Ensuring and improving people's livelihood in the course of Development-- conscientiously study volumes 1 and 2 of Xi Jinping's selected works Xi Jinping | thoughts | people's livelihood

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:46 PM

We need to deeply study and understand, and effectively implement it.

Adhere to and strengthen the leadership of the Party to ensure stable and far-reaching development of people's livelihoods

The leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for ensuring and improving people's livelihoods in development.The leadership of the CPC is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Adhering to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee is the highest political principle. The leadership of the Party is the biggest national condition in China. Practice has fully proven that adhering to the leadership of the Party is the fundamental and lifeline of the Party and the country, and is linked to the interests and destiny of all ethnic groups in the country.The new era and new journey, promoting modernization with a huge population and common prosperity for all people, is a profound social change that transcends Western modernization and welfare society. The difficulty and complexity are unprecedented, and the significance and impact are also unprecedented. Only by adhering to and strengthening the Party's leadership without wavering, fully exerting the Party's strong political leadership, ideological guidance, mass organization, and social appeal, can we effectively respond to the impact and influence from all aspects, lead all the people to work together to create a better life, and make people's livelihood construction more solid, reliable, and effective.

Adhering to and strengthening the leadership of the Party, the most fundamental thing is to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "Two Foundations" for the development of the Party and the country in the new era, and for promoting the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, fully implement the Party's basic theory, basic line, and basic strategy, enhance the "Four Consciousnesses", strengthen the "Four Confidences", and achieve the "Two Maintenances", and effectively implement and reflect the Party's comprehensive leadership in all aspects of the process of people's livelihood construction.We must fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee on people's livelihood work, be good executors, action makers, and practitioners, benchmark and benchmark key tasks, and promote the implementation and effectiveness one by one.

Adhere to the development concept of putting the people at the center, and regard ensuring a good life for the people as the starting point and foothold of all work

The development concept of putting the people at the center reflects our party's clear stance on the people.Only by adhering to the development concept of putting the people at the center, adhering to the principle of development for the people, relying on the people for development, and sharing development achievements with the people, can there be a correct view of development and modernization. The development concept centered on the people is a clear expression of the original aspiration and mission of Communist Party members, deeply answering the questions of "for whom" the purpose of development, "who to rely on" the driving force of development, and "who enjoys" the value of development. This is a profound summary of the practical experience of our Party's leadership in socialist modernization construction, which is in line with the Party's fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly and has distinct characteristics of the times. It is the key to solving the main contradictions in our society.

Adhering to the development concept of putting the people at the center means that all work is carried out to achieve the interests of the people, making more effective institutional arrangements, widely gathering development forces, and making development a development that benefits the people. To meet the needs of the people for a better life, actively respond to their practical needs, identify the focus and entry points for doing a good job, and continuously meet the people's expectations for a better life in areas such as more stable work, more satisfactory income, and more reliable social security. We should widely gather the wisdom and strength of the people, respect the pioneering spirit of the people, adhere to the main position of distribution according to work, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the broad masses of the people. To promote high-quality and full employment, improve the multi-level social security system, improve the wage and income distribution system, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, and promote the sharing of reform and development achievements. We should follow the mass line, view problems from the perspective of the masses, learn to empathize and think from different perspectives, and strive to make all policy measures reflect public opinion, promote public interests, and win the hearts of the people. We must take the satisfaction of the people as the fundamental criterion for testing work, firmly establish a correct view of political achievements, and avoid formalism and bureaucracy, so that people's livelihood work can withstand the test of the masses, practice, and history.

Adhere to the new development concept to lead high-quality development, and ensure that the achievements of modernization construction benefit all people more and more fairly

High quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, and it is the prerequisite and foundation for ensuring and improving people's livelihoods.We must strive to do a good job in various livelihood undertakings and fill the gaps in the field of livelihood while promoting high-quality development. Promoting high-quality development is a scientific judgment and major decision-making deployment made in response to the problems of imbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable development in China, focusing on the development stage, development environment, and changes in development conditions. High quality development is a development that reflects the new development concept. High quality development is the theme, and the complete, accurate, and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept is the guide, running through the entire development process and various fields. The happiness and health of the people are the ultimate goal of promoting high-quality development, and people's livelihoods are linked to domestic demand and development. Ensuring people's livelihoods is also about promoting development. Employment is a bridge that connects social demand and supply, a link that connects production, exchange, distribution, and consumption, and supports the basic foundation of macroeconomic and microeconomic operations. Effectively developing and utilizing human resources is an inherent requirement for improving total factor productivity. Improving the wage income distribution system is an important prerequisite for expanding consumer demand. Social security can improve residents' consumption expectations and stimulate effective demand. Building harmonious labor relations is beneficial for steadily improving the efficiency of enterprises. These are conducive to enhancing the balance, coordination, and inclusiveness of economic and social development.

Adhering to the new development concept to lead high-quality development means ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, enhancing the internal driving force of development, realizing the complementary and benign interaction between high-quality development and people's livelihood improvement, and promoting the comprehensive enrichment of things and the comprehensive development of people. We should regard employment as the foundation of development and the source of wealth, accelerate the establishment of a work system to promote high-quality and full employment, strengthen the priority orientation of employment in promoting high-quality development, continuously promote the expansion and improvement of employment quantity and quality, and enable more people to realize their own value and create social wealth through labor. We need to integrate systems, coordinate and efficiently promote the reform of the social security system, weave and strengthen the social security safety net, stabilize social expectations, relieve people's worries, and lay a solid foundation for economic and social development. We need to improve the mechanism for wage determination, reasonable growth, and payment security, increase labor remuneration for workers, especially frontline workers, expand the middle-income group, better stimulate vitality, reflect efficiency, and promote fairness. To build and improve harmonious labor relations with Chinese characteristics, coordinate the protection of labor rights and enterprise development, and continuously improve the level of labor rights protection on the basis of economic development. To fully develop and utilize human resources, enhance the human capital and professional skills of the whole society, and provide strong talent support for high-quality development.

Adhere to doing our best and acting within our capacity to ensure that the guarantee and improvement of people's livelihoods are in line with the level of economic development

To do our best and act within our capacity is an important principle for ensuring and improving people's livelihoods in development.Strive to the best of our ability, emphasizing the responsibility and proactive actions of the Party and the government. To act within one's capacity emphasizes the need to start from reality and fully consider the practical conditions of a specific stage of development. This fully reflects the dialectics and materialism of Marxism, which requires starting from what can be achieved under realistic conditions, doing one thing after another, year after year, and continuously promoting the sustainable development of people's livelihood construction. China is still a developing country and will remain in the primary stage of socialism for a long time. Ensuring and improving people's livelihoods must not be divorced from this greatest reality. More "timely assistance" and less "icing on the cake" are necessary. We should not hesitate to move forward, engage in unnecessary comparisons, or spend the money we need. We should also not aim too high, live beyond our means, or live up to our expectations.

Adhering to doing our best and acting within our capacity means following the laws of economic and social development, coordinating needs and possibilities, and establishing the guarantee and improvement of people's livelihoods on the basis of economic development and sustainable financial resources. We must adhere to the principle of starting from reality, improve the mechanism for financing and adjusting social security benefits, and improve the wage income distribution system. With the gradual improvement of economic development, the level of social security will gradually increase. At the same time as economic growth, we will achieve synchronous growth in household income and labor remuneration while improving labor productivity. To take economic development as the fundamental support for solving employment problems, we should focus on enhancing the vitality of micro entities, cultivating new and powerful employment drivers, and forming a virtuous cycle of economic growth and expanding employment. To grasp the characteristics of stability, continuity, and accumulation in people's livelihood work, starting from safeguarding the basic rights and interests of the people, we should strive for progress steadily, step by step, and solidly advance. We should persevere and continue to make efforts, continuously form phased achievements, and accumulate small victories to achieve great victories. We should closely combine the economic and social development status of different regions and the actual situation of enterprises in different industries, strengthen classification guidance and precise policy implementation, and effectively enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of policy formulation and promotion work.

Adhere to everyone's responsibility and enjoyment, encourage joint efforts to create a better life

Everyone's responsibility and enjoyment are the basic ways to ensure and improve people's livelihoods.Let the vitality of all labor, knowledge, technology, management, capital and other elements burst forth, and let all sources of creating social wealth flow fully. The people are the main body that enjoys the fruits of reform and development, and they are also the main body that promotes the improvement of people's livelihoods. To ensure and improve people's livelihoods in development, it is necessary to promote widespread participation of the masses, guide them to establish the belief of improving their lives through hard work and wealth, and maximize the stimulation of their spirit of struggle and creative potential. Therefore, improving people's livelihoods is not only the direction of the Party and government's work, but also the goal of the people's own struggle. We need to adhere to social fairness and justice, eliminate obstacles that affect the participation of workers in development and the sharing of development achievements, and strive to achieve fairness in rights, opportunities, and rules, so that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their own development through diligent labor.

Adhering to the principle of everyone fulfilling their responsibilities and enjoying benefits means creating a favorable social environment, enhancing the creative vitality of the whole society, promoting equal participation, development, and enjoyment among the people, and continuously promoting everyone to do their best and get what they want. We must adhere to the principles of independent employment for workers, market regulation of employment, government promotion of employment, and encouragement of entrepreneurship, strengthen the direction of market-oriented and socialized employment, promote workers to change their employment concepts, improve the guarantee system for promoting entrepreneurship to drive employment, support and regulate the development of new employment forms, and cultivate diversified and multi-level employment needs. Efforts should be made to eliminate the institutional and policy drawbacks that hinder the flow of labor and talent, improve the unified national labor market, eliminate unreasonable restrictions and employment discrimination that affect equal employment, create an equal competition employment environment, smooth upward mobility channels, break through the barriers of interest solidification, and prevent social class solidification. We must adhere to the principle of "more work, more pay", improve our employment and entrepreneurship abilities, as well as our ability to achieve wealth and development. We must optimize the distribution of salary and income, broaden our career development space, and encourage hard work, innovation, and wealth creation. We must respect labor, knowledge, talent, and creativity, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor, and craftsmanship, firmly establish the concept of labor being the most glorious, noble, great, and beautiful, so that all people can further ignite their enthusiasm for labor, unleash their creative potential, and create a better life through labor. We need to improve the incentive mechanism for social security contributions, encourage and guide the masses to participate in insurance, and correctly grasp the reasonable proportion relationship between social assistance, minimum wage, and unemployment insurance standards. Relevant policies and systems cannot encourage the support of lazy people. We need to improve basic labor standards, expand the coverage of social insurance, strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of workers in flexible employment and new forms of employment, and fully implement basic rights such as labor remuneration, social security, and rest and vacation for workers.

Strengthen the construction of inclusive, basic, and bottom-up livelihood, and continuously improve the quality of people's lives

Inclusive, fundamental, and bottom line livelihood construction is an important task of livelihood work.The work of people's livelihood is multifaceted, closest to the people and most closely related to their daily lives. This requires starting from things that concern the people, starting from things that satisfy the people, seeking more benefits for the people, solving more worries about the people, and achieving a higher level of education for young children, education for learning, income for labor, medical care for illness, care for the elderly, housing for the weak, and assistance for the weak. This will make the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security more substantial, secure, and sustainable.

Strengthening the construction of inclusive, basic, and bottom-up livelihood is to focus on solving the urgent and difficult problems of the people, improving the basic public service system, improving the level of public services, and ensuring that the people live and work in peace and stability, and social order is orderly. We should regard the distribution system as the fundamental system for promoting common prosperity, adhere to the principle of distribution according to work as the mainstay, and establish a coordinated and supportive system for initial distribution, redistribution, and third distribution. To make employment the most basic livelihood, implement the employment priority strategy, strengthen employment priority policies, improve employment promotion mechanisms, and promote high-quality and full employment. We should regard the social security system as a safety net for people's lives and a stabilizer for social operation, and improve a multi-level social security system that covers the entire population, coordinates urban and rural areas, is fair and unified, safe and standardized, and sustainable. We should regard people's health as an important symbol of national prosperity and national strength, improve policies to promote people's health, and promote the construction of a healthy China. We must regard education as an important cornerstone of national rejuvenation and social progress, accelerate the modernization of education, build a strong education country, and provide education that satisfies the people. We should pay extra attention, care for, and care for all kinds of disadvantaged groups, strengthen the function of social policy support, improve the support mechanism, and do everything possible to help them solve their problems.

Ensuring and improving people's livelihoods in development is a long-term task, with no endpoint, only a continuous new starting point.

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At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【