Can you afford the ticket price?, Concert audio equipment that cannot be heard | Market | Ticket prices

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 01:59 AM

Recently, at the Tianhou Night concert tour held in Haikou, it was suspected that due to audio equipment issues, some viewers could not hear the singer's voice for about an hour, so they shouted "ticket refunds" to express their dissatisfaction.

This is not the first time a similar situation has occurred. Since the beginning of this year, under the continuous hot market, various celebrities and cities have gathered to hold concerts. However, due to the mixed interests of the organizers and operators, the quality of the organization and operation of the performance is also uneven, and the audience's poor experience at the concert site is occasionally seen on the internet. The quality of some concerts is truly beyond the expensive ticket prices of thousands of yuan.

At a concert held by a certain singer in May this year, some viewers actually bought "pillar tickets", and their vision was completely blocked by the pillars built by the stage design, making them feel lonely. At a singer's concert held in Shenyang in June, due to aging air conditioning equipment, the audience frequently lamented that it was too hot and shouted in unison to turn on the air conditioning, experiencing a "steaming sauna to watch the concert.". In early August, the well-known group TFBOYS held a "Ten Year Promise" concert in Xi'an, which was a culmination of negative news about the concert - scalpers hoarding tickets, audience speculation, fan conflicts, and extreme support, causing a storm and attracting attention from the national public opinion.

In addition, ticketing issues at celebrity concerts are also frequent. Some viewers managed to grab tickets to popular concerts, but were eventually refunded by the organizers. Some viewers who purchase tickets with their real names are unable to go due to business or illness, even if they apply for a refund or change of tickets a long time in advance, they are unable to achieve their wishes.

The above situation in the concert market can be described as mixed. The strong start of the market, the surge in demand, and the consumption trend reflected by young audiences all demonstrate the huge market opportunities and development potential in the field of literary and artistic performances, and provide rare opportunities for the industry's development. Worried about it, the many market chaos that has emerged in the hot market has also exposed some development bottlenecks and shortcomings in the cultural performance industry.

It should be noted that while the cultural performance market is thriving, it also plays an important role in promoting consumption and expanding domestic demand. According to calculations, Jay Chou's concert held in Haikou from June 29th to July 2nd generated tourism revenue of 976 million yuan, which is 100 million yuan more than the local tourism market revenue during the May Day holiday. On August 6th, the TFBOYS "Ten Year Promise" concert also brought tourism revenue of 416 million yuan to Xi'an. Behind the impressive data, young audiences are very generous in spending money for concerts. According to statistics, young people aged 18-34 have accounted for over 76% of ticket buyers for three consecutive years. Faced with tickets that often cost thousands of yuan, these young people are not soft to buy, and many popular concerts are hard to come by with tickets. Moreover, young people are also enthusiastic about "cross city performances" and "flying" to the host city of concerts. During this year's May Day holiday, the audience for "cross city performances" has accounted for half of the concert ticket buyers. They took tourism with them while watching the concert, driving consumption in various fields such as transportation, accommodation, catering, entertainment, shopping, etc.

International experience also shows that during the development stage of per capita GDP from $10000 to $30000, the cultural, tourism, entertainment, sports and other life service industries have experienced rapid development, and their contribution to economic growth has rapidly increased. China is currently in this stage of development, and the consumption enthusiasm and trend exhibited by the young population have also brought opportunities for the development of the cultural performance market within reach.

Of course, to seize this important opportunity and achieve the sustained prosperity and development of the literary and artistic performance market, it is far from enough to hold concerts with the mentality of "making quick money" and following the trend. The hosting and operating institutions of cultural performances should continuously improve their operational management level, provide standardized and high-quality operational management services, and regulatory authorities should also increase their regulatory efforts. For longer-term development, efforts should be made to cultivate and improve original creative abilities in the cultural and artistic fields. At a more macro level, strengthening the construction of cultural soft power such as values, spiritual character, and cultural quality in cities, improving the cultural awareness of cultivating urban spirit and culture, and continuously improving the cultural and artistic literacy of citizens all contribute to stimulating the city's cultural originality ability and forming a prosperous and active market for artistic performances.

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