Can enable Chinese products and brands to better "go global" and seize the fate of this "co construction project" | Digital | Product

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:40 PM

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the initiative of jointly building the "the Belt and Road". The high-quality joint construction of the "Digital Silk Road" will help consolidate the foundation of connectivity cooperation, expand new space for international cooperation, consolidate the risk prevention and control network, achieve a higher level of cooperation, higher input efficiency, higher supply quality, and higher development resilience, and promote the high-quality development of the "the Belt and Road".

Broad prospects

In today's world, the rapid development speed, wide coverage, and profound impact of the digital economy are becoming a key force in restructuring global factor resources, reshaping the global economic structure, and changing the global competitive landscape.

The process of digital development is constantly accelerating, and the digital economy provides unlimited possibilities for future development. Since the proposal of the Digital Silk Road, it has been widely recognized by relevant countries. China ASEAN Information Port, China Arab "Online Silk Road", "Digital Silk Road Earth Big Data Platform" and other digital infrastructure projects have been successfully promoted, playing an important exemplary role in the "the Belt and Road" economic cooperation.

At the same time, many domestic enterprises actively participate in the construction of the "Digital Silk Road", continue to export high-quality digital public goods, and digital technology is widely integrated into the "the Belt and Road" economic cooperation, which strongly demonstrates the strength and charm of China's digital economy.

As a major country in the digital economy, China has a sound industrial structure and foundation, and there is enormous potential for the growth of digital trade. In promoting the construction of the "Digital Silk Road", China is different from country to country, changing according to the time, pioneering and innovating according to local conditions, and bringing new themes, new space and new patterns to the "the Belt and Road" economic cooperation.

For example, traditional infrastructure construction is the main focus of the "the Belt and Road Initiative". New changes are taking place in the form and content of infrastructure construction in the context of the digital economy. Data security, digital medicine, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, etc. have become new highlights.

Another example is that in the form of digital economy, the physical reality and virtual boundaries are constantly blurred, and the "the Belt and Road" economic cooperation gradually presents a new pattern of integration of real economy and virtual economy, and integration of physical boundaries and virtual space. The extensive application of digital technology has become an important way to give play to the resource endowment advantages of the "the Belt and Road", reshape the trade industrial structure of the "the Belt and Road", and improve the level of economic cooperation of the "the Belt and Road".

Realistic challenges

Currently, the unprecedented major changes are accelerating their evolution. Individual countries are engaging in digital hegemony, causing governance deficits such as the digital divide, and making the environment for the construction of the Digital Silk Road increasingly complex.

Firstly, there is an imbalance in the values of fairness and justice.

From a global perspective, digital capital has inherent characteristics of capital appreciation and continuous expansion. A few developed countries rely on digital technology to promote the global expansion of digital capital, and exploit capital from other countries in a more covert way, attempting to seize a leading position in the new round of technological revolution; Developing countries are generally in a subordinate and passive position, staying at the edge of digital technology, and the global division of labor "center periphery" pattern may further solidify.

As for the high-quality joint construction of the "Digital Silk Road", the relevant countries are developing countries with weak digital infrastructure, insufficient digital technology capabilities, and a shortage of digital product supply; Some countries are still in a state of "digital isolation", unable to ensure effective information communication, experience exchange, and technology sharing, becoming "digital islands".

The digital age calls for a fair and just digital development environment. We need to fundamentally reform the unreasonable and unjust old international political and economic order, so that developing countries can gain more voice, initiative, and leadership.

Secondly, the international governance rules are not standardized.

At present, there is no unified digital governance rule established internationally, and the digital governance pattern is characterized by fragmentation, regionalization, and fragmentation. Especially, there are various security threats in cross-border digital circulation and transactions, such as personal information leakage, digital platform monopolies, and network attacks.

At the same time, the competition among countries regarding digital interests, stance principles, and rules is becoming increasingly fierce, and regional trade rules are emerging in competition. The issue of digital governance is gradually going beyond the scope of pure understanding of the digital economy, with a strong political color. Data, algorithms, and computing power have become tools and competitive chips for major country political games.

Among them, a few developed countries attempt to establish regulations for digital trade through legal means, technological advantages, etc., and create "small courtyards and high walls". How to maintain national sovereignty in the digital age and how to use digital technology to support economic cooperation has become a major issue that must be addressed in the high-quality joint construction of the "Digital Silk Road".

path choice

On the one hand, building a "digital community with a shared future".

Advocating the construction of a "digital community with a shared future" is an inevitable logic for the application of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind in the digital field, and is an action plan to solve global digital governance challenges. We should closely observe and take proactive actions, actively participate in international negotiations on digital economy issues, carry out bilateral and multilateral digital governance cooperation, maintain and improve multilateral digital economy governance mechanisms, timely propose China's solutions, and voice China's voice.

Building a "digital community with a shared future" points the way forward for China to stand at the forefront of the times and respond to the call of the times. It will promote exchanges and communication between China and relevant countries in digital economy and trade, digital culture, digital security, digital science and education, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind on a larger scale and at a deeper level.

On the other hand, adhering to the principle of multilateralism.

Developing the digital economy is the common aspiration of all countries along the "the Belt and Road". Adhering to the concept of joint consultation, construction and sharing, and actively adapting to the trend of globalization is a historical necessity. To jointly build the "Digital Silk Road" with high quality, we must eliminate the traditional thinking of national centrism and actively guide and coordinate non-state actors to participate in digital governance; Enhance the digital capabilities of developing countries and clarify the digital responsibilities of platform enterprises; Strengthen communication in multiple fields and levels to ensure digital security, and break down barriers to digital trade.

At the national level, we need to further expand the international cooperation space in the digital field, actively participate in digital cooperation platforms under multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations, World Trade Organization, G20, APEC, BRICS, and SCO, build high-quality new platforms for open cooperation in the digital field, and actively participate in the construction of relevant international rules such as cross-border data flow.

At the regional level in Shanghai, the creation of the "Silk Road E-commerce" cooperation pilot zone should be taken as an opportunity to connect with international high standard economic and trade rules, accelerate policy and institutional innovation and business model innovation, create a first-class business environment, cultivate and strengthen cross-border e-commerce platforms and enterprises, promote the optimization and improvement of foreign trade structure and high-quality development, and better assist in building the central node of domestic circulation and the strategic link of domestic and international dual circulation.

It should be emphasized that Shanghai, as a frontier window of reform and opening up, should further highlight the priority of institutional opening, subject cultivation, and mechanism cooperation, vigorously develop new trade models and formats, and create a new engine for international economic and trade cooperation. E-commerce platform enterprises are an important part of high-quality co construction of the "Digital Silk Road". They should play a more active role in expanding new international economic and trade space, promoting the "overseas" of Chinese manufacturing, Chinese products, and Chinese brands.

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