What are the key points for promoting entrepreneurial spirit?, In the current domestic and international economic situation, entrepreneurs | environment | economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:37 PM

Recently, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy were released. The Opinion puts forward clear requirements in terms of continuously optimizing the development environment of the private economy, increasing policy support for the private economy, strengthening the rule of law guarantee for the development of the private economy, focusing on promoting high-quality development of the private economy, and promoting the healthy growth of private economy personnel. The aim is to provide a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable development environment for the private economy, fully stimulate the vitality of the private economy, and promote the growth, optimization, and strength of the private economy. It is particularly pointed out to cultivate and promote the entrepreneurial spirit, and strengthen the construction of the team of representatives of the private economy. Why emphasize the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit? What are the key points for promoting entrepreneurial spirit in the current domestic and international economic situation?

Entrepreneurial spirit is an important driving force for economic growth

Against the backdrop of increasing anti globalization momentum, unprecedentedly complex international geopolitics, and sluggish global economic growth, and facing the unstable foundation and weak driving force of domestic economic recovery, as well as the difficulty in boosting consumption and investment, how can China's economy quickly recover and rejuvenate? It is crucial to promote the entrepreneurial spirit.

The core of entrepreneurial spirit lies in innovation. Innovation is a fundamental function of entrepreneurs, as it brings about economic growth and increased wealth. Faced with risks and uncertainties in economic operation, excellent entrepreneurs are good at identifying and capturing opportunities, responding to risks, and even seizing business opportunities from risks to lead economic growth. Economist Schumpeter believes that entrepreneurs are at the core of economic growth, and what entrepreneurs do is "creative destruction", constantly creating new products, new technologies, new markets, new raw materials, and new organizational methods. The vitality of enterprises lies in innovation, and the driving force of innovation comes from the entrepreneurial spirit.

Entrepreneurial spirit is an important driving force for economic growth. Innovation is the process of transforming inventions or ideas into commercial value, with the platform of combination being enterprises and the combination being entrepreneurs. True innovation is endogenous and local, and its basic connotation includes a series of processes such as new creativity, new combinations of capital and labor factors, conceptualization and production of new products, and ultimately completion of production and operation. Enterprise innovation brings sustainable growth, which can allocate limited resources to the most efficient use, hedge diminishing returns with innovation, and increase factor costs with innovation, thereby winning higher than industry average profit margins and continuously driving economic growth.

Better leverage the subjectivity of enterprises

To promote the entrepreneurial spirit, it is necessary to better leverage the subjectivity of enterprises and the decisive role of the market in allocating resources. Enterprises are the mainstay of modern market economy, stabilizing economic operation, stimulating economic development vitality, and creating social wealth mainly come from their business activities. In this era full of uncertainty, it is even more necessary for entrepreneurs to have a profound understanding and grasp of the market, and inject more certainty into the uncertain era through their own positive actions.

Enterprise innovation requires institutional and policy support, as well as a sound social ecosystem. The government plays an important role in basic science, strategic technology direction, and other areas. Meanwhile, innovation requires collaboration between elements, such as entrepreneurial spirit, property rights system, patented technology, venture capital, and innovation atmosphere. The government should truly treat all types of enterprises equally, actively respond to their concerns, eliminate their worries, truly respect and care for entrepreneurs, actively manage the public opinion environment that often stigmatizes them, and optimize a stable, fair, and transparent development environment.

Innovation is a process of understanding and trial and error that breaks through existing knowledge boundaries. It should not only encourage innovation, but also tolerate failure, establish a sound fault-tolerant and error correction mechanism, allow controllable trial and error, and solve the worries of various talents in entrepreneurship. Especially for major research projects with long cycles, high investment, and high risks, it is even more necessary to encourage exploration and tolerate a system environment of failure. We need to further improve the evaluation system for scientific and technological talents, improve incentive and support methods, allow scientific researchers to sit on the "cold bench" with peace of mind, empower leading talents with greater decision-making power and funding use rights, make good use of the "public announcement and leadership" system, establish more effective mechanisms for the distribution and sharing of scientific and technological achievements, and fully unleash the innovative vitality and creative potential of scientific and technological talents.

Enable people with entrepreneurial spirit to create wealth

Entrepreneurs are in a real society with opportunities, risks, and uncertainties. The government, society, and the public should work together to create a market-oriented, rule of law, and internationalized business environment, allowing people with entrepreneurial spirit to engage in innovation and create wealth, rather than simply distributing wealth, let alone destroying the environment for wealth creation.

Firstly, the government needs to maintain transparency, stability, and predictability in its legal system and policies. The government should widely solicit opinions and listen to the voices and concerns of various enterprises when formulating laws and policies related to enterprises. There is a certain transitional or buffer period for changes in institutional policies, and efforts should be made to minimize the uncertainty of policy implementation and minimize administrative intervention. To this end, it is necessary to improve the transparency and certainty of market regulatory governance, and stabilize market expectations and investor confidence through a stable institutional and policy environment.

Secondly, implement a fair competition policy, strengthen the construction of relevant supporting systems, implement a rigid fair competition review system, and prohibit discrimination, obstacles, and exclusion of private enterprises based on ownership. In an effectively competitive market, fair competition not only ensures that high-quality and cost-effective products or services stand out in free competition, but also motivates competitors to increase investment in innovation, promote product or service upgrades, and achieve a resource allocation effect of survival of the fittest.

Once again, implement negative inventory management, expand market access, improve the fairness of factor acquisition, accelerate the market-oriented allocation of indicators such as land use, energy use, and emissions, and allow factors to flow to competitive enterprises, focusing on solving the problem of "difficult and expensive financing" for private enterprises.

Finally, society and the public should recognize entrepreneurs and understand their spirit from the perspective of their functional positioning. Entrepreneurs entering the market to carry out business activities and implement entrepreneurial innovation are not only for making money, but also for enjoying creativity, including pursuing career success and promoting economic prosperity and development. Since the market-oriented reform, the field of market access has become increasingly relaxed and free, giving entrepreneurs more power to operate independently. At the same time, the continuously optimized business environment also allows entrepreneurs to independently grasp the expectations of engaging in economic activities and reduce uncertainty. In the future, we should further encourage and support innovation from the aspects of economic system, rule of law environment, social culture, etc., promote the entrepreneurial spirit, and enable entrepreneurs to focus on creating wealth, producing the best products, and creating the best technology, so that entrepreneurs can come from afar and flourish their spirit.

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