Some don't realize it...many people owe parking fees! Some have clearly paid, check the "Shanghai Parking" platform

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 23:26 PM

Recently, Ms. Hu, a citizen of Pudong, Shanghai, parked her car on the side of Fangxin Road for more than half a year. After checking the "Shanghai Parking" platform, she found that she owed more than 6,000 yuan in parking fees, which attracted widespread attention. How do arrears arise? What citizens think of as "free parking spaces" is actually paid "smart parking" parking spaces on the road. Why the parking information aggregation platform "Shanghai Parking" has not issued a reminder about the charges for more than half a year has triggered heated discussions among citizens. Focus.

In addition to paying attention, many Shanghai citizens have also downloaded and registered the "Shanghai Parking" App to try to check whether there are similar "unknowing" parking fee arrears information on the vehicles under their names. After checking, many citizens were shocked: the 12345 citizen service hotline has recently received a large number of calls from citizens, saying that there were parking fee arrears ranging from tens to tens of thousands of yuan on the "Shanghai Parking" platform. Citizens generally expressed confusion about these arrears, questioning whether the data on the "Shanghai Parking" platform was wrong, and why the platform did not remind them of the arrears...

The "Shanghai Parking" platform is a digital platform for urban parking management in Shanghai. It has been online for three years. In addition to basic functions such as information query and fee payment, the platform also has many functions that optimize urban parking resources such as parking reservations and peak-shift sharing based on digitalization. Does the fact that a large number of citizens are in arrears indicate that the platform still has deficiencies in data management and circulation?

Many people have no idea they owe thousands of dollars in parking fees

Among the large number of complaints from "12345", many citizens' experiences were similar to Ms. Hu's. They all incurred a large amount of expenses after parking in "smart parking" parking spaces on the road without knowing it.

Mr. Zhong, a citizen, lives in Shouxiangfang Community, Lane 111, Guilin West Street, Xuhui District. Parking resources are very tight in the community. Mr. Zhong’s family has been waiting in line for two cars for several years without getting a parking permit. Parking their cars on the roadside of Guilin West Street at night and on weekends is their helpless choice. He told Mr. Zhong to quickly download the "Shanghai Parking" App to check. The page showed that Guilin West Street Road parking lot started billing in December last year. Until September this year, Mr. Zhong's two cars were owed a total of nearly 7,000 yuan. And parking fee records show that compared with the previous charge of 5 yuan a day, in April this year, Guilin West Street Parking Lot significantly increased parking fees on weekends and holidays. Sometimes the charge for parking a vehicle for a weekend is as high as more than 180 yuan.

△Parking fee records show that compared with the previous charge of 5 yuan a day, in April this year, Guilin West Street Parking Lot significantly increased parking fees on weekends and holidays.

On October 17, the reporter came to Guilin West Street. The arc-shaped Guilin West Street and Guilin East Street form a ring, located on both sides of Guilin Road. There are residential areas along the route, and many of them are old residential areas. It is not difficult to imagine the tightness of parking. Shouxiangfang is located in the southwest corner of this ring. There is a row of 37 ground parking spaces painted on the south side of this section of Guilin West Street. The "Smart Road Parking Lot" notice board on the side shows that parking spaces allow all-day parking at night and on weekends and holidays. Night parking is 5 yuan per time. Daytime parking on weekends and holidays is charged by time. There is a QR code attached to the public sign, reminding citizens to scan the code to check and pay through the "Shanghai Parking" platform. Calculated according to the published price, there is no problem with charging. However, Mr. Zhong admitted that he did not intend to default on the debt, but he did not notice the price changes on the public notice board. He questioned: "So many fees have been accumulated, why didn't you remind me as soon as possible. If you remind me, I will pay attention!" "

Mr. Zhu from Changning District would park at a parking space near Xuanhua Road on Dingxi Road for more than 10 minutes at 8 a.m. every morning, waiting for his colleagues to ride. He recently logged in and registered the "Shanghai Parking" App to check and found that he had defaulted on more than 30 parking fees. Mr. Tao, a citizen, found out that he had incurred a lot of parking fees for continuous parking on Yanping Road from April 27 to May 6 this year... …They were all equally confused, why were they not notified when the first expense was incurred?

△The smart road parking lot between Dingxi Road, Xuanhua Road and Anhua Road. The parking lot has 16 parking spaces.

The reporter asked the Municipal Road Transport Administration about this. The relevant person in charge explained: On the one hand, road parking fees are "administrative charges", and the main body of collection and collection is the transportation department of each district. The "Shanghai Parking" platform only aggregates information. In the collection operation, each district transportation committee usually obtains the information shared by the vehicle management department through the big data center before sending collection text messages to unpaid car owners. However, since the "Smart Road Parking Lot" has only begun to be fully rolled out this year, each district was busy building hardware and improving the system in the early stage, and the collection work was indeed not carried out in a timely manner; on the other hand, the "Shanghai Parking" platform has not yet been launched for registered users. The reminder information service cannot remind registered users of parking charges in a timely manner.

I obviously paid it on the spot, but why is it still being billed in the app?

In addition to the large amount of arrears due to the failure of timely reminders for payment in smart road parking lots, many citizens in "12345" reported that payment information between multiple platforms was "out of sync", resulting in inconsistencies on the "Shanghai Parking" platform. Due arrears.

On October 12, Ms. Liu, a citizen, downloaded the "Shanghai Parking" App and took the initiative to check whether she had parking fee arrears. After checking, she discovered that she actually owed 36,144 yuan in parking fees. The page shows that the vehicle under her name has been parked in the parking lot of a hotel in Minhang from September 20, 2021 to the present, and parking fees continue to be incurred. "At that time, I went to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. I temporarily parked my car in a nearby hotel. I paid and left long ago. There must be a problem with the system."

The phenomenon of "out of synchronization" of payment information is mainly concentrated in commercial social parking garages. At present, 3,500 social parking garages in the city have been stationed on the "Shanghai Parking" platform, realizing data sharing. On the "Shanghai Parking" platform, you can not only check the parking resources of the parking garage, but also complete the parking payment. However, many citizens have found that the "Shanghai Parking" platform is often out of sync with the parking garage information, resulting in one party paying the fee while the other party still owes the fee.

During the National Day holiday, when Mr. Liu, a citizen, went to pick up someone at the Shanghai Railway Station, he parked his car in a ground parking lot at the southwest exit. According to him, when leaving the venue, he paid the 12 yuan parking fee through Alipay and scanned the personal payment QR code provided by the administrator. When he checked at home, the "Shanghai Parking" App showed that the vehicle was still parked in the parking lot and charged. On October 18, the reporter went to the site to check. It was a small parking lot with only more than 10 parking spaces, located at the entrance of the Shanghai Railway Tower Hotel. At the entrance and exit of the parking lot, a large QR code of the "Shanghai Parking" platform is posted, prompting drivers to "scan the code and pay the fee to exit." The parking administrator told reporters that the management system of the parking lot has long been connected with the "Shanghai Parking" information. Especially from 11 o'clock in the middle of the night to 5 o'clock in the morning when no one is on duty, the parking lot relies entirely on the "Shanghai Parking" platform for self-service payment and departure. Will there be information out of sync? The administrator said it did, but emphasized that it was an "occasional" phenomenon.

△During the National Day holiday, when Mr. Liu, a citizen, went to pick up someone at the Shanghai Railway Station, he parked his car in a ground parking lot at the southwest exit. After paying to leave, billing continues on the "Shanghai Parking" platform.

△A notice posted in a ground parking lot at the southwest exit of Shanghai Railway Station shows that the management system of the parking lot has long been connected with the "Shanghai Parking" information, especially when no one is on duty from 11 o'clock in the middle of the night to 5 o'clock in the morning the next day. Completely rely on the "Shanghai Parking" platform for self-service payment and departure.

In addition to paying fees in the parking lot and still being billed on the platform, it is not uncommon for people to pay through the platform but not lift the lever to let people through the parking lot. For example, Mr. Dong, a citizen, went to the International Maternity and Infant Health Hospital in mid-September. When he parked his car and left, he paid a parking fee of 72 yuan through the "Shanghai Parking" App. However, the parking lot exit did not lift the lever smoothly, so he had no choice but to do it again. I scanned the QR code in the parking lot and paid...

In addition, the phenomenon of out-of-synchronization of information is also reflected in the handling of "shared parking during off-peak hours". It is understood that there are currently more than 300 social parking garages in the city providing citizens with off-peak parking at night. Citizens can make reservations and sign contracts in advance on the "Shanghai Parking" platform for monthly parking. But Ms. Zhou, a citizen, said that on September 13, she made a reservation for nighttime monthly parking at the Huirong Plaza parking garage, Financial Street, No. 800 Wanhangdu Road, for the entire month of October through the "Shanghai Parking" platform, and paid a monthly fee of 500 yuan. However, when parking on October 6, Plaza Property Management said that it had not found Ms. Zhou’s off-peak reservation information, and still charged 70 yuan a night for temporary parking. The reporter also recently learned from Huirong Plaza Property Management, which explained that usually the parking garage will receive information as soon as citizens apply for it, but "it is true that small problems occasionally occur."

△The parking garage of Huirong Plaza, Financial Street, No. 800 Wanhangdu Road, provides citizens with off-peak parking at night. Citizens can easily make reservations and sign contracts through the "Shanghai Parking" platform.

△A large "Smart Parking" QR code poster is posted at the entrance and exit of the parking garage of Huirong Plaza, Financial Street, No. 800 Wanhangdu Road. After the parking garage entered the "Shanghai Parking" platform, it adopted a parallel management model between the "Shanghai Parking" platform and the parking garage's own platform.

What's the reason for the "occasional" and "occasional" information being out of sync? The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Road Transport Administration explained that when connecting information, the traffic authorities in each district clearly require parking garages to upload data to the "Shanghai Parking" platform accurately, timely and stably, but objectively, each parking garage There are a variety of equipment and systems used, with varying efficiency and stability. It is indeed easy to produce some delays, errors and even omissions in daily data docking. In addition, in actual operations, it has also been found that some shopping mall warehouses "intercept" user parking data for commercial interests. , in order to divert users to the mall's own system.

△In a ground parking lot at the southwest exit of Shanghai Railway Station, the car owner is scanning the administrator's QR code to pay. The administrator said that when paying through the "Shanghai Parking" platform, the information is occasionally out of sync.

Continuously improve services to make “smart parking” smarter

For megacities, parking difficulties have always been a difficult problem in social governance, and solving the parking problem has therefore been included in the popular projects. To implement and promote this popular project, "Shanghai Parking" is an inseparable platform carrier. According to the reporter's knowledge from the Municipal Road Transport Administration, the "Shanghai Parking" platform currently has 4 million users bound to license plates, and usage by citizens is rising.

In response to a series of issues that have been reported intensively by citizens, the "Shanghai Parking" platform will take a series of measures to continue to enhance service functions and improve its user experience.

In the future, normalized road parking in this city will be managed intelligently. In response to the lack of timely reminders for "Smart Road Parking Lots" in charging fees, the traffic administrative departments in each district will speed up the implementation of collection measures and promptly carry out collection work for users whose number of arrears or amount of arrears reaches a certain number; at the same time, within the year The upcoming "Shanghai Parking" version 3.0 will have an online reminder function to remind registered users of bound vehicles of daily parking charges; in addition, it will also carry out "smart roads" offline for car owners through paper "friendly reminders" and other methods. "Parking Lot" publicity guides car owners to pay proactively according to the parking fee notice board.

△With the advancement of smart road parking coverage, some districts are promoting car owners through offline distribution of paper "friendly reminders".

The intelligent management of parking is to better and accurately schedule and allocate parking resources, and the same is true for the intelligent management of road parking lots. The Municipal Road Transport Administration stated that while promoting the smartization of road parking lots, it will also promote off-peak parking in road parking lots throughout the city during the year and provide citizens with monthly subscription services for smart parking lots at night, weekends and holidays; at the same time, through Price levers limit vehicle parking and occupancy for long periods of time during the day.

In addition, in view of the failure of some public parking garages to transmit information data to the "Shanghai Parking" platform as required, the transportation administrative departments of each district will supervise the relevant parking garages to further improve the quality of data upload. If citizens find problems with parking data connection, they can promptly call the depot service number or "12345" announced in the "Shanghai Parking" App to report the complaint. The transportation administrative departments of each district will supervise the relevant depots to make serious rectifications.

Dear readers, if you encounter any troubles, worries, or worries in your daily life, please scan the QR code below to report and seek help from us——

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