Maintain strategic focus in promoting Chinese path to modernization Politics | Risk | Strategy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:24 AM

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that in the face of rapid changes in the international situation, the Party adheres to the principle of prioritizing national interests and domestic politics, maintains strategic composure, carries forward the spirit of struggle, and firmly holds the initiative in China's development and security.On the new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized strong country and achieving the second centenary goal, we must continue to maintain strategic composure and achieve greater victories.

Firm theoretical confidence

Strategic issues are fundamental, overall and long-term issues. Only by making accurate strategic judgments, planning scientifically, and grasping the initiative can we continuously promote the development of the party and the country. As the core of strategic will, strategic determination first refers to the recognition and conviction of the direction, goals and paths in strategic planning and strategic deployment. Maintaining strategic determination in the implementation of the strategy of various undertakings of the party and the state stems from a deep understanding and firm belief in the scientific theory of planning the cause. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that in upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must attach great importance to the role of theory, enhance theoretical self-confidence and strategic determination, and not hesitate and hesitate to adhere to the correct theory obtained through repeated practice and comparison. In today's era, the basic principles of Marxism are still scientific truths, and Marxism has always been the housekeeping skill of the Chinese Communists to do all their work well.

Starting from the material production activities, historical materialism examines all social life and reveals the general law of the development of human society. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has always adhered to and applied the historical materialist standpoint and method when planning the strategic layout and outlining the strategic vision. In comprehensively deepening reform, on the one hand, we always adhere to the major strategic judgment that development is still the key to solving all problems in our country, so that the market can play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and give better play to the role of the government. on the other hand, by adjusting production relations and improving the superstructure, we will promote the reform of the economic system, political system, cultural system, social system, ecological civilization system and party building system, so as to meet the requirements, promoting the continuous development of China's social productive forces deeply embodies the view of historical materialism that material production is the basis of social life and the analysis method of basic social contradictions. The strategic vision of the Chinese Dream proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply embodies the mass viewpoint of historical materialism. To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is to realize the prosperity of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation, and the happiness of the people. In the final analysis, it is to realize the happiness of the people and meet the people's needs for a better life. This dream is not only the goal that the Chinese nation has been fighting and exploring hard since it suffered severe disasters in modern times, but its realization will make an important contribution to the entire world and will bring peace and opportunities to the world, thus benefiting the people. At the same time, it will benefit the people of the world. To this end, we must closely rely on the people, give full play to the people's main role, respect the people's initiative, and lead the people to create a happy life.

Dialectical materialism reveals the universal connection of nature, society and the field of thinking and the general law of movement development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has always adhered to the dialectical materialist world outlook and methodology when making strategic choices that concern the overall situation and long-term issues. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core proceeded from the biggest objective reality of contemporary China. On the one hand, it clarified that my country is still and will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time, and established the objective basis for planning strategic deployment. The phased characteristics and changes of economic and social development, targeted adjustment of the focus of economic and social development strategy, it deeply embodies the basic principles of dialectical materialism that matter determines consciousness and things are changing in motion. In response to prominent contradictions such as tightening resource constraints, serious environmental pollution, degradation of the ecosystem, and extensive and backward economic development methods, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core proposed to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization and incorporate it into the overall layout of the "five in one". A series of fundamental, pioneering, and long-term work have been carried out to solve some deep-seated contradictions in ecological environmental protection and economic and social development that affect a wide range and strong coupling, it deeply embodies the basic principle of dialectical materialism about the contradictory movement of things.

In short, the scientific world outlook and methodology of Marxism provide a solid theoretical support for carrying out strategic thinking, planning strategic deployment and grasping strategic initiative in the cause of the party and the state. As long as we strengthen our theoretical self-confidence and adhere to and apply Marxist standpoints and methods in the new era and new journey, we can strengthen the backbone of our ideals, build a ballast stone of faith, and then maintain a strong strategic determination.

Enhance awareness of hardship

Maintaining strategic concentration when thinking about strategic issues, planning tactical deployments, and implementing strategic measures also requires that the essence, laws, and trends of quasi-things be identified from the complicated appearances, and prescribe solutions to problems in the divergent opinions of the public, and then be resolute and resolute in the implementation of strategies, layouts, and measures, without hesitation, foresight, and loss. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that under the background that the international situation continues to undergo profound and complex changes, world peace and development are facing many severe challenges, and the domestic situation is generally improving, but the road ahead is facing some prominent contradictions and problems, we must increase our awareness of danger and do it. Be prepared for danger in times of peace, maintain strategic determination, firm belief in victory, and boldly carry out work.

Enhancing the sense of hardship and being prepared for danger in times of peace is an important prerequisite for maintaining strategic determination. The sense of hardship is the essence of the spirit of the Chinese nation, which refers to the risk consciousness with the main content of worrying about the country and the people, as well as the strong will and enterprising spirit of actively dealing with risks and striving to overcome difficulties. The Communist Party of China not only inherits this national spirit, but also endows it with the responsibility of worrying about the party and the country and the people and the spiritual character of keeping pace with the times. In 1949, in the face of the great situation that the war of liberation was about to usher in a comprehensive victory and the party was about to take charge of the national power, Comrade Mao Zedong put forward the requirements of "two musts" to the comrades of the whole party at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Party, warning the whole party We must continue to maintain the style of modesty, prudence, arrogance, and rashness, and must continue to maintain the style of hard work. The party's century-old history and successful experience tell us that only by accurately identifying various uncertainties, unpredictable factors, and risks and challenges can we be clear-headed and firm on the overall, fundamental, and long-term issues related to the cause of the party and the country. Be prudent and fearless in the face of danger when planning strategic deployment and implementing strategic measures. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly quoted famous aphorisms from traditional cultural classics in his speeches on important occasions, warning the whole party to be prepared for danger in times of peace, take precautions, and take precautions. For example, he quoted "safety but not danger, survival but not death, governance but not chaos" and "the wise guard against disaster in the future", demanding a clear understanding of the threats and challenges facing China's national security and social stability under the new situation, attaching importance to safeguarding national security and social stability, and being prepared to deal with any form of contradictions, risks and challenges, not poor lies in early Yu ", which requires to grasp the new development concept from the perspective of sense of hardship and be ready to deal with more complex and difficult situations at any time. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has always had a sense of worry, prepared for danger in times of peace, effectively responded to the severe and complex international situation and the huge risks and challenges that followed, and achieved a series of historic achievements.

Enhancing the sense of hardship and adhering to the bottom line thinking are the fundamental requirements for maintaining strategic determination. Removing the temptation to interfere and maintaining a strong focus on issues such as strategic thinking, strategic deployment and strategic implementation requires not only a comprehensive consideration of the current risks, challenges and uncertainties, but also full consideration of the extreme situations and crisis situations in which these risks and challenges are difficult. This needs to strengthen the sense of hardship at the same time, adhere to the bottom line thinking. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that to adhere to the bottom line thinking, we must consider the disadvantages, make the most adequate preparations, strive for better results, prepare from the disadvantages, strive for the best results, and firmly grasp the initiative. Adhering to the bottom line thinking is the successful experience and fine tradition of the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China was born in the modern society of internal and external troubles. In the course of leading revolution, construction and reform, in the face of all kinds of difficulties, risks and challenges, the Communist Party of China has always maintained a clear understanding and a positive attitude, and adhered to the unshakable bottom line. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has taken adhering to the bottom line thinking and focusing on preventing and resolving major risks as an important task of governing the country. It has a deep understanding and accurate grasp of the profound changes in the external environment and the new situations, new problems and new challenges facing my country's reform, development and stability. Comprehensive analysis of major risks in politics, ideology, economy, science and technology, society, foreign work, and the party itself, continuously improve risk prevention and control capabilities, thus effectively avoiding disruptive errors and systemic risks.

Maintain strategic strength and vitality

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we must maintain strategic determination, strategic self-confidence, and strategic patience, adhere to global thinking, adhere to overall development and security, adhere to bottom-line thinking, adhere to the unity of principle and strategy, and maintain national security. The strategic initiative is firmly in our own hands. Strategy and strategy are the category of unity of opposites. Strategy is related to direction, fundamentals and trends. It is to make judgments and decisions from the overall, long-term, and general trend; strategy serves the strategy under the guidance of the strategy, and implements and promotes the strategy from the local, immediate, and detailed aspects. Adhering to the unity of principle and strategy means that once a correct strategic judgment is made, it is necessary to maintain the firmness of the strategy and implement it with a strong will and resolute attitude, and to implement and promote the strategy in actual work, it is necessary Pay attention to the flexibility of the strategy, base on the specific local conditions at the time, and creatively carry out practical work. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that if there is not enough strategic determination and strategic vitality, it is easy to suffer from gains and losses, vacillation, and loss of ground, and development opportunities will be missed.

Since entering the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has not only strategically planned a series of fundamental strategies when advancing the "five in one" overall layout and the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, but also targeted specific work at the strategic level. The outstanding issues in China have issued corresponding policies, measures and requirements.

In the fight against poverty, in order to achieve the goal of "two without worries and three guarantees" for the rural poor, General Secretary Xi Jinping has refined four key issues, such as "who to support, who to help, how to help, and how to retreat". It is required to achieve "six precisions" such as accurate support targets, accurate project arrangements, accurate use of funds, accurate measures to households, accurate village personnel, and accurate poverty alleviation results ", implement the" five batches "of production development, relocation, ecological compensation, education development, and social security". This series of flexible and pragmatic policy combinations have truly ensured that the benefits of various policies fall on the targets of poverty alleviation. General Secretary Xi Jinping has also repeatedly emphasized that policies should be implemented according to people and places when implementing policies and taking measures. On the one hand, he pointed out that in order to solve the problem of "how to help", the general is to adapt to the local conditions, make up for what is lacking, do what you can, and help to the root. In other words, the needs and abilities of the poor should be fully considered in order to carry out the fight against poverty according to people and local policies. On the other hand, we must insist on implementing policies based on people and places, poverty reasons, and poverty types, and distinguish between different situations, so as to suit the remedy to the case, precise drip irrigation, and targeted therapy. This requires that the causes and types of poverty of the poor be fully taken into account when implementing policies on a person-to-person and local level. In short, one of the important reasons why the Communist Party of China has been able to lead the Chinese people to win the historic fight against poverty is that in the process of promoting the strategy of poverty alleviation, it has always adopted targeted strategies and measures in the light of different actual conditions.

In the process of adapting to the new normal of China's economic development, General Secretary Xi Jinping asked the whole party to always maintain strategic determination, enhance self-confidence in development, and change the concept of development. According to the trend change of the new normal of China's economic development, he came to the important conclusion that China's economic development has entered the new normal, and put forward the requirements of understanding the new normal, adapting to the new normal and leading the new normal. These important assertions elevate the new normal to the national strategic level. At the same time, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, based on the scientific judgment of the economic situation, our party has adjusted its development concepts and ideas in a timely manner. In particular, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed a new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing. As a systematic theoretical system, the new development concept answers a series of theoretical and practical questions about the purpose, motivation, method, and path of development, and clarifies our party's political position, value orientation, development model, and development path on development. The problem points out the direction for my country's economic development at present and in the future. Under the guidance of the new development concept, the party and the state put the transformation of the development mode in an important position to cope with the changes in economic growth; further promote the structural reform of the supply side, and do a good job in "eliminating production capacity, removing inventory, deleveraging, reducing costs, and making up for weaknesses", so as to optimize the supply structure and improve the quality of supply; take innovation as the first driving force for development, in order to transform the development momentum, solve the development problems, thick plant development advantages. In addition, a series of requirements and measures put forward by the party and the state, such as making consumption continue to play a fundamental role in promoting economic development, making investment continue to play a key role in economic development, accelerating the formation of a unified, transparent, orderly and standardized market environment, promoting the formation of a new mode of green and low-carbon circular development, and establishing and improving the system and mechanism to resolve various risks, are all concrete manifestations of the implementation of the new development concept, it also deeply embodies the organic unity of principle and strategy, strategic determination and strategic vitality.


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