vehicles and non motorized vehicles, as well as in the lane divider in the middle of the road

Entering through the gap, there is a parking lot stretching for several tens of meters on the road.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

Going further east, you will see the newly built Xinchapu Bridge in front of you. There is a row of container sheds on the south side of the bridge, where the workers who are building Jinchang Road live. "It's not finished yet," they advised the reporter not to go any further. After crossing the Xinchapu Bridge and walking a short distance, near the outer ring road, although the road is also well built, the greenery and other road facilities are noticeably inferior. Continuing eastward, the road signs above indicate intersections such as Gaolanshan Road and Yonggu Road. After passing Yonggu Road, Jinchang Road was completely blocked by construction fences. From some stickers on the fence, it can be seen that the section of Jinchang Road further east was used as a temporary isolation point during the epidemic. Through the gaps in the fence, rows of container sheds inside have not been dismantled. The reporter found a grassy path by the railway on the south side of Jinchang Road, which can lead to the other side of the isolation area: this has reached the intersection of Jinchang Road and Jingtai Road, and the first section has reached its end.

After passing Yonggu Road, Jinchang Road was completely blocked by construction fences. From some stickers on the fence, it can be seen that the section of Jinchang Road further east was used as a temporary isolation point during the epidemic. Through the gaps in the fence, rows of container sheds inside have not been dismantled.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

After covering the entire 3.6 kilometer section, the reporter spent more than an hour. The basic construction is true, but in reality, only more than 1 kilometer from Jinying Road to Jianhua Road has been opened to traffic. After the completion of the remaining more than 2 kilometers, it has been in a closed state, and some sections have been diverted for other purposes. Due to being abandoned for more than 2 years, the road isolation strip and the green belts on both sides of the road are overgrown with weeds, and some of the isolation barriers that were originally placed have also become crooked

Due to being abandoned for more than 2 years, the road isolation strips and green belts on both sides of the road are overgrown with weeds, and some of the originally placed isolation barriers have also become crooked

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

Can the completed section be opened to traffic first?

Why did the other sections of Jinchang Road fail to advance on schedule after the completion of the first section? The reporter saw on site that Jinchang Road, east of Jingtai Road, still looks like a construction site. However, due to construction stagnation, this section is currently being used by Shanghai Construction Engineering, the construction party of the 606 plot under construction in Taopu Smart Creation City on the north side, as a parking lot and a storage area for construction facilities. The reason for the construction being put on hold is explained by the Putuo District Construction Management Committee. The section from Qilian Mountain South Road to the transportation section of Jinchang Road is temporarily unable to be implemented due to the demolition of Liziyuan Apartment. According to the district construction and management committee, the relevant departments in the area are still coordinating regarding the issue of Li Ziyuan Apartment, and the specific resumption time will be determined after coordination among all parties. However, the district construction and management committee emphasized that the remaining sections of the "Jinchang Road to Jiaotong Road New Construction and Expansion Project" have been completed.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

The Jinchang Road east of Jingtai Road still looks like a construction site. Due to construction stagnation, this section is currently being used by Shanghai Construction Engineering, the construction party of the 606 plot under construction in Taopu Smart Creation City on the north side, as a parking lot and a storage area for construction facilities.

At "12345", Wang Xiang, a resident of Nanxiang area in Jiading, called for the opening of the currently closed section from Jianhua Road to Jingtai since "all other sections have been completed"? He told reporters that he needs to travel south from Jiading to the Yichuan area of Putuo for commuting every day. Once the Putuo section of Jinchang Road can be connected from east to west, it will bring him great convenience. However, as only a small section has been opened so far, he can only divert southward on Jianhua Road, cross the underpass under the Beijing Shanghai Railway, and then detour eastward on Longnan Road. Wang Xiang said that the underpass of Jianhua Road is extremely narrow, with motor vehicles, non motor vehicles, and pedestrians crowded together, causing congestion during morning and evening rush hours. If the section from Jianhua Road to Jingtai can be opened, some vehicles can detour north from Jingtai Road and take Zhennan Road. Although it is not as convenient as the planned direct transportation road, it is still much better than using the current Jianhua Road underpass.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

The underpass of Jianhua Road is exceptionally narrow, with motor vehicles, non motor vehicles, and pedestrians crowded together, resulting in severe congestion during morning and evening rush hours.

On July 12th, the reporter saw on Jianhua Road that the narrowest point under the railway tunnel would only be enough for two cars to pass in opposite directions. At around 10 o'clock in the morning, although it was already past the morning rush hour, there were many vehicles coming and going in the tunnel. Due to the mixed traffic of non motorized vehicles, vehicles had to be very slow and cautious when passing, resulting in extremely low traffic efficiency. The call from citizens has a certain urgency. In addition, opening up the completed road sections for traffic as early as possible also avoids resource waste.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

The narrowest point of the railway underpass under Jianhua Road will only be enough for two vehicles to pass in opposite directions. Vehicles must be very slow and cautious when passing, resulting in extremely low traffic efficiency.

Is there any other obstacle besides the need to remove vehicles and facilities that occupy the road when opening up the section from Jinchang Road to Jianhua Road to Jingtai Road first? When walking on this closed road, the reporter noticed that the road signs showed that before reaching Jingtai Road, this section of Jinchang Road also intersected with north-south oriented Gaolanshan Road, Yonggu Road, Lvlan Road, and Dunhuang South Road. However, in reality, these intersections are currently enclosed with walls, and therefore no traffic lights have been installed. To open up traffic, it is necessary to supplement facilities such as traffic lights; At the intersection of Jinchang Road and Jingtai Road, a guard post and crossbar blocked the entrance of Jinchang Road turning towards Jingtai Road. There is a security guard on duty in the booth, who told reporters that due to the construction area of Jinchang Road being temporarily used as a temporary parking lot, the booth is set up to manage vehicles entering the temporary parking lot. The security guard stated that in order to ensure normal passage from Jinchang Road to Jingtai Road, the position of the guard post needs to be adjusted.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

The Jinchang Road also intersects with the north-south oriented Gaolanshan Road, Yonggu Road, Lvlan Road, and Dunhuang South Road. At present, these intersections are all enclosed with walls, so no traffic lights have been installed. To open up traffic, it is necessary to supplement facilities such as traffic lights.

At the intersection of Jinchang Road and Jingtai Road, a guard pavilion and crossbar blocked the entrance of Jinchang Road turning towards Jingtai Road. To ensure the normal passage of Jinchang Road to Jingtai Road, it is necessary to adjust the position of the guard post.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

Wang Xiang and other citizens called on the Putuo District Construction Management Committee and other departments to respond to the demands of the citizens, coordinate with relevant parties to quickly vacate the completed section of Jinchang Road, improve and supplement various transportation facilities, and maximize the convenience of citizens' travel.

Previously, in August last year, the Liberation Daily's Shangguan News reported on the construction project of the "Qu Qu Tong" road connecting Jianchuan Road in Minhang District and Maoting Road in Songjiang District. Due to the delayed start of a section of the "railway related project" crossing the Jinshan Railway, the "Qu Qu Tong" could not be completed, and the already completed non railway section was also idle for a long time without trains. After the report, Songjiang District responded to the calls of citizens and took multiple measures, temporarily opening non railway sections in April this year. This approach is worth learning from in Putuo District.

What happened to Shanghai's "Jinchang Road" when only a portion was built and left unused for two years? Known as "crossing three districts" to connect Duantou Road citizens | Jingtai | Duantou Road

Title: Xinchapu Bridge on Jinchang Road.

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