Today’s data selection: iPhone 15 dominates sales after price plunge; dragon element products become popular in Yiwu

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 05:08 AM

iPhone 15 ranks top three in sales after price plunge

Since the release of iPhone 15, the price has been reduced several times in various channels. iPhone 15, which has experienced multiple rounds of price drops, has shown strong sales growth and ranked among the top three on’s mobile phone gold list. It is reported that the price of the iPhone 15 series will plunge again on Double 12, with an immediate discount of up to 800 yuan on the iPhone 15 series in Apple’s self-operated store on Data shows that the post-00s generation has played a significant role in the increase in iPhone 15 sales this time. An iResearch report states that compared to ordinary users, young people in Generation Z change their phones significantly more frequently, and nearly 70% of them will choose to change their phones within one year. As the main force of consumption, post-00s generation are becoming more and more rational when replacing electronic products such as iPhone. According to media statistics, 70% of those born after 2000 prefer official channels for iPhone replacement.

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge tourism trial operation opens on December 15

According to CCTV News Client, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge tourism trial operation will be launched on December 15. As a super project connecting Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and a national patriotic education base, residents of Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland can depart through the Zhuhai Highway Port of the Bridge. Join a group tour of the bridge to learn about my country's comprehensive national strength and independent innovation capabilities reflected in the construction of the bridge, and feel the builders' national ambition to create a world-class project.

"Different from 'domestic travel', the location of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Blue Dolphin Island is relatively special. It is located between the three ports of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and belongs to the port-restricted area. Tourists must complete the group, return to the Zhuhai Port Tourism Inspection Office on time, and return to the original route. Lin Meihong, political commissar of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Border Inspection Station, said that in order to ensure the smooth trial operation of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge tourism, the border inspection department has set up a special bridge tourism inspection hall at the Zhuhai Highway Port, with four fast lanes in the departure and return halls. , 2 artificial channels.

At present, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Border Inspection Station has conducted multiple stress tests on information systems such as tourist inspection and vehicle supervision in transit, and has set up multiple emergency response subjects to ensure that emergencies can be handled quickly and effectively.

During the trial operation phase, bridge tourism is open to two categories of people: first, mainland residents holding valid resident identity cards; second, Hong Kong and Macao residents who have entered the mainland and hold valid mainland travel passes for Hong Kong and Macao residents. When tourists join a group to enter or exit restricted areas at the port, they need to carry the above-mentioned documents with them.

Lin Meihong said that with the advancement of "Hong Kong trains going north" and "Macau trains going north", the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge tourism is expected to usher in more new opportunities. According to data from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Border Inspection Station, as of December 6 this year, there have been more than 2.93 million vehicles entering and exiting via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and more than 14.53 million passengers, which are 3.7 times and 1.2 times the same period in 2019 respectively. times. Among them, on November 26, more than 15,000 vehicles entered and exited through the Zhuhai Highway Port, breaking the record for the 18th time this year and setting a single-day record since the official opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

The border inspection department reminds tourists to strictly abide by entry-exit laws and regulations and port restricted area management requirements, cooperate with border inspection personnel, do not cross the Guangdong-Hong Kong and Guangdong-Macao border lines, do not stay in the port restricted area without reason, and maintain a safe and orderly manner. Management order of restricted port areas. During the bridge tour, the border inspection agencies will handle illegal activities such as taking the opportunity to sneak across the border and disrupting the management order of the restricted port area in accordance with the "Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations.

The Year of the Dragon is approaching. In Yiwu International Trade City, Zhejiang, products with dragon elements are selling like hot cakes. Dragon element handicrafts are basically priced at 1-2 yuan, and buyers often wholesale them in large quantities. It is understood that orders for zodiac products this year have increased by 20%-30% compared to last year. The president of the Yiwu New Year Pictures and Calendars Chamber of Commerce in Zhejiang said: "There are customers who are buying ten thousand or ten thousand pieces. This year, the sales are particularly good in the Year of the Dragon, and almost all are out of stock." On the other hand, production and delivery are even more busy. , a business owner told reporters that now he is basically working continuously every day, and the delivery speed cannot keep up with the demand for goods. Moreover, there will be a wave of replenishment and return of orders before the year. It is expected that this situation will continue until the Spring Festival.

On December 13, the whole city of Nanjing observed a minute of silence.

December 13 is the National Memorial Day for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre. At 10 a.m. that day, a national memorial ceremony will be held at the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders. During the sound of air defense sirens from 10:01 to 10:02, motor vehicles driving on the roads in the city's main urban area should stop and blow their whistles in mourning. Trains and ships should also sound their whistles in mourning. Pedestrians on the roads and people in public places should also sound their whistles. At the same time, a moment of silence was observed on the spot, and normalcy returned after one minute of mourning.

December 7th is the heavy snow season, and winter ice harvesting begins in Harbin, Heilongjiang. Pieces of crystal clear river ice were taken out from the Songhua River and transported to the construction site of Harbin Ice and Snow World for use in the construction of ice and snow landscapes. However, the ice sculpture landscape construction of Harbin Ice and Snow World has begun to take shape. The ice sculptures have actually been stored in ice for about a year. It is reported that Harbin has started to store 100,000 cubic meters of ice, which was collected from the Songhua River in advance last winter. Using traditional ice storage and multi-layer insulation technology, the ice storage rink can provide suitable storage conditions for the ice. Even after a hot summer, more than 70% of the ice storage can meet the usage standards when it is opened in winter. Currently, Harbin Ice and Snow World is under construction and is expected to open its doors in the middle of this month.

Today’s data selection: iPhone 15 dominates sales after price plunge; dragon element products become popular in Yiwu
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Under high-frequency data, the living radius of economic residents in June slightly rebounded. From June to June, the daily average subway passenger volume in the top ten cities in China was 56.66 million, a slight increase of 0.8% compared to the average in May. The weekly data are 5516, 5574, 5666, 5366, and 62.34 million people respectively. Except for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the overall trend is gradually increasing, and it is more obvious in the fourth week. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out that the number of cases began to increase in late April and entered a low-level wave like epidemic trend after mid May. On June 30th, real estate sales in the city continued to be weak, but did not decline unilaterally. The monthly daily transaction area is 416000 cubic meters, slightly lower than the daily average transactions of 426000 and 428000 cubic meters from April to May. Among them, weekly data were recorded with 48,36,38,34,640000 cubic meters, respectively. In the last week