How many people are needed to accompany?, Cadres go down to conduct research

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 10:35 AM

Recently, a small news article appeared to be a big deal due to its involvement in the investigation of the "big festival". A large camp of over 20 people was dispatched by a certain government agency to drive to the township for research. However, these two vans followed three other vehicles along the way. These were more than 50 local officials who accompanied the research, including those who received, accompanied, opened the way, and those who were "guaranteed" along the way. A research team of 20 people is already quite large, accompanied by a delegation of more than 50 people, going down to conduct research and visiting a township.

There is certainly more than one case of such a "research" approach, where a certain company sent a research team to "go down". What is the result? Accompanied by locals, reporting, tour guides, arranging daily life, and working day and night to prepare, print materials, and create various exhibition boards, more than 70 people were alarmed. So the secretary at the grassroots level said that we can't bear such a grandeur - for this research, the grassroots has stopped normal work for a week.

Research should not inspire others, let alone encourage others. This is not a matter of scale, but a matter of style. Comrade Liu Shaoqi went to Ningxiang to investigate, and there was a three chapter agreement, one of which was important: "Don't have too many people, dress light and obedient, leave as soon as you say, and never disturb the place.".

Why is there still the kind of research that is being rushed forward and backward? Because some comrades have become accustomed to it, it is difficult to make changes, and some government agencies have gone smoothly, often following the rules without any restraint. For many years, our leaders in many places and at various levels have always been active, not to mention conducting research when they go out. They have always been active and enthusiastic, sitting in the "middle army" for a long time. If they want to "go down" once, it's really a big deal! Here, there is the dignity of leadership, the standards of going down, the attitude of the local government, and a series of rules in the officialdom, which cannot be careless at all. This kind of bureaucracy and yamen style should have improved in recent years, but the trend of "calling for support before and after" still occurs in large-scale research, which is enough to raise people's vigilance.

Our party is once again vigorously conducting investigations and research, which is a self revolution of the party's style. Investigation and research are inherently a good work style, while large-scale research itself requires a revolutionary and innovative work style. If we bring years of bad habits and old bureaucratic habits and styles into research, for example, we still need to "call for support from the front", for example, we still need to "inspire the masses" during research, for example, we need to "stir up the masses" when we understand the situation, but make the people restless, especially the grassroots secretaries and township heads who repeatedly complain, this style goes against the original intention of promoting investigation and research, and also betrays the fundamental work line of the Party, which is a tendency that should be corrected.

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