Guangming Food Group promotes in-depth and practical theme education, focusing on research topics such as food security and rural revitalization. Food | Employees | Research

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:01 PM

Under the trend of aging population, new models of elderly care services, technological breakthroughs in the entire agricultural industry chain, and supply of "rice bags", "vegetable baskets", and "meat plates" are all closely related to people's livelihood.

As the main and sideline food supply base of Shanghai's super large city, since the launch of theme education, Guangming Food Group has used the innovative theory of the Party to concentrate and forge the soul, focusing on mission and in-depth investigation and research. "We are focusing on solving the bottleneck problems in food security, rural revitalization, urban supply guarantee, health care, and providing practical services for employees, and deeply practicing the goal of 'making citizens inseparable from light'." said Shi Mingfang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Guangming Food Group.

Focus on key issues and conduct forward-looking research

Guangming Food Group takes reading the original text and understanding the principles as its foundation, follows the principles of "learning for application" and "learning to promote innovation", fully utilizes various industrial practice sites of Guangming, and actively creates a "bright scene" with industrial practice characteristics in theoretical learning.

At the beginning of the theme education, the group held a centralized reading class for the first time, which lasted for 3 days of fully enclosed learning, covering nearly 200 people across the entire target audience of the theme education. Its biggest feature is immersive learning, set in the main battlefield where the predecessors of Guangming demanded food from the sea and gave birth to the spirit of Guangming's reclamation - Chongming Farm, the birthplace of Guangming's Huabo spirit of hard work - Huabo Garden, and the Dongfeng Old Farm, where Shanghai employees "see Shanghai" and build solid farms, immersing themselves in vivid practical scenes to deepen their understanding of theory.

Based on the wide and scattered distribution of Party members' posts, the Party Committee of the Group insisted on sending students to their homes, excerpting the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and making 84 thematic education exhibition boards. During the whole thematic education period, the Party Committee will tour the grass-roots units affiliated to the Group by scenes and routes, so that the majority of grass-roots Party members and workers can learn in fields, pastures, factory workshops and store outlets.

Theme education should not only look up at the stars, but also be down-to-earth. More than 120 members of the leadership team at or above the department level of Guangming Food Group have focused on 141 topics, including food security, rural revitalization, urban supply guarantee, health and wellness, party building guidance, and practical work for employees. They have conducted in-depth investigations and research on the front line, exploring methods and paths to solve these problems.

Urban health and wellness is a major strategic task entrusted by the municipal government to Guangming. The Party Secretary of the Group took the lead in starting from the renovation project of the old ward of the Donghai Elderly Care Home under the Group, combined with the "going out" inspection and analysis, focusing on exploring new models to improve the quality and efficiency of elderly care service supply, and enhancing the construction level of "medical and wellness" specialties and the quality of inclusive nursing home projects.

Anchoring the goal of "making citizens inseparable from light", the leadership team of the group conducted research on "million mu" modern high-quality grain source base, "10000 mu" vegetable renewal project, efficient ecological pig breeding system, "four major markets" community system, "ten million feather" laying chicken supply capacity system, etc., grasped major livelihood issues, overcame difficulties, and firmly grasped the "rice bag", "vegetable basket", and "meat plate" of the Shanghai people.

At the same time, pay attention to looking out and learning from the stones of other mountains. Members of the leadership team went to Beidahuang and the Yangtze River Delta to conduct in-depth research on the breeding industry, seed source industry, food circulation industry, and excellent listed companies. They discussed cooperation in multiple fields such as pig breeding, intelligent applications, breeding systems, and marketing channels, promoting collaboration through research and building a "bright" industrial ecosystem.

Guangming Food Group promotes in-depth and practical theme education, focusing on research topics such as food security and rural revitalization. Food | Employees | Research

Concerned about "key small matters" and carried out a large-scale home visit with 100000 employees as gifts

In the lives of Shanghai citizens, there is a "bright" everywhere: rice, noodles, oil, poultry, meat, eggs, vegetables, milk, etc., integrating and coexisting with "industry+service".

Employees are the soul of Guangming brand and the ultimate provider of food experience for citizens.

This activity is also a continuation of the retirement employee "big home visit" launched four years ago. At that time, the Party Committee of Guangming Food Group proposed that "retired employee relationships can be transferred out, but care cannot be transferred out", pioneered the home visit mechanism for retired employees, and explored a new model of state-owned enterprises assuming social responsibility. Over the past three years, a total of 112353 people have been visited and comforted at home, with a coverage rate of 99.98%. Nearly 7000 long-term "lost" retired employees have been recovered, and efforts have been made to ensure that "no one is missing".

In order to normalize this project, the Party Committee of the Group has specially established the Guangming "Three Lost" Care Fund, established a management committee, and relied on the Guangming Retiree Employee Information Big Data Platform to establish records and cards for "Three Lost" difficult personnel, forming a "one person, one household, one file" system. From object definition to assistance standards, from material preparation to material review, from approval process to fund distribution, standardized operations are carried out step by step, and the operation system of the "Three Lost" personnel care project is continuously improved. As of the end of April 2023, the Guangming Care Fund has provided assistance to a total of 1807 people, with a total assistance amount of 11.8511 million yuan.

"Only by truly listening, can we do practical things." Pan Jianjun, chairman of the trade union of the Group, said that as one of the first pilot units of the All China Federation of Trade Unions to improve the quality of life and the happy environment of workers, Bright has always adhered to the corporate culture of "employees first, advocating struggle, love and respect", and has gradually formed the "five in one" model with systematization, standardization, synergy, platform and branding as the five major initiatives.

Housing renovation in Baimaoling community

At all levels of enterprises in Guangming, a batch of service employee brand projects are being incubated, matured, and normalized. For example, the four national demonstration sites of employee parent-child studios established by Shanghai Farm and Flower Group provide summer vacation care services for employee children, solving the problem of "difficulty in taking care of children"; Conducting "two diseases" screening for female employees and providing free screening for disadvantaged female employees has formed a long-term mechanism and effective practices; To fulfill the "micro wish" for the children of difficult employees suffering from serious illnesses, and to provide preferential repair services for over 70000 cars of Guangming employees' families, warming their production and life in all aspects.

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