I have also been hindered from winning the championship and suffered a devastating 1-6 defeat - Xu Genbao gave me an experience package to motivate the "Six Tigers of East Asia" and the Shanghai Shenhua head coach team | players | Shanghai Shenhua

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 20:06 PM

The 22nd round of the Chinese Super League has recently ended, and two Chinese Super League youth teams from Shanghai Beach have submitted different transcripts. The top scorer Shanghai Port team unexpectedly lost 3-4 to Zhejiang team at home, slowing down their pace of winning the championship; The second ranked Shanghai Shenhua team overturned the Wuhan Sanzhen team 2-1 away, defending the authority of head coach Wu Jingui.

It is interesting that the local player representatives of these two teams come from Chongming Island Genbao Football Base. Faced with the unexpected defeat at Haigang and doubts about the head coach of Shenhua, veteran coach Xu Genbao, as a "newcomer", presented the experience of coaching back then and looked forward to the two Shanghai teams returning to the right track soon, achieving good results, and showcasing the spirit of the city.

Message to the Six Tigers in the Harbor: Relax Your Mindset

I have also been hindered from winning the championship and suffered a devastating 1-6 defeat - Xu Genbao gave me an experience package to motivate the "Six Tigers of East Asia" and the Shanghai Shenhua head coach team | players | Shanghai Shenhua

The 3-4 defeat to Zhejiang team and the low form of Shanghai Port team have caused concern among fans. After the game, Wu Lei, as the core local player of the team, posted an article on social media encouraging the whole team: "In this game, I want to say to my teammates, each of you is a good person! No one can defeat our team! At the same time, I sincerely congratulate our opponents. Zhejiang team played very well, fighting every minute, which is the true spirit of football. Finally, I want to apologize to our fans. You have been enduring external ridicule but have never left. Thank you all for accompanying us through the experience. There are always wins and losses in the game, and I believe that watching these after crossing the finish line is definitely worth celebrating even more crazily."

Led by Wu Lei, the "Six Tigers of East Asia" from Chongming Island are still the backbone of local players in this harbor team. Wu Lei, Yan Junling, Zhang Linpeng, Wang Shenchao, Cai Huikang, and Lv Wenjun are still the main players in the team's framework and play important roles in key positions. Seeing the disciples of the "Chongming Island Phase I" encounter unexpected setbacks, mentor Xu Genbao did not forget to give them the "Experience Brocade", which not only cheered on the beloved generals but also helped the disciples relieve stress.

On the afternoon of the second day after the competition, the phones of Wu Lei and the other "Six Tigers of East Asia" shook almost simultaneously, and they all received messages from their mentor Xu Genbao on WeChat. "In this game, before you took a 3-1 lead, you played the champion's dominance. However, the team's laxity led to mistakes by the defenders, including the team's impatience after 3-2, which led to the final 3-4 failure. Xu Genbao mentioned his past of leading Shenhua to win the championship in 1995, inspiring his disciples such as Wu Lei to remain calm." After Shenhua won ten consecutive victories in 1995, as long as they won the relegated Bayi team at home, they could win the championship four rounds ahead of schedule. However, being light hearted, lax, and impatient, we were forced to a draw by our opponents and failed to achieve an eleven game winning streak. In the next round, we lost to the away team again. "Guangdong team, half of the players went to the bar to drink and vent their frustration after the game, but our coaching staff was unaware. At midnight, foreign player Gao Jia threw a pack of chicken bones from the 10th floor and hit the head of the hotel security guard. The hotel reported to the coaching staff and urgently checked the room late at night, only to find that half of the players were not in the room. After reporting to the Shanghai leadership, we returned to Shanghai the next day, and the sports bureau and club leaders personally picked them up at the airport. The whole team was directly pulled to the Jiangwan Sports Stadium training base for rectification. Let Fan Zhiyi first check and admit his mistakes, unify the team's thinking, calm down their mentality, and achieve the championship without falling from the sky. We need everyone to fight and bite each other hard. This is the scene where we returned to Hongkou and won the championship two rounds ahead of Shandong's 3-1 victory at home. The above is an empirical discussion, which may be helpful for reference

I have also been hindered from winning the championship and suffered a devastating 1-6 defeat - Xu Genbao gave me an experience package to motivate the "Six Tigers of East Asia" and the Shanghai Shenhua head coach team | players | Shanghai Shenhua

Caring about Shenhua Coach: Supporting Coach

In the past week, a few extreme fans of Shanghai Shenhua chose to shout Wu Jingui's dismissal at the Shanghai Sports Stadium due to their inability to accept a 0-5 defeat in the derby, especially their hostility towards Wu Jingui's post match greeting with his derby opponent, Wu Lei. Wu Jingui, who has just made a comeback from being infected with Eryang, has developed a fever again and is unable to travel to Wuhan away this round. The current head coach of Shenhua has been absent from the away command seat for two consecutive times, which has also attracted special attention from newcomer Xu Genbao. He believes that clubs need to be more responsible, make scientific and rational decisions, and not be influenced or manipulated by fans.

Even before Shenhua challenged Dalian team away, Wu Jingui was absent due to physical discomfort. Due to disagreements between fans and the club at the time, Xu Genbao, who had a keen sense of smell, called Wu Jingui immediately. "Jin Gui, are you really feeling unwell, or is the club asking you to avoid the limelight first? Why are you, Mao Yijun, and many other players sick?" When Wu Jin Gui admitted that he was infected with Eryang and couldn't go to Dalian, Xu Genbao comforted him by telling him about his past, which made Wu Jin Gui feel relieved.

I have also been hindered from winning the championship and suffered a devastating 1-6 defeat - Xu Genbao gave me an experience package to motivate the "Six Tigers of East Asia" and the Shanghai Shenhua head coach team | players | Shanghai Shenhua

In 1994, Xu Genbao coached Shenhua in his first year and unexpectedly lost 1-6 to the Guangzhou Sun God team, which had the dual stars of Peng Weiguo and Hu Zhijun, in the pouring rain at Hongkou Stadium. In this game, the defense of the Shenhua team was like paper, especially the newly introduced foreign goalkeeper Kurtz, who was in a state of no form. After the game, fans jokingly referred to him as having "6 holes in his pants in the 90 minutes". After this disastrous defeat, the resentful Shanghai fans couldn't accept it. They didn't shout for the dismissal of the head coach of Shenhua, but instead sat quietly in the Hongkou stands in the heavy rain, demanding an explanation, "Why lost 1-6?"?

Finally, the city leader in charge of sports at the time came forward and, despite the heavy rain, did not wear a raincoat. They had a candid conversation with the fans and analyzed the current situation and problems of this young Shenhua team. Finally, the fans accepted the relevant statement and chose to leave rationally. Xu Genbao sighed, "At that time, our entire team had never seen such a situation with fans. In the end, the bus quietly left from the side. At that time, the fans were actually quite impressive, but the club and city leaders supported the coach and the team, stabilizing the situation."

Xu Genbao also shared his experience in 1994 with Wu Jingui about the phenomenon of Shanghai Shenhua fans shouting that the head coach has been dismissed. He said, "It may depend on the new investors, new club management, and whether they can withstand the pressure of fans. Nowadays, netizens and fans are also a bit too powerful. It seems that they are the investors, they are in control of football..."

I have also been hindered from winning the championship and suffered a devastating 1-6 defeat - Xu Genbao gave me an experience package to motivate the "Six Tigers of East Asia" and the Shanghai Shenhua head coach team | players | Shanghai Shenhua

In the author's opinion, the local players from Haigang and Shenhua are all from Genbao Base, with flesh on their palms and backs. When losing at Haigang and facing controversy at Shenhua, he presented his experience package of coaching setbacks and reflection, encouraging Haigang players and Shenhua coaches to calm down and focus on football. For this meritorious veteran, both hands and backs are flesh. This year, Haigang and Shenhua have long occupied the top two positions in the Chinese Super League standings. Apart from the efforts of the investors and the hard work of the soldiers, the root cause cannot be traced without the talent transmission of the Genbao Base. What he is looking forward to is obviously the offspring of two Shanghai teams, working together to achieve good results.

12228 basketball dream chasers! In 2023, the MAGIC3 Mass Group came to an end, with 337 schools offering youth, sports, and schools
12228 basketball dream chasers! In 2023, the MAGIC3 Mass Group came to an end, with 337 schools offering youth, sports, and schools

On August 18th, the Shanghai Sports Center, a "star venue" that witnessed the changes of the times and the countless glories of Chinese sports, welcomed the 2023 MAGIC3 Shanghai Youth Three on Three Super Basketball Tournament and the Shanghai Student Sunshine Sports League Three on Three Basketball Tournament Finals. In the summer of 2023, MAGIC3, this five-year "youthful promise", arrived as scheduled. This year, the public group of the competition attracted 3057 youth teams from 337 schools to register, with 12228 participants, showcasing the infinite charm and unique appeal of MAGIC3. After multiple rounds of selection in regional and regional competitions, it was ultimately decided that eight teams, male and female, each, would advance to the finals. The event will be held in Oriental Pearl TV Tower City Square, Xujiahui Sports Park, Shanghai Stadium, Songjiangguang

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The Qiang Rose must first not fear strong opponents and approach the Women's World Cup: 1 to 10 "numerical solutions" 2023 Women's World Cup | Women's Football | Qiang Rose

Editor's note: On July 20th, 2023, the FIFA Women's World Cup will be held in Australia and New Zealand. The Chinese women's football team will debut against Denmark in the group stage on the 22nd, followed by matches against Haiti and England. This Chinese women's football team has a strong "Shanghai color": head coach Shui Qingxia has long coached the Shanghai women's football team, and five international players including Zhang Xin, Zhu Yu, Wang Linlin, Tang Jiali, and Xiao Yuyi are from the Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank women's football team. In addition, overseas Chinese players Yang Lina and Shen Mengyu are also trained by Shanghai. On the occasion of the "Steel Rose" competing in the World Cup, the Liberation Daily's Shangguan News City Affairs Channel and the School of Journalism and Communication at Shanghai Sport University jointly launched the "Approaching the Women's Football World Cup" column, approaching the first "expansion" of 32 participating teams in the Women's Football World Cup, and exploring the Shanghai strength in the "Steel Rose"

These sports are moving from Shanghai to the Yangtze River Delta, and the popularity of dry land curling is not decreasing
These sports are moving from Shanghai to the Yangtze River Delta, and the popularity of dry land curling is not decreasing

In the post Winter Olympics era, are there still people interested in ice and snow sports? Recently, at the Jiading District Citizen Fitness Center, the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai Urban Amateur League Shanghai Dry Land Curling Open Competition and the "All Jia Lai Competition" 2023 Jiading District Amateur League "Waigang Cup" Dry Land Curling Competition was lively. 14 representative teams and nearly 100 players from 12 streets and towns in Jiading District competed together, enjoying the "push and push" music of dry land curling. "The performance of the contestants is commendable. Compared to previous competitions, the strength of the participating teams has significantly improved, and the team members have a clearer and more thorough understanding of the arrangement and rules of curling." The chief referee of the competition, Wang Jue, once served as the curling event referee for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and gave high praise to the contestants. The champion team has added a new force and participated in dry land curling for the first time

"Five New Cities" Ignite Tennis Enthusiasm, Ready for Tennis Fun Competition Jiading Juyuan Sails Sports | Tennis | New City
"Five New Cities" Ignite Tennis Enthusiasm, Ready for Tennis Fun Competition Jiading Juyuan Sails Sports | Tennis | New City

On June 11, Beishuiwan Sports Park, Juyuan New District, Jiading District, welcomed nearly 100 scientific and creative talents and their families from various scientific research institutes in Juyuan New area gathered here, and had a healthy and happy tennis weekend. On the same day, the 2023 "New five cities net World" tennis series kicked off in Jiading District Juyuan New District Beisuiwan Sports Park. Jiading Juyuan "Horse Tennis" fun match kicked off this series of activities. This year, the "New five cities net World" series of activities will enter five new cities in Shanghai to ignite citizens' enthusiasm for tennis with various forms and creative new activities. The series of activities of "immediate Tennis" established by Shanghai Tennis Association aims to expand the popularity of Shanghai tennis population, mainly for the zero base of tennis lovers.

Jing'an creates new highlights in urban sports: Suzhou River presents its first paddleboard racing paddleboarding | Suzhou River Bay | New highlights
Jing'an creates new highlights in urban sports: Suzhou River presents its first paddleboard racing paddleboarding | Suzhou River Bay | New highlights

"Last year, my dad took me to watch a rowing competition in Suzhou River. I thought it would be great to come here and play paddleboarding one day, but my wish really came true." 8-year-old You You, who was playing paddleboarding, had a dark skin and a bright smile in the sunlight. On June 10th, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's inscription "Developing Sports and Enhancing People's Physical Fitness", the 2023 "Suhewan" Shanghai Paddle Open was held in the Jing'an section of the Suzhou River, marking the first appearance of the paddle competition in Suhewan. "Paddle" describes tranquility and elegance, embellishing Su River Bay. The main venue of this competition is located in the Butterfly Bay water area of the Jing'an section of the Suzhou River, with different competition events such as racing, skills, relay, and parade, attracting nearly 300 participants from the Yangtze River Delta region to participate. Not only are there professional paddle boarders among them, but also